ceruleanferocity · 1 year
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"Certain huh? Not gonna speak for yourself on the matter?" He knew there were at least a few that would be happy enough to see him again. He knew others were probably ticked off. Oh well for them. He was however curious as to who else might have noted his return.
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"Tch, it's like everyone thought, or maybe hoped, I wasn't gonna come back around."
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ceruleanferocity · 1 year
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"Tch, it's like everyone thought, or maybe hoped, I wasn't gonna come back around."
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ceruleanferocity · 1 year
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“What are you doin’ around here?” Koga had heard the steps but hadn’t bothered moving to welcome the person. He’d been on a hunt  through the day and was now feeling sore and this made him feel a bit irritable. 
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ceruleanferocity · 2 years
Ask my Muse about their relationships with other Muses!
For those who read my other threads and inboxes, or who are intrigued by my interactions/verses with other writers... send me all the questions!
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ceruleanferocity · 2 years
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Kagome giggled softly at his reaction. ’ My mistake Koga…confident! hm…you didn’t do anything really bad Koga…’ Kagome assured tilting her head abit towards the other, grabbing his hand the same way he usually did her own. ’ You had to survive to right? so I don’t blame you for doing anything bad.’
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His lips pulled at her reaction. Her happiness made him happy. Even if she didn’t necessarily believe what he had said. She was still entertaining his thoughts in a sweet manner. 
“Yeah. I guess. It’s all we’ve known. Eat what and when we needed. Go after humans that have hunted us down.” He shrugged his shoulders. They never often stopped to think about who was caught in the crossfire. 
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’…Koga If they attacked first then It’s self defense….’ Kagome assured her hand gently putting his own down giving a tilt of her head, she did remember that Koga’s group was responsible for Rin’s village being slaughtered but at the same time, knew that Koga had changed. ’ Do you still…blame yourself? ’
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He stayed quiet for a few moments, head dropping a bit as eyes moved away. He couldn’t say they always only defended. Sometimes they acted before a group could think to go after them. Koga had often only put himself and his tribe first. Being a new leader at the time had put weight onto his shoulders. He wanted to look strong and tough and many in the tribe were very antagonistic when it came to dealing with other demons or humans. 
“For some of it.” He replied truthfully. After coming to know more he’d learned to question himself more. “I coulda been more careful. Had mercy shown to kids in those villages.” After all, it wasn’t always the kids fault for what their elders did. Hunting the defenseless felt cheap too. He hadn’t known Rin was there in that village. But he’d never stopped to think about any of it. 
“Sometimes its kinda hard. To accept change an’ make my wolves accept it. I know we should. I dunno how it may change the tribes though. I’ve never thought about any of it till recently. It’s all we’ve done for decades. I’m guilty of it too. So I’m not lookin’ for pity or anything.”  Hopefully she didn’t think he was looking for her to feel bad and excuse anything. 
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ceruleanferocity · 2 years
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“Sweet? Ya think so Kagome?” Most others he knew likely wouldn’t think of him in that way. 
“Wait a minute…egotistical? I wasn’t that. I’m confident in myself. That’s not the same.” He arches a dark brow. He couldn’t disagree that he’d changed to a degree though. 
“Don’t think the fact I’ve changed means what I’ve done before was okay.” Part of his mind was still at odds. He was a demon after all. 
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Kagome giggled softly at his reaction. ’ My mistake Koga…confident! hm…you didn’t do anything really bad Koga…’ Kagome assured tilting her head abit towards the other, grabbing his hand the same way he usually did her own. ’ You had to survive to right? so I don’t blame you for doing anything bad.’
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His lips pulled at her reaction. Her happiness made him happy. Even if she didn’t necessarily believe what he had said. She was still entertaining his thoughts in a sweet manner. 
“Yeah. I guess. It’s all we’ve known. Eat what and when we needed. Go after humans that have hunted us down.” He shrugged his shoulders. They never often stopped to think about who was caught in the crossfire. 
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ceruleanferocity · 2 years
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“Sweet? Ya think so Kagome?” Most others he knew likely wouldn’t think of him in that way. 
“Wait a minute...egotistical? I wasn’t that. I’m confident in myself. That’s not the same.” He arches a dark brow. He couldn’t disagree that he’d changed to a degree though. 
“Don’t think the fact I’ve changed means what I’ve done before was okay.” Part of his mind was still at odds. He was a demon after all. 
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As of late Koga had been spending a lot of time contemplating. Thinking on the past and everything that’s lead him to where he is. 
“Heh, thing’s have changed a lot.”
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ceruleanferocity · 2 years
The smooth voice was almost jarring. He’d smelled the daiyokai long before he’s made his appearance. Koga kept himself appearing as calm but he observed the other carefully. 
“No kiddin’. Even the most stagnant things change.” He met the golden gaze and held it. Sesshomaru had once been known to despise humans. Yet he smelled of at least one. Koga himself had eased his ideals and lessened hunting of humans. The tribes themselves were all slowly changing. It made him wonder what the future held for them or if they’d still be around. 
“Do you miss the static then? Or have you welcomed the change?”
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As of late Koga had been spending a lot of time contemplating. Thinking on the past and everything that’s lead him to where he is. 
“Heh, thing’s have changed a lot.”
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ceruleanferocity · 2 years
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As of late Koga had been spending a lot of time contemplating. Thinking on the past and everything that’s lead him to where he is. 
“Heh, thing’s have changed a lot.”
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ceruleanferocity · 2 years
one more ooc
Please dont be afraid to dm me if we’re mutuals. If you wanna yell/plot. And if Discord is more your speed I have that too. Just come dm me for it. 
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ceruleanferocity · 2 years
I really shouldn’t want more muses. Or to bring back old ones. 
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ceruleanferocity · 2 years
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“It’s too quiet around here. That can’t mean anything good.” 
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ceruleanferocity · 2 years
When I’m not here you can find me
here or here
or on discord. 
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ceruleanferocity · 2 years
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“Oi! Wolf incoming! MOVE OUTTA THE WAY!”
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ceruleanferocity · 2 years
enemies to…. friends? allies??  … sentence starters
“Don’t touch me. You still make me sick.”
“Fine. Come with. Just stay out of my way.”
“I didn’t even need your help. You can go, now.”
“I didn’t want to admit it, but you were good in a fight.”
“Yeah, you’re funny. You’re also still a pain in my ass.”
“I think they lied to us. We aren’t that different, after all.”
“I hated you. I think I still hate you. But, I need your help.”
“If I have to rely on you for this, will I be able to trust you?”
“This doesn’t mean I like you. I still think you’re insufferable.”
“Is this what your friends always have to deal with? I pity them.”
“No, no, don’t you die, now, I just started being able to tolerate you!”
“You have a point. And that might be the scariest thing I’ve ever said.”
“Don’t get the wrong idea. You still disgust me. But you can be useful.”
“Seriously? You’re gonna finally win me over, then go get hurt like that?”
“Maybe… okay, hear me out, maybe we do have something in common.”
“You think this puts us on good terms? You’re still the enemy. You were just convenient.”
“You’re a lot different than I thought you would be. Still not sure if that’s good or bad, yet.”
“I didn’t think you’d be able to change my mind, but now I’m thinking things I never would’ve.”
“Don’t look at me, don’t talk to me, don’t touch me. Let’s get this mission over with, then never acknowledge my existence, again, got it?”
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ceruleanferocity · 2 years
send “you’re kinda cute” for my muse’s reaction 
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ceruleanferocity · 2 years
your  name:
your age: 
your perfect date: 
make out in private or in public?: 
do you like to cuddle?: 
tell me something about you:
why do you want to be my valentine?:
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