"You're Cancelled"
495 posts
This is someone's utopia. The next day it's their nightmare. Everyone clamors around the tv because they hear there's been another cancellation. How could you miss it? The highest viewing yet! If only someone had watched before. If only someone had saved them from their death.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
cancelledhq · 2 years ago
The Automatic Enrollment Policy
To maintain the integrity of Prometheus Productions' contracts, there are special circumstances that will enroll a person into becoming a contracted actor/actress without the need for a physical signature. This policy is to preserve the rights of contracts preexisting, as allowing everyone to perform on camera without adhering to the terms of becoming a contract violates the conditions of their agreement.
Automatic enrollment into a contract requires several conditions to be met.
1) The person in question must be broadcasted through Prometheus Productions formats (either via live television, recorded television, streaming, film, etc.) and during that broadcast the individual must have vocalized at least ten words or have an uninterrupted presence of five minutes or a total of thirty minutes during the length of a single project (example: 1 tv/streaming episode or 1 film).
2) To qualify for automatic enrollment, the above condition must be performed under the direction of a script that was submitted to Prometheus Productions. The script must belong to the same project the individual is performing under. I.e. a person reading a line from Misery while performing on Myles Tonight will not be automatically enrolled. If the line was included in a submitted script to Myles Tonight in this scenario it then would be counted.
The automatic points total given to the contract will be set at a standard 250 until more are earned via normal points accrual procedures.
With this policy, all hired extras and contestants of reality/competition televised/streaming shows are required to reread these terms before every project they perform under, as they are statistically more likely to be automatically enrolled than any other group within Prometheus Productions; however, this is a required training annually for all employees of Prometheus Productions, regardless of role.
Examples of automatic enrollment:
Big Brother 6, episode 5. Remy McClure was given a script by producers to amplify drama for viewership. Although this is strongly discouraged for all reality and competition genres, Remy McClure agreed to perform as directed, therefore enrolling himself into a contract. Remy McClure was the first cancellation to be aired via Big Brother.
1996 Academy Awards. Director Lucas Ramirez controversially had taken notes during the ceremony by copying a presenter's lines verbatim, repeating them during his acceptance speech. It was later rumored that he had done so to star in his own project that he could see no one else filling besides himself. Ramirez recently died from self-inflicted causes.
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cancelledhq · 4 years ago
Prometheus, either in a direct or indirect way, controls all media within the United States, along with many other countries across the globe. Russia, China, Japan, India, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria, and others are among those that are considered to be using the Prometheus model in some fashion. In doing so, it is required that all production companies within the partnering country be conducted under the Prometheus Productions umbrella, as dictated by national law. Prometheus Productions, in turn, receives a portion of the revenue gained. Production companies that fail to comply have two options: to be bought or to dissolve. 
Other countries are either anti-cancellation or neutral. Most notable neutral powers are Canada, United Kingdom, and Israel. Countries that are neutral are more likely to be permitted as filming and traveling locations, though not guaranteed. They also allow streaming and distribution of Prometheus Productions’ films and shows. Notable countries for being anti-cancellation include France (once a member of the model), Spain, and Germany. Countries that are anti-cancellation are unable to be permitted as traveling locations for contracts, as was the stated reason for why Inception (2010) was not able to have their cast film there, only crew, and after much negotiations. 
Prometheus’ reach is not limited to film-making. They not only have a controlling stake in all streaming services but also all ISPs, as well. This domination (although not officially) ties into the telecommunication industry, given that most ISPs are bundled in providing cell service to consumers and businesses alike. Within all terms and agreements and privacy policies from sites similar to YouTube or apps similar to TikTok, you will notice Prometheus Productions mentioned. By agreeing, your data is being analyzed not only through your television viewership or box office results but also your phone. It should be noted that all social media posts and search engine entries are included, filtered by what actress/actors are mentioned and by how much. This is not news, though. 
In the early stages, when these changes were implemented over ten years ago, independent backlash formed, only for it to be confronted and public perception to be turned into favoring the watchful presence. For the first time, the audience was empowered by the idea that they were the ones to determine who would rise or fall across the leaderboard. In reality, this is not the only factor, but no one is entertained by technicalities. 
Reported analytics are not solely used for adjusting points; they are also used to track uploaded videos that gain followers/popularity. No uploader receives monetary gain, as acknowledged in all platform agreements, but does receive the chance to be noticed by a casting director or agent. 
When it comes to the music industry, all major labels have taken a neutral stance on Prometheus Productions. They often will encourage their artists to arrange songs for films or be very receptive to royalty deals. At heart, they are a business looking to remain in control of that business. 
Within the past Presidential elections, Prometheus Productions has donated large amounts to candidates on both Republican and Democratic sides. They have also sponsored all debates, as part to televising them to the general public, along with being a strong proponent of Make Your Vote Count campaigns to encourage larger voting turnouts.
In rough estimate, total assets are assessed to be in the range of $650 billion and are currently managed by new controlling partner, president, and CEO Sebastian Steele, who still retains sole ownership over his own companies unrelated to the entertainment industry. 
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cancelledhq · 4 years ago
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cancelledhq · 4 years ago
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cancelledhq · 4 years ago
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Wikipedia pages! How would ever learn anything without them? For our first task in a long time, we invite you to create your character's wikipedia page. What is important to note is that wikipedia pages are not necessarily taken as gospel when it comes to people and many facts are based on mere optics, which allows you the freedom to list what you like from any point of view.
What's most exciting about wikipedia is the open-source of it all! Why, you could spend hours and hours on research to give the people the most accurate data before someone five tequila shots in comes in and bulldozes it all away! This brings us to the second half of the task!
When you've posted your wiki-page, it is editable by anyone who sees it. It is highly encouraged to provide edits to all pages posted to the dash via a reblog. Pages can be edited as many times and by as many people. There is no limit.
When posting your finished work, please tag it under cancelled.task
Have fun!
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cancelledhq · 5 years ago
Hi there! Are you open & active?
Well hello there!! To be honest, we are a group of 4! Our activity is incredibly lax and it's just very chill for us. If you are looking for something super active I would say we won't be able to provide that experience for you, but if you'd like to know some more, feel free to ask!
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cancelledhq · 5 years ago
Evacuate the building immediately. THIS IS NOT A WARNING. Please, remain calm and leave as soon as possible for your safety. We have reason to believe an active shooter may be within the building. LEAVE WITH CAUTION. Prometheus Productions’ security personnel will escort you immediately. Do NOT stay within the building.
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cancelledhq · 5 years ago
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cancelledhq · 5 years ago
0 notes
cancelledhq · 5 years ago
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cancelledhq · 5 years ago
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Earlier this morning, Jessamine Lucille Beaumont-Jackson was unfortunately found unresponsive in his shared room with Julian Santiago. As it appears currently, the incident is tentatively being ruled as an accidental death pending further review. A thorough investigation is being conducted, but based on preliminary questioning it is our assurance that every precaution will be taken.
If you are asked to provide a series of statements to corroborate the narrative set forth by Mr. Santiago, you are not to refuse. It is highly encouraged that you offer such statements on your own volition by completing the series of questions below:
What is the nature of your relationship with Mr. Beaumont-Jackson?: Do you believe anyone wished him harm?: Are you familiar with narcotics?: To the best of your ability, do you remember the last time you saw Mr. Beaumont-Jackson?:
For your cooperation, 50 points will be awarded.
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cancelledhq · 5 years ago
IC Juno, Tammy, and Bram are still among us. Jessamine’s story will be posted shortly.
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cancelledhq · 5 years ago
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Prometheus Productions' main priority is to extend safety to its employees and contracts alike, and in this uncertain time, Ms. Samson has opened up her private residential building to those involved in every aspect of Prometheus' daily life. To those that are not familiar with the complex, it is one of Los Angeles' most distinguishable structures that contribute to the famous skyline, as seen here. All amenities are at no cost, including 24-hour room service, spa treatments, indoor and outdoor swimming pool access, fitness center, Ms. Samson's custom indoor botanical garden, and more. For your own protection, contracts and employees are required to stay with a curfew at midnight. Those that are not directly employed or contracted by Prometheus are not obligated, but will not be able to have any contact with those that do should he/she/they decline the invitation. Apologies to any scheduling conflicts our production crews may face. As an additional precaution, there will be two guests per room, meaning you will be sharing with another. A list of partners is included below. Enjoy your stay.
Birdie & Dougie
Tomas & Charles
Nicholas & Alice
Micah & Claudia
Ingrid & Jade
Sebastian & Lynn
[Bram] & Julian
Henri & Eloise
[Juno] & Kingston
Eve & Lina
Tommy & Joseph
Miguel & Sylvie
Theo & Fabian
Cleo & Ade
Simon & Teagan
Cora & Sloane
Neta-Li & Maggie
Mary & Bri
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cancelledhq · 5 years ago
Alice Sterling @alicestcrling
Maggie Starling @maggiestarling
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cancelledhq · 5 years ago
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cancelledhq · 5 years ago
Cleo Gurvich
Joseph Naor
Nicholas Scott-Clark
Sloane Bennett
Please create your blog and first post within 72 hours!
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cancelledhq · 5 years ago
The following FCs have been put on reserve for 24 hours!
David Mazouz
William Jackson Harper
Julia Garner
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