Hi, my name's CarlosBrony, I'm a scientific from the Earth and I trying to go back to my world. But here, in Equestria, I have a lot of friends, I live in a Laboratory called Everfree Lab, in the middle of the Everfree Forest.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I can't post here anymore after I lose my 2-Factor Authenticator and I do this reblog via Ouga, the last remain of my old blog. And now, it's time for a new account. So, this account will be the archives of my old blog. Thanks for stay with me for this 6 years. ~ CarlosCreations
A new account, a new start.
~CarlosCreations 2019
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A great year for some new stuffs in Discord and... probably here. UwU I just need take some calm and start back to the new ideas and projects for my blog. And it’s probably I’ll back to the simplicity.
I hope someday revive this blog. U_U
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[404 Image or Story not Found]
CC: Lack of Ideas and Time -_-u
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“The Everfree Laboratories’s Christmas Tale” - Day 4
Prologue - Part 4
In the middle of the white snow, fillies and colts are playing with it and make snow ponies. Battles happen with snowballs and fortress. Everypony are happy. Everypony are having a lot of fun.
In front of the laboratories, there's the fillies Alpha Blue and Nyx Sparkle, playing together with CarlaPegasister and Navi Pendragon. A lot of activities happen in there with the other fillies and colts of the labs and some others coming from Ponyville. Hot Cocoa was prepared for them by Coffee Rain. Hours of Fun and Happiness they have.
CARLA: Okay little ones, wants play something more?
NAVI:Â ^w^ Come one. We have a lot of stuff more to do here.
DIAMOND:Â Oh yeah? And what is? :T
CARLA: Well... Let’s play... emmm... Any ideas, Navi?
NAVI: Nope OnO
CARLA:Â mmmm...
But soonly, someone in the woods is watching quietly the fillies, the mare and the dog in the middle of the snow. Nope, isn’t someone bad. Seems it’s someone magical with some fun stuffs too do with they. But... Where’s that species come from? Who knows. -w-
#CarlaPegasister#AlphaBlue#Nyx Sparkle#Diamond Flower#Navi Pendragon#Sloth#Tails Dash#Sweetie Belle#Story#CarlosCreations's Story#Part 4 of 25#Vectors
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Discord Account
In case you’re going out of tumblr, add me as friend in Discord with CarlosCreations#4828
That’s all ;)
~ CarlosCreations
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“The Everfree Laboratories’s Christmas Tale” - Day 3
A colt called Lucky Dice has recorded this tape:
“LUCKY DICE: Is this thing on? Okay! My name is Lucky Dice, colt of one of the scientist of one of the boring places in all Equestria, the Everfree Laboratories. This place need something crazy. Something incredible! But no... ugh...
You guys remember the happen some years ago in this place right? Remember that Christmas when Carlos was having a great christmas with a giant tree? That was huge! Really Huge!
And when someone destroy it? That red dude -w-
And when someone stoled the Christmas? I glad when that black mare saved the day! The was great!
And days after christmas, a dissaster happen! The janitor pushed that red button and BAM!
Hours later, the guys runned and they find that strange blue box with a pony inside.
Those days was INCREDIBLES!
SCIENTIST: (Knocking the door and yelling) What are you doing at this hour of the night!? It’s 1 AM!
LUCKY DICE: I hope no one post this tape.
SCIENTIST: (Knocking again) Are you listen me?
LUCKY DICE: Yes daddy!”
End of the tape.
#Lucky Dice#CarlosBrony#Sloth#Shywiser#Hasikon#Savier#Doctor Who Pony#Story#CarlosCreations's Story#Christmas#Old Posts#Part 3 of 25
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“The Everfree Laboratories’s Christmas Tale” - Day 2
TEMLOS:Â YAYa! TEMlos here!
The temmies and Temlos has prepared a show for all the followers in the laboratories. For now, they are selling “Speshul” Temmie Flakes with Christmas Pines inside (and 5 HP).
TEMLOS: Oke TEMs! Is tieme for the ShOw!!! YAYa!
The temmies moves the boxes and some tem flakes to make the scenario for the show.
TEMLOS: Is Alls prepard?
TEMMIE: TEM, I thin your forgotting som thing.
TEMLOS: Oh righ! YAYa!!!
Moves the blackboard and the box to present the show.
TEMLOS: TEMs and Poneis!!! It’s time forr te Speshul Xmast TEM ShOw!!!
The friends, followers and temmies claps and the show started.
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"The Everfree Laboratories's Christmas Tale" - Day 1
It's a cold day in Equestria.
The trees, the roofs, the ground and the mountains are white, a snow storm is over Ponyville and Canterlot. It's a bad start for the Christmas month. No one it's in the outside, everyone are saved in the warm houses with a chimney and a hot cocoa with marshmallow. The landscape of Ponyville is completely white and gray.
In the border of the Everfree Forest, there's a huge white building with a lot of windows called "Everfree Laboratories". Inside of this building, a lot of ponies with different races and jobs. Between them, scientifics and test subjects preparing for the Christmas in the hall of the buildings. A large pine is in the middle of the hall, fillies are helping decoring it and the owner, Carlos Brony, is preparing the presents. But he isn't alone, her daughter, Alpha Blue, is preparing cookies, Carlos's friends are helping too with the tree or with the decorations.
This christmas seems perfect.
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What happen when you mix the classic Pointy Ponies base with my Actual Pony Base? Probably a new base?
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CC’s Mod Update 03#
Hello guys, the chocolate squirrelpony here to another Update in my artwork. I have some stuffs to say today.
1. Weekendly Post
As you notice, I’m posting every weekend a new post. Can be a Intermission, a Giantess post or a Baldi one. But some times I’m posting one in the week because boring :P But if you notice, I stopped posting the new episodes of Season 8 of MLP just because I lost the count of episodes :’( But I’ll still posting the other 3 posts, incluing this :3
2. Questions and Answers posts!
It’s been so long I haven’t posted a normal Q&A post since the giantess post. So let’s do this. I’ll answer every forgotten and new questions in every weekend, but this will be do in a temporary alternative universe (a.k.a. CC-verse) where the characters are the same of the original but there, every event happened in the main posts, don’t will happen there. Also, the main one is looking as a story one, so, I’ll rename it as “CarlosBrony Adventures - Macro Pony” and the Q&A as the typically “Ask [Character] #ooo” to don’t make anyone dizzy. Okay? Okay!
3. Carldi needs students!
In the Baldi’s posts, there’s 3 characters what doent’s have someone to represent it. You can see it here:
Baldi Baldimore: CarlosCreations (me) Playtime: Alpha Blue The Friend: Diamond Pony The Protagonist: Melody Thunder First Prize: Terra Principal of the Thing: Harmony It’s the Bully: [Nothing] Janitor (Gotta Sweep): [Nothing] Student (Arts and Crafters): [Nothing] Filename2: [It’s a secret]
Comment below to say what character you want be or if you want appear as a student :3
And that’s all guys of all this :3 I want to say thanks for all the friends and users for my passed birthday and for following this amaizing project. See ya!
~ CarlosCreations (The SquirrelPony)
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Carlos’s Basics - Terra as First Prize
Terra Prize: Hugs for all!
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#Carlos's Basics in Chemistry Learning#Terra#First Prize#baldi's basics in education and learning#MLP OC
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Intermission 02# - Cleaning Ponies: Terra-chan (@anideterm3) and Shywiser (I think he’s gone D:)
KALTRoS: #Someone needs help#
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Today is my Birthday :D
(Some delay but still)
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Carlos’s Basics in Chemistry Learning Page 01 - Introduction (Warning: Made in Paint with Comic Sans)
Featuring: Melody Thunder as “The Protagonist” (@melodythunder), Diamond Pony as “The Friend“ (@mod-blog-ask-diamond-pony) and Harmony as “The Principal of the Thing”. (@felicitytheflyingcat and @ask-felicity-the-pony)
Carldi: Oh hi! Welcome to my comic!
CC: A little start before the real game :P
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#Carlos's Basics in Chemistry Learning#baldi's basics in education and learning#Carldi Creationsmore#Diamond Pony#Melody Thunder#Harmony#Needle Kill#Diamond Flower#Baldi Baldimore#the principal of the thing#My Little Pony#MLP OC
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Carlos’s Basics - The Principal of the Thing
CC: Ooops D: I don’t want go to detenshun!
The Principal is Harmony from @felicitytheflyingcat & @ask-felicity-the-pony
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Carlos’s Basics - The Protagonist
Say hi to our protagonist of Carlos’s Basics, Melody Thunder!
This Saturday I’ll update the first part of this comic :3
MelodyThunder is from @melodythunder
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Ask CarlosBrony 408# Ponies: Felicity and Harmony (@ask-felicity-the-pony & @felicitytheflyingcat), Terra (@anideterm3) and Twizilla (@ask-twizilla)
Terra: Don’t worry sempai! I’M COMIIIIIIIING!!!!
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#felicity#Harmony#Twizilla#Shadow Soul#Nicole Flaky#RainRunner#Terra Pony#Vector#AskCarlosBrony&Friends#Ask#Finally the Post is Here! :D
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