cameronpichler · 10 years
"My Pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard And they're like, "do you wanna trade cards?"  Damn right, I wanna trade cards I will trade you, but not my Chariz--
Oh, uh, hi. Didn't see you there."
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cameronpichler · 10 years
"That I did--" Before he could fully finish his sentence, Mirabella had twirled him around and pressed her lips against his. He hadn't been expecting that in the least, and his surprise kept him from really enjoying it for a few seconds. Finally he managed to relax, close his eyes and lean in--just in time for Mirabella to pull away.
"That's not fair," he said, taking her by the shoulders. "I wasn't ready." This time he leaned in, going nice and slow so he had time to process and relax into it.
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"You missed." Mirabella commented playfully, and grabbed Cameron’s free hand so she could spin him around. Not wasting any time, she placed a deep kiss on Cameron’s lips and pulled away several seconds later, a proud smirk on her face. "That’s better."
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cameronpichler · 10 years
Cameron's eyebrows shot up. "Really? Huh." He shrugged. "Well, there's a ton of guys here, I'm sure you'll find one that floats your boat." He smiled back and gave her hand a good shake. "Hey, Candy. I'm Cameron." Noticing that the bartender was available, he turned to him and quickly ordered a glass of water.
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Candy licked her lips and and shook her head. “No its fine. I’m actually alone at the moment. Couldn’t find any cute guy to flirt it up with but…” She looked at him, flashing him a flirty smile. “I’m Candy.” She stuck her hand out for him to shake.
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cameronpichler · 10 years
He smiled. "My pleasure." He started to dance along too, which he normally wouldn't have done in public if not for the alcohol. His moves were a bit restrained and awkward, but he could at least keep a beat. Noting that she was behind him, he decided it was a good idea to lean back and plant a kiss on her cheek, but he ended up losing his balance and landing it more on her ear.
Mirabella danced her way around to face Cameron, a grin lighting her face up at the sight of him. “Yes! Dance with me?” She asked, spinning her way around and moving herself in closer to him from behind. 
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cameronpichler · 10 years
Cameron let out a heavy exhale as he plopped himself on the nearest stool. This clubbing thing was exhausting, but he was having the time of his life. He looked up when he heard the girl next to him speak. "Oh, no. This was just the closest open seat." Now that he thought about it, it seemed odd that the seat right next to a pretty girl was the only open one. He put two and two together. "I'm sorry, you're not waiting for someone, are you?" he asked. "I can move if this seat's taken."
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Candy made sure to order another round of her drink, sitting on a bar stool, her legs crossed as she looked around the very modern-chic club that everyone was attending. Fixing her hair, the model sighed softly, until she felt someone sit next to her. “May I help?” She asked, looking over at whomever decided to sit next to her.
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cameronpichler · 10 years
Cameron walked backed into the VIP section, now with a full glass in his hand and an empty bladder. Swaying to the beat of the music, he weaved his way through the other dancers and found Mirabella grooving near their table. "You know a place is packed when there's a line for the men's room," he said with a chuckle, taking a sip of his drink. She seemed fairly unresponsive, lost in the music. "Having fun?"
Mirabella danced around in the VIP section without a care in the world, a bottle in hand as she moved to the beat. As she did so, she looked around, her eyes surfing the crowd for familiar faces.
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cameronpichler · 10 years
"Yes you are, otherwise I'm going to have to drag this whole bed to the club opening, and that wouldn't end well for anyone."
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cameronpichler · 10 years
"...on second thought, not my best idea. How about really comfy sneakers."
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Yes, even though imagine running in them..
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cameronpichler · 10 years
"I say everyone should just wear slippers everywhere. Everything would be so much simpler."
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Exactly, it’d make our job a lot easier.
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cameronpichler · 10 years
"...can't say I've ever thought of it that way. I don't get some girls and shoes. Can't they just find something comfy and wear that?"
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The Wizard of Oz is basically just a tale about the lengths a woman will go to for the right shoes.
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cameronpichler · 10 years
Turns out I'm going to see a movie because my grandma's over, so I'm going to be late to the neatchat. D: So so sorry for my crap activity.
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cameronpichler · 10 years
I'm sorry I wasn't on at all yesterday, I had my graduation and that took all day. >.< I'm going to do some replies today though!~
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cameronpichler · 10 years
I won't be on tonight because of a graduation thing, and my activity's going to be pretty weird tomorrow too. But after that, things should be all clear school-wise! :D
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cameronpichler · 10 years
Cameron nodded. "That's the plan--" he paused, then laughed--"Crap, I mean, no plans. I guess we'll see if it works." He took another sip of his drink, then nearly spat it out at Seth question. He tried his hardest to hold back his laughter, not wanting to seem like he was belittling the other, but the part about HTML was too damn funny. "Trust me, it's not too hard to be a genius at HTML. Javascript and PHP do the heavy lifting on the web." He shrugged. "I barely do anything with web development though. I write applications with Java and C++, mostly. And yeah, it takes a lot of patience, but it's not too bad once you get into it. Right now I'm writing a render engine for 3D animation and special effects." He nudged Seth's side lightly with his elbow, grinning. "Who knows, maybe you'll be in a movie that uses it someday. That'd be something."
He noticed that the girl across the room had suddenly become two girls, one blonde and one brunette of similar height and age. His brain began to formulate some kind of joke about Tribbles and how Seth would be swimming in girls by the end of the night, but he stopped himself when the two women approached. He expected both of them to crowd right around Seth so he could watch the master in action, but then one of them positioned herself so that he was between her and Seth. Not only did she stay there, she was looking right at him. The implications of her behavior began to slither into his mind, but before it could really reach him, he put up a blockade of pure denial. She wasn't interested in him, no, of course not. She just wanted a new friend and drinking buddy. Yeah.
Cameron shifted awkwardly in his chair, shot the brunette a friendly smile, then put his focus on the blonde as she introduced himself. Seth sure was being... um, forward with Anna. Cameron's eyebrows shot up when the other boy winked at him. Was he expected to act like that too?Realizing that his silence must have been awkward for the poor girl next to him, he turned to her. "Hey," he said, successfully masking his nerves. 
The girl gave him a winning smile. "Hey. I'm Leah." 
"Cameron." The alcohol must have already been working up a buzz in him, because no attempt was made to filter the first thing that popped into his head; it just went straight to his mouth. "You're not going to turn out to be my long lost sister, are you?"
Leah's smile broke down a bit. "Um, what?"
Cameron pressed his finger against his temple. Five minutes in and he'd already screwed up. "Oh, sorry, Star Wars. You know, Princess Leia, turns out to be Luke Skywalker's sister... but my name's not Luke, I'm Cameron. I said that already."
He half expected her to walk away at that point, but instead she started to chortle. By the way her laugh turned into uncontrolled snorting at intervals, he suspected that she'd already had something to drink. "I forgot about that!" Leah chuckled. "I haven't seen those movies in forever."
Cameron sighed with relief, glanced at Seth, hoping for some signal of judgement of his process, and gulped down the remainder of his drink. He hoped the next round would come soon. He was going to need it.
Blue Gin || Seth and Cameron
Seth grinned at Cameron, his eyes gleaming. “Yeah, well, some girls are just quick. If you know what I mean.” He raised his eyebrows as Cameron spoke, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. “To get out of your rut… I like it. Hopefully that’ll happen tonight, then. Just relax and enjoy.” He moved his elbow out of the way as the glasses clinked against the counter, but kept looking at Cameron as he brought the dark, bitter liquid to his lips. He grimaced ever-so-slightly at the fantastic burning sensation, but quickly returned back to conversation. “A computer programmer, huh? That’s a new one. So, are you, like, a genius of HTML or something? Can’t say I’d be too good at that job. Don’t really have the patience for it. What does that do, writing code? You make websites or something along those lines?”
He shot another bit of alcohol down his throat as he looked back at the girl, who was now joined by another, just as good looking. He made a brief motion with his head, indicating for them to approach. He placed a hand on Cameron’s shoulder and squeezed it as he finished off the last of his drink, signalling the bartender for a refill. Alright, man. Remember. No planning.” He smiled with purpose at the other boy, before flicking his eyes upward to see the two girls approaching them, smiling gracefully. They were all the typical Monte Carlo beauties, probably a few years older than Seth: maybe 21 or 22? He let out a cool smirk at them, tilting his head as he watched them walk over.
"Hello, ladies. You were looking a bit lonely. How about a drink?" He let out a sly little grin at Cameron as they agreed, nodding their heads enthusiastically. The original girl who saw Seth placed an arm around his shoulders, while another, a tall, beautiful brunette, gravitated towards Cameron.  Seth’s arm instinctively wrapped around his girl’s waist. As if on cue, the bartender approached to refill his drink. "And for the ladies, get them your best mixer. On me. And get my man here another drink as well." The girls laughed again, and Seth gave his blonde a once-over.
"What’s your name, sweetheart?" 
"Well, Anna, don’t you look stunning tonight?"
He glanced over and winked at Cameron, trying to will him to open up a little. Hopefully, he would get a little luck with the other girl.
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cameronpichler · 10 years
"To be fair, it's really not obvious sometimes if you're judging by the shape of the handle. It's the door designer's fault, not mine--I mean theirs."
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The amount of people I saw pulling a door that clearly said ‘push ‘today is ridiculous.
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cameronpichler · 10 years
"Your welcome. The Arctic Monkeys are pretty great, though. Arabella is probably my favorite."
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I have never— I’m never going to hear this song the same way again and I kind of hate you for that.
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cameronpichler · 10 years
"I can't take that song seriously. The lyrics remind me too much of "Being Around" by the Lemonheads, and I can't think about that song with a straight face."
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I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys got me fucked up though.
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