carry-on-little-bat · 3 years
After being on the streets for the past 4 nights (since getting out of the psych ward) we finally managed to get into a shelter!!!!!!
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carry-on-little-bat · 3 years
You have every right to be angry at your abuser. 
Even if they have a disorder, disability, trauma, or were abused themselves. 
It doesn’t invalidate what they did to you. 
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carry-on-little-bat · 3 years
okay so I know this makes some ppl uncomfy and others dont care but!
reblog if you’re okay with people spam liking your posts
im okay with it! just thinking this might help ppl
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carry-on-little-bat · 3 years
My alters are all being quiet today and its making me feel like a fake
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carry-on-little-bat · 3 years
Things that should have made us realize we were a system sooner.
Not having any memories before 17 years old
Constantly switching tastes and texture sensitivities (sometimes loving spicy food, sometimes hating it. Sometimes loving sweets, sometimes hating them, ect.).
Consistently switching temperature tolerance
Sometimes being able to draw really well, sometimes not even being able to draw a stick figure.
Constantly switching interests and hobbies
Finding stuff I wrote that I have no memory of.
Inconsistent handwriting styles
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carry-on-little-bat · 3 years
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carry-on-little-bat · 3 years
Im hoping that I can be off the streets by new years but at this rate its not looking promising.
If anyone wants to help out a bit I would appreciat it
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carry-on-little-bat · 3 years
I feel like I want to cry but I cant
- jay
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carry-on-little-bat · 3 years
Its so exhausting to constantly doubt myself and feel like im faking.
- Jay 🟣
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carry-on-little-bat · 3 years
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The text reads: 
“Reminder of the Day” in a white font. 
“What someone else chose to do to you is never your fault. Their actions are theirs and their responsibility.
www.fortraumasurvivors.com” in a black font.
All on a light pink background. 
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carry-on-little-bat · 3 years
This is for personal interest.
I will post results.
All responses are anonymous and there is no sign-in required.
Singlets feel free to rb but please DO NOT fill out the survey unless you are a DID/ OSDD system.
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carry-on-little-bat · 3 years
This is for personal interest.
I will post results.
All responses are anonymous and there is no sign-in required.
Singlets feel free to rb but please DO NOT fill out the survey unless you are a DID/ OSDD system.
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carry-on-little-bat · 3 years
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Ngl this is kinda hilarious
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carry-on-little-bat · 3 years
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You literally adopted him you Ass
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carry-on-little-bat · 3 years
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carry-on-little-bat · 3 years
I think the antipsychotics that the doctor put us on (against our will) has changed the way we communicate with our alters away from hearing their voices clearly to more feeling their presence and communication in images, thoughts, and feelings.
Had anyone else experienced this?
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carry-on-little-bat · 3 years
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Break the cycle
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