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cheatcodcs · 1 hour ago
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         ❝   then   we   can   make   it   quick.   ❞   femme   smirks   at   his   quiet   warning,   reaching   under   the   table   in   search   of   his   thigh,   grazing   freshly   manicured   nails   along   upper   part.   ❝   you'll   be   home   in   time,   i   promise   ...   ❞
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“ don't try to be cute. this is not the place or time. there are eyes everywhere and i'd rather not go home and make up shit to a very angry fiancé. ”
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cheatcodcs · 2 hours ago
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Zendaya + 2024 rock & roll hall of fame induction ceremony
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cheatcodcs · 4 hours ago
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⟡⋆。⊹₊˚ ♡ … for the girls [v2]
remember when summer was for the girls ? because i do . introducing my newest theme drop , for the girls [v2] , a code that pays tribute to one of my previous themes by the same name . i took heavy inspiration from my current theme design on my indie and modernized it ! there is no one particular purpose for this theme ; you can use it for a musing blog , an rph , for your indie ... however you see fit ! we love a girl who is versatile ! if there any other of my previous themes you'd like to see revamped and updated , let me know ! i'm super into reinventing old designs and aesthetics and upgrading them a bit . it's nice to look back on where i came from and where i am now in regards to my coding journey . from self taught to learning my bachelors in web engineering , you guys have been here with me every step of the way and i couldn't be more grateful for it !
pretty please give this   post a like or  reblog  if u intend on using this code or if u just want to be a supportive hottie  ! love u all bigly ; be sure to pet a cute animal today  ! mwuah !
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optional bg for post holder
optional grayscale img toggle
accessible font sizing toggle
gradient accent bar
tiny accent text over the sidebar
1 free link to use however u please
ooc bar for user info
description space on the navigation page
full list of credits , inspo , image sizes , and fonts are listed within the google doc containing the code
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this theme is a patreon exclusive . interested ? click here to consider becoming a part of the hottie crew ! we'd love to have u !
⟡⋆。⊹₊˚ notice : there is no live preview of this theme but there is a screen recording available on patreon , linked in the source !
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cheatcodcs · 6 hours ago
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cheatcodcs · 10 hours ago
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cheatcodcs · 12 hours ago
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         ❝   it   doesn't.   just   don't   know   why   a   mechanic   is   your   first   thought   to   fix   a   plumbing   issue.   ❞   wants   her   to   admit   to   simply   wanting   to   see   him   ──   knows   confession   won't   come   easily.   eyes   her   from   where   he   leans   against   counter,   the   glint   of   her   ring   only   solidifying   his   decision   to   stay   as   far   away   as   possible.   ❝   i   haven't   been   acting   weird.   ❞   he   has.   ❝   i   mean,   how   am   i   supposed   to   act   ?   happy   for   you   ?   ❞   wasn't   one   to   sugar   coat   or   put   on   some   kind   of   facade,   so   it   was   better   he   just   stayed   away.  
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‘ then what's it matter that you're a mechanic ? ’ returns easily as she tucks her feet underneath her , head tilting as she studies him for a moment . something in the under currents of his voice tips something in her mind , yet not easily placed . ‘ we're both gone for weeks at a time , marcus . i didn't tell him it was broken . ’ despite the ring that shimmered under the lights on her finger , her fiancé hadn't been her first thought — the saying of absence making the heart grow fonder untrue in her case . ‘ honestly , i couldn't tell . you've been acting kinda weird around me , you know . ’
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cheatcodcs · 15 hours ago
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kenza boutrif via tiktok
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cheatcodcs · 17 hours ago
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         knew   it   was   a   long   shot   to   begin   with   ...   adonis   loved   the   single   life   and   not   having   to   answer   to   anyone,   had   told   her   that   himself   on   multiple   occasions.   didn't   mean   to   fall   for   him   along   the   way,   but   stopping   yourself   from   feeling   things   you   don't   want   to   feel   is   easier   said   than   done,   apparently.   ❝   don't   apologize.   can't   make   yourself   feel   something   that   you   don't.   ❞   wasn't   upset   over   unrequited   love,   just   felt   foolish.   ❝   it   would   suck   to   lose   my   best   friend,   so   i'm   willing   to   try   if   you   are   ...   pretend   this   didn't   happen.   ❞
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‘ i'm sorry , i don't really know what to say . ’ half of him was confused — she was one of the few people that knew the extent of what he got into during the season . all the parties , debauchery , and everything else that went down yet despite knowing she still wanted to be with him ? and thought that he'd give it all up ? knows , though , how horrible that you sound spoken aloud and sighs . ‘ are we still going to be friends even though ... ? ’
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cheatcodcs · 19 hours ago
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         what   interested   him   most   about   mari   wasn't   toxic   tendencies   but   the   little   things   about   her.   the   multiple   nights   shared   just   laying   around,   talking   about   life   and   laughing   at   stupid   shit   ...   hadn't   done   that   in   awhile.   grin   spreads   as   she   yelps,   digits   digging   into   girls   flesh.   ❝   you   don't   have   to   beg   but   if   you   insist   ...   ❞   words   are   teasing   as   male   leans   down,   brushing   his   lips   along   the   shell   of   her   ear.   ❝   happy   with   you   too,   babe.   ❞
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keeping  him  on  his  toes  ,  back  and  forth  arguments  ;  it  was  to  keep  him  engaged  interested  in  her  .  wanted  to  be  the  girl  that  could  get  him  wrapped  around  her  fingers  .  inching  closer  ,  his  scent  lingers  through  her  nostrils  ,  slight  yelp  escaping  her  lips  as  he  tugs  her  closer  --  arms  automatically  wrapping  around  his  neck  as  hues  scans  his  features  ,  trying  to  indicate  any  lies  .  "  now  that  i  know  .  .  .  is  it  to  late  to  beg  for  forgiveness  ?  you  know  i'm  happiest  when  i'm  with  you.  "
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cheatcodcs · 21 hours ago
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Jeremy Allen White as Carmen ‘Carmy’ Berzatto The Bear, S03E01
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cheatcodcs · 23 hours ago
the feminine urge to want to make a priest break his vows of celibacy
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cheatcodcs · 1 day ago
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PATIENCE ROBINSON All American, 7x06 "Return of the Mack"
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cheatcodcs · 1 day ago
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         she   lets   out   a   laugh   loud   enough   to   be   heard   over   booming   music.   ears   ringing   as   they   pass   by   speakers,   her   arms   wrapping   around   males   neck   as   he   does   his   best   to   reach   around   and   hide   her   ass.   lips   press   to   his   ear,   smirking   as   if   he   can   see.   ❝   you'd   love   that,   wouldn't   you   ?   ❞   tone   is   seductive,   ghosting   her   tongue   over   his   lobe.   ❝   you   have   no   idea   what   you've   gotten   yourself   into.   ❞
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             all  about  making  memories  ,  who  was  he  to  turn  down  entertainment  and  a  good  laugh  about  it  ?  after  all  ,  he  was  positive  it  reflected  his  interests  in  the  fem  .  "  you  telling  me  you  wearing  no  panties  ?  "  brow  quirks  as  his  digits  made  sure  to  cover  her  up  the  best  that  he  could  while  also  making  sure  she  doesn't  fall  .  chuckles  escapes  his  lips  ,  "  you  surely  going  to  give  me  one  hell  of  a  night  ,  aren't  you  ?  "
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cheatcodcs · 1 day ago
         ❝   yeah   baby   ?   keep   making   promises   like   that   you   might   earn   your   good   girl   title   back.   ❞   jonah   teased,   smirking   up   at   the   goddess   now   straddling   his   lap,   large   bulge   pressed   between   her   thighs.   his   throat   works,   swallowing   thickly   as   he   imagines   tugging   panties   aside   and   fucking   her   just   like   this.   neck   still   has   remnants   of   his   fingerprints,   pink   slowly   fading   as   she   lowers   to   lick   his   happy   trail,   his   gaze   zoned   in   solely   on   her   and   her   wonderful   fucking   tongue.   he   shifts,   groaning   slightly   as   fist   wraps   around   his   base   and   hips   lift,   allowing   her   to   take   his   jeans   down   and   free   him   completely.   he's   already   dripping   pre   -   cum   as   she   leans   back   down   to   nibble   on   skin,   sinking   a   hand   into   the   back   of   her   head   and   wrapping   thick   fingers   around   dark   locks,   tugging.   ❝   need   to   feel   that   pretty   mouth   around   my   cock.   now.   ❞  
❛  and  i  am  willing  to  accept  whatever  punishment  you  deem  fit.  ❜    bonnie  sighs,    back  to  playing  good  girl    –    fire  and  ice,    it’s  how  she  worked.    whatever  character  best  fit  the  bill,    she’d  play  it.    and  she’d  put  on  one  hell  of  a  fucking  performance.    it’s  why  he  couldn’t  get  enough  of  her,    why  he  put  up  with  her  madness  time  and  time  again.    fingers  loosen  their  grip  around  her  throat  but  she  still  feels  them  there    –    lingering  like  a  tattoo.    she  rolls  with  him,    knees  pressed  into  this  strangers  mattress on  either  side  of  his  hips.    he’s  already  tugging  down  the  zipper  of  his  jeans  and  her  eager  fingers  have  found  their  way  beneath  the  waistband  of  his  boxers  before  he’s  even  completed  the  task.    free  hand  pushes  the  hem  of  his  shirt  upwards,    tongue  wasting  no  time  making  contact  with  his  happy  trail.    ❛  god, yeah. i  want  you  to  fill  me  up,    baby.    until  i’m  drowning  in  you.  ❜ she nibbles against his skin before fingers hook around his jeans, yanking them downwards.
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cheatcodcs · 1 day ago
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         feels   both   odd   and   familiar   to   have   him   in   her   home.   his   frame   is   so   much   larger   than   paul's   that   space   feels   small   —   claustrophobic.   perhaps   only   feels   that   way   because   blood   is   rushing   throughout   her   body,   heart   pounding   both   at   seeing   him   and   at   the   possibility   that   this   could   be   the   last   time.   might   even   explode.   ❝   i   ...   ❞   stumbles   over   her   words   at   his   question.   yes,   money   was   the   reason   she   pushed   morals   aside   but   didn't   want   bobby   to   know   that.   put   it   off   for   so   long   because   she   feared   he'd   blame   himself.   ❝   i   was   let   go   by   the   firm   when   they   heard   about   you.   said   it   wasn't   a   good   look   for   the   company   to   have   one   of   their   agents   dating   a   felon.   ❞   final   word   is   spat   as   if   tastes   bad,   swallowing   hard   as   she   drops   hands   from   the   sides   of   freshly   shaven   face.   ❝   please   ..   you   can   still   do   those   things.   we   can   still   do   them.   you   know   i'd   go   anywhere   with   you.   ❞
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boots  heavy  against  the  wooden  panels  of  the  farmhouse  flooring,    right  thumb  hooked  in  his  belt  loop  while  the  other  hand  scratches  at  his  beard.    freshly  groomed    –    just  for  her  and  fucking  paul  apparently.    his  footfalls  can  be  heard  echoing  off  the  walls,    shaking  the  picture  frames.    he  comes  to  a  halt,    hoping  that  the  cease  in  erratic  pacing  would  also  keep  his  thoughts  from  doing  so  on  their  own through the corridors of his mind.    it’s  then  that  she  takes  a  step  forward,    soft  fingers  caressing  the  scruff  of  his  jaw    –    he  wants  to  look  her  in  the  eyes  but  can’t  bring  himself  to.    keeping  his  focus  on  the  walls, blue and white trim.    ❛  money.    that’s  what  you  needed?  ❜    he  supposes  that  he  could  understand  that  reasoning but  also  feels  like  there  was  another  way    –    any  way,    anything  but  throwing  away  everything  they  had  worked  so  damn  hard  for.    finally,    his  gaze  is  fixed  on  hers.    the  ocean  waves  running  laps  around  her  pupils.    ❛  that’s  not  a  fair  question.  ❜    and  she  knows  it.    ❛  everything  that  i’ve  been  working  my  ass  off  for  just  turned  to  dust  out  there  in  that  driveway.    you  know  that,    right?  ❜  
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cheatcodcs · 1 day ago
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         ❝   you   don't   go   to   bars.   ❞   she   didn't   either.   is   simply   here   to   try   and   drown   her   sorrows   away   ...   can't   do   that   if   said   sorrow   is   standing   in   front   of   her.   eyes   roll   at   the   smug   look   on   his   face   then   she's   crossing   arms   over   her   chest.   dress   a   little   too   revealing.   ❝   i   am   full   of   myself,   true,   but   it's   no   coincidence   and   you   know   it.   ❞
widened eyes innocently, as if he hadn’t noticed she was there. “who says i’m here for you?” turned to smirk at her, folding his arms across his chest. “a little full of yourself, aren’t you?”
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cheatcodcs · 1 day ago
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         ❝   not   good   with   his   hands.   got   it.   ❞   marcus   notes,   half   smirks   as   he   eyes   the   girl   across   him.   can't   help   but   be   an   asshole   ...   the   jokes   write   themselves,   really.   ❝   you   could   feed   me.   i'm   hungry   as   hell.   ❞   stomach   growls   right   on   cue,   grabbing   his   stomach   as   if   that'll   stop   it.   ❝   miss   your   cooking   too.   ❞  
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❝ not when he's across the world . don't think he's very handy anyway . ❞ if she was being honest , she would've called him over her fiancée' regardless . he'd always been there for her in times of need , or even in times of happiness , and she craved his attention . ❝ oh , yeah , duh. thank you . how can i ever repay you for coming over so late ? ❞
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