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chrisitett · 7 years ago
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First ever completed projects. Drawstring bags; can be used for storage or as gift bags. Can be personalised as required. #sewing #bags #gifts #giftbag #drawstring #handmade #project #handmadebychrisi
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chrisitett · 7 years ago
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This evenings read!
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chrisitett · 7 years ago
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Can’t resist a flower picture if I get the chance
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chrisitett · 7 years ago
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Got to love a selfie. Day off vibes! Headphones on. Music in. Outside world fully out! #music #housework #headphones #noisecancelling #shuttheshitout #selfie #filter
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chrisitett · 7 years ago
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Think I may opt for a pair of glasses like these today’s when I go to Specsavers! #groovy #glasses
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chrisitett · 7 years ago
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Rock cakes for Paul! Baking urges! #baking #rockcakes #fruit
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chrisitett · 7 years ago
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Just a few photos from our couple of days away in Chester! Day out in and around Chester and then a day at the zoo!! #Birthday #Zoo #Chester #memories Swipe For More!
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chrisitett · 8 years ago
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Had a lush Saturday night out with my fiancé (getting used to calling him that now 🙈) cocktails, curry, walk round the pubs. Back home to watch a movie! Top night out! #happy #memories #datenight #love
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chrisitett · 8 years ago
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This has become my new mantra in life! I won't always get up, show up, dress up and I won't give up! I won't be beaten by mental illness and I won't be beaten down by people around me who can't be supportive! The ones who are supportive I'm grateful for because without you I wouldn't be able to find my own strength. I may not beat it for a while yet, but I won't let it bring me down right now! I am a fighter! I have a reason to fight, my life is worth living! In darkness and in light! #depressionarmy #anxiety #mentalillness #mantra #inspiration #strength #determation #support
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chrisitett · 8 years ago
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Just something about flowers at the moment that I can't get enough of! Got to love a bit of floral decoration! #roses #floral #pretty #scent #flower #photo #iphone6s
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chrisitett · 8 years ago
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Lush games night in with the fiancé! So many laughs. Sucks I'm so crap at it though 1 game won out of 11.! Eurgh! #games #date #nightin #love #happy #memories #forever #childish
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chrisitett · 8 years ago
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Speaking with my counsellor today. I told her I didn't know how to put anything I was feeling into words. And she told me that, that was okay. I wasn't meant to be able to just understand it, but it's good that I want to talk about it. I cried. I cried very hard. I want to get better. I want to beat this. But there isn't no miracle cure. Some days I'm "normal" other days are like today! It's a bitch but it's my life and I'm trying to get over it! I get lost in my own mind so I don't expect anyone to get my mind for me. #depression #anxiety #mentalhealth #counselling #thoughts
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chrisitett · 8 years ago
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My best friend really did good with this one! She's perfect! Little Hallie 😊 so honoured to have had cuddles with her today; and her cute little hiccups 😍 well done Charlotte & Duncan. Can't wait to watch her grow and get playing with Henry 😍😍 #cuteness #overload #cuddles #babygirl
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chrisitett · 8 years ago
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When you wake up feeling a tad sorry for yourself, so you wake up the other half and tell him you want to have a fun day but want to leave it up too him to decide. So you end up heading to Swanage, via monkey world, across from Swanage to Poole, to Shaftesbury and back to Bridgwater. Random but such a lush day and now smiling and feeling so much better!! #daysout #random #smiles #happiness #memories #monkeyworld #love
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chrisitett · 8 years ago
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Finally the main reason I love gaming, and the only reason I really wanted a PS4 has arrived today!! Can't wait to get cracking! So many childhood memories!! Eek! #crashbandicoot #crash #ps4 #naughtydog #memories #nostalgia #remastered
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chrisitett · 8 years ago
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So many photos. So many memories made. So much love. ❤️
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chrisitett · 8 years ago
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All set for some Tuesday me time. Day off all to myself! No appointments. No shopping. Few chores. But no schedule! Can't wait! Chilling out in the sunshine! #dayoff #happy #daytomyself #metime
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