casandra21 · 12 hours
destiel - good luck babe
you could say it's just the way you are make a new excuse, another stupid reason
repressed cas truthers stand up!!!
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casandra21 · 2 days
I totally can see that happening.
guys do you think that during first class erik would break into charles bedroom during the night just because he thought of something and felt the urge to tell him and then they would stay up all night chatting and stuff? because i do. i do believe that they did it.
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casandra21 · 2 days
Anybody else got that Evergiven sized writers block
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casandra21 · 6 days
If you see this you’re legally obligated to reblog and tag with the book you’re currently reading
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casandra21 · 9 days
I am not crying, you are crying.
"The Winner Takes It All"
Tried some new things :)
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casandra21 · 12 days
I live for the cherik edits.
this mashup is so them 😭 (The Archer x Not Strong Enough, ft. Cherik)
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casandra21 · 12 days
I never noticed the walls turning to bi flag. We are expected to believe they were straight.
When the power of Dean's LOVE BROTHERHOOD AND FRIENDSHIP broke Castiel's programming and turned the walls of Naomi's office bisexual... that was poetic cinema
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casandra21 · 13 days
They were so married.
Forever seething that Erik didn't get to raise a household full of chaos children with Charles. Watch the scene in First Class where Banshee is about to jump out of the plane and turns and looks at Erik and says, "Not you!" Look at the way Erik and Charles look at each other in this scene. They were MEANT to coparent.
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casandra21 · 14 days
The comics had gay scenes, X-men the animeted seires had gay scenes and the 2000s X-men movies had them. This ship has been around a long time. Prequel movies just renewed the attention.
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casandra21 · 15 days
Maybe this is what was happening during their intense staring matches in the movies. Of courese when Erik doesn't have his helmet.
Charles: *laughs*
Raven: oh my god, stop flirting in your minds!!
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casandra21 · 16 days
The saddest part is none of them can go and live the life they want and deserve because they feel like it is their duty to help every mutant. They know they can help others and protect them from the things they've suffered. So, no matter how hard they try to retire or leave this life behind they can't. No matter what they do, the world will never be perfect, and there will always be mutants who need saving and protection. In the end, they will always come back cause that is who they are and what they do.
I like to think that Charles’s whole thing where he’s like “Scott and Jean, I want you to be go off and be free and have a life together enjoying the peaceful world you worked so hard to build” is coming from his own desire to have that with Erik and his deep regret they spent so many years apart
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casandra21 · 17 days
Why did they write it out, though? The movies already had gay stuff, and they tried to cover it with "We're brothers" shit, Moira and by giving Erik a family. None of it stopped the shipping. I mean, people shipped them, even the actors shipped them, LOL. What harm would it do if it wasn't written out?
found the script for x-men days of future past and wow i can't believe they came up with this stuff but we didn't get it bcz they wanted to nerf cherik shippers
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"always the source of his hope, comfort" it has been literal decades and despite all their shared conflict erik has never stopped seeing charles as a symbol of hope. and charles believing their friendship will last no matter what changes logan brings. guys i can't believe they wrote this out and we didn't get it. i'm dumbfounded
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casandra21 · 17 days
Reblogging for anyone looking for Cherik playlists.
I have to share this so everyone can cry with me! I made a three-part Cherik playlist. Each part is a different stage of their relationship ( this is based off the movies) .
The songs in each playlist aren’t in any particular order but I would recommend listening to the playlist as a whole in the order above, of course fell free to to listen out of order if your just looking for a specific feeling. I hope they give you the cherik feels you’re looking for
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casandra21 · 19 days
Please they had a star-crossed lovers story that can compete with Romeo and Juliet.
was it casual when you saved me from dying and took me in and offered me a home and family and found a happiness in me i thought i lost forever and you saw the deepest parts of my pain but didn't dismiss it and you hold out hope for good to be in every part of life i find rotten even if that includes me
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casandra21 · 19 days
In every movie, they eye fuck each other.
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cherik <3
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casandra21 · 19 days
It is so well said. The love they have for each other is so beautiful and tragic at the same time.
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I need to get this off my chest and out of my mind. You know this moment. When they kidnapped Charles and our sweet telepath told so fiercely Apocalypse how Apocalypse only used Erik's rage and pain for his own goals?
I am so in love with this moment, because we finally see another one of Charles' real characteristics. His great need of protection for the people he cares and loves so much. And Erik will probably be always the one person, Charles won't stop try to protect. Even from his own mistakes.
And it's really brave to tell this Apocalypse, because he is alone... But - and please remember this, because first. This.
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Charles opens up and tells Erik how he still feels. And still believes into him. Not just because he wants to manipulate him, like Apocalypse did it, but because he really thinks so.
After his words followed a big pause, in which Charles looks very deep and long into Erik's eyes. Another moment where it is impossible to ignore, that they are again sharing an intimate moment within their minds. What causes Apocalypse later to make Erik a new helmet.
However. In this moment, Erik's expression really faltered. I mean we speak about someone who always thought of himself as a monster. A killer. And yes. Erik killed. But not because he enjoyed it, but saw the need to kill certain people to protect their species. It was his only way of doing things right. His belief at least. But not because he was the villain or bad guy.
And then he meets this cute little telepath who tells him suddenly, you are not alone, you don't need the rage or pain for your powers. And you don't need to kill anymore, because I am by your side. We all are a family ...
But things go down and he hurts Charles over and over and over again. That Erik even moves all over end of the world, just to get away. And yet Charles still believes in him.
Why I believe this is what they talk inside their minds? Because of this scene. The big But from before.
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Charles may be alone in this moment, after he told the world to stood up and help the weak and powerless, But.
Even between Apocalypse and the other three powerful mutants, is Erik.
That's why Charles looks like that into Apocalypse' eyes. That's why he doesn't fear being alone. Because he knows Erik won't let anyone harm him. Because he isn't alone.
I really feared for a moment - the first time I watched the movie - Apocalypse would kill Charles. But he didn't. Of course not. Because Charles probably told him to see what will happen, if he would try to hurt him. And so Apocalypse made the helmet for Erik, because in the end he feared the power Charles' love had over Erik.
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Yes, you ripped the earth nearly apart, but I still do love you. And still want you to live here with me and the kids.
Was maybe Charles' shy try to lure Erik back. But in the end Erik couldn't. Not because he didn't loved Charles. If not he wouldn't smile so sad as he does. But because he doesn't want to hurt the only one left loving him.
That's the smile of I wish I could stay without getting you hurt in the end. I still love you. But I love you more, when you're safe and breathing.
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casandra21 · 19 days
It fits him so well.
part 3 of my Cheirk x TTPD edits (part one/part two) I'm convinced I Can Do It With a Broken Heart was written for Charles Xavier and Charles Xavier alone!
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