cc7111-marlo · 2 years
What we call home (Ch 2)
Minors and cloneship haters DNI
CC-3636 | Wolffe/CC-7111 | Marlo
Same-Sex Marriage, Romance, Clone Trooper/Clone Trooper Relationships (Star Wars), alternative universe, No Order 66 AU, Travel
5952 (ch 2)
In a universe where order 66 never happened and the republic won, Wolffe and Marlo enjoy a life as free citizens now that the war is over. Now one and a half years after the war, they have their own home on Coruscant, jobs and are happily married. Although their lifes aren't as adventurous as before, the experience of figuring out what they want to do now is exciting in it's own way. With Wolffe still working for Plo Koon and Marlo wishing to leave the coruscant guard, what will happen when they leave behind all they've ever known?  
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cc7111-marlo · 2 years
What we call home (Ch 1)
Minors and cloneship haters DNI
CC-3636 | Wolffe/CC-7111 | Marlo
Same-Sex Marriage, Romance, Clone Trooper/Clone Trooper Relationships (Star Wars), alternative universe, No Order 66 AU, Travel
4256 (ch 1)
In a universe where order 66 never happened and the republic won, Wolffe and Marlo enjoy a life as free citizens now that the war is over. Now one and a half years after the war, they have their own home on Coruscant, jobs and are happily married. Although their lifes aren't as adventurous as before, the experience of figuring out what they want to do now is exciting in it's own way. With Wolffe still working for Plo Koon and Marlo wishing to leave the coruscant guard, what will happen when they leave behind all they've ever known?
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cc7111-marlo · 2 years
A Shooting Star
Minors and cloneship haters DNI
Explicit (18+)
CC-3636 | Wolffe/CC-7111 | Marlo (+CT-4476 | Star)
Clone sex, face fucking, accidental voyeurism, voyeurism, anal sex, semi-public sex, porn with feelings, masturbation 
Summary: Clone trooper Star is about to finish up his check up round of the Triumphant, when he notices two clones getting frisky in one of the storage rooms.
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cc7111-marlo · 2 years
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cc7111-marlo · 2 years
A NSFW snippet
For may the 4th I wanna share a little snippet of one of the juicy(😏) fics im working on!🥰
It is my oc Marlo x Wolffe (clone x clone)
Minors and cloneship haters DNI
Summary: Star of the 104th is doing his last checkups before he gets to enjoy his leave. What he didn't expect was to find his commander and another vod getting it on in one of the storage rooms.
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Wolffe gasps, obviously surprised by the corrie’s eager action and a hand flies into the brown curls his fellow commander has. The corrie detaches his mouth after a few seconds of sucking and hastily works on removing Wolffe’s lower blacks, pulling them down as well as his underwear, making the man’s half hard member jump out.
Wolffe smirks again, his fingers tightening in the corrie’s hair as he makes him look up at him instead of at his cock with a hungry gaze. “Why so eager, love? I planned on taking my time with you.”
The corrie breath hitches as Wolffe pulls at his hair, enjoying the feeling by the looks of it as his cock twitches and the faint hint of a blush on his face spreads. “I missed you, Wolffe. I missed you inside of me.” The man says, wanton in his tone as he grabs Wolffe’s cock in his hand, making the commander curse under his breath. The corrie doesn’t give Wolffe the chance to say anything, quickly adding to his statement, “I want you to fuck my face.”
Even Star can’t help but gasp at that, his fingers gripping the door frame tightly as he watches from around the corner. He notices how his codpiece starts to feel too cramped as his own length starts to grow, the two commanders getting to him and making him hungry for a sexual touch himself. He stays still though, knowing that touching himself now will probably get him caught. The possibility is thrilling though.
Wolffe by now is leaning down, awfully close to the other clone’s face, the corrie’s hair still gripped tightly between his fingers, making it impossible for the other commander to look anywhere else than at him. “Marlo,” So that’s the corrie's name. “Are you sure you want me to get rough with you right now?” His tone changed; now more serious and concerned.
The corrie quickly nods his head yes. It’s barely noticeable, the hand in his hair still restricting his movements. “Yes. Please, Wolffe.”
“Recite our agreement.”
“I’ll say orange if we need to slow down and red if we need to stop.”
“And if you can’t speak?”
“I’ll tap you.” Wolffe answers that answer with a kiss, the air around them having turned sweet and caring for a brief moment before it changes back again.
Wolffe straightens his posture again. He looks like his sexy, authoritative self again, the same version Star fantasizes about so much and would love to experience the way his lover does this very moment.
Wolffe loosens his tight grip on the corrie his hair. “You know what to do.”
And that Marlo does.
The hand he still has on Wolffe's cock, he uses to rub him hard, his eyes not leaving Wolffe's as he leans closer, taking the tip into his mouth and starts to suck gently. A low groan leaves Wolffe's lips making Star's knees buckle. He can see the clear arousal on his commander's face and it makes him instinctively press a hand on his codpiece.
The corrie continues, his tongue running over the tip and along the slit there before he leans lower, licking a stripe all the way from the man's balls towards the tip again before taking it into his mouth, slowly easing more of Wolffe's length inside of the wet heat that is his throat.
"Kark I missed your mouth." Wolffe says between a moan and a chuckle. His fingers tighten in Marlo's hair again and he smirks as he looks down at his lover. The pretty clone looks up at him with big, wanting eyes and his mouth full and it's probably the best thing Wolffe has ever seen as he can't help but buck his hips forward a bit prematurely. "Let's put it to good use, shall we?"
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cc7111-marlo · 2 years
My Jedi OC Gi'dalan Midai😍
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I'm not 100% done with it yet, but this took me an entire day to make and I wanna share so have a peak at my sweet Jedi OC 🤗 I'm really proud of the way it looks already 😁
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cc7111-marlo · 2 years
When you're writing a NSFW fic and you've reached the 1800 words and you're characters still aren't fucking...
This is gonna take so long 😂
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cc7111-marlo · 2 years
Okay, since I made some changes in my blogs, (I had two, one for rping and one for writing and reblogging), I am now going to keep the other blog as a reblog blog and this one as a writing blog so I can keep it seperate. Here are the stories I had already written and I'm hoping to post more stories in the future!
I'm already busy with multiple stories atm: some are for a new AU I am cooking up which will be a series post war where no O66 happens, but it's still pretty dark (oops), which I will post on my new blog I'll announce when I finish the intro and manage to get some chapters done. The other one I'm working on is a story for this blog, which I'm very excited to finish.
Anyways, enjoy what I've already written and know that I will still take clone x clone requests (both platonic and romantic) if anyone is interested.
Have a good day 😘
Ao3: IStanMyMan
Clone x Clone
Tup/Wooley puns, braiding and pick-up line
Other fics
212th floor is lava 
Foxiyo - A spider embarrassed me in front of my favorite senator
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cc7111-marlo · 2 years
Friendly reminder that fan-made content (fanart, fanfic, fanvids, etc) are:
extremely time consuming. Remember someone actually took time out of their life to create that, time they could’ve used to, idk, sleep, for example
entertainment you’re consuming for free. I can’t stress this enough: you’re enjoying someone else’s craft for free. You paid exactly zero money to look at/read/watch it.
S H A R E D  with you, not made for you. This is the most important point: someone created that, put it online and you found it. No one forced you to consume that fanwork, you C H O S E  to do it. 
Whenever you feel like leaving a mean comment, anonymous hate or make a ~clever post about how ‘lol look at all of these overused tropes every fic writer crams into their fics’ remember you’re being a dick to someone who shared their work with you. You’re not being funny, you’re not being edgy, you’re not being brave for calling something out - you’re being a dick.
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cc7111-marlo · 3 years
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cc7111-marlo · 3 years
Fox: As you can see, the prison guards are unprepared for a prisoner of this level of danger.
Stone: Permission to speak freely, sir?
Fox: Permission granted.
Stone: You're being a massive dick.
Fox: I am what I eat.
Stone: ...
Palpatine: -Chokes.-
Coruscant Police Officer: That's how the chancellor died?
Fox: Yes, sir. We all tried to save him, but the food would not dislodge.
Coruscant Police Officer: I see...We'll be omitting the joke from the official report.
Fox: What joke?
Coruscant Police Officer: ...
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cc7111-marlo · 3 years
Videogame Beard Smoke || Marlo and Thorn (topic and genre of your choice)
🥰 I'm excited for the result, love 🤞❤️
Thank you so much for the request sweetie! You gave me a difficult combination of words honestly, but I'm glad I came up with this, it's cute and I hope you like it 😊
Also, it's in a modern AU setting!! Hf reading 💙
"It's a fun game! Just try it at least." Thorn says enthusiastically and holds up his phone, displaying the words would you rather.
They're currently laying down on Marlo's bed in his room. "Haven't we played that before?" Marlo asks, eyeing his older brother's phone with a raised eyebrow before looking back at the TV screen they are currently playing don't starve together on.
"No, that was truth or dare and you didn't want to do the dares. So, since you like games that are purely question based more, I thought you'd like this one better." Thorn gives him that "Innocent" look he always does when he's secretly up to something. "Come on, just a few questions."
Marlo pauses his game and puts the controller aside. He might as well see what he's up to. "Fine, just a few can't hurt."
"Great!" Thorn grins. He opens the game and asks the first question. "Okay, would you rather never eat fries or never eat pizza again?"
"Easy, fries. I'd rather eat pizza." Marlo answers quickly.
"Alright, the next one is for me. Would I rather grow a beard or go bald? Well, obviously I'd rather grow a beard. I'm not gonna give up my hair." He chuckles.
"Of course, you wouldn't." Marlo chuckles. "What's the next one?"
"Would you rather stop watching TV or stop playing video games?"
"That one is easy, I never watch tv." Marlo snorts. "Are they all like this?"
Thorn skips through them and nods. "Seems like it. Would you rather-" He chuckles at his own pun. "Would you rather we make up some of our own?"
"Yeah, that would be better. Who starts?"
"Well, I just asked you the last one so it's your turn to ask me something now."
"Okay." Marlo hums as he thinks. "Uhhhh, would you rather pass your senior year in one go or redo a year and get a thousand bucks?"
Thorn snort, "The thousand bucks. I'll need it."
"We all do. Why does studying have to be so expensive?"
"No idea, but anyways, would you rather get high or get drunk?"
Marlo hums unpleasantly, "Dad would kill me if I were to do drugs and you know that. So yeah, getting drunk."
"Should've seen that coming." Thorn muses. A large grin then grows on his face. "Would you rather stay at home or have Wolffe ask you out to next week's school dance?"
Marlo's mouth falls open. No he did not. He's had a crush on Wolffe for a while now, but since Thorn and Wolffe are classmates and friends he didn't want to make things awkward for them in their friend group. "Did you tell him!?" He asks, mortified. He doesn't want Wolffe to know about his crush on him.
"No, but he told me he might want to ask you out." Thorn grins.
"Really?" Marlo asks, surprised.
"Yes, I wouldn't lie to you about this." Thorn smiles and grabs his phone, looking up Wolffe's number.
"Should I talk to him about it? What if he changes his mind?" Marlo asks unsure.
"Only one way to find out." Thorn says with a shit-eating grin and presses his phone into Marlo's hands, then walks out.
"Thorn, what-?" He looks down and sees that Thorn is calling Wolffe right now. He wants to press it away before Wolffe notices, but before he can, the guy picks up. "Hey, Thorn. Why did you call?"
Fuck! He thinks, but there's no going back now. "Hey, Wolffe. I-it's Marlo actually." He can slap his forehead. He sounds so awkward and it's so clear that he's nervous.
"Oh, Marlo? Why do you have Thorn's phone?"
Marlo cusses Thorn out mentally before replying with the same shitty confidence. "Well, he called you and kinda just shoved his phone in my hands before running off." He can't lie for shit so he might as well tell the truth.
"Why would he do that?"
"I, uhm…. I heard something from Thorn, correct me if I'm wrong, but…were you still looking for someone to take with you to next week's school dance?" He's blushing while he asks, internally begging for Wolffe to say yes, both because he wants to go with him but also because it would be incredibly awkward if he said no.
"I was actually. Want to come along?"
Marlo can barely believe it when he hears it, and although Wolffe can't see it, he nods furiously. "Yes! That sounds like fun."
"Alright. How about you save my number in your own phone? We can discuss the details later then."
"Sounds great." Marlo smiles overjoyed. "I'll text you later then when I saved your number."
"Sounds good. Bye, Marlo."
"Bye, Wolffe." Marlo says back and stops the call. He's so happy that Wolffe actually wants to go with him. "Thorn!" He yells and the door immediately opens.
"I was right here, you don't have to yell." He grins, obviously having stood behind the door this whole time. "Also, you're welcome."
"You set this up!" He exclaims, still taking in that Thorn just tricked him into getting a date. "You're a dick for putting me on the spot like that, but honestly, thank you so much for making this happen. I'm so happy I get to go with Wolffe." Marlo drops the phone on the bed and wraps his arms around his older brother.
Thorn chuckles and hugs back. "Yeah, yeah. You're welcome, vod."
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cc7111-marlo · 3 years
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cc7111-marlo · 3 years
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Thorn and Fox time!
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cc7111-marlo · 3 years
Character sheet Commander Marlo CC-7111
Hair: Dyed brown, curly, sides shaved down
Jewelry: Silver earrings; little loops with cones dangling from them
Tattoo: "Mesh'la" Tattooed on his neck right side
Scars: Marlo has a few small ones that he got while being out in the streets of coruscant.
Other: -
Marlo, or in his cadet years Eleven, is a clone from the CC class. He was trained by Alpha-18 who's way of training involved a lot of insults, injuries and punishments. Marlo, knowing that his only way of getting better and avoiding Eighteen's punishments was to train himself to the bone, worked incredibly hard during his cadet years to always perform above expectations. That still didn't always keep him out of trouble though, since even from a young age Marlo wasn't afraid to talk back to his Alpha trainer.
Marlo was close friends with a clone in his batch that went by the number CC-7531, aka Thirty-one. Thirty one and, at that point still, Eleven got along well and were pretty much inseparable, helping each other through the harsh training and the healing after. When there was a need for new commanders at the front, Thirty-one was sent out early. When Marlo got sent out he always hoped that he could see Thirty-one again, but that hope was crushed when he got news of his death. His friend had died during his first campaign at the front and Marlo still feels guilt for not properly telling him goodbye before he was send out.
Marlo is the youngest coruscant guard commander and was trained under Alpha-18. He cares a lot about his men and he's easy to talk with, although a bit dense when it comes to social cues.
Marlo's greatest skill is hand to hand combat due to the harsh training Alpha-18 had put him under. Due to this training, Marlo also ended up being incredibly strong willed, but also quite hot headed. He's normally very sweet and often checks on his troopers and friends their well being, but if someone pisses him off or wrongs him/the people he cares about, he isn't afraid to yell back what he thinks of that person or to start a fight, especially since he knows who would win.
Marlo loves tooka's! It's his favorite animal.
His favorite candy is peppermint.
Marlo allows himself only one bad habit and that is drinking alcohol (excessively if he's coping).
When Marlo wears natborn clothes, he likes wearing sweaters the most, especially the fluffy kind.
Marlo likes spending his time sparring with his vod'e on the training mat. He doesn't want to get rusty.
Marlo tied once with Eighteen during his training right before he graduated early. He did play dirty though.
Marlo bit Alpha-18 once as a cadet and he doesn't regret it, even though he did get punished for it after.
Marlo likes dancing and, when he can, he goes to 79's to dance there and drink.
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cc7111-marlo · 3 years
I want my blog to be a place where people can talk with me about headcanons, characters, the show and their own ideas for stories.
When it comes to things you can see on my blog:
Clone centered stories
Discussions about the show
Shared art
My OCs😍
If anyone would like to know more about my boys I will gladly write stories or headcanons about them 🤗
For anyone who would like to request a story, I take:
Word/Sentence prompt based requests
Story requests about my characters
Clone x clone requests (both platonic and romantic)
Canon clone character requests
And if I know your character well, I could maybe even write a story for your character 😊
(no x readers tho)
Since some of my headcanons/stories might contain 18+ and/or dark content, I want to set the boundary that only adults interact (like/reblog/comment) on these posts and that minors refrain themselves from viewing the content I put an 18+ warning above.
Thank you in advance! 💙
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cc7111-marlo · 3 years
[Hello everyone who's still following me,
I've kinda been ignoring Tumblr for a while (oops) but I would like to post some things again. From now on I won't be rping anymore on Tumblr since it's just a hassle honestly. Its very hard to keep track of everything.
If anyone is in fact interested in rping, I might do it if it's kept in dms since that is easier to scroll back to. I would mostly like to use this blog to share some of my stories (I've already posted some on @commander-marlo) but for this blog I would be willing to take requests for small stories 😊
Sharing new story ideas are always welcome as well as headcanons and word/sentence prompts. Anyways, check out @commander-marlo for a few small stories I've already written if you're interested and I'll be hopefully posting some new/other things here as well.
I'll be making a post of what I will and won't write soon for anyone who is interested!
Have a good day everyone! 🤗]
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