catuje-blog · 6 years
Wait, what
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oh god what did i do
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catuje-blog · 6 years
"And the night came very fast
And the next day even faster"
- Love looks not with the eyes/malec_hun
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catuje-blog · 6 years
"And the night came very fast
And the next day even faster"
- Love looks not with the eyes/ malec_hun
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catuje-blog · 6 years
Person A: I fucked up. I fucked up.
Person B: Why? What happened?
Person A: I’m falling for someone.
Person B: Damn. Must be a special person to make emotionless A fall in love.
Person A: *looks at B* Yeah, real special.
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catuje-blog · 6 years
Person A: Jesus it's cold.
Person B: Here, take my hoodie, i'm not even that cold.
Person A: Thanks, i'll give it back tomorrow.
*later at home*
Person A, aggressively inhaling in B's hoodie scent while curled up inside it: I'm not giving this back.
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catuje-blog · 6 years
this is not a love poem this poem will not fill you with the warm fuzzies the way e.e. cummings does it will not make you believe in the power of love or the magic of love love what the hell is love anyway? because i always thought love was supposed to fill you with the same feeling you get when you read an e.e. cummngs poem  not like this 
this is not a love poem no, it’s too angry for that  love should never be angry  and yet, here i am seething with rage  not at you, but at myself  for allowing myself to be vulnerable, to be captivated  to let my guard down, to break down my walls and allow someone in  allow you in and then you set this whole goddamn place ablaze  the match is in your hands but i feel as though the blame is on me
this is not a love poem but an apology  an apology to my heart for all of the damage and pain its been through an apology to my hands for all the words i’ve made them write about you an apology to lips for all the times i’ve made them choke on your name an apology to my entire being for being touched by you, for having every inch of skin tattooed with a memory of you, you are everywhere, you are all over me
this is not a love poem but a cry for help or more like a cry into the void because you said that you would be there you said that we could still be friends and like a goddamn fool, i believed you and i needed you but where are you?
this is not a love poem no, i’m tired of writing those in fact, i want all of my poems back i want my words that i endlessly spilled for you back i want my writer’s block back because at least while i was struggling to verbalize how you broke my heart, i had something else on my mind i want my thoughts back i want my memories back i want my favorite songs back i want my smile back i want myself back
this is not a love poem but even if it was it’s not like you’d read it anyway
(cc, 2018)
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catuje-blog · 6 years
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THANK GOD WE HELD ON - k.p.k || instagram
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catuje-blog · 6 years
““Will you wait for me?” “Yes.” He answered. “Even if I take too long?” He looked at her, “Well, I may grumble if you take too long,” he smiled, “But I’ll still wait. I will wait if it’s you.””
— Lukas W. // Forgotten Words #210 // I will wait only for you (via somepiecesofmyheartandsoul)
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catuje-blog · 6 years
Healing comes in waves and maybe today the wave hits the rocks and that’s okay, that’s okay, darling, you are still healing you are still healing.
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catuje-blog · 6 years
“If I must break to be able to call you mine, then please, take me into your hands and tear every part of me, and break every fibre inside of me. If I must die to call you love, then please, allow me to die a thousand deaths.”
— Lukas W. // If I must 
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catuje-blog · 6 years
“when your first love happens to be an epic failure, you spend the rest of your life looking for something that, in fact, never existed. looking for something that was not quite to be called ‘love’. you’re lost in time and space, forever longing to find the same feeling you once felt back then, looking for love but never encountering it because we never actually met.”
— love that was lost at first sight.
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catuje-blog · 6 years
◻ single
◻ taken
☑ waiting for Matthew Daddario
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catuje-blog · 6 years
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Malec + text posts (3/??)
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catuje-blog · 6 years
My gay boy comes out
Me: Awwwwww *proud mother mood*
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catuje-blog · 6 years
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catuje-blog · 6 years
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catuje-blog · 6 years
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still one of my single favorite moments in the entirety of the show so far – because that first instance when alec walked down that aisle and kissed magnus might’ve been part of an adrenaline rush, the end result of an impulse, but this second moment when alec draws back from magnus and looks into his eyes, only to go in for more? that’s alec saying, yes, yes, you.
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