charlie-and-brown · 6 months
You talk a lot about N//H, but what about S//S?
For this specific ask, I’m going to reply doing an analysis of the SS dynamic during the first portion of the manga, as it’ll allow me to do a more in depth analysis without making the post immensively huge.
In addition, I will do both an analysis based on my (re)reading of the manga, while also interacting with a pro-ship post (here) and (here) for the sole purpose of having a shipping glance of their interactions as to understand the appeal of the couple.
So let’s begin:
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charlie-and-brown · 9 months
I refuse to believe this eye isn’t about the love he has for Naruto. I am a big fan of Shounen manga for a really long time and never see any eyes of the rivals or friends would contain such strong feeling to the protagonist.
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Chapter. 698 is the best.That adoration is overflowing. You could only see the person you love in that way and he never see Sakura in this way in canon manga universe, never.
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The anime isn’t that bad at this scene. I love how they enrich their feeling to another level. Maybe those producers know they can’t fuck up this scene and if they want to make money, only Naruhina and Sakusasu aren’t enough. They need this gay vibe to make bank.
Just kidding. Haha
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charlie-and-brown · 9 months
When you think it couldn’t go much gayer, Naruto would prove you wrong.
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Yeah, Naruto would never remember the whole thing, so I have considered this factor when I come up with this code. How about that?
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And himself just proves me right.
Sasuke is truly observant. He has understood both of his teammates to a deeper point. We would guess how our friends might think about certain issues but sometimes we aren’t usually right because we would mix our ideas into them.
Then we could also see Naruto also has a deeper understanding about Sasuke.
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At the beginning, after the fight with Lee, Sasuke is deeply disturbed by the idea that someone close to his age is stronger than him in some ways. He just couldn’t believe it and he is insecure about his strengths, which is rare. Naruto has seen it and known that the way to console him is not cuddle him but tell him what’s truth.
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And that’s the answer Sasuke needs to hear.
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The second scene is Naruto telling Sasuke off for giving up the makimono to others. Based on his understanding, once Sasuke promises and makes a plan, he is not going to abolish it.
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He is truly worried about losing Naruto. It could feel from every panel in this scene. The near-death experience has shaken him to a point that he doesn’t want to lose people and he doesn’t want to die in this test at all.
I am not trying to trash Sakura, but she is more like the third wheel.
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charlie-and-brown · 9 months
Naruto and Sasuke’s matching birthday PVs
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charlie-and-brown · 9 months
I chatted with my brother about Naruto. He had followed the anime and manga at that time. And he thinks Naruto’s a little weird.
My brother’s word: “If I am Naruto, who the fxxk Sasuke is? I wouldn’t care about him after he declares he wanted to destroy the village. I am more Kakashi. If you want to stay bro with me and wander around, I wouldn’t follow you or kill you. That’s your life. Who the fxxk do I think I am to tell you what you do? But don’t bring my home into your shit.”
Even as straight as he is, he finds the dynamic of Naruhina and Sasusaku weird. He isn’t opposed to the idea that Naruto and Sasuke remains single and travel the world.
Two guys traveling together as brothers is a common concept in Chinese Martial art novels. Jin Yongs’ are really great. He knows how to write brotherhood without making them gays and how to write good female characters that could move the plots smoothly. His female characters are the best. They have show-comings but all of them are charming in their ways, even villains.
The reason he thinks Naruto wants to be with Hinata is her breast, the same reason with Ichigo in Bleach, which, based on his personal opinion, is legit and reasonable.
In his words, “Guys don’t care that much. You bring me food, clean my house, raise our kids well. You are good. We would protect you, support you and raise our kids.”
Sakura is not bad but he doesn’t think Sasuke likes her. He thinks Sasuke is more a single type, who never marries and he thinks he is too rebellious to obey the whole social system about parents and kids. She would be good fuck buddies because she is too obsessed with him. It wouldn’t waste any efforts. (That’s just so, so, so straight.)
And Danzou is a bitch. A universal idea.
He likes Senju brothers and thinks Madara should be the final villain.
And Kaguya shit is just for money. A universal idea.
As for being fathers, he thinks Naruto is a good father. He brings food to the table, so what is Boruto complaining about? Not enough attentions? Find some books to read or some games to play. Boys should start to find their own habits to focus on at 12.
He thinks Boruto is too old to bitch about his father working all the time and Naruto is a good father to tolerate his shit.
In his words, “find a hobby. That guy is just too bored. Our father would never tolerate this kind of disrespect.”
For Sarada, he directly says Sasuke just isn’t into family. He doesn’t want kids at all. That’s sometimes natural for guys like him.
When guys talk about Naruto, the whole discussion would literally be about who is the strongest and who can beat whom, for an hour. That’s so fun.
And some really, really straight guys could literally read the same stories in completely different ways.
By the way, my brother is never a sexiest. He just talked about his feeling about those ships and the reasons why all of them might align with the reality. I just consider those opinions funny and post his ideas here because those are just too straight. So straight and different to a point that I can’t believe we read the same stuffs. And men should have this right to talk about their ideas about women because we women also have rights to talk about who would be good husband and why. That’s called gender equality.
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charlie-and-brown · 9 months
Itachi’s a child torturer and killer even in the novels!
I’m not sure if there was any doubt in regard to this, but when Obito offered to him in the novels that he’d “handle the women and children”, Itachi chose to ignore him. Here are the excerpts from the novel that clear up this little misconception, once and for all:
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charlie-and-brown · 9 months
I am reading this and has an answer: Naruto not knowing Sarada’s lack of knowledge about Sasuke is just another evidence of that sneaking man’s frequent visits and letters.
Sasuke came to see him so often that he didn’t think he wouldn’t visit his family first or later. Most men gather and talk about politics and sports. Some family men might talk about their wives and kids but it’s rare unless they want to complain about them or talk about travel plans. That’s what I have seen between men friends when my dad or brother talk with their friends.
I can totally see Naruto nagging him when he comes back for a visit next time:
Naruto: It’s just a common knowledge that you would visit your wife and kid, so that’s not really something I need to remind you, and I don’t need to tell you their well-being because well, I thought you visited them every time when you came to see me, you mother fxxker. That’s why I have suggested your kid to tell another kid about you and never actually asked Sakura about you. How could I possibly know? You better go home later and I want to sense you with your wife and your kid, eating, or I would drag you back myself.
Sasuke:…stop yelling. Usuratonkachi.
Scenario1: visits during the twelve-year separation of Sasuke and Sakura:
Naruto: Say hi to Sakura and Sarada for me.
Sasuke: See you next time.
And then just leave this village until the next visit with Naruto.
Scenario2: letters exchanges
Naruto: hope everything going great.This mission is taking forever. You haven’t back for a month. It makes me a little worried about you.Do you eat regularly? It’s dangerous not to…especially when you are alone. Ichiraku is releasing a new lamen but I don’t think I have time to eat it.
Sasuke: i am on my way back and you know where it is.
That’s just funny to think about. Even in anime they make for Sasuke’s atonement trip, Sasuke could literally go back after reading Naruto’s letter, but he never stepped into his wife’s house.
I really wish 699 was the ending…..tbh I can’t help but to wonder if the editors reaaally just pressured Kishimoto to do 700+ Boruto for more money to SJ, or that he wanted to write the sad reality of queer people who are afraid and just decided to live up to the standards of the homophobic society *cough Brokeback Mountain reference. And I hate the idea of SNS cheating on their wives, so I hope the case is just that they decided to hold back their feelings even tho they still are in love with eachother. Been watching the 20th anniversary video and the scene where Naruto can’t tell Minato that he found a girl he loves in their farewell, and it just makes me really sad, Sns and the series will always be special to me but these gays deserved better😭 I’m listening to Yours for an hour to cope.
wonder if the editors reaaally just pressured Kishimoto to do 700+ Boruto for more money to SJ,
Kishimoto was definitely pressured to keep the series going. It keeps the previous people that had worked on Naruto (manga/anime/merch/etc) in employment and works as a vessel for cashflow into SJ, so he probably felt pressure and responsibility to keep the franchise going.
or that he wanted to write the sad reality of queer people
He said he envisioned the end of Naruto as sns' reconciliation, so in that respect there wouldn't be a need to confirm endgame pairings, so I don't think that was his intention with Boruto. But because Boruto had to happen, he still decided to write sns not as happily married, but the exact opposite, littered with references to one of the most popular gay films of all time.
I hate the idea of SNS cheating on their wives, so I hope the case is just that they decided to hold back their feelings even tho they still are in love with eachother.
Well... it depends on what you consider cheating. Physically? Emotionally? Both? sasuke is never home. naruto avoids going back home and sleeps on the couch. sns meet up often, keep in contact, even meet up at restaurants. it's difficult to say if they every voiced out their true feelings, if they did settle things between them so to speak. honestly it’s not clear to me if they voiced their romantic feelings out loud, or if it’s just an understanding at this point, and they just don’t talk about it. 
I've been meaning to talk about this for a while but this ask is a (semi) good segue into it but I do think that there are certain things that sns don’t speak about to each other, that being their families. sometimes it’s difficult for me to understand/rationalise sns’ thoughts and actions in boruto because they’re just not the same characters I know, but I do think they avoid the topic of their families when they’re with each other. 
For example, in gaiden, Naruto asks chou chou why she doesn’t just ask sarada about her dad.
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This was really strange to me for a few reasons. Naruto knows Sasuke is out of the village. Naruto himself grew up without parents. Yes sarada has cbg, but to think naruto never wondered how a lack of a parent would affect sarada made me pause for a second, considering who sarada is. This implies that Naruto never thought about how his best friend’s child might be affected by sasuke’s absence. it also implies that sasuke never voiced out a concern about being absent from his daughter’s life, otherwise naruto wouldn’t have said, ‘why not ask sarada’ and the afterthought, ‘that’s right he’s been traveling this whole time’ after that. He would’ve just answered chou chou’s question. This interaction serves to show that naruto doesn’t know the affect this has on sarada (which is strange), and that sasuke probably never even voiced the concern out (again, strange considering his childhood and how important familial bonds are to him). Sasuke also didn’t know what sarada looked like, which means he never even asked for a picture from cbg (again referencing the lack of the uchiha family picture), or even from Naruto for that matter since they frequently keep in contact/meet up. does sasuke not care enough to know his child’s face? naruto certainly didn’t bring it up to him either that’s for sure. cbg didn’t make any effort either to relay that info to sasuke through naruto either. do you see where I'm going with this? just a couple panels of interaction and already you can speculate so much because it just doesn’t make sense knowing what we know about the characters from naruto.
Example 2 - karin potentially being Sarada’s biological mom.
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Naruto didn’t say ‘there’s no way that’s true! do the test again, sasuke would never do that!’ Naruto is basically confirming that as sasuke’s closest friend, he also thinks it’s possible that sasuke did ‘cheat’ on cbg. If sasuke talked to naruto about his relationship with cbg, about their travels and how sarada came to be, why would naruto actually be surprised and think that it was in fact possible that karin was actually Sarada’s mother just because of a test? Again, do you see where I'm going with this? so much can be read between the lines from just a few interactions.
Then he tells sasuke they need to discuss something later. Have they never discussed their relationships before? Have they never had those discussions about their relationships whereby all doubt would be eleminated?
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(Also Orochimaru smiling while saying that is so funny. but also because of the implications of those exact words coming from Orochimaru.)
And then we have Boruto the series itself. Again, we’re seeing this for the first time but basically Naruto goes on to say how different Boruto is from him. After 12 years. The ‘issues’ naruto had with boruto started a while ago, but it seems he’s vocalising it for the first time based on how they’re speaking. And it only came up because sasuke found naruto’s jacket which prompted the discussion in the first place. 
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(Also side note: we have yet to see a significant ss/nh moment that is not directly related to their kids, and even then they’re yikes. ‘We’re connected cuz you exist sarada.’ In the end, Sasuke lectures boruto about naruto, not hinata.)
ANYWAYS, with all that being said - why did Kishimoto write it like this? Is it because when sns are together they don't want to talk about their families? And why is that? 
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charlie-and-brown · 9 months
Some people might argue that it’s an Asian thing not to directly tell their children their intimate behaviors with their wife or husband.
Well, that’s true. But not to kids this age.
If kids really ask their parents about kissing each other or having sex(they wouldn’t, by the way, even asking about kissing is cringed), parents would be embarrassed but would definitely say, “that’s stupid thing to ask. Go to your room.”
Which means yes!!!,your parents did kiss with each other. They just don’t want to tell you. It could apply to every single embarrassing story your parents share with each other.
That’s why Sakura’s behavior is intriguing and she needs to think poking is better than kissing. For us, kissing is a extremely private thing to do. We wouldn’t do it with someone we don’t like in certain ways.
Boundaries are absolution. Any violation without our consent could never be accepted. If you cross them, from now on, we just tolerate your existence. This tolerance might become liking you in certain ways for the things we might experience together in the future, but it would hardly become romantic unless I have none better to seek it or my favorite person is taken.
That’s why I have felt whenever Sasuke are together with Sakura in canon universe.
On the other hand, she is definitely someone who could directly say, “of course we kissed. Why are you asking?”
She isn’t shy…
You are definitely right about the poke. I hate when sasusakus say this is Uchiha thing but anyway, what about Sarada and the poke in that context?
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Same situation like with Sakura. Sarada doesn't know the true meaning behind this gesture. Sarada reacts that way because her mother gave her this false definition about this poke. We know from the Gaiden that Sakura was never kissed by Sasuke.
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Look at her sad expression in the fourth panel. Kishimoto, by making Sarada ask about the kiss, emphasis that this is the first fundamental thing in the relationship. When you get with somebody, the first physical affection that indicates you are in love is kissing with your other half, even small Sarada knows it. Kishimoto is just saying that this marriage is wrong because they didn't even start the first stage (physical affection) in their relationship. Sakura brings this poke because this was the first and the last time that Sasuke showed her some kind of physical affection. Of course she said it is better than the kiss because she didn't want to make small Sarada sad and she copes with not being kissed in that way. Sarada in the moment of asking was too small to understand Sakura's expression. If the poke was so much better than the kiss then why Sakura was so desperate to get a kiss from Sasuke at the end of the Gaiden? She literally tricked him into holding bento so he couldn't poke her but kiss her (luckily Sasuke is not stupid). She wanted his kiss her whole life so you think that some poke that she doesn't even understand will be enough. If he kissed her she would instantly say Sarada about it and the poke would be never mentioned. Her whole behaviour at the end of the manga is the proof of it. Finally, Sasuke lied to Sarada by poking her and saying see you next time. From Boruto manga we learn that he never spends time with his family and Sarada many times complains about it. He lied again.
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charlie-and-brown · 9 months
Soul Mates Naruto and Sasuke
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charlie-and-brown · 9 months
I would hope someone shows up and tell Sakura that her selfish love for Sasuke is not going to work in her favor. I don’t think he could fall for someone like her when I read the third chapter of Naruto.
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This is the panel when Sasuke, disguised by Naruto, comes up to her and talks about her wide but cute forehead. If she truly knows him, she would think he is the true Sasuke, which might means she never spoke to him that much before.
Then after few pages, she sabotages her chance.
Sasuke is a caring person at heart. In fact, he has tried to stop her from saying horrible things.
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In Asian Culture, saying someone wasn’t raised well is by far one of the rudest things you could do. It’s a kind of dissing someone’s parent. Any people would be angered, especially for Sasuke, whose parents are taken away by force. At this moment, he tells her Naruto didn’t have any parents.
It mean Shut the Fxxk up. You know nothing, Sakura.
Any well-educated Asian kids would shut up and realize their mistakes. It’s a taboo that no one with good education would touch. (And she says she is well disciplined…Hn…)
Then she just keeps talking about how he is lucky to not have parents to raise him. He doesn’t need to be disciplined. That’s why he does a lot of immature things.
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Everything she has said is just terrible. The wind comes and moves the leaves on the tree. It might indirectly mean Sasuke’s feeling about her.
Our boy, Sasuke, still tries to help her become more sensitive. He is really caring.
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And she doesn’t even know what she has done. He is really just presenting her the right direction. That’s what leads to him saying she is annoying.
Then, when Sasuke leaves, she still doesn’t know her mistakes. She thinks that being called annoying makes people feel bad.
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Their minds are definitely not connected and she just doesn’t get Sasuke’s true meaning.
A romance doomed to fail.
For me, Sasuke is someone who has strong ethic and he is a well educated Asian kid. If anyone diss other people in this way, about parents and about how they are raised, most of smart and socially sensitive Asian kids would mentally distance themselves from them. They couldn’t trust this kind of people in their circle unless they could benefit them in certain ways. Maybe that’s why Sakura doesn’t have a lot of friends. She isn’t taught the social rules in Asian society.
It’s just a maybe.
What Sakura does in the third chapter is a taboo that few Asian kids would do. Okay, she does it behind Naruto’s back, which a lot of people would do but she just says what she wants to regardless the other’s feelings. Sasuke has literally hinted her to stop and she just doesn’t get it.
No matter how she might try to redeem herself, if Sasuke’s heart is a grading board, she has started from -20 and I am being generous here.
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charlie-and-brown · 9 months
When I read the first few chapters of Naruto, it occurred to me. If Sakura is a not female character of Naruto, would she successfully land Sasuke in that manga?
Well, it depends on the person she pursues.
There is one successful shoujo manga called Mirmo de Pon!, giving some vibes of the whole dynamic.
As you can see, it’s an anime about the bond building of human and muglox (like fairies with no winds). The love story of Kaede Minami and Setsu Yuuki is the start of everything.
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The anime takes four seasons for Setsu Yuuki to fall in love with Kaede. Of course, most of the stories are about Kaede and her fairy, Mirmo, bonding and saving the world. Yeah, that’s shoujo manga. The canon Manga is not that ambitious but I like anime better. Manga is too shoujo.
The Anime tries to make the love between them realistic. Setsu wants to be a novelist and he reads everyday to broaden his views. He also studies well and is good at sports.(Sound like someone we know in Naruto, right?)
Kaede is not smart. She is not good at schools and she is shy, liking Setsu for a year without saying a word to him. Although she is nice to his classmates, that’s it. No other good qualities could be found.
In the first episode, her rival, Azumi Hidaka, is beautiful, bold and brave. She likes Setsu in the first sight and starts to pursue him boldly.
Kaede feels small but then Mirumo comes to her world. The fairy inspires her to stop being lazy and fantasizing her loved one. She needs to do things on her own or it’s meaningless.
Then, she starts to change. She starts to make moves, understand Setsu’s dream and support him in her ways, which include her trying to read the books he likes. During the process, she does anger him for some times, but as a future novelist, this boy has seen her true nature and starts to fall for her.
In the final season, Kaede experiences heartbreak from loving Setsu, but she realizes that she just wants him to be happy. If he is happy, then everything is fine. Heartbreak is a part of loving him and she doesn’t want to let the memories with him to go.
That’s how you writes Shoujo anime. (Hn…)
I love this series very much. It makes it realistic. If women don’t have big dreams and just want to be with her men, that’s okay. They could support them to pursue their dreams with full hearts and try to understand them in their ways. They could care for them whenever they need love and passions.
For Sakura, I think she is more like Azumi Hidaka. She just likes Setsu for some qualities he has and igores bad sides. If she can have him, she doesn’t care whether he is happy or not at that moment. She focuses on herself more and she really is more book-smart than Kaede. She is a model from times to times.
It’s two kinds of love and that’s totally fine. I do root for Kaede but if Azumi wins, I am fine. She is an elite in the real world and there is some men who do like that kind of dynamic. Unfortunately, Setsu isn’t and he wants someone who cares for him and others, who puts everyone before herself and devote to others’ happiness like it’s her own.
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Does it sound familiar? If I am not wrong, I think Kishmoto is planning something. The dynamic in Mirumo de Pon! Is common in shoujo manga from 1990 to 2010.
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charlie-and-brown · 9 months
There are reasons that Naruto puts Iruka and Sasuke above everyone. Like all the other fans have said, they sacrifice themselves for Naruto’s life when he was a nobody, an outcast no one wanted to get in touch with.
While reading the manga, I found the similarities between these two people’s sacrifices.
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Naruto, the kid, was not someone who would expect people to treat him well. He was used to people neglecting him and him earning the attentions from them. There were not just some moments of underdogs getting someone attentions but also a little child’s deep earning was answered.
He had learnt not to expect in order not to get hurt by others.
There must have been some time that he got neglected or bullied and hoped people would have come and saved him, but there were no one.
Therefore, when Iruka and Sasuke came forward, to save him from difficulties and pain without him requesting, to value him more than their own lives, that’s his dream coming true. Someone did value him.
He mattered.
On the other hand, I would never watch the Last. How could anyone think Naruto would value people giving him attentions secretly and not doing things to improve his situation at all? That’s exactly why Kakashi and Sakura never rise to Iruka and Sasuke level in his heart. (Kakashi is closer to his heart of course.) Both of their attentions are earned, in his eyes. Even though Kakashi would protect him all the time, care about his well-being and education, and bring him vegetable, and Sakura would care for him in her own ways, they would never be closer to Iruka and Sasuke. (Sorry, Kakashi Sensei. I do love you very much. It’s just fact.)
Even bringing Naruto some cookies would be better than nothing. How could you claim to love someone and not do anything? Naruto literally do something for Gaara when he tried to kill for him for several times just because he understood his pain.
And Naruto was moved? Hn…
If you experienced someone’s love, you wouldn’t want anything less than it, especially after he knew how much Iruka, Sasuke, his own parents, and even Jilaiya loved him and sacrificed for him. He might be selfless but not stupid.
Haku incident was the reason of Naruto’s nindo. He didn’t want to use people as tools. He wanted to protect his previous people. He would do anything for people he loved and he understood the idea of sacrificing everything for loved ones.
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Going to the same place with his loved one after death. Don’t know where our boy, Naruto, got this idea but maybe there was something…
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And this was the panel when they visited their graves before leaving.
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After knowing that shinobis were viewed as tools, he absolutely didn’t agree and decided to go on his own ways.
Does it sound like someone who would be moved by some little girl who liked him but said nothing or did nothing for him?
So many details when I read Japanese version. Maybe it’s because I literally need to read panels by panels. I am still not really fluent in Japanese.
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charlie-and-brown · 9 months
I always love movies or anime that depict family drama. When I saw Sasuke’s family, I truly could resonate with him. That’s a standard Asian family.
That’s why I have a soft spot for him. If you love your family so dearly that to lose them all in a blink would destroy someone’s mind. He didn’t become some lunatics but still walked on his path to avenge his family. That’s the achievement itself.
For someone like Sasuke, he literally had no other path. For justice, he needed to kill Itachi because he massacred the whole clan. For family, he needed to kill him for he killed their parents. However, killing this person would assure him to be forever alone.
In Chinese, it called, 義, similar to morality, but it’s much closer to justice. Something in between.
That’s why I couldn’t like Itachi. He was narcissistic. He considered him the solution of this dilemma. Regardless of the outcome, he should let his clan members decide, but he was just smart and wanted to save Konoha from civil wars and his family’s face and his brother?
So…other clan members weren’t important because they weren’t the main clan? (Hinata’s father seemed better right now. He just gave his cousins seals. No life threatening. Just a reminder of who you are.)
Itachi massacred the whole clan, including babies, children, teenagers, and someone’s parents just for saving other people in Konoha. That’s just evil. Every life matters. And a lot of people said he was right.
Are you kidding me?
Yeah, Just get rid of the people he didn’t like for a better outcome for humankind. That’s just wonderful.
After I saw this drawing, I could totally get why Susake had some strong reactions.
Tell me Itachi is right, if you still could.
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How could you still think he was sparing their pains? They didn’t need this pain in the first place!!A lot of his clan members didn’t know about the coup. Who gave him the right to decide?
He could just kill the people who were in charge of the coup, but no, for Uchiha was evil, he needed to kill them all. For saving the face, he needed to kill them.
Sound familiar, right? How was it different from old Asian Culture or Indian Culture, which allow the clan members to kill women conducting adultery just to save face?
And a lot of people shipped Uchiha Izumi and Itachi. I just couldn’t imagine. She would rather live, okay? There are a lot of men in the world. No matter how useless she might be, she could still find someone who loved her and she loved back.
The word, Love, could never erase Itachi’s sin. He could claim he loved his brother all along but what he had done during Massacre and after it were torture and nothing else. There were some fan fictions that Sasuke saved him from death or spared him because of learning the truth.
I don’t think that would work. Itachi had forced himself and his brother to the corner and there was absolute no turning back.
Sasuke is someone who has clear ideas in the right and wrong. Despite it’s Konoha’s order, but the person who carried out was his brother. His brother was the one who decided all Uchiha should die for the greater good.
Itachi had done the things that no humankind would allow. I truly pitied him because his life was nothing but a sigh. He had chosen the path to the darkness and only death could bring him peace. He couldn’t afford to think in other ways or he would need to face his mistakes. That’s painful and sad.
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charlie-and-brown · 9 months
We have ourselves for that, by looking at the mirror everyday.
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No one wants to see their favourite characters become miserable adults
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charlie-and-brown · 9 months
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I am now re-reading the manga in Japanese.
Does anyone notice the fact that before Sakura pointed out, Naruto didn’t know Sasuke was sitting beside him?
Their seats were not assigned. Which one sat there first wasn’t indicated but Sasuke’s reaction was cute when he knew Naruto was watching him.
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He must have noticed him first but didn’t say anything. Which one sat first wasn’t that important, but it’s for sure Sasuke cared about him somehow at the very beginning.
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And Our beloved Naruto just happened to know where he ate his lunch and when he could only been seen… Curious…
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This line , if I am not wrong, means, “I just want to be seen by Sasuke, this person only.”
Naruto was very touched by the word, “みとめてもらい”. That’s what he has wanted since the first chapter. It’s like, “I see you.” in Avatar movie. (I love the way of water and have watched for at least three times. That’s what I feel.)
It’s important to see someone truly. It truly puzzles me that Sakura wouldn’t be suspicious of the behaviors Naruto have shown. Despite disguising as Sasuke, he isn’t talking to Sakura in the way Sasuke would do.
And Sakura just trashed Naruto for no reasons. He was just a prankster and didn’t prank on her. If she thought Sasuke sitting next to or near Naruto was a trouble, there was no doubt she would have thought it in this way. Sasuke must have done it for several times for her to notice the patterns…
And our boy just ignored her insult and focused on words about Sasuke. How Curious….
I hope it’s not my illusion. I just started reading it in Japanese.
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charlie-and-brown · 9 months
I love this analysis. It shows a lot of sides of Sakura that feminists often overlook.
I am a feminist, an old fashioned one who just wants to be acknowledged in the roles I try to play. The kind that If I want to be a housewife, I hope people could view me important. If I want to work, I don’t want people to view me less and give me less works. Just don’t. I could carry all those heavy stuffs. I could drive. I could work overnight.
I am not married but concerning works parts, all of them I have done so in my life. I even nearly broke my back when I tried to carry the package that’s over 20 kilograms. I worked overnight to pay the bills of my family. In fact, I know what men feel when they are stuck in the jobs and couldn’t leave. I started to support my family right after I graduated from college.
I love Temari very much for she is both strong and supportive to her family. She knows how to use her powers and do it carefully and gracefully. I love Tsunade for she is really brilliant in being hokage and she is open-minded and caring. I love Kushina for her strengths and love to her family. A lot of female characters truly shine even though the focus of Kishi isn’t on them most of the time.
However, for the two female characters he decides for Naruto and Sasuke, he makes them look bad and trigger a lot of negative feelings from not only men but also women. I can’t love them even after I read a lot of supportive critics about them.
For Hinata, the killing part is her forgetting her cousin’s death and holding some men’s hand. I lost my family before and all I feel was melancholy. Even my mother couldn’t chase away my pain, no matter what she tried to comfort me.
For Sakura. The killing part is her mocking Naruto for being orphan. That’s no turning back for that’s truly evil.
A good example on how the databooks are silly;
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“Evidence of her spiritual growth” Meanwhile in the manga;
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charlie-and-brown · 9 months
That’s why I can’t like Hinata. I also have cousins, brothers and family. At this moment, no one would think about men’s hands.
Even just thinking about losing my precious people makes me so sad, not to mention truly losing them. She doesn’t treasure Neji’s existence at all. No matter how frequent she visited his grave, it would never change my mind.
Sometimes, little details could show your true self. For her, getting closer to Naruto is more important than mourning her cousin.
hoenata fans: Hinata cares about neji
Meanwhile hinata:
Wet her panties over Naruto's bigggg hanndd while neji's corpse is still warm....
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