318 posts
IND. PRIV. SEL. Hero of Ideals N from Pokemon Black / Black 2. Liberated by Pluto.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
castleclysm · 1 year ago
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❝ Offspring hatch from Eggs. ❞
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castleclysm · 1 year ago
hello everyone. I missed my son so I'm Here again 👍
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castleclysm · 1 year ago
Commissions for Medical Bills
Hey! I know I’ve all but dropped off the face of the earth lately. I’ve been very sick and bouncing every day between different specialists and having tests done. I’ve been on medical leave from work and racking up a lot of medical bills, which isn’t a great combination.
My partners are trying to help me out, so we’re offering crochet and art commissions, as well as stickers, magnets, and pins to help raise some money for these bills. The crochet one makes a wide variety of things, they can even make Pokémon (I have a Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Espeon, and Jiggly Puff from them) and various other animals. One of their other specialties is a line of varying pride flag themed bees. The other one is a digital artist and has a tier list of prices depending on what you’re looking for
Photos and more info under the cut. Please help out or signal boost if you can.
Crochet Examples
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Contact and further pricing: Either me or alexmariecrochet on Etsy and Instagram
Digital Art Examples 1
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Contact and further pricing: Either me or _sunnflower._ on Instagram
Digital Art Examples 2
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Another person has very graciously offered to help as well. You can find their commission information on their carrd.
Stickers, Magnets, Pins Examples
I’m working on adding more designs, but I have one collection over at redbubble right now as well.
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castleclysm · 1 year ago
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     When you REACH THE TOP, don’t forget about those who fought alongside you on the way there. 
               Maybe they weren’t as STRONG, as CLEVER, or as BRAVE as you -
                               But they still gave everything for what they believed in.
PRIV. Leon Delarosa of Pokemon: Sword and Shield. ♥ / ⟲ if interested in interacting!
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castleclysm · 1 year ago
hey remember when I talked about the possibility of AUs with N being raised in other villain teams?
what if I just.....
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castleclysm · 1 year ago
"My best friend."
It's said simply, quietly. Not with any sardonic tone or overt sappiness - just a statement of fact.
"He's smart, and kind to Pokemon. He's good at learning new things and remembering. He talks about things I don't understand sometimes, but that's okay. If we all understood each other right away, that wouldn't be as fun."
A small smile. "He tries very hard. I'm proud of him."
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castleclysm · 2 years ago
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...He has no idea if this is 'good' or not.
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castleclysm · 2 years ago
more or less everything about n can be assumed to be public knowledge, or an assumption someone could make with minimal research behind it. the initial incidents with plasma received quite a lot of attention, and N was hardly the most subtle guy in unova. it's common knowledge he was a major part of the push for universal pokemon liberation, be it voluntary or forced
since it's easier to write what's private, the only things that shouldn't be immediately known are:
N is/was a Harmonia
details of his first parents' abandonment and his time living in the forest
the exact methods Ghetsis used to manipulate and groom him, mostly focusing around the only type of pokemon (ones humans had hurt) that N was allowed to talk to
keep in mind, however, these details can be known by protags of both games or oc equivalents; high-ranking plasma affiliates of either faction; and interpol. special mention goes to those who are close to any of the above and could have reasonably learned this information
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castleclysm · 2 years ago
do you think the wild pokemon talk shit about the shady people and evil teams they see? do you think the pidgeys have warned N about the people he needs to avoid? do you think N, in turn, gives them names and faces and clothes to watch out for, so he can know if any enemies are in the area?
bc if so, my guy's sitting on what is essentially a worldwide covert information network and doing fuck all with it
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castleclysm · 2 years ago
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castleclysm · 2 years ago
anyway n loves ghetsis To This Day and is determined to try and earn back his love / harmonia name, but I trust that everyone releases that that's fucked up
n was raised in a massively abusive environment full to bursting with indoctrination, and the only voices of reason he really had were zoroark and his equally-abused sisters. he doesn't know what a healthy family looks like. he doesn't even really know that what he's gone through was abuse. he just knows that that's his father, who loved him once but doesn't anymore, and the only conclusion he has is that maybe he did do something wrong after all
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castleclysm · 2 years ago
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crying and sobbing, sobbing and crying
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castleclysm · 2 years ago
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Anonymous asked: when I was a young boy, my father took me to the city to see a marching band
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                     ❝ Ghetsis never took me anywhere. ❞
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castleclysm · 2 years ago
the unironically fastest way to contact N is to send a messenger pidove
his xtransceiver is barely checked, so texts and calls will be missed
he doesn't have an email
he doesn't have a permanent address, so letters are out of the question
you're unlikely to cross paths bc of how erratic and unpredictable his travel schedule and routes are
send a pidove. he likes them, is guaranteed to stop and talk, and will receive your message in record time. thank u, messenger pidove 💕💕
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castleclysm · 2 years ago
N knows he could say no. He could pull back towards Zoroark, let the fox's paw grip his, and flee this route without fear of being chased. He knows that Svern would allow him this freedom, and that's more that can be said for many others.
Maybe that's why N finds himself feeling more inclined to agree to this sudden company. Svern is... a friend. It will be nice to entertain his company for today.
                     ❝ ...Come on, ❞ he says, grabbing hold of Svern's wrist.
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                     ❝ There's something I want you to see. ❞
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"HEY, N! I've got nothing to do all day today and I'm super duper massively bored out of my brains. Come help me not be bored."
That's not a request. Not that he could or would make N come along if he didn't want to, but seeing him mopey and knowing what kinds of thoughts he was undoubtedly thinking made Svern irritable.
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castleclysm · 2 years ago
forever thinking about how n's eyes have literally no light in them during the entirety of black/white and all the years before
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castleclysm · 2 years ago
Fill out the questions about your muse, repost, tag as many people as you want.
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What does your muse smell like? After awakening Zekrom and cementing his place as its friend and hero, N always smells like ozone, the air before a storm. This scent remains even after the events of Black 2, as their bond can't be broken just because they're no longer permanent travelling companions.
How often does your muse bathe/shower? Whenever he can. Finding places to stay can be difficult, given how often he moves around and how important it is that he keeps a low profile, so he takes great advantage of public showers in things like pools and gyms.
He aims to shower at least three times a week. In reality, he'll make do with whatever his circumstances allow him.
Does your muse have any tattoos or piercings? No, nor has he really considered the idea of getting any.
Any body movement quirks (EX: tapping heel, shaking knee)? His hands need something to fidget with. He gets restless otherwise, tapping at his thighs or his stomach or playing with the hem of his shirt.
He's also always shifting his weight from one foot to another, swaying front and backwards ever so slightly. The movement keeps him grounded in the moment, stops his mind from wandering too far, and the predictable front-back rhythm helps him regulate himself emotionally.
What do they sleep in? Whatever he was wearing when he laid down.
What’s their favorite piece of clothing? The puzzle cube he keeps chained to his pants. It's something he's treasured ever since he was a small child, and it's his favourite fidget object.
What do they do when they wake up? Immediately find Zoroark and get moving. He hasn't got the luxury of relaxation, especially if he's somewhere like Unova where even the general public have good reason to hate him.
How do they sleep? Position? Badly. He doesn't so much as sleep as nap, taking a series of half-hour recharges to give himself just enough energy to continue his journey. He always remains somewhat aware, listening out for any pokemon warning call or unexpected movement nearby.
As for position, he likes to curl up in a tight ball and lay on one side. Zoroark usually sleeps against his back, facing the opposite way.
What do their hands feel like? Soft, but cooler than average. There's some small scars across his palm and fingertips, most of them caused by roughhousing with his wild friends.
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