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carlynbaldwin11-blog · 9 years ago
Rwanda President Paul Kagame said ICT has made it easy for Africa to compete in the global economy. “Today, ideas do not have borders and therefore African countries cannot be landlocked,” he said.
Torfin-Panos, S. (2015). ICTs contributing to Africa’s rapid  growth, say experts. SciDevNet.  Retrieved from
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carlynbaldwin11-blog · 9 years ago
Although the Middle East and North Africa is a large and diverse region, many countries enjoy high levels of social media penetration
Radcliffe, D. (2015). Social media in the Middle East: The story  of 2014.  Retrieved from SlideShare:
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carlynbaldwin11-blog · 9 years ago
The Turkish government took Twitter offline on March 20th, a move which a Turkish court later deemed unconstitutional
Radcliffe, D. (2015). Social media in the Middle East: The story of 2014.  Retrieved from SlideShare:
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carlynbaldwin11-blog · 9 years ago
The process of racialization continues on both the Internet and the outernet, as the ‘dirty work’ of virtual labor continues to be distributed along racial lines.
Nakamura, L. (2008). Cyberrace. PMLA: Publications Of The  Modern Language Association Of America, 123(5), 1674.
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carlynbaldwin11-blog · 9 years ago
New media appeals to us so powerfully partly because it satisfies our needs to post-industrial society to ‘construct [our] own custom lifestyle from a large (but not infinite) number of choices’ (42.)
Nakamura, L. (2008). Cyberrace. PMLA: Publications Of The  Modern Language Association Of America, 123(5), 1674.
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carlynbaldwin11-blog · 9 years ago
Social Media Expression
Hashtags and social media in general, when used without hate, can create a place for people to express their ideas safely. Due to this environment, many discussions regarding politics, gender, etc. can be done so safely.
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carlynbaldwin11-blog · 9 years ago
Men tend to be more confident about learning and downloading new software, using the Internet to enhance their careers, taking online classes, and fixing computers if there are problems
Mitchell, S. (2007, Spring). Access to Technology - Race,  gender, class bias [Web log post]. Retrieved from
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carlynbaldwin11-blog · 9 years ago
Hashtags Act as a Voice
Hashtags can unite many people online to promote a singular cause. They create a voice about a topic by using a hashtag on social media.
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carlynbaldwin11-blog · 9 years ago
This unequal distribution of risk and benefit is a function of power, and although it can be partly mitigated by good research design and ethical research practices, it can never be erased.
Eubanks, V. (2                                                
007). Popular technology: exploring inequality in the  information economy. Science & Public Policy (SPP), 34(2),  127-138. doi:10.3152/030234207XI93592
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carlynbaldwin11-blog · 9 years ago
No Gender Argument
Gender includes many stereotypes. Social media is a route to putting an end to many stereotypes.
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carlynbaldwin11-blog · 9 years ago
In a society and world with vast differences in the amount of material goods to which individuals have access, where millions starve while others can have anything they want, any conception of justice must address the distribution of material goods.
Eubanks, V. (2                                                
007). Popular technology: exploring inequality in the  information economy. Science & Public Policy (SPP), 34(2),  127-138. doi:10.3152/030234207XI93592
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carlynbaldwin11-blog · 9 years ago
Physical Appearance – Females
The media negatively impacts how females are “supposed” to look. This puts less of a value of women being smart because the primary focus is on their looks.
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carlynbaldwin11-blog · 9 years ago
There are no specific laws on cyber-racism, although all countries have laws prohibitic racist speech.
Estonia. Assembly on the draft Council of Europe  Convention on Cyber-crime (2001).  Racism and xenophobia in  cyberspace.  Report/Doc. 9263. Retrieved from
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carlynbaldwin11-blog · 9 years ago
Poor Cultures and Technology
 ICTs are used amongst poorer culture. They are a way for these people to increase income.
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carlynbaldwin11-blog · 9 years ago
Race, conceived either as biology or as culture, organizes social relationships and turns the body into a signifier
Chun, W. H. K. (January 01, 2008). Introduction: Race and/as  Technology; or, How to Do Things to Race. Camera Obscura Berkeley Then Los  Angeles Then Bloomington-, 70, 7-36.
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carlynbaldwin11-blog · 9 years ago
Africa ICT Development
ICTs are prominent in many parts of the world and they are growing in popularity in Africa. There are many struggles to try and grow this aspect of culture in African society.
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carlynbaldwin11-blog · 9 years ago
The rise of digital communication tools (like Twitter) has given anyone with something to say a ‘digital soapbox’, where they can tweet their thoughts, values, and opinions on a variety of issues
Chaudhry, I. i. (2015). #Hashtagging hate: Using Twitter to  track racism online. First Monday, 20(2), 1. Retrieved on October  25, 2015, from
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