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true presence of the mind is to stabbity stab. ( no, captain jacke )
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i went straight out and made another alt for oboro.
#☆ ❜ OUT OF CHARACTER → exit game ?#this is how much i love him#square enix: *doesn't put him in sb msqs*#me: puts him iN EVERY MSQS.
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Hello! Interdimensional Rift is looking for roleplayers of the Final Fantasy RPC! It’s simple to get in, simply ↺ this post & include in the tags which muse you play, which game they are from (we are accepting crossovers) & whether they are canon, OC, or multimuse! Optionally, you can send an ask stating the same information. This blog also features resources, advice & positivity!
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❛ garlean technology is rather difficult for myself to grasp but with this, a wider path should be made available to our comrades. lady alisaie, master alphinaud, let us proceed to dwindling their numbers to secure our operations. ❜
@alisaie-leveilleur // (starter call.)
#alisaieleveilleur#☆ ❜ IN CHARACTER ( OBORO TORIOI ) → they have left me a changed man and i can no longer deny what i've become.#and here is that thing we talked about!!#doma castle msq only gave my boi one second of cutscene......#but let's work with it :^D!
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❛ what’s a lass like yerself doin’ ‘round out in the snow anyway ? ye don’t have to answer if yer not up to it but i was wonderin’ if yer be kind to point me in the direction o’ the next place. think me companion calls it .. a haven fer chocobos ? ❜
@oflightsgrace // (starter call.)
#☆ ❜ IN CHARACTER → we go where the shadows are darkest an' hand out justice to 'em#i hope this is okay!
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sometimes i think about how jacke had dealt with being ripped away from his warm home by those damn slave traders. how he was waiting and wanting to go home while being shoved in that small cell. how he had to come to terms with never seeing them again, even after he was rescued from the brutality. are they alive? are they dead? had they given up on searching for him after years? they’d move from their home after deeming it unsafe from the raid, but that just makes it all the hard for jacke to look. after years, after taking helm over the rogue guild, he had stopped searching. deep down, he’s every bit of afraid of facing them again. there’s a bit of solace in never knowing, the strength that it gives him and he’d hate to see that crumble away and have his vulnerability shown again. because what makes him a good target was his vulnerability in the first place. even so, even deeper down inside, he wanted to know - what has become of his family.
#☆ ❜ HEADCANON → break th' code an' ye not gettin' let off easy; pal.#when he said to that kid in that rogue quest. ' ye don't wanna be me ' with that - sad smile.#i was just breaking inside...................
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❛ i am full aware of my promise to luke in which i were to train these children from my homeland in revenant’s toll. however, my experience has an instructor has only taken full-fledged genins under my tutelage and i fear that this will require a whole different approach. ❜ @flosferam // (starter call.)
#☆ ❜ IN CHARACTER ( OBORO TORIOI ) → they have left me a changed man and i can no longer deny what i've become.#jacke is way better with kids tbHH.#and while oboro isn't bad. he isn't accustomed himself :"^)#can't read a girl. how would he ever read a kid-#flosferam
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brows rise and fall minutely at the mention of the crate’s previous belongings, and his attention briefly fades as he recalls the moments up until his “capture.” surely, he’d heard shrill cries amid the sound of feet rushing across the wooden pier, but within limsa lominsa, the noise wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. seabirds were a common sight in the sky, and even amid the many myriad passenger and private ships, he often knew captains to adorn themselves with a brightly feathered companion. “birds? an’ here i thought all the squawkin’ was ‘cause of the pirate ships.”
maybe the cries had been a bit closer than he’d realized in afterthought, but he pries the hand that had unconsciously raised to his chin away, and shakes his head free of the concern. what was in the crate mattered little compared to the fact that it was still missing.
“seems like too much work fer a pet ta me, but ul’dahn elites ‘ll pay handsomely if it seems exotic enough.” albi’s lips curl into a smug smile, shoulders rolling with the familiar knowledge of the desert jewel. as his posture settles, though, his tone sobers, recounting only the necessary details for his newfound ally, “ta answer ya, though, a seeker lass by the name of f’lihze. she’s a representative fer the auction, s’pposedly keeps track of the inventory as it arrives.” not that he could verify if that was what she truly did.
“made a request at the adventurer’s guild after she noticed stock was disappearin’ on her. if animals were in the crates instead of the antiques, though, makes sense as ta why they’d move so quickly.” he shakes his head slowly, “can’t imagine a dead bird fetches much coin.”
❛ smart o’ ‘em to bring their pets to limsa, eh ? to the untrained wattle, one bird squawks like another an’ i’ll bet me blunt that the yellowjackets ain’t trained fer this. ❜ exotic birds aren’t regarded as a sought out treasure other than to those pirates living in RICHES. they’re only referred to as an UNNECESSARY luxury, a cosmetic to pretty their appearances and status among the warring pirates. no starving ones would ever think of owning a pet where they’d have to pay beyond the purchase price. and ever since merlwyb took the helm, many pirates are left to plunder GARLEAN ships, which isn’t rare but not easy to take them apart either, given their technology that easily surpasses any of their own ships. listening to the miqo’te’s recount, jacke purses his lips and nods in understanding. he’ll still keep an eye out just in case. even though it isn’t uncommon for two to work for the same purpose, he knows well enough in his years how QUICK and desperate one is willing to turn around and stab their mate in the back for a benefit. and if the miqo’te wishes to live on that same assumption regarding jacke’s own motivations, he’s got nothing to complain too. that’s just how it is in limsa. ❛ ain’t much of a chore to keep one bird alive - but long over time, it ain’t gonna worth the blunt. ❜ placing his knuckle ‘neath his chin, jacke narrows his eyes in thought. ❛ an’ one o' the ways they’d keep ‘em alive is if they poke holes in it. this makes things easier fer us, eh. ❜
#ofvesper#☆ ❜ IN CHARACTER → we go where the shadows are darkest an' hand out justice to 'em#he can eat my sandwich for free anytime B^)
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ser aymeric:
RELIEVED WAS HE WHO TREAD BEYOND THE GATE; evaded the seemingly ceaseless pull into whatever conflict was capturing eorzea’s attentions most. aye, ‘twas foolish ━ selfish, even ━ to cast reality aside for a short while && greet the world as though oceans were calmed but it was of great need for sake of one’s sanity. that, he had already lost so much of, to even his own surprise.
elezen would cast gaze ‘pon the eternal winter with the selfsame discontent that had wracked him since the very day the red star shattered life as all knew it. however, smile dared to dance on his lips, sound of only the crunch of snow beneath sollerets prompting a comfort that CRADLED him in her arms.
‘course, it was never to last. the heavens had never been known to be fair nor had existence in itself. such a truth forces from him an empty chuckle as head bows, gaze shifting to the ground ‘fore his feet. in their gradual downfall, they catch glimpse of familiar mop, with aymeric resigning himself to cease && eventually come to watch the warrior of light && the stranger in his company, lacking will to disturb them.
❛ if i had to guess, ye gambled away yer blunt an’ winter kit. ❜ and jacke knows, somehow always knows, and it confirms in luke’s SOURING look and murmuring ‘neath his breath against the luck that worked against him. jacke has a mind to let him shiver on his POOR decision making aptitude but alas, even he, isn’t that CRUEL to watch his love fighting a losing battle with the snow. fetching his second, same top from his armoury, he tosses it onto luke’s head with a skilled flick of his wrist with minimal effort.
when a portion of the fabric shields a part of his vision, he quietly catches it to avoid the wind from blowing it far and drapes it around himself. ❛ thanks. ❜ concise is his show of gratitude but there’s unmistakable emotion within the vocal conveyance. footsteps of his paused for a moment, when a lone figure catches his attention. tilting his head, he makes their way towards ishgard’s lord commander with his companion following in tow.
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ser aymeric:
❛ I’LL STAND HERE RIGHT BESIDE YOU. tonight, we’re fighting for our lives. ❜
@capjacke enters the fray. song; soldiers // otherwise.
❛ it is truly an HONOR fighting alongside a knight of your calibre. let us put away our enemies with haste and rejoin our allies. ❜
#akumeis#☆ ❜ IN CHARACTER ( OBORO TORIOI ) → they have left me a changed man and i can no longer deny what i've become.#this is like. the most unexpected teamups oho
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★ He could already hear the Azure Dragoon in the back of his mind, ridiculing his willingness to participate in simple missions of attaining intelligence or going of his way in doing favours for those friends and companions made along the way. This time, obviously with the nagging he would have to listen to later, was not any different, while wandering { aimlessly? } around his current place, trying to find a certain someone Luke had wanted him to meet.
★ He would need to ask him about that later, for the other had only ushered him around in haste for he could not quite make it. Alas, glances from left and right were enough for Sephiroth to halt, find a place and merely sit down. Sure enough, soon someone arrived he could extend a conversation to, and figure out reasons of why exactly he was here. “ My apologies. ” Before he makes to stand once more. “ I was sent by a friend of mine, Luke Castagnier, to meet the guild-master, I hope I do not disturb. ” || @capjacke | sc. ♡~
luke, eh ? come to think of it, luke did mention that someone will be paying him a visit in regards to INFORMATION of interest that jacke is supposed to pass on. even if the word of mouth comes from his beau, jacke is hard-pressed in offering his absolute TRUST, electing to subtly study the stranger with his own KEEN eye. nevertheless, he knows when he’s due to fulfil a request he had promised. ❛ nah. i was expectin’ ye, ❜ he reassures with an informal casual air he’s better known for on the surface. ❛ heard yer workin’ with luke in interceptin’ with a secret transportation of crystals. the rogues have been snilchin’ on the curs fer days now an’ whiddled where they’re doin’ their longboat deal.
problem is, it’s not a place any cove can reach on their dew beaters. ❜
#breselin#☆ ❜ IN CHARACTER → we go where the shadows are darkest an' hand out justice to 'em#HERE I AMMMM
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like this post for a starter !!
#i can do with oboro or jacke or both oboro or jacke :^D#time to get active??#☆ ❜ OUT OF CHARACTER → exit game ?#i'll do drafts rn
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unmeiha replied to your post: oboro: captain jacke, how do you rinse blood out...
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oboro: captain jacke, how do you rinse blood out of an omelette? jacke: how to rinse what out o' what now?
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“Are you really expecting a positive outcome out of this?” @ jacke !
i forgot the meme link lol // @unmeiha // accepting if anyone knows which meme it is !!
❛ no time to be gettin’ cold feet now, lass. if those curs hop the twig now, we can say goodbye to any chances of savin’ those people. ❜ smuggling themselves onto ships of their foes aren’t a RARE day for the rogues - but they’re dealing with their own limited resources here. v’kebbe and underfoot aren’t due to come in from their posts till later but their targets will be worming themselves out of the territory by the time they arrive. fortunately, they’ve oboro on their side who elected to assist this mission and is paving way for their entry. no foul play on the ninja’s side - jacke has a suspicion that either karasu is nowhere to be found still or the stuffy elders in his village hadn’t found a use for him yet - or a depressing combination of both. he isn’t going to say no to a dimber damber to share the work though, considering how marginally RARE he even elects to trust to begin with ( he’s 99.9% sure oboro is going to pull this off ).❛ but aye, positive outcome bein’ we gettin’ those captured outta there an’ that’s the one of the only two outcomes that ‘m workin’ me blades on. ❜ another being, all of them getting out of there alive to fight for another day.
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“How do you manage to keep going despite everything?” @ oboro !
i forgot the meme link lol // @unmeiha // accepting if anyone knows which meme it is !!
❛ there is no secret to it. when you devote your life fully to your blades, it is the only thing that matters. doubts, frustrations that hinder your mission must be cleansed from your mind. ❜ that isn’t to say GRIEF was absent when he laid his eyes ‘pon his fallen comrades, his fellow shinobis who fought side by side him. only once, by karasu’s ploy, did he UNLEASH his rage at long last ( for the first time as he can remember ) when he witnesses ‘pon tsubame about to receive the same fate as their lost ones. karasu calls it being a MAN - but oboro, even with his coming to terms that certain changes are ultimately necessary, deems it to be a loss of control that he cannot afford.nevertheless, the CLARITY of his mind is achieved with much thanks to karasu, tsubame, luke and the people of these foreign lands.his finger comes under his own chin, his typical stormy eyes briefly flicker by the thoughts that easily consumes him for a second when peace allows it. he does not lie when he conveys that his stay in eorzea will further his own LEARNING, but perhaps even he - needs a small pause to find his own answers every now and then.
❛ that being said, perhaps … recent events have allowed me to evaluate these teachings. never do i oppose it in its entirety, as i still firmly believe an unequalled DEDICATION and a clear mind remains paramount to our resilience, ❜ he murmurs, closing his eyes for a bare moment before reopening them in a surer state of mind.
❛ but i suppose it is what we choose to live for, after all. ❜
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O B O R O.
#believe me when i say that i have screenshots of dialogues about and with oboro and jacke.#i l oVE THIS GOSSIPING GENIN.#yugiri: s i g h s.
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i really love oboro’s killer look !!
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