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bydreamsfactory · 9 years ago
That special time of year that we all love is rapidly coming, so I’m sure you all need some super amazing gifts for everybody. Today I’m giving you an idea for such a gift and I’m sharing with you a new DIY project: Polaroid Photo Coasters with Shabby Chic touches – an easy project that you can make for yourself or your loved ones.
You are already imagining all the endless possibilities, right? :)
The first thing you will have to do is to … steal some pictures from your friends Instagram or Facebook accounts, of course! :) That is if you want to make them a surprise. If not, I guess asking them for their favorite photos could work too. :) You could also use some old real pictures, just make sure you make copies first and don’t use the originals.
I made the Shabby Vintage Polaroid photo coasters a few weeks ago for Nico, a super talented and warm person I’ve met online, who makes some of the most amazing Fimo clay portraits and figurines ever (I’ll show you a glimpse of her work in a bit). The coasters were a surprise for Nico, so the stealing part applied here :). Scooping up into someone’s Instagram or Facebook account for their favorite pictures is not as easy as you might think, so I suggest saving more pictures on a folder on your computer, just to be sure you have plenty of options to choose from later.
4 x 4 inches (10 x 10 cm) square MDF/wooden plaques (you can cut them yourself  or buy them), painted white and distressed to get a Shabby Chic look
Instagram/Facebook photos sized to 3” x 2.5” (8 x 6,5 cm), printed on photo paper/cardstock/regular paper (I used glossy photo paper)
paint brush or sponge brush
Mod Podge*
for the  Shabby Chic look you will need two contrasting colors (I used black acrylic paint and white acrylic paint, but any other colors will work), candle wax, brushes and fine grit sandpaper
optional, for the wrapping: white tissue paper* and purple raffia ribbon*
1. To get a beautiful Shabby Chic look on your square MDF plaques , paint them black first and let them dry.
2. Rub some candle wax on the edges of the plaques, apply 1 or 2 coats of white paint and let them dry. Use a fine grit sandpaper to distress the edges and a damp cloth to remove any residues.
3. Save the photos you want to use on your computer (to save from Facebook, just right click on a photo and click save as in a specific folder; to save from Instagram it’s a little bit tricky, so this tutorial might help)
4. Use a photo editing program to size the photos to 3” x 2.5” (8 x 6,5 cm) arrange them on a 6 pieces grid per page. Print the photos and use your scissors to cut them. (You could also go to a copy center and ask them to arrange and print them for you.)
4. Use a brush to apply an even layer of Mod Podge on the back of a photo and adhere it to a plaque. It will now look like a Polaroid photo! :) Use your fingers to smooth the photo and remove any air bubbles. Then apply an even layer of Mod Podge on the whole surface (both the photo and the plaque) to seal it. This layer of Mod Podge will make to photo look washed out at first, but don’t worry, after it will dry completely, it will become nice and clear.
5. That’s it, just be patient while they dry! :)
You can choose a theme for your Polaroid photo coasters, depending on your (or your friends) favorite things and make different sets of 4 or 6 pieces. Something like last summer vacation for your best friend, best Christmases ever for your parents, our perfect honeymoon to Rome for your dreamy half, a trip to beautiful France for your sister, the perfect sunsets from Belize from your friend’s Instagram that loves to travel … and anything else that you can think of.
You can choose black and white pictures, colorful or vintage ones, there are lots of beautiful alternatives that you can get create with. Give them as gifts or use them in your home and admire them while sipping the perfect creamy and foamy coconut oil coffee.  
I was telling you before that The Polaroid photo coasters were a gift for Nico, you can also get creative when wrapping these beauties and adapt the whole wrapping concept to a specific theme. I knew Nico loves lavender so I used some fresh lavender from the garden, some white tissue paper* and some purple raffia ribbon* to create a simple but elegant lavender theme.  P.S. I also made Nico a beautiful painted planner, I’ll show you in a future post how you can easily make one on your own.
* Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, see more of my favorites products here.
Speaking of Nico, I really want to show you some of the amazing little pieces of art she makes in her atelier, all handmade from polymer clay and personalized for her clients. Nico says: ”I love making you part of my art” so she creates 3D custom portraits starting from a photo of you or your family. How cool is that?! She can even make a super cute and realistic 3D portrait of your dog, cat and even your parrot, all from small colorful pieces of polymer clay. I just love creative people who put a little bit of their hearts into creating beautiful handmade items ♥
Make sure you stop by Nico’s virtual places to see more of her amazing work:
Nicomade | Etsy shop | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter |  Tumblr |
That’s it for today’s DIY project, hope you like it and decide to give it a try.  Would love to hear what theme would you choose to create a beautiful Polaroid photo coasters set, for you or your family, just leave your thoughts below! :)
Don’t forget to smile,
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Acea perioada speciala a anului se apropie cu pasi rapizi, asa ca sunt convinsa ca aveti nevoie de cadouri super speciale pentru toata lumea. Azi va arat un nou proiect DIY, un tutorial usor si rapid pe care il puteti face pentru voi sau pentru cei dragi: suporturi de pahare sub forma de poze Polaroid, cu accente Shabby Chic.
Deja va si ganditi la milioanele de posibilitati,  nu-i asa?: )
Primul lucru pentru a putea realiza aceste suporturi de pahare este … sa furati niste poze de la prietenii vostri de pe Facebook sau Instagram, bineinteles! :) Asta daca vreti sa le faci o surpriza. Daca nu, cred ca ar merge si varianta in care le cereti, pur si simplu, pozele :) Puteti folosi de asemenea poze vechi, dar aveti grija sa faceti si sa folositi copii ale acestora, nu originalele.
Suporturile de pahare sub forma de poze Polaroid, cu accente Shabby Chic, pe care vi le arat azi le-am facut acum cateva saptamani pentru Nico, o persoana super talentata si calda pe care am cunoscut-o online. Nico mestereste cele mai tari figurine, portrete, pandantive si multe alte minunatii din Fimo, va arat un pic mai jos o parte din frumusetile facute de ea. Suporturile Polaroid pe care le-am facut au fost un cadou surpriza pentru Nico, asa ca partea cu furatul pozelor s-a aplicat aici din plin! :) Sa scormonesti prin pozele cuiva, fie pe Facebook, fie pe Instagram, si sa decizi pe care dintre ele sa le alegi pentru proiect nu e atat de simplu pe cat va puteti imagina, asa ca va sugerez sa alegeti  si sa salvati pe calculator mai multe poze, sa fiti siguri ca aveti mai multe variante din care puteti alege mai tarziu.
placute de 10 x 10 cm, din MDF sau lemn (le puteti taia voi sau le puteti cumpara), vopsite cu alb si invechite pentru un aspect Shabby Chic
poze de pe Instagram sau Facebook, dimensionate la 8 x 6,5 cm , printate pe hartie foto/carton/hartie normala (eu am folosit hartie foto lucioasa)
pensula sau burete pensula
Mod Podge
pentru aspectul Shabby Chic aveti nevoie de doua culori contrastante (eu am folosit vopsea acrilica neagra si vopsea acrilica alba, dar puteti folosi si alte culori), ceara de lumanare, pensule si smirghel cu granulatie fina
optional, pentru impachetat: hartie de matase alba (tissue paper) si sfoara din rafie mov
1. Pentru a obtine un frumos aspect Shabby Chic pe placutele din MDF, pictati-le prima data cu vopsea acrilica neagra, apoi lasati-le sa se usuce.
2. Aplicati ceara de lumanare pe marginile placutelor, apoi aplicati unul sau doua straturi de vopsea alba si lasati-le sa se usuce. Folositi smirghel cu granulatie fina pentru a invechi marginile si stergeti apoi eventualele reziduuri.
3. Salvati pozele pe care vreti sa le folositi pe calculator (pentru a salva poze de pe Facebook, pe calculator, intr-un fisier specific, click dreapta + save as; pentru a salva poze de pe Instagram, tutorialul acesta poate fi de folos)
4. Folositi un program de editat poze pentru a le face de 8 x 6,5 cm si aranjati-le cate 6 pe pagina. Printati pozele si decupati-le pe fiecare cu foarfeca. (Puteti sa incercati si la un centru xerox sau foto, unele ofera si servicii de editare poze si paginare).
4. Cu ajutorul unei pensule, aplicati un strat uniform de Mod Podge pe spatele unei poze si lipiti-o pe o placuta. O sa arate deja ca o poza Polaroid! :) Neteziti cu degetele poza aplicata, pentru a elimina eventualele bule de aer. Apoi aplicati un strat de Mod Podge pe toata suprafata (atat pe poza, cat si pe placuta), pentru a o proteja. In prima faza, stratul de Mod Podge aplicat nu va fi complet transparent, iar poza va arata putin spalacita, dar nu va faceti griji, dupa uscare va deveni clara si transparenta.
5. Asta e tot, acum trebuie doar sa aveti rabdare pana se usuca ! :)
Puteti alegi o tema pentru suporturile de pahare poze Polaroid, in functie de preferintele voastre (sau ale celor pe care urmeaza sa-i cadorisiti) si puteti face seturi compuse din 4 sau 6 bucati. Cum ar fi amintiri din ultima vacanta, pentru prietenul tau cel mai bun, cele mai frumoase Craciunuri, pentru parinti, o luna de miere perfecta, la Roma, pentru jumatatea ta, o excursie frumoasa in Franta, pentru sora ta, rasarituri de soare din Belize, cu poze realizate de prietenul care calatoreste foarte mult … si multe, multe altele, posibilitatile sunt nelimitate.     
Puteti alege poze alb-negru, colorate sau vintage, existe multe alternative frumoase cu care puteti deveni creativi. Daruiti-le sau folositi-le la voi acasa, si admirati-le in timp ce sorbiti dintr-o cafea cremoasa si spumoasa, cu ulei de cocos.    
Va spuneam un pic mai devreme ca suporturile de pahare poze Polaroid au fost un cadou pentru Nico, puteti deveni creativi si atunci cand ambalati frumusetile astea si chiar puteti adapta intregul concept de ambalare, unei teme specifice. Stiam ca Nico iubeste lavanda asa ca am folosit niste lavanda din gradina, hartie alba de matase si niste sfoara rafia mov, pentru a realiza o tema cu lavanda simpla si eleganta. P.S. Cadoul a fost alcatuit si dintr-o agenda frumoasa, pictata, va arat in curand cum puteti sa va faceti si voi una.      
Daca tot veni vorba de Nico, vreau sa va arat unele dintre minunatiile pe care le realizeaza in atelierul ei, adevarate opere de arta realizate din Fimo, care pot fi personalizate in functie de preferinte. Nico spune ca ii place sa includa clientii  in arta ei, asa ca realizeaza portrete 3D pornind de la o poza de-a voastra sau a familiei voastre. Super tare, nu? Poate realiza chiar portrete 3D super dragute si realiste ale catelusilor vostri, pisicutelor sau papagalilor, toate mesterite din bucatele mici de Fimo, care par ca prind viata in mainile ei. Iubesc oamenii astia creativi, care parca isi pun o bucatica din inimile lor in realizarea unor frumoase lucrusoare handmade ♥
Puteti sa-i faceti o vizita virtuala, pentru a vedea mai multe dintre minunatiile realizate in atelier: | Facebook |
Asta-i tot pentru azi, sper sa va placa tutorialul si sa incercati si voi. Sunt curioasa ce teme ati alege voi pentru a realiza un set de suporturi de pahare poze Polaroid, pentru voi sau familie, asa ca lasati-va gandurile mai jos! :)
Nu uitati sa zambiti,
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DIY: Polaroid Photo Coasters / Tutorial: Suporturi pahare sub forma de poze Polaroid That special time of year that we all love is rapidly coming, so I'm sure you all need some super amazing gifts for everybody. 
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bydreamsfactory · 10 years ago
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A little bit of Shabby Chicness and a free French graphic #ontheblog 💕 Learn how to make a beautiful decorative easel and how to Shabbify it using 2 contrasting colors and some candle wax. #shabbychic #shabby_chic #Frenchdecor #frenchscript #frenchephemera #frenchtypography #diy #easel #diycrafts #diyprojects #wedding #display #artisteasel #printable #freeprintable #bydreamsfactory (at
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bydreamsfactory · 10 years ago
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Shhh ... I'm enjoying my coffee, good morning! :) Some lovely planters for Espressee, our favorite coffee shop from Sibiu, Ro #handmade ##handmadeinromania, handemade #flowers #planters #coffeeshop #
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bydreamsfactory · 10 years ago
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Enjoying an energizing green smoothie while adding some final touches to a beautiful Shabby postcard box with stamps and bicycles. Have a refreshing day! / Savuram un smoothie verde, energizant, si adaugam ultimele detalii unei frumoase cutii Shabby, cu timbre, carti postale si o bicicleta cu flori. Sa aveti o zi racoroasa!
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bydreamsfactory · 10 years ago
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For today, a little bit of love. Have a great day! #handmade #handmadeinromania #handmadebydreamsfactory #shabbychic #wedding #weddingsign #handmadewedding
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bydreamsfactory · 10 years ago
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Something sweet for the weekend, recipe #ontheblog #darkchocolate #coconutoil #coconut #vegan #nobake #glutenfree #chocolate
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bydreamsfactory · 10 years ago
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Happy Mother's Day! / La multi ani tuturor mamicilor! 💜#mothersday #lilacs #lilac #frenchdecor #flowers #flowerstagram #floweroftheday #flowersofinstagram
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bydreamsfactory · 10 years ago
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Something inspiring for today / Pentru azi, ceva care sa va inspire 💕 #inspirational #signs #quotes #quotestagram #quotesoftheday #handmade #rumi #mantra #mothersday #mantraoftheday #shabbychic #shabby_chic #lifeislikeridingabicycle
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bydreamsfactory · 10 years ago
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Today #ontheblog, a quick and easy DIY - How to style a French bouquet #mothersday #mothersdaygift #flowers #flowerstagram #floweroftheday #flowerarrangement #flowersofinstagram #french #frenchlabels #frenchephemera #frenchtypography #diy
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bydreamsfactory · 10 years ago
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Today we are delivering a little bit of Shabby with a touch of chic :) // Azi livram un strop de Shabby cu accente chic :) ##welcomesign #handmade #handmadewedding #wedding #signs #weddingbox #handmadeinromania #nunta #semnnunta #cufar ##bineativenit #cufarbani #sageatanunta
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bydreamsfactory · 10 years ago
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In progress - painting spring in Shabby pastel colors // In lucru - pictam primavara in culori Shabby pastelate #paintedjars #frenchdecor #frenchephemera #shabbychic #diy #decals #pastels #shabby_chic #frenchtypography
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bydreamsfactory · 10 years ago
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Delicate paper #Hydrangeas and a lovely #French pitcher that will revive any place in your home - learn how to make them #ontheblog ///// Hortensiile delicate din hartie si carafa frantuzeasca vor insufleti orice loc din casa - #peblog aflati cum puteti face si voi #paper #paperflowers #paperhydrangea #handmade #hartie #diy #diypaper #diycrafts #frenchdecor #french #flowers #frenchtypography #liagriffith @silhouetteamerica #silhouetteamerica #silhouettecameo
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bydreamsfactory · 10 years ago
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Latest project sneak peek :) Paper #hydrangeas and a last minute French revamp of a lovely pitcher - details soon #ontheblog ----------- Sneak peek ultimul proiect :) Hortensii din hartie si o transformare frantuzeasca rapida a unei vaze, detalii in curand pe blog <3 #hydrangea #paper #paperflowers #paperhydrangea #handmade #hartie #diy #diypaper #diycrafts #frenchdecor #french #flowers #frenchtypography
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bydreamsfactory · 10 years ago
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In progress - lovely handmade favors with special messages / In lucru - marturii handmade adorabile, cu mesaje speciale #handmade #handmadeinromania #handmadebydreamsfactory #babyfavors #favors #shabbychic #vintage #turquoise
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bydreamsfactory · 10 years ago
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Today #ontheblog we are growing #wheatgrass for #juicing and #decorating! If you hurry you can still make a fresh batch, just in time for Easter :) / Astazi pe blog crestem #iarba de grau, pentru suc dar si pentru decor! Daca va grabiti, va puteti face si voi o tura proaspata, chiar inainte de Pasti! :) #healthy #greens #greenjuice #diy #decor #growwheatgrass #iarbadegrau
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bydreamsfactory · 10 years ago
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If you are a fan of ‪#‎decal‬ paper or just want to learn more about this image transfer technique, you can find ‪#‎ontheblog‬ some updates / Daca sunteti fan hartie de decal sau vreti sa aflati mai multe despre aceasta tehnica de transfer de imagine, gasiti ‪#‎peblog‬ actualizari ‎#waterslidedecalpaper‬ ‪#‎decals‬ ‪#‎diy‬ ‪#‎diycrafts‬ ‪#‎decalpaper‬ ‪#‎imagetransfer‬ #frenchdecor #frenchtypography #frenchephemera
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bydreamsfactory · 10 years ago
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A Shabby Chic cupcake stand and a little bit of spring, have a great week! 💕 #handmade #handmadebydreamsfactory #handmadeinromania #shabbychic #shabby_chic #spring #tulips #shabbywhite #shabbyflower
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