Canada in Peril
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canada-in-peril-blog · 12 years ago
From Harper's platform " The influential Forbes magazine ranked Canada #1 in the world for businesses to grow and create jobs " 
"Big Tree Fall Hard..." This is what happens when Canada has myopic national and international policies **COUGH TAR SANDS COUGH** we tend to forget about what matters to Canadians and that is Job Security. The Harper legacy is getting hit and hit hard. The loonie gets hit on this news.  Remember that apathy is the key element to not having a voice that can effect government. It is time to call for action and bring Canada to what it should be, a leader in the world on ALL fronts! 
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canada-in-peril-blog · 12 years ago
Homer-Dixon a professor at the Balsille School of International Affairs is claiming Canada is starting to show signs of becoming a "petro-state" amongst other things in this excellent NYT piece. I tend to agree with him (even though it is a bit of an over reach in terms of becoming an oil-state). The reality of the Tar Sands in Canada is that it has become status quo to agree and to disagree is political and cultural suicide. Our scientists are being silenced, our voices are not heard and the disdain of citizens is labeled as un-patriotic and un-intelligent rabble. "You don't understand economics" or "you don't understand the realities of our processess" are common rebuttals I get when speaking to friends who are pro tar sands. 
Read this article and you will get a insight into the tar sands from one of Canada's greatest minds. (Homer-Dixon)
Then read this rebuttal from Toronto Star's Peter Foster a "ramblin on" response to Homer-Diox. GLOBAL GOVERNANCE IS SOCIALISM...really? Take a seat Foster. 
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canada-in-peril-blog · 12 years ago
This story although humorous does not get to the root of the problem of our environmental woes. Sure it is funny and embarrassing that Edmonton spent more energy during Earth Hour then before AND after but I believe it shows that "powering off" should not be a novelty thing we should become a fundamental part of being Canadian. 
Also to think that we accept that we have our eco-consciousness set to one hour a year is mind boggling  It almost discredits the idea of conservation in my opinion. Do any provinces promote peak hours? I am not sure! ENLIGHTEN ME! 
On a side night: Way to go Stephen Mandel...I blame you on the gut feeling that you did not do enough to promote Earth Hour. 
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canada-in-peril-blog · 12 years ago
This is what I think Harper tells his cabinet ministers behind closed doors. What a national embarrassment. should wait in line like the rest of us Harper, you ass hole. 
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canada-in-peril-blog · 12 years ago
Whatever the reason, the trend is clear: Canada will continue to denounce the violence in Syria, but we will be selective in joining multilateral efforts to end that violence or hold the perpetrators accountable.  
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canada-in-peril-blog · 12 years ago
Canada signed the convention in 1994 and ratified it in 1995. Every UN nation — 194 countries and the European Union — is currently a party to it. So Canada is now the lone wolf in the world. 1 out of 193 baby! A true Trail Blazer!
Why don't we support anymore!? Well it is simple! There have not been good results! SO instead of encouraging better results we just want to go against the grain until we get some damn results! FML What does Fantino have to say about this? nothing...? Oh yeah, who cares...he doesn't REALLY have an agency to run anymore...or maybe he never knew this convention existed in the first place (I would put my money on the latter).
Our international record over the last few weeks has been embarrassing at best. Why am I no longer shocked? Why would I expect that my government would care about environmental research overseas when our government denies evidence based polices at home?   Harper. Please. Stop. 
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canada-in-peril-blog · 12 years ago
This is where we stand today. Policies based on profits, lack of knowledge, and corporate interest. 
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canada-in-peril-blog · 12 years ago
Environment Canada’s budget has been cut 20%, in particular, climate change and air pollution programs have been cut by 59%. The action plan to clean up contaminated federal sites has been cut by $19.5 million and programs to protect wildlife have been cut by $3 million. Natural Resources Canada’s budget has been cut 21%, including energy efficiency programs. Overall, the government will be spending about 14% less on environmental programs.
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canada-in-peril-blog · 12 years ago
More than 1,600 Parks Canada employees were told their jobs could disappear as the department eliminates 638 positions.
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canada-in-peril-blog · 12 years ago
Brand new expansions on prisions that we desperately need because of our "tough on crimes" act. Oh Harper, you slay me. 
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canada-in-peril-blog · 12 years ago
....Oh wait
Sorry environment...ignorance is bliss
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canada-in-peril-blog · 12 years ago
**OLD NEWS but still part of the great slash and dash 
Our international presence should not be limited to a corner office in someone else's embassy. 
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canada-in-peril-blog · 12 years ago
Why keep funding students who are doing research? Because, this is funding Canada desperately needs!
pHD programs and students receive Canada's lowest mark. We desperately need to continue funding these programs.
Why improve the intellectual ability of the next generation? Because 20 years down the road we will regret that we didn't...or maybe robots will serve our every needs? Doubt it though. 
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canada-in-peril-blog · 12 years ago
A disastrous blow if this accusation made by Elizabeth May becomes a reality. 
EC and the MNR have different fundamental mandates and need to stay segregated. 
Best idea ever...If you forget every idea you have ever had, including bouncing your bowling ball off the couch.  
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canada-in-peril-blog · 12 years ago
There are many reasons why CIDA becoming absolved by DFAIT is not in the interests in Canadians or our "developing partners." I am starting to feel DF(L)AITD
The Harper Government is slashing and dashing in all of the wrong places.
I think one critique that has not yet been put out there is that Canada cut CIDA to put Fantino out of his misery. No more questions about International Development theories that he can't answer! He can't embarrass us if there is no organization for him to lead! Canada is just really trying to look out for their own here...well I guess there is also having our hard earned tax dollars tied with our corporate interests overseas. Because what works in Alberta will work in West Africa, South America, South Africa and really anywhere a Canadian flag waves over an open pit. 
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canada-in-peril-blog · 12 years ago
The link above gives a great explanation on why the ELAs are important! 
Do you care about clean drinking water? How about good policy formations based on scientific evidence for Canada and countries around the world?
The downbreak of the vote shows why it is important to have more then one voice in government. 
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canada-in-peril-blog · 12 years ago
Canada's National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy was established 25 years ago by Parliament. Parliament legislated the NRTEE's mandate as an independent, national policy advisory institution on sustainable development. The current federal government decided to close down the NRTEE effective March 31, 2013.
So much for an independent scientific voice. 
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