certifiablyseth · 16 days
this was soo good??? absolutely in love with your writing
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tomie!sunghoon x gn!reader
The Curse of Sunghoon
masterlist ~*+ - part 1 of 3?? ~*+
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summary: It seemed that people had become lost in their flawed tendencies since the arrival of the new student; His enigmatic spirit and flawless features made him impossible to miss- enchanting students and teachers alike. Uncanny in many ways, the boy’s name was Sunghoon, and for gn!reader, it seemed his presence was nothing other than ill-fated.
( overview: please see warnings. no pronouns mentioned excluding occasional ‘em’s, mostly an introduction to the plot, no romantic expressions between hoon & reader yet, new student!sunghoon, student!reader, and made up characters: gang leader!hoshino & stalker!rika, fic in general is more artsy than romantic )
( warnings: mentions of blood, weapons, threats, fighting/physical aggression, gangs/mob groups, a very tiny bit of gore- not detailed at all, manipulation, and stalkerish/obsessive behavior )
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emoji code:
🌿 ( long story/series - 4.2k words )
🪐 ( junji ito’s Tomie AU )
+🫧 ( maybe a bit angsty )
☁️ ( stands for y/n )
likes, comments, & reblogs r appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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Down the stone path lined with cherry blossom trees, pink petals fluttered sporadically in the crisp spring breeze. The walk to class was always silent, though ☁️ would catch the new student walking in the distance. It was a peculiar change to the old, tedious morning routine that he was used to- partially due to the mystery that was Sunghoon.
Sunghoon was never one to look disheveled or disoriented. His skin was always glowing- so much that it often reflected light, his lengthy figure was adored by many, and his mannerisms were always gracious. To put it simply, the boy was elegant. ☁️ had heard of the many rumors surrounding his family, appearance, and connections, but never paid them mind.
It’s been a month since ☁️’s final year of school had begun, and it’s been two weeks since ☁️ had noticed Sunghoon’s presence on the cherry blossom path. Though the walks continued to be in silence, peculiarity struck the daily routine once again.
Trudging around puddles and small piles of flowers petals on a cloudy Thursday morning, ☁️’s focus remained on the stone path below. Imagine ☁️’s surprise upon almost bumping into Sunghoon, who raised an eyebrow at the action. ☁️ stumbled back and immediately matched Sunghoon’s gaze, rather embarrassed.
“Ah, I’m sorry.” ☁️ stammered, walking around Sunghoon.
“I was waiting for you.”
Sunghoon placed his hands in his pocket as ☁️ turned around.
“Oh.. why’s that?”
“We walk down this path at the same time everyday. Wouldn’t it be nice to travel together?” Sunghoon questioned monotonously.
Aside from the confusion, there was an underlying anticipation ☁️ felt when speaking to Sunghoon. It was also ☁️’s first time hearing his voice- his tone soft yet assertive.
“Yeah.. I guess it would.”
Sunghoon burst out laughing and shook his head.
“Did you really think that I’d want to walk beside you? And everyday at that?” Sunghoon took his hands out of his pocket and crossed his arms, an amused look across his face. “What humor you have.”
☁️ grimaced at the comment, looking around.
“You said you were waiting for me, though..” ☁️ muttered, anticipation transforming into anger.
“I did.” Sunghoon responded, his gaze not leaving ☁️’s. With furrowed eyebrows and rolling eyes, ☁️ took a step away from the man, about to walk away.
“I don’t want to be late, let’s go.” Sunghoon said, grabbing ☁️’s arm and continuing down the stone path. The two now walking side by side, ☁️ shook Sunghoon’s grip away as the awkward interaction began causing headache.
The rest of the walk was silent, and Sunghoon’s gesture of waiting for ☁️ became a daily occurrence. Upon arriving to the school each day, the two would give the other a look of “goodbye” to then go their separate ways.
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“Is this seat taken?”
☁️ looked up to see Sunghoon standing across the cafeteria table, holding a food tray. It had been a week since the two of them began walking together.
“Good. I was going to sit here regardless.”
An eyebrow raised, ☁️ watched as Sunghoon sat and began nipping at a salad.
“So I was wondering..” The boy began.
☁️ looked up again.
“How close are you to Hoshino?”
“Nobody’s close to Hoshino.” ☁️ responded, watching as Sunghoon continued between bites.
“What do you mean?”
“Unless you’re in his posse, I’d doubt that you’d ever get the opportunity to be ‘close’ to him. I heard that even his members don’t speak that often to him.”
“Do you think it’s by choice?”
“I don’t know. What’s it to you?” ☁️ tilted his head as Sunghoon pushed his tray aside.
“I don’t like him, he’s the root of this place’s problems.”
“Yeah, well, nobody else likes him- so you’re not alone.”
The two sat in silence as ☁️ looked around the busy cafeteria, catching the glare of Rika, a girl in their grade. Of all the times ☁️ recalled seeing her around, Rika always had two bows on each side of her long black hair, it becoming a staple in her appearance. Though, today, it seemed only one bow hung from the left side of her two pigtails.
“Is Rika staring again?” Sunghoon asked, glancing over to ☁️. “I can feel it.”
“She is.”
“Did you know that she’s quite psychotic? An absolute whacko.”
“What do you mean?”
“She’s horribly obsessive- I catch her stalking me on occasion. I heard that it’s because she likes me, but who doesn’t?” Sunghoon smiled, amused by his own comment. “She’s an odd girl.”
“Yeah.. you should probably tell someone about that..” ☁️ suggested, looking over and catching her gaze once again.
“It’s alright. I usually lose her on the way home.”
Sighing, ☁️ sat with pursed lips in silence. The two were quiet until the end of the lunch period, them later walking side by side through the school hallways.
“Hey, ☁️!”
☁️ turned around to see Hoshino and three other boys approach the two of them. Initially startled, ☁️ maintained composure.
“You didn’t introduce me to your new friend.” Hoshino laughed, him now standing only inches in front of ☁️. He leaned onto a locker with his arms crossed, eyeing up ☁️ and then Sunghoon.
“His name is Sunghoon.”
“Ah, Sunghoon. The pleasure’s all mine.” Hoshino exclaimed sarcastically, holding a hand out to the boy.
“The pleasure would be mine if I didn’t think you were a bastard.” Sunghoon sneered, followed by light laughter. ☁️ stood frozen in fear as Hoshino’s shocked expression turned into one of anger. Pulling a knife from his back pocket, he pushed Sunghoon against the wall, holding it at his throat.
“Hoshino, he’s new to the school. He doesn’t know better.” ☁️ pleaded, taking steps toward the boy. Two of Hoshino’s members grabbed at ☁️’s shoulders, stopping ‘em from moving any closer.
“I don’t give warnings. Consider it your first and last.” Hoshino said, pushing Sunghoon into the wall again and backing away. He then turned to ☁️, who was still held back by the other boys. “Keep your friend in line, or you’re next.” Hoshino whispered, tapping the blade against ☁️’s lips. “K?”
Feeling their grip loosen, ☁️ watched as Hoshino turned and began down the hallway beside his posse. As soon as the group was out of sight, ☁️ turned to Sunghoon.
“I’m gonna kill you.”
“Do you think I’m scared of a little blade?” Sunghoon muttered, wiping blood off of ☁️’s lips with his thumb. He then put his thumb into his mouth, making ☁️ wince. Luckily, there were only a few people lingering in the hallways, none of them seeming to notice. Sunghoon laughed and began walking away. “I’ll see you later!”
☁️ sighed. About to walk to class, another hand gripped ☁️’s shoulder.
“Hey, ☁️.”
☁️ turned to see that strange girl, Rika.
“You’re not dating Sunghoon, right?”
“Uhm.. no, I’m not.” ☁️ responded, raising an eyebrow.
“Okay, I just didn’t want anything bad happening to you. You know.” Rika smiled and patted ☁️’s shoulder, her silver braces shining as she did so.
“I don’t know what you mean, actually.”
“As long as you’re not taking him away, there’s no need for you to worry about it.” Rika whispered, followed by a boisterous laugh. “No need for you to worry. Bye-bye.”
☁️ watched as Rika hurried down the hallway, throwing her pink satchel back over her shoulder.
“How odd this school is.” ☁️ huffed.
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“I really don’t think he would do such a thing.”
Another week had passed since ☁️ and Sunghoon had officially become.. acquainted. As of recently, they’d had eaten lunch, walked around, and traveled to and from school together, daily. It had also been a week since their first run-in with Hoshino, whose glares in the hallways meant he didn’t forget, either. ☁️ felt this time drag- almost as if Sunghoon had bestowed a curse upon ‘em the day they first met. The boy simply seemed to attract both unwanted attention and problems.
Just the day prior, Sunghoon supposedly got one of Hoshino’s posse members kicked out of the school, somehow. Despite not being involved in the situation, ☁️ had been on the receiving end of stares and gossip ever since. The story told didn’t make much sense, and ☁️ didn’t want to ask Sunghoon about it just yet.
“Why not? Everyone knows about the rising tensions between him and Hoshino. It would make sense for him to snitch.” One of the girls in ☁️’s class whispered back as they awaited the arrival of their teacher. “I heard he manipulated a few teachers into searching the boy’s belongings. Apparently, they found knives and even gun.”
☁️ looked around the room, and then back at the girl as she continued.
“I don’t know if it’s true, but I heard that Hoshino has been planning on getting him back. I’m sure you could guess what’ll happen.”
The girl leaned back into her seat, raising her eyebrows.
“Is there anything else you can give me?” ☁️ whispered, despite knowing that this information was all that she’d provide for today.
“Even if I wanted to give you more, I can’t. That’s really all I got.”
“How much do I owe you?”
“Just $5. I’ll give you a discount so that I don’t end up on Sunghoon’s naughty list. People are saying that he’ll become the next Hoshino.. I’m not sure why you spend so much time with him in honestly.”
Grabbing a few dollars bills, ☁️ quickly slid the money to the girl from a back-pocket.
“A pleasure doing business with ‘ya.”
“It’s unnecessary to worry about what other people say, ☁️.” Sunghoon muttered, rolling his eyes. The two sat across from each other at lunch, as they usually do.
“But accusations can have consequences. Especially since it’s involving Hoshino.”
Sunghoon put his fork down and looked up to ☁️ with a blank expression. The boy then glanced around, quickly.
“Would you like to skip next period with me? I have an errand that I have to run.”
“Not really. I’m assuming, since you asked, that you’ll need help. Right?”
“Perceptive. I’m thoroughly impressed.”
☁️ frowned. “What is it?”
“I just need to pay a teacher a visit. Just keep lookout for me.”
“Tell me what you’ll be doing, Hoonie.”
“I told you that I hate that nickname.”
☁️ shrugged, as if saying “I don’t care.” Sunghoon continued.
“It’s just to talk about Hoshino. It’ll be quick.”
“Hm.. fine. Please be quick, though.”
“Aw, that’s truly so sweet of you. Thanks for always being there for me, ☁️.”
☁️ rolled his eyes, ignoring Sunghoon’s superficial praise. Standing up suddenly, the boy motioned ☁️ to follow him.
“Let’s just leave lunch early.”
☁️ stood beside Sunghoon upon arriving to a classroom on the highest floor. After the boy knocked on the door, a younger-looking teacher slid it open slightly, him holding a few textbooks.
“Hey, can I help you two?”
“Yes, we’ve spoken a few days ago. Do you have a moment?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t remember speaking to you, and I’m a bit busy with grading. Could you two come b-“
“No, I’m sorry. You actually do have a moment.” Sunghoon pushed the door open, making the man stumble back and drop his books.
“The hell are you doing?” ☁️ muttered, grabbing Sunghoon’s arm. Sunghoon approached the teacher, shoving ☁️’s hand off of him as he walked towards the man. Picking his books up while squatting on the floor, the teacher looked up to Sunghoon, who towered over him. ☁️ was taken aback as he watched Sunghoon bent down as well. He placed a hand on the man’s shoulder, whispering to him.
“Be the lookout, ☁️.” Sunghoon instructed, not taking his eyes off of the teacher. In disbelief, ☁️ took a step back and walked out of the door, closing it so that it was barely open ajar.
Sunghoon walked back out a few minutes later, a cellphone and tan folder in hand. The boy tossed an object on the floor as ☁️ took a peak behind him, seeing the teacher slouched over a desk. Noticing ☁️’s gaze, Sunghoon closed the door lightly.
“He’s fine, just resting for another minute. We should go before he wakes up.”
“You didn’t hurt him, right?”
“Of course not. I needed his help.”
☁️ looked around, seeing that the hallway was empty as the two begun down it.
“So, why didn’t he remember you?”
“I manipulated him into helping me before. That’s probably why he didn’t recall our previous meetings.”
“What do you mean manipulate?”
“Why’re you grilling me?”
“Because I don’t understand what’s going on. This is too much, Sunghoon.”
“You’ll know when it happens, just like everyone else.”
The two descended down the staircase in silence, ☁️ still not satisfied with the lack of information.
“We’re only a few minutes late to archery class. See? I told you that it wouldn’t be long.”
☁️ nodded.
“Anyway, I suspect Rika to be around here somewhere, don’t say anything else about it.” Sunghoon whispered, leaning into ☁️’s ear.
“Sunghoon!” Rika called out from behind them, as if on que. She hurried over to them from down the hallway, holding a plastic bag in hand. Still missing a bow, Rika looked ☁️ up and down with a dismissive look. “You had something for me?”
Sunghoon took the bag she held and placed the tan file and phone inside of it.
“That’s all. You’ll have it back tomorrow.”
Rika nodded and smiled, continuing down the hallway as if the conversation had never happened.
“What was the point of getting that file if you were just going to give it to her?” ☁️ asked, watching Rika disappear in the distance. The two continued, walking slowly as they conversed.
“I already read it. And I don’t want that teacher suspecting me of taking it.”
“Why wouldn’t he remember you being in there?”
“I manipulated him, remember?”
☁️ face palmed. “You don’t have powers, Hoonie. You’re gonna get us in a lot of trouble.”
“Yes I do. I’m special, remember?”
“I really hope narcissism isn’t clouding your judgment.” ☁️ sighed.
Sunghoon stopped walking, seemingly offended. “Nothing could cloud my judgment.”
“That’s something a narcissist would say.”
Sunghoon stepped in front of ☁️, opening the gymnasium doors and gesturing forward.
“Thank you.” ☁️ muttered, catching the teacher’s glare as they stepped inside. The teacher was older- probably in his 50’s. ☁️ watched as the man hurried to the two of them with compound bows under his arms.
“Since you two decided to show up, help me gather the rest of the materials.” The man said, motioning the two to follow him into the equipment room. “You, grab the box of arrows since it’s heavy.” He said, pointing at Sunghoon. He then pointed to ☁️ before gesturing toward additional compound bows. “You can put the last two bows on the rack out there, follow me back please.”
The three walked back to the group of students who waited in the middle of the gymnasium floor.
“Alright everyone! Split into two groups of eight.” The teacher instructed.
“Make sure we aren’t in Hoshino’s group.” Sunghoon muttered, pulling ☁️ away from the crowd of students. After a minute, the class was divided.
“This group has nine, one of you go over there.” The teacher said, looking at ☁️. A student awkwardly shuffled over to the other group. “Okay, good. This side is shooting first, and then that side. Grab a bow and an arrow and line up.”
“We’re shooting first.” ☁️ looked over to Sunghoon, who stared intently at the windows on the other side of the room. Patting Sunghoon’s arm, ☁️ knocked the boy out of his daze. “What’s wrong?”
“I thought I saw something outside.” Sunghoon replied, shaking his head. The two followed the group of students over to the rack of bows, grabbing one alongside an arrow. The teacher called out commands, and the students raised their bows. The target in front of them was tall and wide, with three circles of red white and blue. Sitting on the other side of the room with their backs against the window, the other students watched.
☁️ released the arrow, though someone else’s collided coincidently with it, causing ☁️’s to fall to the ground. Laughing it off, ☁️ turned to Sunghoon.
“How did you do?”
“I got a bullseye.”
☁️ looked over to the target, seeing a singular arrow in the blue center.
“That’s impressive.” ☁️ muttered, turning to Sunghoon once again. The boy was looking over his shoulder- his gaze fixated on the group of students against the window. “What do you keep looking at?”
“You didn’t see that guy standing outside?”
☁️ looked over, not seeing anybody over the standing students’ heads. “No.”
Sunghoon ran a hand through his hair as the students placed their bows on the ground and took a step away. Sunghoon and ☁️ followed their movements, awaiting the teacher’s directions.
“Okay, second group, it’s your turn.”
About to walk toward the wall alongside the others, Sunghoon gripped at ☁️’s shoulder.
“I’m not going over there until I see that boy again.”
“What if you’re just seeing things?”
“I’m not, I know I saw him.”
“Even if there was a boy, so what? You’d see him better if we go over there.”
“You don’t understand.”
☁️ shrugged, walking away from the bows so that other students could use them. Sunghoon followed, standing diagonally to the second group. Only a few feet to the right of the target, ☁️ caught Hoshino’s gaze and immediately looked away.
The teacher began shouting commands as Sunghoon’s gaze didn’t come off of the window in the distance. The teacher stood behind the engrossed students as he called out, despite not seeing the actual target.
“There he is.” Sunghoon muttered, jogging a few steps forward and walking towards the window. ☁️ looked over to see a tall boy in a black school suit towering behind the students standing against the wall. His mahogany hair blew in the wind as his steady gaze didn’t leave Sunghoon’s. It was an eerie scene, one that filled ☁️ with fear as the stranger peeked into the room.
☁️ flinched as droplets of red sprinkled across the face and neck possessed. Pinned against the target, Sunghoon twitched as red trickled down his body. Perceiving the horror a few feet in the distance, ☁️ cupped a hand over the mouth that gasped. The students holding bows cried out or turned around to avoid the scene. Those sitting against the window all stood up, some covering their eyes and some rushing over to get a better look. The man on the other side of the window was no longer present.
“What the hell..” The teacher choked, stepping through the line of students to see Sunghoon impaled by their arrows. With a throat becoming drier by the second, ☁️ walked over to the line of students. Arrows had gone through Sunghoon’s eye, neck, shoulder, stomach, leg, and both sides of his arms. Someone behind ☁️ threw up.
“What the hell did you do..” The teacher croaked again, looking at the students beside ☁️.
“You said to shoot!” One girl cried out.
“He just ran in front of the board. It wasn’t our fault.” Another boy muttered.
☁️ turned to see Hoshino approach Sunghoon’s body- it no longer twitching.
“We’ll just get rid of the body. Guys, help me get him off of this.”
“The hell are you talking about?” One of his mob members shouted, his voice shaky.
“Unless you all wanna go to jail, I suggest you help get rid of the body.” Hoshino shouted back, him then slowly removing each arrow from Sunghoon’s body. A few boys walked beside him, helping the boy set Sunghoon’s lifeless figure onto the floor.
“Someone get the tarp cover from the equipment room.” Hoshino ordered after turning his head, glaring at the crowd that now stood behind him. A girl beside ☁️ nodded and sprinted over to the room.
“Nobody go anywhere! We are not getting rid of anything!” The teacher roared, pushing a few of the boys surrounding Hoshino away from Sunghoon’s body. Hoshino quickly stood up, pulling a switchblade from his back pocket and holding it at the teacher’s neck.
“Either you help us or you suffer the same fate.” Hoshino looked around. “That goes for everyone!”
The girl ran back with a black tarp, unraveling it so that Hoshino’s members could drag Sunghoon onto it.
“What the fuck is happening.” ☁️ whispered to himself, watching as other students began helping to wrap the body.
“This is so fucked up.” A boy beside ☁️ whispered in response.
“There’s a door leading outside in the equipment room, right?” Hoshino asked the teacher, his switchblade still pointed at him. The teacher simply nodded his head.
“Alright, everyone outside! Now!” Hoshino yelled, jogging over to his members. He whispered to them before turning to the crowd of students. Pointing to the tarp, he called out again. “I need a few people to carry this into the mountain.”
Students stepped up and kneeled beside the tarp cover. Lifting it, they began into the equipment room, guided by two of Hoshino’s members. Hoshino stood behind, watching as everyone filed into the room and out the door. ☁️ was the one of the last students to leave, exhaling upon observing the small puddle of blood that dripped down the target and onto the floor.
“Go.” Hoshino said, waving the switchblade at ☁️ as he and the teacher walked passed. ☁️ followed them into the room and out of the metal door, one of Hoshino’s members then closing the door behind them. ☁️ watched as the group walked into the forested area a few feet in the distance, barely trailing behind. Hoshino noticed, him turning around and walking towards ☁️.
“I guess I need to chaperone you.” Hoshino muttered upon gripping ☁️’s arm, the two of them then rushing up the hill and through the forest. They eventually caught up to the group, a fire having been started. Hoshino let go of ☁️ after he stood beside his members.
“We’re going to give everyone a part to hide. If your part gets found, you’re dead. After you hide it, and hide it well, you can go home. Wash your hands and clothes immediately. The teacher and my group will clean the gymnasium- if you’d like to help you can. Everyone understand?” Hoshino shouted, watching as most of the class nodded their heads. He then began unwrapping the body with the help of a few other students. ☁️ had to turn around upon seeing Hoshino’s men begin digging their knives into the boy’s already decomposing body.
A few minutes had passed since the boys had begun severing, and ☁️ remained opposite to them. People began walking away with small parts of Sunghoon in their hands. One with a few fingers and another with his two ears. It made ☁️ want to gag at the sight, but the shock taking over ☁️’s body prevented anything further from happening.
“Hey, ☁️.”
☁️ turned around to see Hoshino standing in the way of what remained of Sunghoon’s body. Avoiding eye contact, ☁️ noticed the organs in the boy’s hands.
“Since you were closest with him, I’m giving you his heart and brain.”
Looking to the right, ☁️ felt Hoshino drop the organs into open hands.
“If it makes you feel better, I was going to do it eventually. Maybe I could make it up to you sometime.” Hoshino sighed, seemingly displeased with the lack of acknowledgment he was receiving. ☁️’s eye twitched in response to his words.
“You could never.”
☁️ turned back around, continuing aimlessly into the forest. Attempting to go back the way the group came to avoid getting lost, ☁️ trudged down the hill they walked up- finding a dirt path. ☁️ walked down it, finding a gorgeous stone bridge. A stream flowed heavily below the structure, though, ☁️ didn’t have the heart to throw the items into it. Instead, ☁️ walked across the bridge and sat in the grass- a foot away from where the water rushed through. It was then that ☁️ noticed the flat surface under the bridge’s abutment, untouched by the roaring water. Walking over to it, the space was only a little shorter than ☁️. With a deep breath, ☁️ kneeled down and climbed onto the stone surface, placing the brain and heart beside each other.
Hoshino’s words replayed in ☁️’s head. Walking back onto the bridge, ☁️ took a few steps forward and rested heavy arms on the cool stone structure. If even Hoshino noticed Sunghoon and ‘em spending a lot of time together, then ☁️ assumed that everyone had noticed, as well. Though, in reality, ☁️ and Sunghoon never really got close. He would only accompany ☁️ at lunch and on the walk home, and even then, their conversations were never in-depth. Still, ☁️ was fearful of what was to come. If someone were to find out, then what would happen? Sunghoon’s family will be looking for him, right? How is Hoshino going to keep everyone quiet? And why would Sunghoon act so carelessly upon seeing that boy? What made him so important?
Lost in the roaring of the waters, ☁️ didn’t notice a boy walk behind ‘em. The boy stopped a few feet away, leaning onto the guardrail and looking out into the distance. Upon glancing over, ☁️ recognized the boy’s mahogany hair. Both shocked and a bit scared, ☁️ took a step back.
“You know,..” The boy began. “..you really shouldn’t worry. He’ll be back.”
The boy turned to ☁️, pushing off of the bridge’s stone guardrail and walking over to ‘em. He held out his lengthy hand, which ☁️ took hesitantly and shook lightly. “My name is Heeseung.”
“☁️…. And what do you mean?”
“Sunghoon. You’ll know when he’s back, and when he is, you better spend that time with him wisely.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You’re not going to. And that’s okay.”
The two sat in silence before Heeseung continued.
“Your school’s going to be a shit show for a while. Try not to die, otherwise there’d be nobody to welcome Sunghoon back.”
“Who are you?” ☁️ growled, taking another step back.
“Who was Sunghoon?” Heeseung replied, his voice just as monotonous as Sunghoon’s was.
☁️ remained silent, unsure of how to respond. Thinking about it.. they were something like friends, and ☁️ considered Sunghoon to be.. many things. ☁️’s crush amongst those many things.
“I’ll be around when you find out. Good luck.”
Heeseung strolled backwards as he and ☁️ kept gazes on each-other, him eventually turning around and continuing across the bridge. ☁️ watched his figure become smaller as he walked up the hill, fading behind the trees.
It seemed that people had become lost in their flawed tendencies since the new student’s arrival; His enigmatic spirit and flawless features made him impossible to miss- enchanting students and teachers alike. Uncanny in many ways, the boy’s name was Sunghoon, and even in his death, his curse remained potent.
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a/n: i have a part 2 ready but let’s see how this does ! writing gn is also different and a bit challenging- next time I’ll just write saying ‘you’ bc it’s 100x easier. n e ways i hope u liked it, ik it’s different than what i usually write :,) don’t let this flop pls
likes, comments, & reblogs r appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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99 notes · View notes
certifiablyseth · 1 month
Warnings: Petty behavior, light not sfw themes, but soooo minimal.
Leona Kingscholar
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When he's jealous
Tries to play it off.
You really think he gives a shit who you talk to? He has better things to do than to worry about where you are and who you're hanging out with.
If that sounded like bullshit to you, that's because it is.
Involuntary grunts whenever you bring up someone who he's feels threatens your relationship in anyway.
Leona: Where were you this afternoon?
You: Oh, I wanted to shopping so Vil and I-
Leona: *low growl*
You: Excuse me?
Leona: Tch- Whatever.
Starts tagging along to thing he really doesn't want to go to or do because he wants to be close keep an eye on you. So next time you go shopping with Vil, Leona's sitting out front with the bags. And you know what, take his card and pay for all your own things, don't let Vil treat you.
Doesn't communicate what makes him unhappy, expects you to read his mind and ultimately stop hanging out with people that aren't him, or at least people he approves of. Leona doesn't like Malleus or Vil because he finds them threatening to your relationship.
Leona's appeased easily enough though. Just make it obvious that he's your number one and he'll settle down and stop being so grumpy. Tell him that there's no way you would even consider anyone else. Tell him you think he's perfect the way he is and Leona just might start purring.
When you're jealous
Oh sweet precious herbivore. You have nothing to worry about. Probably. But he’s entirely tooo flattered.
Thankfully Leona's too lazy to cheat so you really have nothing worry about. It’s already a lot of work keeping you happy, so Leona isn’t about to try twice as hard to keep a side piece.
Doesn’t even remotely entertain the attention of others. Like it’s actually so hard to turn his head. He just wants to sleep, preferably next to his herbivore, please and thank you.
He does however think your jealousy is hot.
“Hey herbivore, why don’t you show ‘em who I belong to.”
Wants you to mark your territory. Take him a little rough, leave hickeys, scratch his back. He’ll remark that it’s troublesome but won’t make any effort to cover anything up. Wears them as badges of honor.
So no he wasn't texting anyone else, or making plans with another person, or being particularly sneaky. He just wants to play chess on his phone and cuddle with you.
Cater Diamond
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When he's jealous
The WORST. Turns into the world’s pettiest bitch. It’s like you’ve already dumped him.
Pouts. Sulks. Whines.
Get's a little childish. "Wouldn't you rather go hangout with your future boyfriend. 😒"
When you tell him he's being ridiculous he gets upset and defensive.
Give's cling wrap a run for its money. Starts hanging on your in public, especially around the person in question.
He was already shameless about PDA in public but when his hand starts creeping down towards your ass, while you make out on a park bench you have to give him a proper scolding. And know Cater, he's timed it perfectly so that the interloper in your relationship is passing by for class just at the right time to catch your heady make out session.
Other people likely intervene before Cater has a mature discussion with you about his jealousy because he's likely become a bit insufferable complaining about you and or this other person/people taking up your time and or attention to his friends.
Trey probably approaches you like, "uh, can you please tell Cater you're not gonna leave him for whoever?" Because he's getting on everyone's nerves with the complaining and comparing of social media profiles. Trey will make you a cake, whatever you want, just shut him up.
When you're jealous
Hot. Like soooo hot.
Makes you jealous on purpose because he finds the way you get a little possessive hot.
If you don't get jealous, its much the same as part one. He gets pouty and whiny, about how you don't really love him if you're just letting him get brazenly felt up by some random person. (He's never actually been groped but you know your man is prone to hyperbole)
When you're jealous he wants you to take control, but him in his place, gently, but passionately please.
"Sorry my partner says no," Loudly turns the other person down. Proclaims he's a taken man and that you wouldn't approve of him hanging out with them.
"But even if I wasn't taken, the answer would still be no." He's rude. And you should scold him for it.
But also praise him because look at what a good boyfriend he is, turning down his other suitors for you.
Cater thinks he's due for a little reward, don't you think?
Vil Schoenheit
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When he's jealous
Watch the fuck out. Tartarus hath no fury like a Vil scorned.
He gets better about it with time, but not really. If you make Vil jealous he's going to directly confront the perceived threat to your relationship to assess the danger level.
"Hello my love, who's this?" He fights the urge to call the offender a "potato."
Gets moody with you. How could you even entertain the thought of another with the most beautiful man in the world warming your bed.
Now Vil won't get jealous of every other attractive person you come across (unless he knows for a fact this person has eyes for you.) He's not nearly that insecure but when random people start cutting into your time with him that's what he'll really make a stink about.
He's already so busy and his time is so limited, so when you go off with anyone when he has free time to be with you, he gets pissed.
Vil swears he not trying to monopolize your time but can't you see them when he's busy? He carved out this time especially for you, he believes he's owed your attention.
This is where he'll get especially petty. Oh you were going out with friends this afternoon, well he just happened to have booked a surprise spa day for you both, but he supposes he can cancel. He doesn't know when he'll get another day off but if you'd really rather go with your friends. Do not under any circumstance go with your friend if you want to keep your boyfriend
And while he's petty Vil will be very vocal about his disapproval, he won't leave you to read his mind. However, if after multiple conversations about not spending time with him on his limited days off, your relationship will be in jeopardy.
Don't make him repeat himself.
When you're jealous
Oh you sweet little darling. You're jealous of all of this attention from adoring fans who would happily destroy the life you've built together just for the chance to sniff his socks? Don't be silly. Vil would never entertain the thought of another when he has you. He's far too loyal and principled, he'll tell you if there's a problem in your relationship long before he would ever be compelled to cheat.
But also, while he'll say these sweet placating words "you're the only one for me," "how could I even look at another when I have you etc."
However don't you dare stop getting jealous. You'll have to pace it out. Too jealous and Vil will get annoyed and likely want to leave the relationship, but also know Vil is entirely that bitch who gets turned on by your jealousy.
He's a little toxic in his belief that your jealousy means you love him, that the passion in your relationship is still alive and burning hot. So if you're not acting jealously in circumstances where it absolutely makes sense for you to feel jealous he gets concerned. What do you mean you trust him to respect the fidelity of your relationship? Are you cheating? When did you stop caring about him?
"I don't like the way they look at you. Don't they understand that you're mine..."
Wrap your arms around him, nuzzle into his chest and say those words to Vil and he'll promptly need to adjust his slacks. Please show him how he's yours. He's not very fond of being submissive but if you're passionately displaying your affection while pleading for his attention he'll avoid exerting control...too much. Cover him in kisses, don't mark him-, but feel free to get a little handsy. He'll allow it just this once.
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certifiablyseth · 1 month
Oooooh Malleus getting a polaroid present from you... At first he doesn't understand what it is and how to use it, but after fumbling around, accidentally hitting the shutter, and promptly printing a blurred photo of a close up of his nose, he feels an overwhelming rush of epiphany flood his entire being.
And so he begins his photography career. He has copies of each of his favorite gargoyles with their names, date of creation, and their sculptor's names scribbled in the space below. He takes photos of every ice cream flavor he likes. He has a collection of portraits of the people he loves; Sebek and Silver all having stiff shots of whole body salute poses as well as face portraits that could pass as ID pictures, and Lilia posing in anything and everything except for a single normal one.
And of course, he takes photos of you. Lots and lots of photos of you.
🐉: "May I take a photo of you beside this gargoyle?"
🐉: "Stay still. Yes, like that. You look spectacular in a lab coat."
🐉: "May I take a photo of you when you fall asleep later?"
🐉: "I have a request. Might you unbutton your shirt a bit more? Yes, like that. I would like a reminder of a bit more of your beauty."
🐉: "Are you off to take a bath? Then, when you undress, may I--"
🌸: "I think we're inching to a completely different photography genre at this rate."
He sticks to more innocent requests for a grand total of three days before asking again.
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certifiablyseth · 1 month
In regard to interspecies romance
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Humans have a fairly easy time pursuing the other species in Twisted Wonderland, though there are exceptions to that rule.
multi (separate) x reader [wc] - 2,252 [note] - one of the first things i ever wrote, though i never posted cause i didnt edit it. thought i would anyways cause its kinda cute. Edited 12/14/23 to add a readmore
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Despite their animal like tendencies and courting methods, it's incredibly common to see human-beastmen couples and families. Perhaps it's due to how similar their behaviors are to their animal counterparts, but humans are fond of how beastmen flirt and display affection. Beastmen are offended by the comparison, but it's hard to deny how similar, and cute, they are to the common wolf, hyena, or lion.
Wolf and other canine beastmen enjoy being close to their mates. They like to be physically affectionate, almost playful with their partners. They'll nuzzle into the crook of their neck—no matter how much bigger they are compared to their human—lean against them when they walk, and will happily be by their beloved's sided at all times. Furthermore, they primarily show their effectiveness as partners by being great providers, regardless of gender, and showing off how tight-knit their packs are. After all, family is very important to them, and they'll expect to have one, no matter how big or small, with their partner in the future.
If you catch Ruggie trying to slyly and smoothly place a hand on the small of you back when moving through crowds, no you don't. If a person notices Jack momentarily grabbing (gingerly, mind you) your sides as he slips behind you to reach the potion ingredient on the shelf above you, don't mention how his touch lingers ever so slightly. Maybe take it with a grain of salt when Jack tries to invite you to visit his family over break, as friends, of course. And when Ruggie brags to you about how well he watched over the neighborhood kids growing up, how he'd make for a great family man, it's all hypothetical.
Feline beastmen are more reserved in their affections in public, especially compared to canines, and even more so for lion beastmen. It's more common for them to show affection in more subtle manners, such as buying their partner's food and drinks without being asked, going out of their way to help them when they're struggling at school or work, and are able to spend hours just in their general vicinity. As long as their beloved is around, they're happy. In private, though, expect to have their entire body draped over them, weight and all, shoved into their personal space to the point that it becomes a foreign concept. Leona embodies this to his entire core, too prideful to perform PDA, but just prideful enough that he knows he can take up all your time and space with no consequence. Unless that consequence is your love and affection, which he supposes he could suffer through if you hear him purring, don't point it out.
All lion beastmen hold their pride close to their heart (no matter how much a certain prince would deny it) and their partner is no exception. Their pride is an intrinsically developed social network made of an extended, but closed family network. It requires all new partners to be carefully and slowly introduced to the rest of the pride, more so in Leona's case due to the royal family being traditionally made up of Sunset Savana nobility. You won't be the first non-beastmen, but are the first foreigner in a very long time to be introduced. Don't worry, though, Leona is nothing if not patient, and his family are just happy to know that he's found someone.
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On the other end of the spectrum, however, are human-fae relations. Uncommon, though not for a lack of trying on humans' parts, due to most of the fairfolk residing in the isolated Briar Valley. The complicated history between the two species, ancient to humans but still relatively fresh for fae, doesn't help either. There's also the unfortunate consequence of humankind's rather short lifespans compared to the average 1,000-year lifespan of the fae. Unless the fae is in their final hundred or so years, they'll almost always outlive their partner without magical interference.
It's not impossible though, and as younger fairfolk leave the valley to explore the world, more marriages have resulted in half-fae children, both human and beastmen. As partners, fae are devoted to the health and safety of their loved ones. Increasing tenfold into nearly coddling territory with non-fae. Compared to them, their humans and beastmen are awfully fragile and naive, and require their protection. This can cause animosity between them, however, and only fae that are willing to learn and change their old ways result in happy, long-lived marriages.
They're also generally known to have lengthy courting methods: not dating, that implies something casual, no they court. Once they've established interest in you, their end goal is marriage, no ifs, ands, or buts. Fairfolk are generous with gifting during courtship: all gifts are about an equal-exchange and your acceptance of their gifts is a reciprocation of their feelings. At the end of the courtship, you can expect a small feast to be displayed at a ceremony held between their and your family. This is an especially important ceremony when courting humans and beastmen: fairy food can often cause lasting damages to those that consume it without permission. By offering their food to you and your kin, they are welcoming you into their world and telling you that they will never intentionally bestow harm to you or your kin. If you choose to accept the food, then you agree to do the same til the end of your days.
Lilia is a strange case, having already lived a long life and being well traveled, a gleeful participant in the strange customs and traditions of humans and beastmen. He'd much rather participate in other's dating and courtship rituals than his own people's. It's fascinating how fleeting the process can be, yet it can result in everlasting devotion. Don't mistake his flexible nature for disinterest, however. He's still a fae, and if you start finding silly little knickknacks of his on their desk, you can expect to never be rid of him.
The Draconia family-line is steadfast in their traditions, even if Lilia raised the latest prince. So don't expect anything other than the previously explained rituals from Malleus, even if you're not aware of them. Taking gems, jewelry, and clothing made of the finest material you'll ever lay hands from his hoard means little to him if it means you'll accept the gift (and him). Even if you aren't aware of how courtship works, the moment you pick up the black ring with the big oval emerald and Briar Valley crest, you're practically engaged in his eyes.
The courtship is long, even for Malleus who was one step away at every turn to skip over the entire thing in favor of just eloping. All for the person who decided that the great and terrifying Malleus Draconia was actually just a simple Mr. Hornton, a friend, companion who just wanted someone to stay by his side. If it means calling you his spouse, his fellow ruler, and the only love of his life even a moment sooner, then he'd be willing to throw tradition and ritual out of the very tall tower window just to do so.
Many years later, when you reminiscing how the two of you first met, and how long it took you to notice his feelings, you'll offhandedly mention the random gifts you found at your doorstep. How you wish you knew who was leaving those precious stones and golden amulets with no indication on who the admirer was. Upon further questioning, you'll tell him that you didn't even know you were being courted until two months into the ritual. It'll then click in Malleus's mind how utterly lucky he was that the two of you even got together in the first place.
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It may be surprising, but human-mer relations have been extraordinarily rare. Only a handful of them have popped up since the times of the Sea Princess, who left her home for a human prince. In fact, you could probably count them on one hand! Perhaps this is due to the difficulties of having a romance between land dwellers and undersea folk; after all, it's much easier for humans, fae, and beastmen to interact when they all live on land. Merfolk can come up to the surface, and have been doing moreso in the last century, but having a relationship with someone who quite literally could not breathe in the same air/water as you is near impossible. At least, not without significant effort on one or the other's part.
Nearly all the human-mer romances that have occurred in history resulted in either one or the other abandoning their home to turn into a human/mer and live the rest of their days with their love in their new world. Certainly a romantic notion to be sure, but it most definitely require their love to be truly eternal. Or else you might run the risk of resentment brewing between the two. With a slowly growing need to easy access transformation potions and spells for business and diplomatic reasons, such romance is not far from reach, at least for those with money to spare. The next issue though would be the significant difference between land dweller and undersea folk's courting methods.
Perhaps it can be contributed to the more...feral nature of merfolk. Most of them still retain more animalistic features and behaviors than the average beastman. The twins are no exception to this. Even if you were to remove their claws, mucus covered skin, and 6-ft tail, you're still left with eyes suited for a deep-sea predator, nose that can smell the tiniest drop of blood in a pool, and rows of razor sharp teeth begging to bite down on your neck. The deep-sea is not only cold, but quite ruthless. So, it'll probably come as no surprise that moray eels will prove themselves as suitable partners by fighting either their competitors or you. If they can prove that they can hold their own, protect you from the horrors of the deep, then they have the right to go for your heart. That's not to say softer sentiments don't exist, and while similar the twins are still two separate people with different tastes. These tastes show during courting, though mers have a more casual date-like ritual.
Like fae, merfolk court via gifts, particularly handmade or ones they found themselves, and Floyd is awfully fond if gifting you the strangest things. A tooth that was knocked out from the student who shoved you a little too hard, a rock you tripped over in P.E., or a sand dollar he found on a trip to the beach were a few of the many items he gave you. Jade is similar, though he's more fond of making his own gifts. A necklace made of seashells found at the beach you had your first date in, a terrarium he made from plants that remind him of you, but your favorite was the small garden he started tending to on your kitchen windowsill. Breakfast was particularly delicious when made with his fresh mushrooms. Expect soon after the gifts lots of physical affection, public and private.
Don't be mistaken, they'll still bully you. But each of Floyd's bone-crushing hugs will be accompanied by a soft headbump from his forehead to yours. Jade's teasing, mean remarks will follow with a swift, sweet peck to your knuckles. They'll grab your notebook and hold it above their head until you agree to give them a kiss or punch them in the stomach, both are acceptable responses. Be a little mean back, they like the idea of a sweet and cute little human that can throw a punch. Your their sweet little human, and you make life in the deep exciting. Just don't ask about their flushed face every time they see you yawn, they aren't quite ready to explain that one yet.
Azul intensely studied a variety of topics before coming to land, even briefly glossing over dating, romance, and marriage before deciding he wouldn't need it anytime soon. He regretted that soon after meeting you, though he made do with what he knew. And what he knew as food. A combination of octo-mer courtship and being the son of a cook, Azul will discreetly court you by personally cooking and feeding you your favorite meals. It's the result of the dangers of ancient octo-mers eating their spouses after mating. Afterall you can't eat more if your already full. While not something they have to worry about now, it's an old ritual still used today, Azul has hear the way to a person's heart is their stomach and can wholeheartedly agree.
What's surprised you the most was what followed after, especially for someone as physically reserved as Azul: octo-mers are extremely clingy and affectionate. He doesn't have the heart to do anything more than handholding and chaste kisses to your cheeks in public, but he yearns to wrap all 8 tentacles and two arms around you so tightly that your gasping for a breath that he steals with his lips. He won't mention it, but he can taste the salt from your skin and the pulse from your wrists with his suckers. Take it from someone who grew up with a refined palate, he thinks your taste is equivalent to ambrosia from the gods, though that might be the lovesickness speaking.
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i have a hard time writing savanaclaw for some reason, but imma working on it now! also tagging for all the guys is stressful idk what i should enter, like fullname or just first name idk man!! pls reblog and comment! lmk what you time, xoxo
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certifiablyseth · 1 month
when their tsum courts their crush
I write reader as female
i love the fact that tsum tsum deuce is basically delinquent deuce, only smaller and cuddlier
like deuce explains, he’s very aggressive and quick to anger - it has no impulse control and can and will fight (i.e. headbutt/drop itsy bitsy cauldrons on) anyone 
like, unlike its human counterpart, it doesn’t even pretend to behave or be seen in a positive light, let alone act like the model student deuce is aiming for
but, like all things, there is an exception - and that, dear prefect, is you
you see, tsum deuce is an absolute terror to everyone - everyone except you
in fact, the second it sees you entering the rose maze (trey had you on speed dial the second tsum deuce appeared - everyone say ‘thank you, trey’) it comes bounding over to you and just leaps into your arms
and it just…stays there, all happy and content
and you just look down at this tiny, happy little angelic bean in your hands whilst every single person in heartslabyul is just gawking at how this demon just did a complete 180 degrees personality flip the second you showed up
human deuce is absolutely red faced and has suddenly become very interested in the grass whilst everyone is just giving him the biggest side eyes
so you, being the kind-hearted, altruistic person you are, just smile at the bean in your hands and cheerfully inform everyone that you wouldn’t mind babysitting tsum deuce until crowley finds a way home
everyone except deuce (and grim) is happy with this development
now human deuce already finds it hard to talk to girls but he especially finds it difficult whenever you’re around because he’s literally got the biggest crush on you and has been dying to confess but is way too shy to
but tsum deuce? tsum deuce has no such inhibitions
it will cuddle and snuggle and nuzzle up to you, rubbing against your cheek as it sits on your shoulder or hands as it rests in your palms
tsum deuce likes to grow big so that it can 1) be carried around in that child hug carry that parents do and 2) sit on your lap like a bond villain cat so that you can stroke its head and body
human deuce is not happy with either of these
like tsum deuce is just basking in your endless affection and endeared giggles whilst deuce is suffering so much that even ace gives him somewhat-sincere consoling pats on the back whenever you’d call the little tsum ‘sweetheart’ or ‘dear’ or ‘poppet’ or ‘darling or ‘angel’ or ‘cutie’ - and the list goes on…
what’s worse is that whenever you’re not looking it gives the most deadliest glare to its counterpart and when you turn around it looks back at you like ♡✧(^ ᴗ ^)✧♡
like deuce knows that he’s supposed to keep his head down and nose clean like a good little honour student but his delinquent switch is wobbly on even the best of days and seeing you be so happily touchy-feely with that smug little rascal really does not help those buried instincts
don’t get him wrong, he’s flustered beyond belief at the sight of you being so affectionate to his lookalike but his annoyance and jealousy take precedence 
it all comes to a head when the cheeky bugger decides that its had enough of just receiving your kisses and just full on plants his ‘mouth’ on your lips
it takes everything in deuce to not full on punt it into the sun - especially when you look so flustered as a result, a gorgeous blush spreading across your features as you giggle at the little thing
deuce narrows his eyes - game on
@disney when are we getting tsum tsum ace? He’s the only first year to not have a marketable plushie
now ace has no problem with you being affectionate to his tsum
at first
you see ace and his tsum get along very well since they have very similar personalities
the two knaves of hearts just love causing trouble and making mischief together 
but being so similar means that at some point they’ve got to clash 
and clash they do >:)
when you come strolling in, tsum ace happily greets you and you, having been filled in on the situation (“thank you, Trey”), are more than happy to keep it entertained so you pet it and coddle it and dole out your sweet affection
and, honestly, it was a huge ego boost to see his crush being so sweet with a smaller version of himself 
of course, he’s going to be all ace about it and tease you like “why are you so affectionate with mini me? do you have a crush on me or something? don’t worry, i understand - i guess i’m too irresistible even as a tsum” with his signature grin
but then the novelty is very quick to wear off when practically all of your attention is being given to the little bean - especially when he realises that his tsum has just as big as a crush on you as he does, and he’s very quick to act on it
like human ace, tsum ace flirts by peacocking, living off of your praise like it’s the oxygen it breathes
and unlike human ace, tsum ace doesn’t tease you, which kind of gives him a head start 
basically tsum ace is an ace who doesn’t hide his insecurities and feelings for you behind a guarded wall of playful teasing and fake carelessness
it would show off by doing card tricks for you, using its own miniature deck it got from seven knows where to do all sorts of tricks - that do genuinely impress you 
and with every successful trick you’d clap your hands with stars in your eyes and fondly coo at it
and it would eat all of your praise up – with every flirty behaviour you would enable it with more positive reinforcement, spurring it to get bolder and bolder and ace is absolutely dying next to you
ace has a habit of ruffling your hair so tsum ace likes to sit on your head as you go about your day and everyone can swear they see sparkles surrounding the two of you
(ace doesn’t notice because that’s what you look like to him anyway)
you even gave mini ace the glacé cherry on the iced bun you had for dessert that day, hand-feeding the sweet fruit right into the little tsum’s mouth right in front of Ace’s cherry pie (and no, not even the taste of his favourite food can wash away the bitterness corroding his tongue at the sight of you and his tsum getting all buddy-buddy, not when something so much sweeter is just out of his reach)
quit paying attention to it! doesn’t it have its own y/n to flirt with?!
then, at one point, tsum ace has conjured up a tiny rose and has gifted it to you
“for me,” you smile at the tsum and the tsum nods, happily jumping up and down in front of you, “oh you shouldn’t have.”
you carefully take the rose from the tsum and gently pick the tsum up and place a kiss right on its head
“thank you, tsum ace,” you say, giggling with fondness, “that’s for being such a sweetheart.”
ace’s hand clenches around his magic pen and he swears right then and there that it’s no more mister nice guy – no more hiding behind poorly crafted taunts in fear of what ifs
he’s confessing to you by the end of the day even if it kills him
honestly, leona couldn’t care less about the little things that came from the sky - not his circus, not his monkeys
though he was kind of miffed when his dorm thought he had turned into that stubby little thing 
he’s surrounded by idiots
he just palmed his own tsum off to ruggie and went off to the botanical gardens to nap
it was during one of his relaxation sessions that he heard your voice, only you were talking to someone 
turns out that ‘someone’ was his own tsum that was happily snoozing on your shoulder
apparently the little guy didn’t take kindly to being babysat by ruggie so it literally hunted you down and refused to leave your side
you didn’t see any problem with this
so you just continued on with your day with a tiny version of the big kitty of savanaclaw 
please understand that leona is a very jealous and greedy lion - he gets incredibly possessive if stray cats get close to you, let alone when you shower Grim with your affection - and now there’s an equally as greedy mini leona that’s demanding your attention
like it made it clear that it was trying to monopolize your attention, tail swaying in delight as you would pet its head or play with its ears - all things that you’d do with the bigger leona
it would jump up and press its head against your forehead, cheeks and mouth so you would kiss it back with your own lips (and leona just looks at the little judas all betrayed because you’ve never kissed him ever and he’s just so angry and jealous that he doesn’t even tease you about it)
so instead of spending time with him, where he rests his head on your thighs as you weave your fingers through his hair, you’re playing around with the tsum, giving it the affection that was rightfully his
at one point, it was still dozing off so you placed it nice and snug in the breast pocket of your blouse, making Leona’s right eye twitch uncontrollably when he could tell that the little deviant wasn’t even actually sleeping
honestly, he scoffs, faking sleep is the oldest trick in the book - and he knows that because he uses it on you all the time
you even played chess with it, and to leona’s surprise it was actually pretty good, only his slight amusement at watching you lose was tainted by how you were suddenly praising it for being such a good player - he’s good too! praise him!
he had finally reached his limit when his tiny doppelganger used its growing abilities to be large enough for you to wrap your arms around and bury your face into, your lovely features smiling in content as you happily sleep, unaware of the burning jealousy and intense scowl leona is giving the tsum in your embrace, or of the smug satisfaction said tsum is radiating
now leona is a man of strategy, of patiently waiting until it’s the right time to pounce, so for now he’ll just settle at baring his fangs at the little runt - he’s spent his entire life being second best (both to his brother, his nephew, that damned lizard), there is no way he’s going to be outshone by a furball that has no idea of the hierarchy of the food chain here. you’re the one thing in his life that he refuses to have taken away, even if it is by himself
and when you wake up?
you better be prepared
tsum tsum idia is such a sweetheart
while it does have idia’s social anxiety, he does hang around with you through the halls though by ‘hang around’ he’s usually buried in your pockets
tsum idia doesn’t have og idia’s fire hair but it does run naturally warm, which makes it the perfect warm pillow for you to snuggle with
idia didn’t have any strong feelings for his tsum. ortho loved it and it made you happy and that was it.
but it soon became a problem when it made you too happy
you see, idia had made a tiny little tablet so that you could play with the tsum whilst he was busy doing one of his own games
and like his counterpart, the tsum was good
too good
so good that you kept on praising it and snuggling with it every time it won
and apparently the tsum was in possession of some preloaded charm stats because it would keep on endearing you by texting you blue heart emojis or cute stickers that would make you coo at it
and watching you be so outwardly affectionate to someone that wasn’t ortho or grim definitely stung inside
even if that someone was a cuter, cuddlier, plush bean version of himself
so he just amped up the volume in his headset to drown out the sounds of your laughter and continued playing as he internally lamented how he was such a boring otaku that even a tsum has better moves than him
when it got late and you were about to leave (much to idia’s disappointment), you stood up only for the tsum to jump onto your shoulder and happily jump in place
“oh,” you giggle, “do you want to come to ramshackle with me?”
the tsum jumped up and down, indicating yes
“alright then,” you smile and turn to idia, “i guess we’ll see yo-”
“no-” he blurted out, the ends of his hair bursting into pink at the sudden silence that envelops the room, “i-i mean, you can stay. here. not here my room here - like here in ignihyde here. we have a spare room. unless you’d like to sleep over here in my room. if you want to that is. you don’t have to if you don’t want to infactyoucanforgetievensaidanythingohmysevenwhydidihavetoopenmymouth-”
“it’s okay, idia, i understand,” you say, “looks like we’re having a sleepover!”
maybe he should be a bit braver more often
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certifiablyseth · 1 month
“A hug on a rough day” with Riddle Rosehearts
Despite swearing he’d never initiate physical touch without permission, he did once
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He hadn't been sleeping properly after his overblot. Even with all the counseling and assistance, he still had memories. No amount of therapy could remove that image from his mind. He ruined his image and reputation. The perception of everyone that he was the model student was surely down the drain.
Still, you were there. Offering a shoulder to lean on, not that he took you up on the offer. He didn't want to be seen as a child too. Nor did he want to take advantage of your kindness in his fragile state.
You were in your dorm room when you heard a knock on the door. It was past ten pm. Unusual for any student at this time, even for the weekend. Sliding out of your bed, going to answer the door.
Immediately, upon opening the door, you were collided into. You almost lost your footing, but the figure was surprisingly light. You saw red in the dim moonlight.
"Riddle?" He was shaking slightly. His breath felt uneven through the way his chest was rising and falling against you.
You tried to pull him back by his shoulders in order to see his face, but he didn't let you. With his arms wrapped tightly around your neck. You never pictured something like this happening. " . . . " He still offered no words for explanation.
"What hap- ,"
"I decided to take you up on your offer." His voice was a whisper. You just smiled, thankful it was late enough for no one to hear or notice you two. Even with the open door from when he entered. "I'd like to stay like this for a bit, if that's alright."
"Of course," and you hugged him a little tighter.
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certifiablyseth · 1 month
🙋 Let Me! | Savanaclaw x Reader
>> requested: yes, by an anon >> a/n: this request was from march 7th erm.
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>> masterlist: here!! >> summary: you ask them if you can pet their ears/tail (separate) >> reader prns: they/them >> warning(s): none!!
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Leona Kingscholar was not one for letting people touch him, much less petting.
But, when you asked in this godforsaken tone, he somehow couldn't refuse you. The two of you are in the botanical garden—one of his favorite spots—and his head is on your lap while you pet his ears. He can't help but purr the tiniest amount. If you tell anyone he swears that he'll kill you (he won't).
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Ruggie Bucchi does not mind petting quite as much as Leona does.
It is something that you want, though, and he'll happily oblige. He'll use his unique magic to make you pet him in all the right spots, and also stop you from doing things he doesn't want. After a while, he's perfectly content with the place he's in. Only after the fact does he think he could have made a quick thaumark or two.
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Jack Howl does not know how to say yes without sounding too eager.
A blush is heavy on his cheeks as you ask the question, and his whole face turns red as he says yes in a gruff tone. You have to stretch to reach the top of his head, petting his ears softly. Once his tail starts wagging, you start to pet that too. But, Jack snatches his tail away in a heartbeat.
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>> twst taglist: @tulipluvlettr | @strawberry-hyacinth | @oseathepebble | @wisteriainslumber | @villaim
@pastelmage | @xphantasmagoriax | @atlasnessie | @divinesapph | @ze-maki-nin
@ezr4n | @l1vyatan | @savanaclaw1996 | @enigmatic-pers-reblogs | @ruggiethethuggie
@queerlordsimon | @kyraxiyn | @rayisalive | @ravenlking | @oheyfox
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certifiablyseth · 1 month
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⋆ 𝓥𝓲𝓵 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓮𝓷𝓱𝓮𝓲𝓽: 𝓛𝓲𝓹𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼 ⋆
This is for @offorestsongs ♡ Thank you so much for being so kind when it comes to my Vil works! Your reblog of my last x Reader story featuring Vil made my day, and I appreciate it so much ♡ I hope you enjoy! ♡
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⋆ Vil sits at his vanity, a box sitting beside him. A makeup brand he likes sent him a PR box of their latest product, a lipstick that's supposed to be stain and smudge proof. They sent him a variety of colors, from a light pink to a plum purple. So many shades to choose from, so many options. Just from the swatches alone he was already in love, thinking of outfits he could pair them with. First he has to test them though, to see if they truly are stain and smudge proof like they advertise. He could do it the traditional way, using a glass or a paper towel to see if it transfers. That was his original plan before he got a text from you, letting him know you were on your way. Now he has a better idea in mind, a small smile coming to his face as he awaits your arrival.
⋆ As soon as you entered his room he asks you to take a seat, gesturing towards his bed. You sit near the edge as you watch him through the vanity mirror, applying lipstick to his lips. The color he chose was a dark red, reminding you of wine. Once he's done he turns towards you, gesturing to his face as he asks for your thoughts. The color looked good on him, darker than what he would usually wear. He seems pleased by your response as he stands, walking over to you. He takes your hand, helping you up so you're standing in front of him. He looks you over, moving some pieces of hair out of your face with a smile.
"They say this lipstick is smudge proof, you know? Stain proof too. Let's test this theory, shall we?"
⋆ He cradles your face in his hands, holding it gently as he begins lavishing you in kisses. A gentle press to the shell of your ear, to your cheeks, to your forehead and nose. A quick kiss to your chin, Vil having you tilt your head as he kisses a trail down your neck. He saves your lips for last, kissing them gently before pulling you in deeper. He doesn't break it until you both need to catch your breath, leaning back so he can see his work. He feels disappointment shoot through him as he notices no marks on your skin, realizing the lipstick truly was smudge and stain proof.
⋆ I shouldn't be disappointed, he reminds himself, the lipstick doing exactly as advertised. Yet, he knows deep down, he wanted the lipstick to smudge. To stain your skin, marking you with every press of his lips. He clears his throat, getting your attention as he turns back to his vanity.
"I have a few more I need to test, so please bare with me. Give me a minute to remove this, and apply the next one."
⋆ If he grabs a lipstick from his bag that he knows does stain, instead of one from the PR box, well...you don't need to know that. If his kisses linger more this time, you don't say anything, waiting as he checks to make sure a mark was left before moving onto the next spot. Perhaps you should help him test his lipsticks more often, he couldn't help but think, watching as you turned into a work of art before his eyes.
It's a good thing I kept this lipstick, he thought, pressing his lips against yours and finishing his work. He leans back to look you over, pleased that he got the results he wanted this time.
"Beautiful" he says to himself, unable to resist pulling you in for one last kiss ♡
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𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
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certifiablyseth · 1 month
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VIL SCHOENHEIT ── the two of you share a dance ☆ fluff, male reader, established relationship, lowercase intended, reader is not the prefect
fem aligned dni (she/they, she/her, etc)
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vil was a busy person, as a model, actor, housewarden and student at the prestigious night raven college, of course he was. even when he took time off from acting to focus on his schooling. it wasn't unusual for your boyfriend to return to his room, where you were often waiting, looking quite tired.
with vil's often-busy schedule, it had practically become routine you'd go as far to say, to wait for vil in his room, where you would likely spend the night. you certainly took advantage of this routine, just happy to see vil, especially when he relaxed after a long day. vil never protested when he found you waiting for him, nor when you would (almost always) make the decision to spend the night with him.
and like this established routine, you were once again in his room as the day turned night, laying across vil's bed and watching your boyfriend complete his nighttime skin routine. there was a radio beside him, where soft music played. vil liked to listen to music every night as he got ready for bed, quiet enough so he didn't disturb anyone so late, but loud enough to fill the silence of the room.
you had been reading before vil returned to his room, but now it remained bookmarked and forgotten as you lay at the foot of the bed, chin resting on the back of your hands and watching vil, something you did every night. sometimes he'd catch you starring, and you'd grin, to which he'd always roll his eyes and smile.
you two sat in a comfortable lack of conversation with only the music to fill the silence.
your attention momentarily switched to the radio as the song trailed off and began a new one, one that sounded more classical, like something you'd listen to while dancing. oh. you smiled, rolling off the side of the bed and to your feet. you approached your boyfriend, stopping behind him watching him finish his routine before he acknowledged you through the mirror with a questioning look.
before he could ask you what you were doing, you held out your hand and grinned, "may i have this dance?"
he blinked, turning his attention from your reflection to face you directly, his expression almost deadpan, "[name]." he said, as if asking you if you were serious. you only shrugged in response to your name, smile turning cheeky, wiggling your fingers, urging him to take your hand.
your smile grew when he shook his head and sighed, muttering, "what to do with you?" as he placed his hand in yours, but despite the rather rhetorical question, there was a fondness to his tone. you pulled vil towards you, one hand going to rest on his waist while the other laced your fingers together. you expression was quite proud as vil rested his hand on your shoulder, chuckling.
as the song that led to this played softly, you began to lead, spinning with vil slowly. vil let you, relaxing against you as you pulled him closer, chest to chest. you fell back into a lack of conversation, one comfortable as you stared at vil, rather content with just watching him.
you're no expert when it comes to waltzing, but you learned what you could, the basics, from vil for vil, so that he knew he always had a dancing partner who sort of knew what he was doing if you ever found yourselves dancing in front of a crowd. but you guys weren't in front of a crowd (or dressed in stare worthy clothing as you spun). you were just two boyfriends dressed ready for bed, holding each other in the middle of a bedroom and twirling lazily, lacking the professionalism vil would probably have if it was any other setting.
but that's exactly why, because you weren't anywhere else ── you were in his room, where vil let go of that character of confidence he put on in front of everyone else. here, where he leaned his head on your shoulder as you stepped with him and spun again and again.
and while you danced, you stared at him, head tilted enough for you to admire who you held in your arms. you were often told that your second language might as well be praising vil, always there to throw compliments of all kinds at your boyfriend, making sure he knew just how wonderful he was, even if it you didn't actually use words to say it (because you know vil). you're sure you've never once thought vil was anything but beautiful and amazing. even now, you thought vil looked ethereal ── with his hair pulled back, a little messy with the curls under blond strands, and his faced covered in a veil of white he would have to remove when morning comes.
you swore to the seven that he was the prettiest person you'd ever have the chance of meeting (and here you are, holding him, the one who got to see him like this, in what you think is his most beautiful state, although you know he'd argue.)
as the song trailed off into another, you half expected vil to call it a night, saying how you both needed sleep. but he did no such thing, remaining in your grasp. he squeezed your shoulder for a moment when you almost brought the dance to a stop, and he let you continue to twirl him around the room slowly. and you noted to yourself that perhaps he needed this. being his boyfriend, you knew well how busy he'd been, and how hard he often was on himself to be the fairest. (although you would say he already was the fairest one of all.)
as the second song faded into the third, and the third faded into the fourth, and fourth into the fifth, your already lazy waltz turned into something more of a sway in your spot, no longer spinning around the room.
you smiled at him, squeezing his waist softly as you admired him laying his head on your shoulder. you finally broke the music filled silence, whispering so as to not disturb the peace of the moment, "you're so beautiful, vil." (you say, even though the compliment was small compared to the thoughts of just how beautiful he really was, lacking the words that could began to truly express. but you suppose it will have to do.)
vil's sleep schedule was a little off that night, something that rarely, if ever, happened, unsure of how many songs the two of you had danced to. but he lacked any complaints about it ── he thinks he'll let it slide just this once.
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i had to man. managed to actually focus and write something really happy right now
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do not repost, translate, copy or run my writing through an ai
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certifiablyseth · 1 month
okay okay
how would Sebek, Leona, Silver, and Vil react if the reader got them flowers??
Breaking news: local tsunderes and a sleepy boy fall for a shrimp when they decide to give flowers to them.
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Leona Kingscholar
Out of everyone, you chose him?
Yeah, he’s pretty confused when you came up to him in the greenhouse one day
You knelt down to his face
He knew you were there and he half hoped you’d go away if he’d ignore you and half hoped you stayed
You did stay!….and poke his cheek multiple times before he cracked an eye open at you.
“What the hell is your problem herbivore?”
“For you.”
You shove a flower in his face and try run off when he sits up faster and grab your wrist
‘I’m gonna die today, goodbye Grim, goodbye Ace, Deuce…’ You think when you fall back and close your eyes shut, waiting for the time you’ll hit the floor
You fall back into the arm of the SavanaClaw housewarden and when you open one of your eyes, you’re greeted with his face close up
“I wasn’t finished talking.”
“U-uh! My bad! I just—“ You groaned. “I thought this flower reminded me of you.”
“…These are vegetables.”
“Idiot, it’s a herb.”
“Same shit.”
“Coriander, tarragon, and this isn’t even an herb, hydrangeas!”
Leona looked at the three flowers in his hand
“Why they remind you of me?”
Your face brightens yet again, whoops, you forgot about that, well not like you have anything to lose right…?
“Coriander for your hidden worth, tarragon because you make me interested, and hydrangeas because…I’m happy you understand me when everyone can’t.”
“…Really…?” He smirked at you, you have so many urges to kiss and slap him at the same time but you can’t deny the fear of just him ignoring you afterwards
“Just…say you don’t feel the same and move on. I don’t need to be lead on b—“
He kisses your hand that he had held onto
“Don’t assume I don’t feel the same.”
“You do?!”
Leona rolls his eyes and wraps his arm on your waist, pulling you close
“Shut up. Lemme sleep now.” And he knocks out, trapping you with a sleeping lion
You take a minute to appreciate his sleeping face and smile. When he wakes up, you’re sure to ask him out officially!
Rolling yourself on your other side, now you have a dilemma. With the sleeping lion trapping you with his arm…
How are you gonna get out and go to class???!
Vil Schoenheit
The queen of the Magicam app and your heart is always surrounded by people…
And if he isn’t, then Rook is there…
You were so close to pulling your own hair out whenever someone came up to Vil. You knew he was a housewarden, yes, but you needed just one moment alone!
Sighing out in defeat when yet another student came up, you just gave Rook the flowers and told him to give it to Vil later before going back to Ramshackle and complaining in your couch.
You’re grateful that Grim gave you the space you needed and went off to bother your two dorky friends
The rain pelted your window as you furiously screamed inside the cushions
A knock comes at your door, but you’re too frustrated to go open it
“Come in!”
“So, instead of just simply asking me to be alone with you, you asked Rook to give these to me?”
You quickly pounce up and see Vil staring at you down on the couch, his umbrella by his side, was he always that quick?!
He sits down besides you holding the bouquet, Vil looks completely elegant as usual but…the undersides of his shoes. They’re muddy and they have drops of mud on the upper side…He ran?
“An aloe piece, Calla lilies, and forget me nots…Your flower language is lovely. Though, I hope the aloe is affection and not grief…”
“It is…”
He held your hands with his own, you can tell your cheeks are definitely pink
“Affection, beauty, and to not forget. Do you think I really would swoop that low to forget you?”
Well yes, but right now? Oh sevens no.
“I-Well, do you feel…the s-same?”
You asked with curiosity and hesitation
“You’re very foolish of you think I ran in my heels here to just reject you.”
A smile graces his face and you happily hug him
Silver Vanrouge (I will die for that.)
A slight blush adorned your cheeks anytime Silver came by
He was just so pretty in your eyes!! How can one being be so…so…
You knew if he was busy guarding Malleus, he wouldn’t be able to spend time with you
If he wasn’t, he was sleeping and completely unable to talk
Knowing him better than yourself, you knew exactly what time to give the flowers to him!!!
That is until he ended up getting more shifts as a result of Sebek getting ill (you don’t blame him, you gave a little card along with Jack earlier)
Hole in your plan…
Fortunately! You got free lunch from someone who wasn’t hungry and went to his station
Not too many people and either way, Malleus just knew by the glint you saw in his eyes. Tsuntaro really was your wingman…
“Silver!” You ran up to where he was sitting and he stood up fast
“Hey, I didn’t know you were here.” He told you with slightly startled eyes
“Sit back down! I got both of us some food and…a surprise for you. You’re on break right?”
When he sits back down by your side, he nods.
You two eat the food before you wrap the plates up in their bag again
Silver, feeling sleepy, dropped his head on your shoulder
“Ah! Wait hang on, before y-you sleep…” You grab the hidden flowers from underneath a cloth and give it to him
His sleepy eyes widen, a pink bloomed on his cheeks
“For you!” You blushed too, not knowing if he knew or reciprocated your feelings
“…White clovers, Gardenias, and white hyacinths…”
Mainly whites since you thought they matched Silver’s pretty white hair—Ack! Caught lacking again in front of the knight himself!
“Y-yeah! Picked them out myself! Thought they matched your appearance and how…how I think about you! Clovers because I think of you, gardenias cause you’re lovely, and hyacinths for prayers for someone or because you’re so lovely yet again!” You smile at the end, shyly looking away as his pupils dilate and his face becomes shocked
He blinks and smiles softly, taking one of the clovers and putting one behind your ear
“I think of you too.”
You’re so happy, you tackled him to the ground and almost crushed the flowers
Sebek Zigvolt
Bro would eat flowers if Malleus asked him too
Sebek is a sweetie, not everyone sees past the rough and loud exterior that he has but when you did, you fell straight down for him.
Well maybe not straight down, more like…someone entering shallow water for the first time. Carefully stepping in and then getting excited and diving all in.
You saw how Sebek refused gifts from his friends. How he was…quite determined to give the gifts back
Got pretty annoyed at the sharp toothed man for that…
Despite your sweaty palms, you decided to force a gift no matter what!
So, you decided to ask Malleus and Lilia if they could let Sebek have a single day off, you would do anything
They just laughed and said you didn’t need to
So, Sir Zigvolt got a day off! (He wasn’t happy at first but then you asked him “if he could be your knight for the day”, and with a scowling blushing face, he nodded)
“Hmph! If a lowly human like you needs my help, then fine! Only because Master Malleus Sama is not in need of me!”
You didn’t have classes that day so you spent some time with him just walking around the town with him
Panicking once the day was almost over and the sunset was blooming, you told Sebek to go to the bench that was facing the sky
You sighed out in resignation once you didn’t find anything you thought was special for Sebek…until you saw the flower shop
Going and picking the flowers, you exchanged money with the vendor before hiding them behind your back and going to Sebek
“Sebbekkk!” You nervously smiled at him
“Why hello again, what were you even doing taking so long?” He raised an eyebrow at you in suspicion
“W-well, I was trying to find something for you and I ended up picking these out for you!”
You held out a small bouquet of flowers. Dill, gladioluses, and Heliotropes.
“If you’re going to ask, yes. I know dill is also a herb.”
His eyes focused on the bouquet and then you in shock before his cheeks burned a red deeper than yours
“…You…powerful against evil, victory, devotion…Specifically picked out for…me?”
Dear sevens, as if he didn’t deserve it
“Yes! Do you…like them?”
“Do I have permission to touch you?”
That certainly startled you, but you nodded
He hugged you tight
“I…ahem…I guess I have feelings for you…human. May I take you out on a proper date next time?” He said in a soft and slightly hesitant voice
Nodding in happiness, you wrap your arms around him, hugging just as tight
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@blues824 For Sebek lovers
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certifiablyseth · 1 month
【╰ヾ❝ COWARD ✧„
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FLOYD LEECH ━━━ eels are cowards ♡ fluff, pining, fuck ooc i listen to no one (respectfully), reader is male but he gets called pretty, lowercase intended
fem aligned dni (she/they, she/her, etc)
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eels are cowards. not many knew this, however, and if they did, they believed it couldn't possibly apply to the leech twins.
those two couldn't possibly be scared of anything.
but how wrong they all were. because they failed to realize that cowardice is a completely different light compared to the intimidation, they placed the twins into.
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floyd leech was intimidating, towering over most people and always flashing his sharp teeth in a wide grin that quickly made anyone facing him question their next course of action. floyd leech was intimidating, usually sent out with his brother to find anyone who had yet to pay their dues to their good friend Azul. floyd leech was intimidating, pulling others into a tight grip that had them swearing that they could hear the way their ribs snapped, and their heart squeezed under the force.
floyd leech was intimidating. but he was also a coward.
a coward when it came to the boy taking residence in the old dorm on campus. the boy usually found running errands for a negligent headmage or bailing their cat-monster and the heartslabyul duo out of trouble. a coward when it came to the only person who didn't stray away from him because he was intimidating.
you were no coward; he realized that the moment you walked into Octavinelle and struck a deal with Azul to get back your idiots. and when you faced your third overblot with a sigh, complaining about mentally unstable idiots who can't handle their emotions (your words), before reluctantly addressing the ink that had taken over his housewarden. you certainly were no coward.
he liked that about you; of course, he liked a lot of things about you. if you asked jade or azul, they'd tell you all about how floyd talked about you and only you. ━ how you were the prettiest boy he'd ever seen. how you always let him squeeze you. how you never batted an eye when you found him threatening another student. how you said hi to him that morning just before you were dragged away by a hungry Grim. and did he mention pretty? because you're so pretty.
but of course, you remained unaware because floyd could never tell you. he was too much of a coward after all.
but that's okay, because you weren't.
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"hey, jade." you greeted the twin, hands stuffed into the old pockets of your hand-me-down uniform as you entered the mostro lounge. you split away from the line entering the on-campus business to stand in front of the leech. "is floyd here?"
jade raised a questioning brow, but you only met his eyes with a tilt of your head. it was unusual for you to come seeking floyd out, much less at the mostro lounge. although that mostly had to do with how busy you always were, keeping your friends and only dormmate out of trouble and always running the errands crowley decided to dump on you. when you could, you did visit, even if only for a mere minute before you were being dragged off again. because of that, it was usually floyd who went in search for you; and he never tires from the chase, jade notes.
"he is, but i'm afraid he's working the kitchen today."
you frowned, "that's too bad, i really wanted to see him."
floyd would be ecstatic to hear that. jade can already hear the rant he'd likely be at the end of if floyd were to learn you'd said that. ━━ "he wanted to see me!"
"may i ask where you friends are? they're usually not far behind." jade smiled his customer smile.
"oh!" you sighed, scratching the tip of your nose and looking almost sheepish when you continued, "i'm hiding, actually."
"oh?" jade chuckled, "is that so?"
you sighed again, "i needed a break, and i missed floyd."
oh, this just kept getting better.
"i'm sure floyd would be happy to hear that."
"do you think, if you get the chance, you can tell him i'm here?" you asked, "i want to at least say hello just in case my friends find me."
jade's sharp teeth were on display as he grinned at you, a little unsettling for you to witness. you were used to floyd's menacing smiles, but jade's were far more unsettling and eerie. or maybe that's just your bias talking. either way, his smile was starting to spook you. "i think i'll just go get him for you." he offered. you expected something totally different to be said by the way he was grinning at you. (what, though? you're not sure).
you shook your head, "are you sure? "
"of course."
"isn't he busy?"
"someone else can cover for him in the meantime."
"won't azul be upset?"
"he'll learn to live with it."
you pursed your lips and stared at the leech, still grinning widely at you. he was quick to shut down your questions, maybe a bit too quick. he always was the harder twin to read, but then again, just this once, you think you understand what he's doing.
"okay, if you're sure."
a chuckle but no response as jade turned away and began towards the bar. you blinked, but followed him, only stopping when you reached the bar and he disappeared into the back.
you waited for a bit before the moody leech twin dragged himself out of the kitchen. when he seen you, his mood quickly changed, his face lighting up as he called your name excitedly. you smiled, standing from the barstool you had taken a seat in. floyd was quick to scoop you into his arms, as he always does when he sees you, squeezing you into a tight hug that you tried to return by placing your hands on his shoulders.
"hey, floyd." you laughed.
"shrimpy! what are you doing here?" floyd asked you, refusing to place you down. you hardly bat an eye, used to being squeezed by the twin.
"i wanted to come to see you!" you answered with a smile aimed down at the boy, and floyd was reminded of how much of a coward he was, as he stared up at you. "and i'm trying to hide from the others. want to hide with me?"
floyd finally placed you down, eyes wide with unnoticed adoration and his signature sharp-toothed grin. he giggled, "you bet!"
that's when jade finally came back after he went to fetch his brother, glancing at the giddy floyd. he found it amusing how quickly his brother became so animated when you were around. of course, the way you acted around his brother only proved to him how much those feelings were returned.
"i'd offer to hide at ramshackle but they'd definitely find us there." you sighed, completely ignoring the other twin as if you hadn't noticed him at all (and he's quite sure you didn't), crossing your arms and tapping a finger on your chin, "they'd also eventually think to look here."
that's when jade decided he wanted to be helpful (but floyd knows his brother and he knows he was probably just trying to set him up for failure.)
"why don't you and floyd hide in our room?"
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floyd is a coward. because even now, after the push from his brother to make the first move by offering their shared room to hide in, he still refused to do anything. even as you flopped down on his bed and jokingly complained about how messy his side of the room was compared to jade's, he still chose to run away from his feelings.
you turned onto your stomach and grabbed one of the pillows he had tossed around in his sleep. you got comfortable on his bed, eyeing the mess of his dorm side and the neatness of jade's side, giggling, "i think you might be messier than grim."
floyd grumbled something you didn't quite hear as he pushed off the clothes hanging off the side of his bed and climbed in beside you. you scooted over a bit so he could get comfortable, smiling at him when he turned his head to you, remaining oblivious to his cowardly heart beating a bit too quickly for his approval. he's always chose to deny his feelings, being the coward he is, he didn't want to accept them. but he's never wanted to run away from you; but right now, that's all he wanted to do ━ is it possible for a boy to be this pretty? it should be illegal. he's too much of a coward to be able to handle this.
your smile had been noticeable since you first seen him, even as you asked, "so how was your day?"
watching you smile at him made him think of a conversation he heard with the first years you always hung out with. he was looking for you when he overheard you and your friends.
crabby had whined something about you never actually smiling, "come on, prefect you're so cold. you could at least try to give us a real smile, ya know?"
"no idea what you're talking about." you sighed.
"yeah right," ace rolled his eyes, "you only ever really smile at grim or━"
"he who shall not be named!" epel interrupted, eyeing the space around them, as if something was going to pop out. and he probably was because his face fell as floyd soon decided to announce his presence, yelling for you. it seemed no one realized he had eavesdropped, except maybe that wolf who only raised his brows at him and shook his head. what?
floyd sighed loudly, exaggerated, "it was good! but then azul had to go and ruin it!"
you hummed, "he did?"
"yeah! he was all upset since i haven't been working my whole shifts or something like that. and━"
you listened as he ranted to you about azul getting upset with him because he kept ditching his shifts completely or halfway through (to be with you. like right now). and how jade just sat there, enjoying watching him get scolded like it was his entertainment alone for the day. and then azul told him he was going to be on strict watch by jade (though it didn't seem as strict now). and then floyd was working his shift before you got there when he and this savanaclaw student almost got into it, but jade had broken it up, and azul grounded him to the kitchen, saying that's where he'd work the rest of shift.
"but it wasn't my fault! he started it!"
"i'm sure he did." you agreed.
"but then you showed up, shrimpy!" he grinned, flashing his endearingly sharp teeth as he turned his head to look at you.
you returned the smile, shifting in your spot to lay on your side with one hand under the pillow while the other went up to ruffle his hair. floyd blinked owlishly at you, smile faltering; you really weren't intimidated by him if you were able to do that without having to think on it too long. oh, the poor coward's heart.
"you're so cute floyd."
you retracted your hand and floyd pouted. you hummed, shutting your eyes and resting your hand back on the bed. your words are unfair, he thinks, because you're far cuter.
"hey floyd?" you called, eyes remaining closed. floyd hummed as he continued to stare at your face, peaceful even in his presence. laying like this would be unsettling for others, although he'd never let anyone else this close in the first place. "what would you do if i kissed you?"
floyd blinked, and you peeked an eye open to look at him when you gained no response. you eventually opened the other and sighed, pushing yourself up into a sitting position and crossing your legs, "my bad, that wasn't a very good confession." you leaned forward a bit and smiled warmly, "i really like you, floyd."
eels are cowards. but when they have to, they will come out of their burrows to face their opponents; sometimes the opponent just has to take the first move.
floyd's face lit up with a wide grin, a 180 to his cowardly heart now full of joy at hearing your words as he quickly lunged forward, burying his face into your abdomen and causing you to quickly place a hand behind you for support. he giggled into your uniform, and you shook your head, smiling down at him as you raised a hand to pet his hair.
"awe shrimpy likes me!" he muffled into the fabric, but you heard it clearly. he was giggling so much into your clothes, enjoying your hand running through his hair as he lifted his head to finally look at you. "i really like you too, [name]!"
you grinned at him, "good. jade wasn't lying to me." floyd rested his chin on your stomach as he stared at you, tilting his head at the mention of his brother. and you answered his unasked question, "he visited me a few days ago and said that you liked me, but then he said eels are known to be cowards so i would probably have to make the first move."
floyd pouted; it was true, but jade didn't have to say it. he grumbled, tightening his arms around your waist, "stupid jade."
you chuckled, "i have to thank him though, i probably wouldn't have confessed if not for him. this is actually part of why i had to sneak away from the others or else i'd never have the privacy i needed to tell you."
floyd stared at you as you explained the way you managed to escape your friends while ace and deuce had started bickering, which eventually led to sebek and grim coming to add to the mess, allowing you to slip away with only epel and jack aware. they actively helped with epel keeping the argument going so no one else noticed, and jack provided you cover with how tall he was. if not for them you're sure you would've been caught before you even made it to the mirror chamber.
when you quiet, floyd called up to you, "hey [name]?"
"yeah?" you hummed, tucking some of his hair away from his face. he still had yet to release his arms around your waist and you're pretty sure he had no intention of doing so any time soon.
"you said you wanted to kiss me, yeah? you did, i heard you." he looked excited at remembering your first attempt at a confession, words a bit fast, exactly as you know them to be when he got really excited.
you let out a quiet ah, before laughing quite loudly. everyone at night raven college knew that you weren't exactly the expressive type; you never laughed that loud. at least, not with anyone but floyd (and maybe the monster you called your kid). you eventually calmed down, only letting out the occasional breathy giggle, mumbling something about the eel being so cute; the same eel who was staring at you with bright eyes. (his shrimpy was the prettiest boy he's ever known.)
"yeah, i did." you tilted your head at him, smile seeming to grow when you asked, "do you want me to kiss you floyd?" at the excited nod you received from him, you laughed again, watching the leech finally release his grip around your waist to sit up and lean closer to you. your hand rested on his shoulder while the other continued to keep you supported from behind.
although eels aren't always cowards after they confront their opponent ━ it would seem floyd is too cowardly to close the gap despite how excited he was.
but he remembers that you're no coward when you close the little distance left, (pulling him into a kiss that definitely lasted longer than you intended).
when you went to pull away, floyd quickly followed. cowardice forming into want as he placed a hand on the nape of your neck to pull you closer while his other hand supported his own weight, so he didn't crush you with how he was practically leaning over you now. you laughed into the kiss, to which floyd smiled.
eventually, you placed a hand on his chest and leaned further away, taking in a deep breath and keeping floyd from chasing after your lips. (he could easily win in strength but he remembered that you need to breath.)
you laughed, maybe a little out of breath while you did, but you brushed that off in favor of scolding him, "that is not what i meant." but the smile on your face told him there was no actual heat behind your words.
"shrimpy." he whined and pouted, "but you're so fun to kiss, please?"
you rolled your eyes, refusing to give him what he wanted as you instead asked, "are you free tomorrow?"
"for you." floyd answered quickly, and you narrowed your eyes, saying his name in warning, but he quickly rebutted, "it's fine! jade can cover for me!"
"floyd." you sighed and shook your head, "fine."
you smiled at the leech, straightening out now that floyd had leaned back and sat properly on his bed, "let's go on a date and then i'll give you another kiss."
floyd lit up, grinning widely, "but you're still gonna kiss me again now, right? right?"
you sighed and shook your head. but you relented, deciding he was too cute to deny. "alright, alright, c'mere." you grabbed the back of his head, fingers in his hair as you pulled him toward you. floyd quickly met you halfway, melting into the kiss, as one of his hands rested on the bed beside you and the other on your knee.
floyd doesn't think there's cowardice left in him now that you're his (or well, will be ━ he'll make sure of it after the first date.)
eels are cowards, but they eventually come out of their burrows to face whoever lies outside. and for floyd, that was his feelings for you.
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"what the fuck?!"
the two of you separated as the door swung open. floyd glared at your visitors while you only blankly eyed the cause for yelling, completely unfazed.
grim and the rest of your friends were wide eyed and frozen in the doorway. they were all well aware of your feelings towards the leech, but they probably didn't expect to discover the both of you making out in the twin's bedroom. except maybe epel and jack, the former giving you an encouraging grin and double thumbs up while jack only sent a single nod your way.
and behind them, a not-so-happy azul and a grinning jade.
"i tried to stop them." jade said.
"how could you do this to us?!" ace yelled dramatically.
you snorted in confusion and yelled in return, "the fuck are you talking about?!"
he didn't answer you; "we don't approve! right, guys?" ace pointed his nose up in the air, fully expecting to hear a chorus of agreements from the rest of your friends. when he heard nothing, he turned to them with a glare of betrayal. "guys?"
deuce shrugged and scratched the back of his head, "well if he's happy, i don't see anything wrong with it."
ace grumbled something towards his dormmate before turning to the others for their answers.
"it's none of my business. leave him alone." jack rolled his eyes.
"jack and i knew he was going to confess! of course we approve!" epel added.
"the prefect's love life has nothing to do with our own opinion! he is allowed to seek out anyone he pleases!" sebek huffed, mumbling something like "even if it is leech".
"you guys all suck." ace hissed, turning to the cat-look-alike looking between you and floyd with narrowed eyes. "come on, grim! you agree, right?"
grim didn't answer for a moment, but when he did, it was to completely ignore ace's question and address a different matter entirely. he pointed at you in accusation and huffed, "you owe me tuna for ditchin' me like that!"
you blinked, and then sighed, "aye, aye."
floyd was still glaring at the interruptions, though his glare was now aimed mostly at ace. "hey, crabby, you got a problem with me?"
the heartslabyul freshmen tensed, chucking awkwardly as he looked anywhere but at the menacing leech. "do you guys hear that, that sounds like riddle. gotta run!" and then ace was gone, and soon enough, so were the others.
azul and jade remained; the housewarden looked ready to say something, but then decided for a shake of his head. he turned away from the two of you, but not before floyd decided to yell after him his plans for tomorrow and how he won't be working his shift, again.
it's safe to say he got a long scolding after your date the next day.
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do not repost, translate, copy or run my writing through an ai
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certifiablyseth · 1 month
The Most Suspicious students of Twst would…
Platonic or romantic <3 gn reader
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Azul Ashengrotto would be the type to buy your favorite things in bulk. Whether it’s any type of food or any stationery, anything. He’ll get it in boxes just for you to smile. Different color? You got it. Different material? Hell yeah. Anything for you!
Floyd Leech would happily tackle you to the ground when he sees you passing during free time. And I mean tackle. He digs his head into the crook of your neck and happily just stays and talks about his day.
Jade Leech would cook for you. Malewife style, with the apron and everything. He loves seeing how your eyes just light up with glee as you smell your favorite food when he comes and hangs out with you. It tastes amazing and somehow, it feels like he added his own touch as well.
Jamil Viper will and has definitely dressed up together before for fun. You two mix and match outfits in the stores and even if he rolls his eyes at it, he wears it. If you’re lucky, you can sneak a picture of Jamil unconsciously smiling while wearing one of the outfits. Be careful to not get caught!
Rook Hunt leaves poems of appreciation for you everywhere you look. Even in the most unlikely places. He hand writes them and they’re always unique. Bad day? Welcome home to see poems everywhere of silly but amazing poems that touch your heart and brighten your day everytime. How does he know you smile even when he’s not there? Well, maybe you’ll find out one day.
Lilia Vanrouge serenades you in his club room, serenades alright. Surprise! It’s your favorite songs! He can play a bunch of instruments so request for any songs and instruments and he got you! He can also sing if you’d like him to, if he doesn’t know the song, he’ll listen to it before playing it the next time you come to the room.
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2K notes · View notes
certifiablyseth · 6 months
been a while since I've drawn them
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605 notes · View notes
certifiablyseth · 6 months
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Late Christmas art so here, alenoah
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certifiablyseth · 6 months
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Merry yaoimas
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certifiablyseth · 6 months
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Swap!AU designs by @/woah-i-am-here
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certifiablyseth · 6 months
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Make no mistake,
I will pull it together.
You can love me,
Forever and ever.
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