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call-me-cc · 1 year ago
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Happy 'Ryusui came out as pansexual in the anime' day everyone!!!!
(Love how the only person here with their mouth closed is the GUY TALKING)
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call-me-cc · 1 year ago
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Im just feeling a certain way rn
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call-me-cc · 2 years ago
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Adult website and period tracker
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call-me-cc · 2 years ago
I don't usually like crossover fics but I can't stop thinking about this idea for a jjk x tokyo revengers fic where an
Jjk oc/reader dated Ran in her teens but then she brakes up with him, then in present time Oc/reader is a teacher at jujutsu tech and gojo brings it up when the go to roppongi for Nobaras assessment of whatever
G- "Wasn't your ex from roppongi, what's up with him resently?"
O/R- "Oh he's an executive in a crime organization"
G- "How'd you even know that"
O/R-"We do business sometimes, their willing to give information for a price"
G- " price huh"
O/R- " I know that look it's nothing like that, besides he's already married"
G - "married? "
O/R- "yeah, he, Has a husband, seems pretty serious from what I've seen"
And it kinda hurts her that he's married cause Ran was the first person she actually loved and felt free with BUT AT THE SAME TIME SHE'S HAPPY THAT HE FOUND SOMEBODY THAT HE'S HAPPY WITH 😭😭😭😭
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call-me-cc · 2 years ago
Lumine looks so lost, and there's not a though behind Aether's eyes HAHHAHAHAH
Al Haitham celebrating his birthday with Paimon & Traveler by surprising.😅
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(Al Haitham birthday celebration from Web Event)
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call-me-cc · 2 years ago
[sᴏᴜʟ ᴇᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴏᴄs ɪɴsᴇʀᴛ]
𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙈𝙚𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 | 02
OC design | Part 01
"GRA! LISTEN UP! THERE'S SOMEONE WHO MUST BE ASSASSINATED BY THE GREAT BLACK STAR!" Black☆star stood at the Academy's entrance, yelling to nobody.
"Right now! at Death Weapon Mister Academy! One rumor stands out from the rest! They say that the son of Lord Death himself has enrolled! Not only that but they said a kid of one of the teachers has enrolled with him! Everyone's talkin about the new guys instead of focusing on me! I'll have to kill them!"
Black☆star continued to yell as Soul sat behind him with a bored expression.
Then a few seconds later,
you can see five people, a boy with black hair, two girls who seem to look like sisters, a light gray- almost white haired teen and a girl with red hair.
These were our five new students, Death the Kid! And his weapons, the Thompson Sisters, Liz and Patty! Along with with Ember Stein, and their weapon Red Akagawa!
"Hey! Are you the new kids we've been hearing so much about?" Soul asked
"This is our first day. Are you here to show us around?"
Soul chuckled before smirking and giving the new characters a nasty glare.
"You show up three hours late and you expect us to give you a tour. If you guys had been here at 7 when you two were supposed to then you could have looked around yourselves."
"What's that? What did you say, 7?" Kid asked, the masked meister next to him already knowing what's to come just let's out a tiered sigh
This immediately confused Soul, so Kid began to explain.
"Take it back. I'm begging you. Just say 8, please." Kid Begged as he slumped himself on Ember's back out of habit, his forehead on top of one of their shoulder
"Um? Dude is there something wrong with you" Soul asked slight concern in his voice
Patty and Red begin to laugh at Kid's miserable state and Ember's tiered state, which is a result of not being able to sleep and instead staying up to perfect their bombs
"Yes, he's absolute insane" Liz let's out an exhausted sigh, being done with Kid's nonsense
Meanwhile Black☆star continued to yell at the heavens, no one being able to hear him due to how high up he was. Liz finally notice the idiot above them
"What is that? Some kinda monkey?... yeah, must be a monkey. Look up there guys. I think the something is yelling at you two, not sure what though." Liz said look up to Black☆star on top of a spike
Ember and Kid looked up to Black☆star who kept yelling until the tip of the spike broke causing him to fall.
Kid scream in complete shock, while tightly griping on to the taller meister's shoulders. Black☆star than landed infront of the two meisters.
"Face it kids. I'm much to big of a guy for even the both of you to handle and you both know it. Do you see how the very ground shakes beneath my feet?" Black☆star boasts look at the two meisters
"Look what you did. It's not symmetrical anymore you jerk." Kid glared at Black☆star as he spoke with anger.
"Oh, nice. Now you've really done it." Liz said as she watched as Kid got off the taller meister's back, Black☆star was bouncing around while taunting mostly Kid. But...
"You are a disgusting pig. Are you really so eager to risk your soul that you'd fight a Grim Reaper? Liz, Patty, weapon forms."
"We've done nothing but fight ever since we got off the streets, I could use a break."
The two of them then transformed into their weapon form and flew into Kid's hands, revealing twin pistols. He held them upside down with his pinky fingers on the triggers.
The masked meister just took their weapons hand stepping back slightly
Kid shot at Soul and Black☆star's feet, keeping them away from him.
"Can't even get close to him." Black☆star said dodging Kid's attacks
"What's that? You want a up close and personal fight? Fine by me!" Kid then jumped into the air and started falling towards Black☆star. He spun around and Kicked him in the head, but Black☆star blocked with his arms.
The white haired meister just watched as their best friend fought the two idiots
"Um should we interfere?" Red said placing a finger to her chin
"Hm, it seems were not need here Red. Let's go inside and find father instead" The masked meister said to their weapon as they took her hand leading her towards the schools entrance
"Ha? Hey you're not gonna fight? What's wrong too scared?" Soul asked smugly as he noticed the white haired meister's retreating form
"No i just don't see what's the point in fighting the two of you, it will just be a waste of my time. Plus it' seems like Kid can handle you two just fine" Ember said, back facing Soul as they just keep walking
"OR MAYBE YOUR JUST TOO WEAK TO FIGHT A GOD SUCH AS THE ALL MIGHTY BLACK☆STAR" He yelled taunting the meister making them stop in their tracks
"Oh no" Red gasped at what Black☆star had said as Kid and the sisters just looked at him as if he had a death wish
"Is that so..." Ember said, their words trailing off still not facing the duo
In a blink of an eye a small glowing bomb was thrown in front of Black☆star and Soul creating a cloud of smoke around them
"Ah-!" the two yelped in surprise
The masked meister suddenly appeared in front of the duo with red cleavers in hand, mask now gone, crazed and pissed off grin on their, now visible stitched face
"If you want to fight that badly... THEN I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT A REAL GOD LOOKS LIKE YOU FILTHY PIGS!!!"
The meister swings their weapon at the two, who just barely dodged the attack, causing them to hit the ground instead, creating a large crack. Ember then jumped back, throwing three bombs them at the two. The explosion knocking back Soul and Black☆star.
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"Ah, what the hell was that" Soul groaned in pain as he started at the stitched meister
"You boys like my bombs? It took me all night to perfect them. They're made of my soul wavelength, that create a powerful explosion on impact. Pretty great huh? " The stitched meister finished, grinning proudly as they noticed their father's arrival
"That was a good warm up. But why don't we get the real fight started no? After all..." The stitched meister swinged the one of the cleavers around then catching the the one of the cleavers in their unoccupied hand.
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"I don't want to look bad infront of my father, now do I!?!"
"Oh my. They probably should have picked better opponents." Dr. Stein said as he witnessed his students fight the two new arrivals
"Dr. Stein are those the boys? The one with the gun and the swords, are they the knew kids everyone's been talking about?" Maka asked as she watched the fight between the new kids and the two idiots
"Yep. The one with the guns is Lord Death's son, Death the Kid, and the one with the clevers is my child, Ember Stein..."
"I didn't know Dr. Stein had a kid. " Tsubaki mumbled staring at her teacher with shock in her eyes, she knew that the one of the new kids was one of the teachers kid, but she never expect it to be Dr. Stein
"Now that I think about it, I do remember papa mentiong something about this before"
Dr. Stein continues to keep his eyes on the students fighting as he continued "It was Kid's own decision to join the Academy, but he won't be a normal student. His abilities are far greater than any other Mister here. That go's the same of Ember, that's one of the reasons I asked Lord Death to have them train alongside Kid a couple years back"
Black☆star attempts to land a dauble kick on Kid's, only for him to duck and jump back, as Ember blocks and counters his second kick, resulting in Black☆star to jump back from the attack
"Is that all you got! I thought you were God, but it seems as though you're nothing but a dirty pig!!!" this seams to anger Black☆star more as he charges at the stitched meister trying to land a hit on them, as they just dodge or block his attacks with the grin never leaving their face
"I want you pay attention to their soul wavelength, try it first with Kid, then Ember" Stein instructed Maka as she turned her attention towards the fight and activated her soul perception, observing Kid first
"Normally it's impossible to sync up the Souls of two weapons like that, but the connection between all three of them is strong. Very stable. As for Ember..." turning her attention to the second meister her eyes widen in shock
"This can't be possible, am I seeing this right.... "
Looking down Tsubaki's eyes filled with worry for her friend "Maka what's wrong?"
".. Ember has two souls"
"What, Dr. Stein how is that even possible?" Tsubaki asked her teacher with eyes wide, with both shock and confusion
"Ah yes, it's true Ember indeed has two souls. I created Embers body in my lab a few years ago to house two interesting souls I stumble apon. The souls are that of a meister and a weapon, although it seams as though the meister soul is more active. Despite that I still consider them one of my greatest creation along side Sid" the mad doctor explained, looking at their creation with a proud grin
"But besides from that, what else do you see Maka? "
Focusing back to the fight, Maka continued to observe their souls "The connection between both their souls are strong, despite the fact that Ember is technically syncing two weapons the connection is very stable." Maka contained to observe the them as the (one-sided) fight went on
"And their weapons seem to share a respect for them , no that's not the word... admiration, is that it?"
"Exactly correct. A good observation. The Twin Pistols are called the Thompson Sisters and the sword was known as Miss Ruby. The sisters grew up on the streets and Red was abandoned , their lives was much harder before those two showed up, so it makes sense that they would have a strong admiration for their meisters."
"The partnership works for Kid and Ember too, it's good for them to be around people so diffrent. The Thompson Sisters' laid back attitudes have a positive influence on Kid, and the same goes for Em and Red. It's good for them to have someone to keep them grounded"
"They do make a really good team, all five of them" Maka said
"Don't they"
"Can't even compare them to our two idiots out there" Maka deadpan's at the said two idiots
"Let's finish this guy off" Black☆star started as he and Soul face the two meistes
"It's about time"
"About time for what? " Kid asked in confusion as Ember tilts their head to the side also confused
"You should quake with fear of your impending death"
The stitched meister raised a brow at this, a crazed smirk spread on their face "It makes me laugh that a pig like you could think this"
"You won't be laughing when you taste our power of friendship!"
For a moment the four of them just stood still staring at each other
"Let's do this" Soul was the first to speak "Yeah" was the only thing Black☆star said before...
Soul jumped up in the air in a ball of lightning
"Wow! " Embe exclaimed observing Soul with pure curiosity till...
Black☆star tried to use Soul in his weapon for, only to fail miserably, the sight making the stitched meister laugh uncontrollably, finding the whole ordeal highly amusing and pathetic
"It's almost hard to watch. They can't sense each other's Wavelengths at all." Maka felt truly embarrassed for the two idiots
"Before a Weapon and their Mister fights an opponent, they need to adjust their Wavelengths to eachother."
"Black☆star... It's over between us" Soul said his back facing the other idiot
"What exactly are you saying, Soul" Black☆star stutters at the meistes words
"If we try to stay together like this, It'll only end up hating you... It's for the best."
Everyone around them just watched the with confusion, as to how the fight escalated to.... what ever the fuck this is
"Oh... I understand. But even though it's over, would it be okay if we stay as friends?"
"You idiot! Of course we're still going to be friends! Forever!!"
"Oh Soul!!"
"Black Star!!"
Maka just looks so disappointed at the two "They need professional help"
"Kid can you please shot them already this is getting harder to watch" Red begged the reaper to relive them of this confusingly weird sight
Soul and Black Star hugged each other endearly. That was until Soul and Black Star collapse on the floor.
"Oops sorry, my fingers slipped."
"Thank you Kid"
ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴀʟʟ ᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ɪ'ᴍ ᴛɪʀᴇᴅ -_-
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call-me-cc · 2 years ago
[sᴏᴜʟ ᴇᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴏᴄs ɪɴsᴇʀᴛ ]
𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙈𝙚𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 | 01
OC design | Part 02
The figure can be seen jumping from the tree tops chasing a spider witch
The mountain breeze blowing through their white hair as they continue the chase, before final cornering the witch
Standing in front of the spider witch was a rather tall masked teen wearing a lab coat and black turtleneck with a red katana in hand, it's sheath strapped to their waist
"GRA! WHY WON'T YOU GIVE UP ALREADY! We've been hunting you and your creepy 'family' down all afternoon, and I really want to get this done!"
A red-headed girl yelled, her face appearing on the blade of the katana. Her voice full of iteration towards the spider witch, who just scoffed and summons a spider kishin
This one was much bigger then the other kishins they've fought today, it lets out a roar before mindlessly charging at the meister, weapon duo
"Hm, it's seems as if this one is much more brain dead then the others." The meister said getting into position, ready to attack. Taking a deep breath as they sheathing the sword while pulling their leg back their head hung low
The kishin was charging at the masked meister at high speeds, although he didn't get far. A quick flash was seen before his head was cut off, his body vanished leaving only his soul behind
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The witch was slightly to panicked as she sees the kishin be killed in a blink of an eye
"Now, why don't you just give up now and we can finally be done here" Ember said in a bored tone as they started at the silent witch, who just slightly growled at the meister
"Hm not so talkative are you? No matter you'll be dead soon anyways" the masked meister said while throwing their weapon in the air, while small balls start glowing in their hand
"Red, Cleaver Mode"
"Roger!" The weapon answered turning into a twin cleavers connected by a chain.
Catching the weapon in one hand, Ember then threw three balls in air with their other hand, jumping up and flipping in the air ready to hit the balls to the ground, expecting an exposition...
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But nothing happened
Landing on the ground with a thud, the meister stated at the metal balls with wide eyes
"WHAT THEIR DUDS?! I THOUGHT I FINALLY NAILD IT! IM A SUCH FAILURE, A DISAPPOINTMENT, I DISGRACE MY FATHER'S NAME! I DON'T DISSERVE TO LIVE!" They screamed in defeat, head hung low wanting to sink to the ground but stopped themselves due to how dirty the ground is
"Oh no, not this again"The Red weapon whined as she started at her meister having a mental breakdown
"Come on Em, that's not true your an amazing meister and I'm 100% sure your dad is super proud of you, but you can't let a failure hold you back like this!!!" The little weapon tried to reassure her meister
"But Red-"
"No excuse! Now go get that witch!"
"You're right Red, now let's kill this witch so you can finally become a Death Scythe" The masked meister said now motivated
Now looking back to the spider witch only to see her with the dud soul bombs in her hand
"Hold on, what are you doing?" Ember asked, watching as the witch turned the small balls into a larger bombs while looking up at the meister
They raised their brow at the witch, confused as to what is happening. The witch only smirks while lighting the bomb then teleporting far from the duo laughing their ass off
"OH SHIT!" they screamed as the masked meister and the their weapon drived into a hole trying to avoid the explosion
After the cost was clear the dou came out of their hiding hole to see the forest burned down
"Welp that could have gone better! But we did kill all the kishins in the forest like we were asked, although we let the witch get away, but I'm sure that won't be a problem, so I say our mission is done!" Red giggled blissfully, happy that she was alive and can finally rest.
"Yes, now all we need to do is report to Lord Death back at the academy, then we can go home and I can finally take a shower" The meister said to their partner while dusting their clothes and fixing their black mask. This ultimately dampening the red-headed weapon's mood
"Wha~?The academy but that so far~, why can't you just call Lord Death and report here~?" Red whined as she slumped on her taller meister's back arm wrapped around their waist
"I didn't bring a mirror and beside weren't you the one who was begging to go back to the academy earlier?" Ember raised a brow at the weapon as they took out their hand sanitizer "You said something about leaving your cat plushie in Death's room remember?"
After sanitizing their hands they took out a skull shaped key fob to summoning their special motorcycle
"Oh right, I almost forgot about Mr. Noir! After what just happened I kinda forgot about him!" Red chuckled nervously
"Fine we can go back to the academy. But you're carrying me up the stairs, I'm way to tierd!" Red exclaimed hopping on the newly summoned motorcycle
"Of course my princess" Her meister said, starting up the engine of the motorcycle before driving/flying off to the academy
"I wonder how Kid and the sisters mission to the pyramid went?" The masked meister wonders out loud
Arriving at DWMA the weapon and meister duo were meet with a familiar set of stairs
The masked meister sighed as their partner was fast asleep leaning on their back her arms wrapped tightly around the meister's waist
They repositioned the small weapon to properly carry her on their back, preparing to ascend the massive set of stairs
"Red wake up we have to go to Death's room now, and I can't keep carrying you" It took a while to reach the top, the masked meister tried to wake their partner up
"But you're comfy~. And I'm still sleepy~" the red-headed girl whine burying her face more into the meister's neck
"Come on Red I'm tired too...If you get up now I'll buy you ice-cream when we get back" The taller teen offered, trying their best to keep the weapon from falling
"Hm only if I can pick the flavour, you have a weird taste in ice-cream. I like green apple and all, but the last one you made me try tasted kinda weird" Red slightly gaged at the thought of the weird sour ice cream, as she hoped off her meister's back and started walking down the academy's hallway
"I kinda liked it" the masked teen mumbled as they follow their weapon to Death's room
"As punished for destroying the pyramid of anubis and for burning down the entire forest, all the soul both of you have collected will be confiscated" Death said to the two meisters in front of him
One was hitting the floor repeatedly while saying "Damn it! Im garbage, I'll die!"
While Ember had their head hung low with a shadow cast over their eyes, completely silent but on the inside...
They were internally dying
The child of the strongest meister in the world, Ember Stein and their blade weapon partner Ruby Akagawa . . .
The prologue is complete, and now the real story can begin
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call-me-cc · 2 years ago
[sᴏᴜʟ ᴇᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴏᴄs ɪɴsᴇʀᴛ]
𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙈𝙚𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 | 𝙊𝘾𝙨
Part 01 | Part 02
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Name : Ember Stein
Age : 16
Pronounce : they/them
Height : 170cm or 5'7
Weapon : Ruby Akawaga
Family : Franken Stein [Creator/Father]
Likes : Cleaning, clean things, science (specifically Phasmology) , experiments/dissection, coffee, apples, their father, Ruby, Death the kid...
Dislikes : Dirty things, people going into their lab without permission, people touching them or their stuff without permission, people calling them weak, being a "failure"
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Name : Ruby (Red) Akagawa 
Age : 15
Pronounce : She/her
Height : 155cm or 5'1
Meister : Ember Stein
Family : Akagawa Clan (Former)
Likes : sweets, cats, soft/comfy things, the color red, her friends, Mr. Noir (cat plushie), head pats (mainly from Ember) , cute things, Dresses
Dislikes : creepy bugs (cockroaches, spiders, etc.) , People calling her short, bitter and spicy things, blood....
ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ᴘɪᴄʀᴇᴡ ɪ ᴜsᴇᴅ. ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ sᴏᴜʟs ᴀʀᴇ ᴍʏ ᴏᴡɴ ᴅʀᴀᴡɪɴɢs
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call-me-cc · 2 years ago
[ᴅᴀɴɢᴀɴʀᴏɴᴘᴀ ᴠ𝟸 ᴏᴄ ɪɴsᴇʀᴛ ]
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘽𝙚𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙛 𝙍𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮
You stare at the tall buildings through the car window in amazement. Hopes Peak Academy, a school of the gifted and talented. A school for the best of the best. Your parents and ansesters alma mater. 
You vaguely remember your father telling you the history of the academy he once attended every night like a bedtime story.
A school founded by Izuru Kamakura, a man with a desire to create and spared hope around the world. Hope by proxy represents the best humanity has to offer. He had a belief that hope came from individuals with extraordinary talents. That's why he created this school to nurture and guide them to their full potential, so it in turn could spread hope elsewhere in the world.
And now you, standing in front of it as one of its own as The Ultimate Mafia Boss. I guess the saying is true after all, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
You were hesitant to accept the school's invention at first. It took you an entire school year to finally accept the offer, but you thought that this would be a good start for you,after the incident your were in need of a change. Maybe this place can help with that, help you change for the better, help undo your past. Its wishfull thinking but you just needed to have hope.
You wouldn't be alone here considering your right-hand man, Haru Yamaguchi  would be attending Hopes Peak as the Ultimate Butler. Although he'll be in a different class than you it's better than being completely alone. 
You also heard rumors that your childhood friend and business partner, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu would be in the same class as you. You might find it odd to have two gangsters in one class, but considering that you enrolled a year late you're  technically supposed to be their upperclassman. 
When it comes to knowledge, you're already surpast that of a normal high school student, so it will be no problem in you joining the second-year classes even if it's a year late. However, you didn't want to take any shortcuts, you wanted to get better and you can't rush recoveryp.  
'I'm I really doing this to get better or just as a distraction? Was this really a good idea? I'm I event worth it? After everthing ive done can I even change? Was father right abut me....' Before questions of doubt flood
You were brought back to reality but the driver clearing there throat.
"Misstres you wouldn't want to be late for your first day would you?"
Taking the first step on to school grounds everything around you started to spin. The feeling of dizziness and faintness overtook you, as the school gates were the last thing you saw before everything went black and you fell into unconsciousness. 
ᴀ/ɴ :
ᴛʜɪs ɪs sᴏ ᴏʟᴅ. ᴛʜɪs ʜᴀs ʙᴇᴇɴ ɪɴ ᴍʏ ɴᴏᴛᴇs sɪɴᴄᴇ ᴇᴀʀʟʏ 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟷 😅
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call-me-cc · 2 years ago
[ᴀɪʙ ᴏᴄ ɪɴsᴇʀᴛ]
𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘵...
A woman was seen looking out of her hospital rooms window, her body covered in bruseies and bandages, her eyes that were locked to the scenery outside looked empty yet held so much emotion.
The hospital room was quiet, the only sound heard is the AC and the muffled sound of people outside.
The sound off the door opening ripped through the silence, as a man walked in with a bag of food
He looked at the woman as her gaze not averting from the window. With a sigh he sets the bag down on the small table as he walked up to the woman
He pushed his sliver locks back as he sat down next to her "Mizuki, sweety you need to eat something if you want to recover faster"
"Dad.....he's gone" her voice was quite as she spoke
The Kaito sighed and he looked at his daughter sadly. It had been a couple of weeks since the meteor incident, she had only woken up a week ago.
Her first thought as she woke was to look for Nagisa as he was with her when the incident happened after all.
Nagisa was the youngest of her brothers. She was extremely close to her younger brothers, especially with Nagisa. She even offering to pick him and Toshi up from Shibuya station after Toshi's recital.
Toshi was Nagisa's boyfriend, he was like another brother to Mizuki. She supported their relationship from the start, she was just genuinely happy that her brother finally found someone who really cares for him.
But when she awoke, she learned that her brother and his boyfriend didn't survive, that Nagisa didn't even made it to the hospital...
She was deviated, she couldn't eat nor sleep she, was felling what is known as survivors guilt, thinking that she should of been the one who had died instead of them.
Her father has spent days reassuring and comforting her, as she seemed to have been getting better just a day ago only to be back to her empty self
"Oh, sweety I-... " Kaito's gaze suddenly landed on the paper in his daughter's hand
"I read the report of the accidents casualties. Dad I-" tears were forming in Mizuki's eyes unable to hold back her emotions as she hands her father the report
He scanned the paper as a particular name stood out to him as his eye too slowly folded with tears
"Tatta...he..he was there and....he didn't make it" Kaito looked up to his daughter immediately engulfing her in a tight hug
"He's gone Dad, he's gone too" she stuttered out no longer able to hold beck her tiers
Her father said nothing he just hugged her closer rubbing circles on her back as he tries to keep he's tiers from falling, trying to stay strong for his daughter. But unfortunately his emotions took over as a sob was ripped from his throat
The father and daughter stayed silent as they cry in each other arm knowing now what more they have lost...
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