ccndaily · 2 years
Hidden & Safe: How God Is Your Hiding Place.
For a moment we want to pause and reflect on God’s promise and ability to Hide His people from danger and evil, even when surrounded by life-threatening situations.
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The Psalmist expressed His faith by confessing who God is to Him. This is exactly what you must do in prayer. But you need to understand that God is your Hiding Place before expressing yourself to Him.
Psalms 32:7 says,
“you are my Hiding
Place. You will protect me from trouble
and Surround Me with songs of
I am interested in you considering that God is your Hiding Place. What does this mean to you?
A Haven From Harsh Realties
First, it implies that God can keep you from the harsh realities of life. He is guarding you by his presence and Power from the devil-orchestrated harsh realities of life.
People are facing it rough, and you, too, might go through your share of hostilities.
There are challenges left, right, and Center. Right now, people are facing unprecedented harshness in their finances, and every terrible experience that goes with it.
Fuel and commodity prices are beyond what we expected after many thought that the COVID-19 lockdown had been the most bitter pill they had to swallow, anticipating a return to normalcy thereafter.
Yet, it is only human to hope for the better even Amid the most despairing situations. The mistake though is that we rest our hope on the faith we have in nature or the government.
We miss the point if we think things will return to normal, by themselves or that we will return to the old normal, at all. Change only comes to stay because every change alters everything else. It sparks new ways of thinking and challenges the status quo.
Forget what you knew as normal and embrace God’s work as it is today.
We are also mistaken to think that the government by itself will eventually figure out solutions for the citizens. Or that the economists by their efforts will keep our economy buoyant and resilient. They, too, are outnumbered. They are caught in the middle of a crisis which some confessed they have no control over. They agree that there are external forces working which are beyond their masterly.
When they say external forces, the political mind will be quick to think that this refers to what is happening to other nations, which experiences eventually trickle down to us.
The explanation is entirely political. It’s as political as saying that the war in Ukraine has brought this on us. The Economist will also endeavor to explain that outside powers have resulted in the currently existing state of affairs.
And those explanations are valid.
But with their validity goes a sense of helplessness and hopelessness since the victims can’t do anything to arrest the situation. So, the option is to wait through the suffering until perhaps when things will get better. But as a believer in God’s word, there is a lens through which I see the prevailing circumstances of our day.
I see an external power behind the external forces—the evil One, who seeks to inflict as much pain on God’s people as possible. The one who steals, kills, and destroys. I see Satan is hungry for more blood and tears from people. Recognizing this evil force behind the evil events that are shaping our history helps us to recognize that there is something we can do about it.
Instead of looking at the challenges as innocent wild occurrences upon which we have no power, we can see that actually there is an evil mind planning and executing all these catastrophes. And because we know God can work contrary to that evil force, then we can engage the Lord so that His goodness can prevail over the works of the enemy.
And God, by His working, hides His people from the intended devastating outcomes of Satan’s evil attempts. The Lord protects His people so much that He can turn evil into an advantage. In the future, God will judge Satan and condemn him to eternal fire. Then, God will stop all evil because the chief agent thereof will be dealt away with.
But until then, Satan tries to cover as much ground as possible, while God also stops the enemy’s advances by working mightily to protect His godly seed. God hides the people who trust Him. He creates an environment around them that cushions them from what Satan intends for them.
Before that judgment day, we don’t pretend that there is no evil around us. For there is much of it. And where there is none, Satan tries to create It. But we are confident that God keeps us from that evil. And this is a matter of faith, and not by default. Left alone, Satan will torment you as much as he possibly can. But by faith, God’s power works in our favor, to shield us and keep us safe from the harsh realities of life around us. And when I say of life, I mean, life in this world, Because while we are here on Earth, troubles are bound to come our way.
But as a believer, you are alive to a greater reality of God’s intervention and sustenance.
Yes, certain bad experiences are not of your own making. They might be thrown at you sometimes without your involvement and out of your mistakes.
The Devil Himself is consumed with a desire to inflict pain on you. Making sure he brings the worst he can upon you. There’s no limit to the evil he can do. The only limit is God and the believers who stand to pray and express their will against Satan’s works.
Therefore, pray. Believe that God is actually hiding you. Then consider yourself covered under God’s wings. See yourself as hidden from the reach of predators and from the hostilities that are in the world, in your neighborhood, and in your nation. Count yourself as kept from harm. Trust that God is keeping you from the worst. That God is shielding you from the ugly side of life. Not because it does not exist in the world and not even to say that evil isn’t happening in the world, but because God is actively protecting you from those harsh realities.
It makes a difference that you have Faith in God.
Kept From The Evil Eye
Second, being hidden by God means God keeps you away from the evil eye. Without a doubt, evil is looming in the world but God knows how to keep you out of sight. So you see the troubles that are going around you, but the troubles don’t see you. Not because of sheer luck but by a deliberate working of God. Therefore, we must believe this truth. And pray that it becomes our experience. And also pray that God will continue to act in the nations of the world, against the plans of Satan.
Psalms 91:1-10 says,
1He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.”
3Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler
And from the perilous pestilence.
4He shall cover you with His feathers,
And under His wings you shall take refuge;
His truth shall be your shield and buckler.
5You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,
Nor of the arrow that flies by day,
6Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness,
Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
7A thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.
8Only with your eyes shall you look,
And see the reward of the wicked.
9Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
10No evil shall befall you,
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;” NKJV
In other words, God can keep you out of reach and out of sight from Satan’s attempts to damage your life and cripple your destiny. By trusting in God and believing in His hiding ability, you set yourself on a course where only those experiences that God permits are the only ones that come your way.
That is, not all that Satan throws at you, but what God selects and handpicks for you, is what reaches you. Be it troubles, suffering, or pain. God hides you and by that act, He squeezes the poison out of every situation that you experience so that it works out God’s glory in your life. God is superintending over your life experiences, and He has not left you at the mercy of natural and evil forces.
The Scripture says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that,
'No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.“ NIV
The Lord is that buffer zone for you. He is weighing what comes your way. It’s not an open-door policy for you regarding Satan’s access to your family, marriage, finances, and all aspects of your life.
Job of the Bible had a caveat on Him. Satan could not touch His life, and the devil’s access to Job had limits set by the God Job worshiped. So Job 1:8-12 NIV, records,
"8Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.”
9“Does Job fear God for nothing?” Satan replied. 10“Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land. 11But now stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face.”
12The Lord said to Satan, “Very well, then, everything he has is in your power, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.”
Then Satan went out from the presence of the Lord.”
Likewise, Satan is not at liberty to do as he pleases with your life. This is the sort of protection Christ has afforded you. As with Job, you are safe and out of danger even when it appears troubles, failure and frustration surround you.
Signs of a lower might be visible all around you, but you have never been safer, and stronger. God only permitted the devil to touch job’s wealth and possessions, but His life was safe in God. Therefore, it has to be a point of faith and a point of prayer that God will hide you from the things the enemy intends to do against you.
Dare to believe that God has hidden you from the evil that is around. Speak over your life and maintain this truth in your consciousness that you are hidden in God. Pray for this reality to be fulfilled in your life. You are precious before God. So God hides you. He takes watchful care of you. He takes the responsibility of hiding you.
Your Father sees the evil That You Don’t See. And keeps You Out Of Reach and out of the sight of evil. He sees deeper and watches further. Trust the Deep searching eye of the Lord, the eye that sees evil from afar. God’s eye sees into the very Arena of darkness and He uses his insight to protect you. His Eye Is on your enemy, for your sake. God is closely watching the enemy’s steps. God watches what the enemy intends to do to you and He has a plan to keep you safe, to the frustration of your adversary.
It’s also written in 2 Chronicles 16:9 that the eyes of the Lord run throughout the earth so that He might show Himself strong knowledge on behalf of those who love Him.
God is coming strong for you. Your enemy has deployed extensively and well-crafted his plans, but God is very present to work mightily in your life. He is stronger. The Lord is our hiding place. He is your hiding place today. Talk to him concerning this truth and regarding what He means to you. Believe It and cast your full weight upon this truth. Refuse to believe what the enemy is trying to do around you, refuse to believe what Satan wants to do. Confess from the very bottom of your heart, that God is taking you out of the reach of what Satan intended to do.
His Eye Is on your enemy for your sake. God is overseeing your life. Trust His oversight. He is the bishop of your soul and you are under his care. Trust in this and rejoice incredibly that God is your hiding place.
Of this be confident, He has hidden you and will continue to do so.
You’ll experience God’s hiding power and witness how God hides His own. The Bible compares God’s people to the apple of the eye. He keeps you as the apple of His eye. Just like the eye blinks when any danger attempts to reach the eyeball. So, may the Lord, keep you. May the Lord hide you. I see the Lord hiding you from the evil that is going around you. Your reality must reflect God’s plan and what He has kept for you, in the name of Jesus.
The Lord richly bless you and may you continue in the spirit of prayer, and continue to dedicate yourself to God.
Pastor Eryeza Kalalu
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ccndaily · 2 years
Threatening events used by Satan against God's people can be turned into weapons of triumph.
In this blog I share How To Find Victory Amidst Challenges By Employing Simple Tools Through Faith.
Check it here
#threats #triumph #victory #winningmindset #winningculture #challenge #devotional #inspirationalwords #motivationalwords
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ccndaily · 3 years
Remember The Dream: Childhood Dream Become A Reality.
Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream that he wanted to realize. I have one, and I’m sure you do as well. Dreams are prophetic visions of what is coming. Conceiving a vision is the first step toward its implementation, but most of the work manifests later on.
It's not enough to show current enthusiasm for your purpose only to abandon it afterward.
Dreams must be a part of your destiny. They demand talents you may lack and abilities you are still developing. Although God has equipped our spirits with everything we need to fulfill His purpose for us, we may not practically possess all we require living in the reality of our dreams.
There are some aspects that need to be improved, skills that need to be gained, and disciplines that need to be mastered. Your enhanced capabilities could benefit your visions. Many people, however, stray from their aspirations as their situations and statuses improve.
A Boy Who Dreamed
At a young age, Joseph saw a dream. His dream didn’t seem to fit in with his surroundings. God made Joseph for a world other than the one he was born into. He could have remained a mismatch to his vision and appeared a joker if he remained the same youngster whom the family despised. While at his father’s house, Joseph had nothing on him that reflected the dream he had had.
To look like the dream, he needed a change in himself and in the surrounding environment. The dream projected who Joseph would become and how he would best serve his purpose after undergoing the transformations.
When Joseph made it to the top, he thought back to what God had shown him earlier in his life. He reflected on the meaning of his life.
“Then Joseph remembered the dreams which he had dreamed about them, and said to them, ‘You are spies! You have come to see the nakedness of the land!’ Genesis 42:9 NKJV
After a while, Joseph’s circumstances and location changed, but the dream’s message didn’t. All that unveiled in his story was the realization of a childhood desire. His advancement and positioning linked back to the prediction he received earlier.
God placed him in a strategic location so that he could accomplish God’s plan. When his brothers expected Joseph to exact vengeance and wrath, he explained he was following God’s plan (Genesis 50:20). He refused to use his position as a weapon of retaliation or petty behavior.
Joseph’s dream replayed in his mind. His life unfolded just as he had predicted in his dreams. God undoubtedly intervened in the background to fulfill Joseph’s childhood dream.
This is the tale of every visionary. They go through a variety of trials and training, only for God to make sense of their experiences, especially considering the desire God gave them. They sometimes try to succeed too soon but fail. It’s possible that God is still preparing them for the job and connecting the dots for them.
Childhood dreams have a place in adulthood. They explain what you’re all about and give you a sense of direction. Consider your dream, ambition, and calling in all your attainments.
The Greater Vision
All who submit to Jesus’ authority eventually receive a glorious dream. The goal is to be like Christ. God births in them that vision at conversion time, even if they don’t appear to be all they ought to be. However, God’s spirit continues working inside them, sanctifying and changing them into more Christ-like individuals.
And as they hold the Lord Jesus before them and keep their gaze fixed on his glory, they can only improve. They evolve, but Christ does not. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). As a result, their faith and hope should be unwavering and steadfast.
‘And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as he is pure.’ I John 3:3 (NKJV)
A time will come when we will be just like Christ, in a perfect sense.
‘Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.’ I John 3:2 (NKJV)
Therefore, whatever life changes you may face, keep your personal dream and your vision of Christ.
Remember the dream.
Eryeza is a pastor and the author of “Becoming An Influence,” “The Spiritual Health Solution For You,” and “Prayer Craft.” All the books are available in e-book, paperback, and hardcover formats on Amazon.
Grab a free Grab a Copy of A Devotional Magazine by clicking here.
Pastor Eryeza is currently planting a Church within the Ugandan community of Kawuku, which is on Entebbe Road. Please contact him by email at [email protected] or give him a direct message if you want to join and support him in this excellent cause.
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ccndaily · 3 years
You Can Be Strong Again
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People may lose everything in business, but they may get back on their feet because they understand the laws that brought them that far.
This is how a single entrepreneur may launch multiple businesses and see them all prosper. And even if he loses everything, there's a chance he'll be able to rebuild his firms.
Likewise, we find if people return to the Lord, their source of strength, God can restore their lost privilege.
We see in Samson's life, recorded in the Bible, that even when he lost his strength and his eyes, he did not lose hope. He prayed for God's strength, once more. God enabled Samson, and he died alongside all of his foes.
'Then Samson called to the Lord, saying, “O Lord God, remember me, I pray! Strengthen me, I pray, just this once, O God, that I may with one blow take vengeance on the Philistines for my two eyes!” Judges 16:28
The Lord sent him to deliver Israel and to exact vengeance on God's adversaries. Without having to die, I believe Samson would have asked for the ability to break the chains and tear down the pillars of the hall. Perhaps he would have prayed for his eyesight again, and God would have granted it because God gave him strength when he sought it.
We make mistakes and suffer the consequences in a variety of ways. But we must remain firm in our belief that God can restore the power and vigor that we have lost. We can pray to God to restore everything that is connected to our destinies.
The power was crucial to Samson's goal, therefore he requested that it be restored. You can regain your strength and walk into your privileged position once more.
Samson's story is our story. We were all created strong and glorious. We fell from God's glory. But Christ came to restore us and to save that which was lost. He is here to bring us back to the lost glory and much more. It's not over, for you. Embrace the Lord, and see him strengthen you again.
Write this where you can easily see it: "God makes me strong again."
Eryeza is a pastor and the author of the books, “Becoming An Influence,” “The Spiritual Health Solution For You,” And “Prayer Craft”
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ccndaily · 3 years
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Life is full of challenges. It's inevitable that you'll face some difficult situations, whether it's a personal issue, a work challenge, or the loss of a loved one. However, no matter what it is that you're going through, you always have the power to choose how you react. In David's story from the Bible, he found a way to take a bad situation and turn it into something good. He used his faith in God and the method he knew best, to overthrow a giant that scared the nation of Israel.
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ccndaily · 3 years
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Your Starting Point
“As you do not know what is the way of the wind, Or how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child, So you do not know the works of God who makes everything.” Ecclesiastes 11:5 (NIV)
You have a starting point, a foundation, and a place to start in Christ. In fact, you never start from scratch, even if it seems you have nothing to begin with, nowhere to start, and no one to stand with you.
Consider the Lord to be your unseen basis, the solid foundation on which you can construct your dream, family, and hope.
You can thrive among strangers and start over regardless of what is broken around you if you have this understanding. You are able to begin in the wilderness and see God build you up.
Don’t be sad over what you’ve lost. It isn’t required. You have the grace of Christ to begin wherever and move forward.
Job had everything taken away from him, but the Lord restored it all (Job 42:10-12). No one, except for the Lord, stood alongside Paul the apostle when he first defended the gospel. (2 Timothy 4:16-17).
When individuals embraced the Lord and walked with Him in faith, they started a life of adventure, according to the Bible. Most of them began in a less fortunate position, with little to show for it, but their later outcomes show God’s capacity to raise individuals from absolutely nothing.
“Heavenly Father, you are the source of my beginnings. You saw me long before the worlds were created, and you oversaw my birth. I believe you are here to build my destiny out of emptiness and lack, just as you miraculously formed my bones. I have faith in your ability to build strength from a place of weakness. You are prospering me from a background of poverty.  And you bring light into the darkness for me and within me. Father, I bless you in the name of Jesus Christ.”
Pastor Eryeza Kalalu
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ccndaily · 3 years
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Give a temporary pinch to every earthly comfort. Everything we see around us will soon be gone.
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ccndaily · 4 years
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Free Devotional Magazine here
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ccndaily · 4 years
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In your estimate, how much do you value your life? How much are you putting into your life? How much are you investing in your life, especially in improving your life, and making it more comfortable?
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ccndaily · 4 years
No matter what surrounds us, It is a privilege to know that we can come to God and ask for His help, when we need it. Join me in this brief prayer. Let's pray! theccndaily.com
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ccndaily · 4 years
In the wake of this Covid-19 outbreak, It's time to consider our Spiritual condition of our hearts. Let's begin by weeding out unforgiveness.
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ccndaily · 5 years
Purpose through Pain
"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Gen. 50:20.
Joseph overcame the pain of being betrayed by his brothers, when he learnt that God wanted to save his father's family.
If Joseph was self-centered, he wouldn't have overcome the pain of betrayal. But when he saw the higher purposes of God, he accepted his position as a vessel used of God to help his brethren.
As you focus on God's will and His big picture, you will certainly realize that that your bad experiences, though painful, were purposeful.
Many of us have gone through some very hurt-rending moments. We have cried. Yes, cried before God. But after seeing what God made of us as a result of those moments, we're grateful for God's infinite wisdom.
As long as you are outward focused, and God-centred, all your experiences will make sense.
"Heavenly Father, help me make sense of all the challenges I have been through. Open my eyes, O LORD, to see your purpose in my life experiences. In name of Jesus, Amen. "
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ccndaily · 5 years
Eternal Object of Faith
We thank God for a year well-lived till today. Blessings have abound, though not without hiccups.
For the challenges God has helped us through, we are grateful. For the issues that still persist, let us trust God even the more.
At this point we can say with Peter, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." John 6:68
Good or bad days, we have to make the decision that we shall stubbornly trust Christ's eternal words. And His word shall prevail over the temporary discomfort that attacks us.
Let us at once tell God of our unwavering trust in him, irrespective of the situation.
Peter confessed his allegiance to Christ.
The three Hebrew boys made clear their trust in God even if he were not to save them (Daniel 3:17-18).
Job, a man afflicted by many sorrows, had this to say about God: "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him : ... " Job 13:15
Of all the hardships Paul endured, he still kept the faith, in his own words, " I have fought a good faith, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." 2 Timothy 4:7
All this is to say, that our trust in Christ is total. We believe he will continue to deliver us from the temporary troubles, but we will continue to trust regardless.
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