cedarsoftwaretech · 4 years
Benefits of content marketing for your business
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Congratulations, you have successfully launched your business website! Now you need to build your brand presence & awareness. There’s a pressing need even for small businesses to develop a web presence that creates an impact. Exactly here’s where content marketing comes to play! This type of marketing focuses on driving sales by giving your customers what they’re looking for while they’re actively searching for it.
Cedar Software Technologies, premier SEO company Kerala shares with you top benefits of content marketing for your business and what makes it valuable!
Read on...
Search engines like Google love quality content.
Nothing like great content in your website works more! As Google focuses on providing users great search experiences to deliver what they’re looking for, high-quality content matters. 
Content marketing drives more sales
Most of your customers need some convincing before they buy from you! Nowadays, before making a purchase, people take time to research and better understand the products. After that only, they make a decision on which solution is best for them. With a fully constructed content marketing system in place, your potential customers can be educated on what they’re searching for to drive more sales.
Content marketing lets you be in control 
Selling a product becomes very easy when it is the exact product your customer is looking for. What if you could talk to your customer when they are researching products online?
If you write about these conversation points you are in a way educating potential customers about your products. That’s how you can control the conversation! That’s why content marketing is so important!
Content marketing is less annoying than traditional marketing
Nobody likes being interrupted in the middle of their favourite show with ads trying to sell them something! Banner ads can be a good way to market, but TV commercials and other forms of advertising are not likely the best way to win over customers. Opposite to that, content marketing helps you to build customer relationships by showcasing your brand in front of your customers in a better way that helps them. 
Content marketing amplifies brand awareness and credibility
If you are constantly putting up informative content in your website, there are chances that people searching for that information may click on your website. This automatically increases brand awareness. 
If they find the article useful, they may now view your brand as a source of credible information every year. Many of those people may transform into your potential customers over time.
Content marketing drives more visibility to your product pages
It has been noted that content marketing, directly or indirectly, drives more people to your product pages.
Interested in content marketing your brand, it’s the time you check out these benefits of content marketing for your business and take advantage of it as a marketing strategy. If you are busy and cannot find time for content marketing, you can assign it to one of the best IT companies in Cochin, Cedar. Contact us to know more.
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cedarsoftwaretech · 4 years
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cedarsoftwaretech · 4 years
Effective Tips to Work from Home
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Working from home is no new thing these days of lockdown! You don’t have to travel in numerous traffic blocks, live a hurried lifestyle and you save on money and time as well! But there are challenges, as well. How do you keep from getting distracted working from home? 
Here are a few effective tips to work from home from Cedar Software Technologies, a prime web designing company in Kochi. 
Schedule your work
You should chart out what needs to be done every day and ensure to do it with priority. A personal to-do list should be set up and a plan on how to complete the list of daily tasks should be implemented. 
Use the cloud
Important documents should be uploaded to a cloud storage service like Dropbox or Google Drive. By doing this you can log in from anywhere and work. You don’t have to worry about having your files with you.
Use Video chatting
While working from home especially during lockdown it’s not possible to meet in-person with coworkers. Video chatting is the next best thing with Google Duo Hangouts or apps like Zoom or Skype! IT companies in Cochin are using Apps like SlideShare or Cacoo which are good to draw or give presentations. 
Work for regular hours
You can post your hours of operation on your door, as with any office and stick to them. If your focus is wavering, just take a break!  Many web design companies in Kochi offer flexible working hours for their employees and are getting more work done also.
Invest in creating a comfortable office
A neatly decorated home office increases your productivity! A comfortable chair, built-in bookshelves and storage cabinets, dedicated circuits for computers, special lighting is all it needs to do it.
Invest in a noise-cancelling headset with a mute button
This can block out all other sounds when you are working from home. Your online meetings are not disturbed and it creates a good impression as well. People usually like to do business in a professional set-up and the nearest thing you can offer is a disturbance free time.
Pretend you're not home
When you are working from home, it brings in more focus if you pretend you are not at home. Do not answer your home phone or door during business hours, let other family members do it. This ensures you are never tempted to chat or take time off or slack off in any way, and you remain focused on business. 
You should check in with coworkers and your boss several times a day. Emailing and calling coworkers and boss a few times a day keeps you connected. You can use the countless tools available for keeping in close communication with colleagues, project management, tracking expenses and submitting reports. 
We at Cedar Software Technologies hope that these effective tips to work from home are helpful to all who are doing it. Get in touch with the best web design company in Kochi to get creative functional websites and software application development for your business. 
Keep yourself productive and stay safe!
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cedarsoftwaretech · 5 years
What is DevOps?
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In the dynamic world of today organizations need to innovate faster! Automating and streamlining the software development and infrastructure management processes with apt tooling is the only way to do so. 
Cedar Software Technologies, leading Web Design and Development Company in Cochin helps you to check out what are DevOps?
With the practice of performing very frequent but small updates, organizations have started to innovate faster for their customers. These updates make each deployment less risky & help teams address bugs faster as teams can identify the last deployment that caused the error. Even though the tempo and size of updates will vary, organizations using a DevOps model deploy updates much more often than organizations using traditional software development practices.
Microservices architecture is also used by organisations to make their applications more flexible and enable quicker innovation. However, more deployments needed can present operational challenges. But with DevOps practices like continuous integration and continuous delivery, these issues are solved and let organizations deliver rapidly in a safe and reliable manner. Apart from that, monitoring and logging helps engineers track the performance of applications and infrastructure so they can react quickly to problems.
DevOps Practices
Continuous Integration
Developers regularly merge their code changes into a central repository, after which automated builds and tests are run. This helps to find and address bugs quicker, improve software quality, and reduce the time it takes to validate and release new software updates.
Continuous Delivery
Code changes are automatically built, tested, and prepared for a release to production. Continuous integration is done deploying all code changes to a testing environment and/or a production environment after the build stage.
A design approach to build a single application as a set of small services. With this large, complex systems are divided into simple, independent projects. Each application gets broken down into many individual components (services) with each service assigned to a single purpose or function and operated independently. This architecture reduces the organisation overhead of updating applications as a whole with each change. You can use different frameworks or programming languages to write microservices and deploy them independently, as a single service, or as a group of services.
Infrastructure as Code
Infrastructure is provisioned and managed using code and software development techniques like version control and continuous integration. This  model enables developers and system administrators to interact with infrastructure programmatically, and at scale. 
Monitoring and Logging
DevOps capture, categorise and then analyse data and logs generated by applications. As services today must be available 24/7 and as application and infrastructure update frequency increases, active monitoring becomes increasingly important. Creating alerts or performing real-time analysis of this data also helps organizations more proactively monitor their services.
Communication & Collaboration
The use of DevOps tooling and automation of the software delivery process creates collaboration by physically bringing together the workflows and responsibilities of development and operations. 
Cedar Software Technologies, prime software company in Kochi is your one stop shop for beautiful functional websites, software applications and more. Get in touch with us today!
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cedarsoftwaretech · 5 years
Big Data Technologies
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The Buzz-word that is making the rounds in the software industry these days! Today big data and business analytics solutions are in the mainstream as tools that support decision making for top executives and enabling automation for top executives. Big data technology is one of the key factors of enabling digital transformation efforts across industries and business processes globally. In fact, many enterprises are investing in these big data technologies to acquire valuable business insights from their structured and unstructured data stocks. Spending on big data technologies is continuing at a breakneck speed today. 
Cedar Software Technologies, a top-notch software company in Kochi brings to you a run down on the groundbreaking technologies which make Big Data the most happening thing in digital transformation...
What is Big Data Technology?
Analysing the huge amounts of Real-time data is a complex process! Traditional data processing software find it extremely difficult to deal with large data sets. Not so with Big Data Technologies! As a Software-Utility that is designed to Analyse, Process and Extract the information from an extremely complex and large dataset, Big Data Processing Technologies are needed to derive Conclusions and Predictions to reduce the risks in the future.
Just have a look at the types of Big Data Technologies:
Big Data Technology are classified into:
Operational Big Data Technologies
Analytical Big Data Technologies
The normal day to day data that we generate can be termed as Operational Big Data . This could be the Online Transactions, Social Media, or organisation data etc.It can be considered as a kind of Raw Data which is used to feed the Analytical Big Data Technologies.
Online ticket bookings like Rail tickets, Flight tickets, Movie tickets etc.
Online shopping store transactions on Amazon, Flipkart, Walmart, Snap deal and many more.
Data from social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and a lot more.
The employee details of any Multinational Company.
 Analytical Big Data Technologies
It can be called an advanced version of Big Data Technologies. A bit more complex than the Operational Big Data, Analytical big data is where the actual performance part comes into the picture and the crucial real-time business decisions are made by analyzing the Operational Big Data.
Stock marketing
Carrying out the Space missions where every single bit of information is crucial.
Weather forecast information.
Medical fields where a particular patients health status can be monitored.
Just take a look at the top Big Data Technologies being used in the IT Industries.
Top Big Data Technologies
Top big data technologies are divided into:
Data Storage - Hadoop, MongoDB, RainStor, Hunk
Data Mining - Presto, Rapid Minor, ElastiSearch
Data Analytics - Kafka, Splunk, KNIME, Spark, R-Language, BlockChain
Data Visualization - Tableau, Plotly
Emerging Big Data Technologies
TensorFlow, Beam, Docker, Airflow, Kubernetes etc. are only a few of the emerging big data technologies. 
As premier web designers in Kochi, we at Cedar Software Technologies hope that this article on Big Data Technologies has been informative to you. Get in touch with us to create functional, beautiful websites that deliver good results!  
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cedarsoftwaretech · 5 years
As a prime web development company in Kochi, Cedar Software Technologies is exploring the possibilities of low-code development in the IT industry.
#web designers in kochi
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cedarsoftwaretech · 5 years
Best Digital Marketing Strategies & Tips for Startups
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Launching your very own startup is very challenging and exciting! But if you are not prepared to properly market it, you might face a daunting task in making it a success! In fact, your startup should grab as much attention it possibly can to become viable.
What with the stiff competition existing in the industry, promoting your startup can seem a challenge but with digital marketing, you can do it right!
Social Media Platforms
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram are only a few of the social media platforms where you can promote and it comes to be one of the most affordable ways to market your startup is by using. Here are a few effective and affordable digital marketing tips from Cedar Software Technologies, one of the best SEO companies in Cochin, that you can apply right away for your start-up…
Start Right
It is possible you might get confused with the different channels that belong to a digital marketing platform. But when you are sure what kind products and the type of audience you target; you can very well define a marketing strategy for your startup. Or you can hire a qualified digital marketing agency like Cedar Software Technologies, to research out options for your business marketing and create a strategy suitable for your business.
Online Presence
A sophisticated website is needed to make your company visible online. A well-designed mobile-friendly website with relevant images shows up quickly in the searches. Concentrate on the structure and content of the web along with the SEO and keywords as they’re crucial for website visibility. Apart from that, you will need a blog, a Twitter account, a dynamic Facebook account and more. Moreover, many companies now even try web apps, Android, iOS apps, and Facebook apps.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) maximises the visibility and attracts more organic visitors to the website.  Cedar Software Technologies, providing  SEO services in Kochi, can do the SEO of your site to boost your business. 
Identity-Based PPC Marketing
This technique allows you to target people with exclusive ads based on the contact details. The use of identity-based PPC marketing is very extensive to market your website.                  
Make your brand presence known
By consistently and frequently sending out promotional messages and posts like between 5 and 10 posts every week to Facebook; once a day for LinkedIn and Google+ and 5 tweets daily to Twitter, your brand becomes noticed
Educate your Customers 
End of the day it is not just the heavy promotional dosage of your startup that will keep your audience captive, it is the value! Better put out information that’s mixed with promoted content to attract your visitors.
Interact with your visitors
A digital platform gives your audience an option to satiate their innumerable doubts and queries. Give them an opportunity to interact with you, it will add to your credibility & also show your customer service capabilities. 
Get in touch with us at Cedar Software Technologies, to effectively promote your start-up with dynamic digital marketing services in Kochi, and together, we can make it an out and out success!
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cedarsoftwaretech · 5 years
A better Social Media presence - The way to Success!
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Businesses of today find it nearly impossible to grow their customer base and sales without a social media presence. In fact, those businesses who have received a positive return on investment from social media understand the value of using social media correctly to get the results they desire. Here are some basic social media tips for a better Social Media presence from Cedar Software Technologies - a leading SEO services company in Cochin.  
Tips for building a better Social Media presence
Educate your Audience
Post regularly to keep your audience informed about what is happening in your industry. Generally people love this as it can add value to their lives. This will help to gain the trust of your audience.
Start a conversation
Connecting with your customer is one of the biggest plus points of a social media presence. Businesses can connect on a one-to-one level in Social Media platforms, send direct messages and comment on the posts. You can use this to talk to your audience about the things they care about or to create a massive awareness of your product or services.
Show Appreciation
It’s always good to show appreciation to those people who have shown interest in your business. The easiest way will be to say thank you at every opportunity you get! Birthday greetings too help!
Give exclusive deals
Offering exclusive deals, promotions, and early access to products and services to your social media audience is a great opportunity to build trust and conversions. They will consistently check and stay updated with your brand presence!
Quick Responses
You can quickly respond to a potential customer via your social media channels. Easier to make a great impression, a quicker sale or resolution for your business.  All things that could affect your bottom line!
Update Daily
Post on Social Media multiple times through-out the day. This allows you to reach different parts of your audience that login to their social media channels at different times. Your audience get reminded of your brand. But take care not to flood your social media feeds with content. You can approach a web design company providing Digital marketing services in Kochi to update your Social Media.
Listen More. Talk Less
It’s in Social media that people talk about everything - their desires, fears, likes, dislikes, desires, and anything else you can imagine!. They can tell you the pro’s and con’s of your products or services, strengths and weaknesses of your competitors etc. Use social media to listen & monitor your brand and as a market research tool.
Make your brand memorable
Use creativity to make your brand memorable! Great visual content like videos and images, consistent quality written content all increase your chances of shares, retweets, likes, and favorites. This will make your brand stand out.
Cedar Software Technologies is a leading web development company providing SEO Services in Cochin. As a leading provider of Digital marketing services in Kochi we are committed to improve your Social Media presence. Contact us today!
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cedarsoftwaretech · 5 years
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Build Your Success Online
Web development company in Kochi   
seo services in Kochi
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cedarsoftwaretech · 5 years
Mixed Reality in Advertising
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Today the ground- breaking trend in the world of technology is Mixed Reality! It has already started making waves in the advertising world. International brands are always looking for innovative ways to emotionally connect with the audience and have started incorporating Mixed Reality in advertising, marketing and branding solutions. Many IT companies offering Web development services are now going for Mixed reality in their advertising campaigns. 
Mixed Reality solutions like hardware, and apps alike are being developed by major brands like Apple, Google, Microsoft etc., catering to the rising demand in advertising. With the launch of Apple ARKit and GoogleARCore, Mixed Reality in advertising is expected to have an accelerated growth with more innovations in the future. Over the years, Mixed Reality has developed considerably creating an impact in sectors like Finance, Travel, Education, E-commerce, Real Estate and more.
The world of retail is all about new technologies that offer personalized experiences to innovative quality ad formats that connect brands more meaningfully with shoppers. With Mixed Reality solutions brands connect more interactively with their target audiences enhancing the customer experiences. We, Cedar Software Technologies, a premier web development company in Cochin strive to incorporate mixed reality in advertising for our customers.
Reasons to adopt Mixed Reality in Advertising:
Mixed Reality ads are totally immersive and help in developing an emotional connection with the brand for the customer. These ads are realistic and allow the customer to see and interact with them. For example, in the Arctic Home Campaign by Coca-Cola and the World Wide Fund - A campaign, aimed at the protection of polar bears and their natural habitat, included a Mixed reality event at the Science Museum in London. The visitors could see themselves interacting with virtual animals in their natural environment. With this event, the Coca-Cola company could create deep emotional connections between people and the brand.
Mixed Reality advertisements could be built upon marker-based and location-based mixed reality. Many apps built on mixed reality can be used for various campaigns for promoting products and services and pump up the sales. Mixed Reality allows the customers to try the products before buying which make these ads a powerful tool for driving sales and increasing revenue.
Marketing & Branding Campaigns of companies like Starbucks, Titan, Nissan & more have used Mixed Reality to create immersive and engaging experiences for the customers with the help of their Mixed Reality Apps.
Ignoring Mixed Reality for advertising is not an option, anymore! With Mixed Reality marketing, brands have seen a double-digit increase in brand awareness and customer loyalty. If you are in need of web development services in Kochi get in touch with us at Cedar Software Technologies. 
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