ccmillcr-blog · 6 years
I have no idea what a spicy noodle challenge is but that does sound impressive. Bet you felt like a total bad arse. I do like Thai food. Went through a Pad Thai phase my first year of uni.  Maybe you should take me out for Thai then, instead of Indian. 
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Wait – hang on, sorry – how are you indifferent to bread? I always just assumed it was a universally loved food. 
huh. it was a pretty big thing, but i guess, only to youtubers. wanna try it with me? oh-- well, in that case, we’re changing course from Indian to Thai. no offense to Indian, but i’m a bit more familiar with Thai. 
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hm? oh... uh... because it’s... bread? i mean, sure i do love me a few garlic bread here and there with my pasta but, i guess, there isn’t enough love for me to fight for the last bite?
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ccmillcr-blog · 6 years
NICOLA: Please... and I say this with all of the love in my heart: refrain from EVER saying on fleek again.
COLIN: Noted. Just can't help but absorb millennial slang.
COLIN: Anyway, have you even unpacked yet? I feel like I haven't seen you at home since you arrived.
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ccmillcr-blog · 6 years
Hey!  I’m 5 ft 5 in heels, that’s perfectly average! 
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yes, but heels aren’t exactly a part of you, nic. so.... still my little roommate. it’s cute, honestly.
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ccmillcr-blog · 6 years
Color me both surprised and honestly a bit intrigued. I suppose your wanted ad type and my own assumptions led me astray. 
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And it’s the least the elf could do, no? It’s a crime how much of your personal funds you have to shell out because there’s not enough state or federal funding for supplies.
well, aren’t you glad you’ve been brought back to the right track by yours truly? mean bottoms. always a huge weakness.
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... woman. preach. preach! i didn’t have this problem during my practical training since everything was provided for except the ones i needed to use for my instructional materials, so you can just imagine the shock when i got into the real world and realized my salary has more than two doors to enter. not to mention if you have a supervisor who insists on overly-decorated classrooms — instead of keeping it simple to avoid distractions for the students — yet doesn’t help fund the decorations.
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ccmillcr-blog · 6 years
Hey. Idk about your train of thought but mine was def en route to getting you into bed-ville so hop on if you wanna. Choo choo.
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well, then. who am i to deny a ride to bed-ville? here’s my ticket, madame conductor.
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ccmillcr-blog · 6 years
If you’re not a fan of spicy Indian might not be for you. Though butter chicken really is more a sweet dish. Very creamy. Great on some basmati rice. Not in the slightest. More pakora for me. Just means I’ve got to find something else to steal the last of. How do you feel about bread?
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well, i wouldn’t say i’m not a fan. i do like to serve myself some spicy noodles every now and then; even did that stupid spicy noodle challenge when it blew up with my sister and managed to finish it all without dying. yeah, okay, you’re an expert in Indian food; you’re definitely showing me around. hm, that’d be hard, b. bread... eh, i am indifferent to it?
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ccmillcr-blog · 6 years
I will warn ya, my list is LONG. I’m very kinky. KINDA DOES MAKE YOU A NERD LMAO 
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i-- am too lazy to have a very long list, but i’ll just say that i have enough for all my kinks to be accommodated. NO, IT MAKES ME A TEACHER IN NEED BECAUSE OUR GOVERNMENT CAN’T BE BOTHERED HELPING US OUT WITH SCHOOL SUPPLIES.
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ccmillcr-blog · 6 years
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Alex’s / Chyler’s hair 1.01 - 4.01
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ccmillcr-blog · 6 years
We love a kinky bitch! BUT FINE, I’LL GET YOU YOUR PAPERS, NERD. 
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let’s exchange notes on various equipment one day. WELL, DAMN. THANKS, SANTA CLAUS. ALSO, NEEDING PAPERS DOESN’T MAKE ME A NERD.
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ccmillcr-blog · 6 years
Why has nobody ever heard of pakoras? NYC needs to step up their Indian takeaway game. They’re amazing. You can get chicken or veggie, but my preference is for the veggie. Basically spiced and fried balls of onions and other stuff. As to your invitation, that really depends – are you going to fight me for the last pakora?
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i’m probably one of those who has never heard it because i’m a little picky when it comes to food. .... oh, wow. it started off a little enticing and then you just have to mention onions. sorry. onions are a dealbreaker for me so you can have all the pakoras you want. wait-- does that ... does me not liking onions also a dealbreaker for you or...
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ccmillcr-blog · 6 years
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@ccmiller has uploaded a new photo!
i went out and took this photo before running back inside the building within 5 minutes because i’m gross in cold places, apparently. starting to think that moving from san antonio to new york was slightly a little dumb? lmfao. does anyone know a permanent way of getting rid of cold hives? my only consolation right now is that my reaction is less severe than others and antihestamine works wonders, so i might actually be able to watch #ACUPBOTB2k18. damn it @ life.
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ccmillcr-blog · 6 years
Are you comin’ to Battle of the bands, hot stuff? Because if you are we can definitely focus on the pervy stuff after the show.
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oh, man. i heard about that. sounds fun? i listen to some the beatles myself, but i’m not sure if i have a lot of motivation to move my ass away from my room.... i need an incentive.
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ccmillcr-blog · 6 years
I am always happy to help with those. Be careful though, you are talking to a Broadway performer. So you might not call it whatever, not if you want me to help with costumes anyways.
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oh-- oh! oh, woah. sorry, uh. i had no idea you are a broadway performer. if i did, i wouldn’t have called it that, and i didn’t mean to whatever it. i’d be very grateful for your help. honestly.
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ccmillcr-blog · 6 years
Teaching what? It’s a job I don’t exactly envy.
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I would say it is rewarding though, yeah?
kids. yeah, i feel you. it’s a job i secretly regret on some days.
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oh, definitely. when you see those kids finally getting the concept of adding one and one results to two instead of eleven. it’s great. what about you? what do you do?
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ccmillcr-blog · 6 years
I haven’t got a clue who either of those people is, but if my pizza eating habits are enough to get your attention I’m quite happy with that. Seriously. If you think that’s bad you should see me with pakoras on Indian takeaway night. 
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pakoras? well, now you definitely have my attention. do tell me what pakoras are and if i am allowed to be involved in this Indian takeaway night.
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ccmillcr-blog · 6 years
i’d say it’s more of a halloween movie. i have an explanation for that one, but i doubt you’re asking for it and that i could say them outloud right now. my brain is too fried from all the teaching i do.
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I’m here, I’m queer, and I’m taking a poll!
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Is Nightmare Before Christmas more of a Halloween movie or a Christmas one? 
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ccmillcr-blog · 6 years
Nope, I’m not a cat mom. Just someone who appreciates them a lot. I don’t have time for one of my own. Well, in that case, no. I’ve got more than enough drawing work at the shop, I don’t need more.
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Alright, alright. You’re the reblog-cats-a-lot type. Got it. Well, in that case, thanks for trying. The effort is very much appreciated. 
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