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casecravingarchive-blog · 10 years ago
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my mind rebels at stagnation. give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram or the most intricate analysis, and i am in my own proper atmosphere. i can dispense then with artificial stimulants. but i abhor the dull routine of existence. i crave for mental exaltation. that is why i have chosen my own particular profession, or rather created it –
                          for i am the only one in the world.
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casecravingarchive-blog · 10 years ago
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my mind rebels at stagnation. give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram or the most intricate analysis, and i am in my own proper atmosphere. i can dispense then with artificial stimulants. but i abhor the dull routine of existence. i crave for mental exaltation. that is why i have chosen my own particular profession, or rather created it –
                          for i am the only one in the world.
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casecravingarchive-blog · 10 years ago
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my mind rebels at stagnation. give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram or the most intricate analysis, and i am in my own proper atmosphere. i can dispense then with artificial stimulants. but i abhor the dull routine of existence. i crave for mental exaltation. that is why i have chosen my own particular profession, or rather created it –
                          for i am the only one in the world.
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casecravingarchive-blog · 10 years ago
surprise. i’m going to revamp this blog.
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casecravingarchive-blog · 10 years ago
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the invitation, though given with sarcasm,
is accepted. a fluid movement brings him one step closer to the woman, until all it would take to touch her lies in the movement of a finger -- a bend in the neck. they are mirrors. cold, inscrutable, sharp contrasts between light and dark ( on the outside; within, they are spattered in twin shades of charcoal, of ember, of shadow ). for a moment, all is still: even the wind’s capriciousness is lost in the meeting of gazes which so clash and ring DISCORDANT. 
she is his enigma. where deductions would run rampant in his never-ceasing mind, she produces those execrable questions; where in most the detective would procure no more than boredom, so does he find intrigue in her.
                          ' karachi proves only that i was   willing to repay the debt                             i owed. an eye for an eye; a life risked for another risked.                             after   all, in the end, it may have been you who had  the                             potential to bring a nation to its knees -- but who was it                             who            brought              you             to            yours?  '
        he is the same & different, simultaneously. a questionable memory was he, now. for it had been years prior to their last rendezvous, in which the dominatrix was stripped of armour & sherlock holmes indulged in the rescue of irene adler. two very different sides to a single coin. the dominatrix wielded a certain GRACE & a particular CHARM, a veneer of sorts – lacquer to visor the manipulative attribute of her ministrations. she was NOT a likeable woman. but  neither were the plethora of fair women, not OBJECTS of appeal – but WEAPONRY.  
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         ❝ take a step closer, i could almost taste the irony           on the tip of your tongue,  mr. sherlock holmes.  ❞
                                            ❝ & i thought i told you. i have protection. you were                                            exceptional that last night in england, but i’m not AFRAID                                            of the ice man.  i’ve whipped kings & queens into  DOGS.                                           i have some of his best men wagging their tails, ready for                                           order. & more importantly, i have you wrapped around my                                          FINGER. you can elect to avoid the reality of my statement,                                          but it doesn’t              necessarily mean               it’s not true.                                                                           karachi’s enough proof.  ❞
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casecravingarchive-blog · 10 years ago
over here.
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casecravingarchive-blog · 10 years ago
over here.
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casecravingarchive-blog · 10 years ago
over here.
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casecravingarchive-blog · 10 years ago
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            i am the master of your fate;                                    i am the captain of your soul.
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casecravingarchive-blog · 10 years ago
I’ve seen how amazing things happen on this website, how caring and loving people can be to complete strangers who need help. I never thought I’d ever have to ask this of people, but I need you guys. I lost my dad in 08′ unexpectedly, and then this Saturday I lost my mom the same way. It came as a surprise to my sister’s and I because literally the night before she was laughing with us, she was fine. 
My mom spent nearly eight years giving up medical help, and so many other things to provide for us. but even though things were always so hard on us financially, somehow, my mom made things work. She made everything seem possible. My oldest sister has a job and looking for another, I’m currently looking for one, and my little sister’s priority is to graduate. As of now we’re uncertain of how to even give my mom the service she needs, or how to handle any living expenses from now on. I hate asking for this, but my brother can only do so much because he has a family of his own to take care of, but if you could contribute even a little, or just reblog this to spread the word I would be so appreciative. We just need to find a way to find some sort of stability so we can get on our feet again. 
Remember if you can’t donate, that’s fine! If you’re able to just help spread the word that would be so amazing.
The link to read more about our situation or donate is here.
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casecravingarchive-blog · 10 years ago
does anyone know a free program that will convert video to jpg files that will work on a mac?
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casecravingarchive-blog · 10 years ago
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Letters Live: Benedict Cumberbatch [x]
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casecravingarchive-blog · 10 years ago
eyyyyy who's drinking with me tonight
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casecravingarchive-blog · 10 years ago
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casecravingarchive-blog · 10 years ago
I’m not going to censor myself to comfort your ignorance.
Jon Stewart  (via wordsnquotes)
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casecravingarchive-blog · 10 years ago
Your writing style is definitely simple. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. I feel that for a character like Sherlock you need to have a bit more intricate/descriptive/varied style of writing. Idk, you're a pretty good writer but honestly I think your Sherlock is a little... Too simple. I'm not wording this right but I think you'll understand what I mean.
describe my writing style.
i 100% agree with you, ‘non. i know that my writing style is very simple. usually i take pride in that -- i can get my point across without all the fluff / ridiculously convoluted stuff that i typically don’t enjoy all that much. but i do agree with you. sherlock’s probably a little too smart for me to write accurately tbh. i appreciate your honest commentary ( though i do wish you’d come to me off of anonymous, like seriously ?? i’m not gonna get mad at you, i know i’m a bitch but i do agree lmfao you don’t have to hide from me ). 
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casecravingarchive-blog · 10 years ago
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