*lbwehph* noise
born to meow forced to have sentient thoughts
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i'm not sure how to word this so i hope it comes across okay! - how did you discover you were a deer specifically, and not another animal? genuinely curious as someone who's confused about what i am
I leave my phone at home and go into the woods a lot, I’d say that’s number one, but being a deer is what I “feel inside” when I really focus on the inside of my limbs. When I close my eyes and really try and think about nothing else I just know there are deer arms and deer legs and deer bone and flesh inside under all my skin, just in the wrong shape. A human shape. Still deer though. I also had some body language I was insecure about , until finding out it’s just deer language after looking up [creature] body language. I was always an animal as younger and I wore a deer hoodie nonstop, had a fear of my human skeleton inside me, deer are just more perfect to me.
Tysm for the ask!!
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The three genders
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I used to cry and be scared/up all night terrified about having a human shaped skull/skeleton -inside me- like being frozen, cold sweat terrified and filled with so much fear because I’d look up pictures of other animal skulls and find them much more beautiful and easier to look at, less rounded and clunky like scary big humans.
Since I could read I’ve been like this and the fear eased in a lot of areas, especially regarding my bones as I’ve aged, but now I have other organs in/on me that upset me a whole lot to think about
born to have horns cursed to have a human skull
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Why can’t we be friends
Why can’t we be friends
Why can’t we be friends
Genuinely distressing to see canine therians making joking posts going "come closer deer friends. I promise I won't chase you down. You can trust me. :)" like why do you think stirring up a prey response is funny? I don't care if you're a predator and its instinct, its just wrong
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i was good today but tomorrow is a different story
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Need more followers who aren’t human, if you commute, work 9-5, live amongst humans/communicate with them the same, use indoor amenities for the most part, crave air conditioning, walk like a human, create problems, own properties, y’all a bunch of two legs who are the problem, be an animal or go do business adult.. things? Idk
I think nonhumans hold back too much.
Let’s talk about those weird “ugly” urges.
Wanna piss on something to claim it? Tear into raw meat or roadkill without remorse? Hump to show dominance? Regurgitate food and lick inside the mouths of those you love?
Why is it that those who identify as/are animals are so ashamed to show it?
Be who/what you are with pride.
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It's always so tragic to see a #mommy posting about how she's recovering from her childhood trauma by raising her children to #breakthecycle becuase you just know she's only fucking them up in new & creative ways that she can't even begin to comprehend... and probably isn't going to take it well when her (adult) children inform her to how her form of parenting hurt them becuase that's impossible! she was parenting completely unlike HER parents! there's no way she could have given them any sort of anxiety of trauma! she girlbossed and broke the cycle!
i see it happen and it breaks my heart. for as long as people feel entitled to creating new human beings before caring for existing ones, the cycle WILL repeat. the trauma is embedded. you can minimize it, indeed, but to procreate is simply to perpetuate it.
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Nothings working my bones are the wrong shape and I feel visceral disgust. No offence to humans but I have too much skin showing all the time and no fur and too many digits and feel weird I want it off I need it off
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Rolling in the dirt and grass to get that outdoorsy smell
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Scythe-Head OC sheet
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Do not EVER let anyone tell you that being transspecies and seeking some form of social transition isn't possible and that "nobody will call you that". Ive had so many friends (mind you, friends who ive NEVER asked to do this / dont even know im transspecies) just casually refer to me as an animal in front of others like it's the most normal thing in the world (Ex. "Well obviously they need to go on a walk, they are a dog after all 🙄") Have realistic expectations ofc, but no, it's absolutely not impossible for humans to perceive you as your true identity and to openly refer to you as such
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Icon wip of my beloved ✨💜
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I swear I was meant to be nocturnal. I'm so tired all day and can't sleep at night. My brain turns on at night. I sleep all day and stay up all night. Literally. This is not a joke.
Curse this human body why must my brain and internal clock work against eachother?
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I was never meant to be apart of society.
I was meant to crawl around the forest and make freaky noises.
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