53 posts
Berry or commonly known as Im Sooyeon. A young novelist who disguises herself as a florist. Growing up with her uncle who is also a novelist, influenced Sooyeon to also taking an interest on writing. However, due to her parents disapproval Sooyeon decided not to pursue this dream of hers. It was when one of her stories that she posted online became popular that Sooyeon started her career as a novelist using Berry as her pen name. Her uncle, being her editor is the only one who knows about this, promise to keep this as a secret from her parents. Now, Sooyeon works as a florist in one of her mother's shop while writing her third book that is soon to be published.
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bxerry-blog · 9 years ago
✒ : @theophyte94
@bxerry !!!
“ So was I, actually! Mind if I tag along..? It’s never a bad time to have a frappe, y’know? ” Her head bowed after her request, before she’s nodding enthusiastically and clasping her hands together. “ Mhm, of course. The same goes to you, okay? Just pop over if you need anything! Although I do hope you’re not allergic to cats– ”
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“I don’t mind at all, feel free to tag along, really. I mean it would be more fun to have someone to accompany you than going alone, right?” She flashes the other a wide grin. “I’m not allergic to cats, no, don’t worry.”
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bxerry-blog · 9 years ago
✒ : @geemine
He quirked a brow, shaking his head. 
   “Of course not.     I wouldn’t do such a thing.     I can’t believe you’d think that.”
“But I left it here and you were the only one here...when I came back. Do you know who ate them then?” 
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bxerry-blog · 9 years ago
✒ : @syndicts
“i wish i could but i’m a workaholic, you know that. and it’s not entirely bad, the pay’s… decent and they don’t make me clean the toilets like that last job…. finding a new job will take too much time and effort.”
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“Seriously, if you compare the pay you are given with the things you need to do, it’s not...decent. Not at all. They are suck. I really don’t understand why do you think it’s decent.”
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bxerry-blog · 9 years ago
✒ : @xiaochxng
  「 @bxerry 」 ☆
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{ ☆ –  “Oh girl, don’t fret. I’m the exact same. I hear walking with a book on your head will help with clumsiness.” She grinned, nodding a few times. “We should totally try it together one day. I trip on my own feet while walking, so I need a lesson on how not to be clumsy.”
“Really? I’ve never heard of that but I might try it now that you tell me.” She lightly chuckles, nodding her head. “The same goes to me, to be honest. I always bump into things on my way. Whether it be a wall or chair, anything. It’s really bad.”
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bxerry-blog · 9 years ago
✒ : @donoire
In reply to this !! @bxerry
“What… Do you expect me to believe that? Really?” The elder frowned, secretly craving for something extremely sweet that could get rid of the bitter taste of her mouth. “Alright, can I have some of this poison? C’mon just a small bit.” She insisted, hoping to get free candy.
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“There’s no way I would give you poison, unnie. I’m a nice girl, you know?” She grins, trying to hide the candy’s wrapper in her hand by slipping it inside her pocket. “Poison will kill you...this poison will kill your teeth to be exact and I wouldn’t want that to happen to you!”
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bxerry-blog · 9 years ago
{ ✒ : @donoire }
“What are you talking about, you’re girly and cute no matter what you say. Just go, hurry up –!” The elder chuckled, gesturing with a hand to send the other off. Minhee hummed and turned around to check what the store could have for her. But it lacked of black pieces so she got easily bored of staring of colorful and frilly outfits pretty fast. At the moment the other finally returned, she smiled as she scanned her from head to the toes. “Well it really suits you. Honestly I could never picture myself wearing that outfit.”
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“Does it really? I really thought I’m not suitable for this kind of...dress. I mean i don’t really wear these kind of dress, and I only have or two of them in my closet.” She lightly chuckles as she glances at the dress she is wearing before looking back at the older. “I would love to wear these kind of dress sometimes, you know? But my friends always told me not to wear it because they don’t suit me. I guess they just know that I’m not this girly to wear this. But I’m sure you would look pretty as well. Why don’t you try one, unnie? Maybe get the color white or light blue if you don’t really like pink?”
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bxerry-blog · 9 years ago
{ ✒ : @atrociousxbutterfly }
@bxerry​  → source
「 ♱ 」 ❝ Siyoon Leonardo or Leo for short.❞ Yuri sighed with relief to see that the unknown beauty was kind enough not to look down at the little boy. the same little boy who’s lips curled up to form a dimpled smile as he clung to the girl’s legs. ‘ Pretty noona.’ the little boy spoke up giving a cutesy smile. A chuckle erupted from the young mother’s plump pink lips  amused by her usually timid son’s antics. ❝I’m yuri by the way.  Excuse little charmer. I’m a little surprise he’s taken a quick liking to you. He’s usually shy around other females.❞
“That’s a nice name. It suits this handsome and cute little boy.” She grins as she ruffles the little boy’s hair, letting him clung onto her legs. “I’m Sooyeon, it’s really nice to meet you. Also I’m kind of surprises as well actually. I thought kids around his age would be really shy when it comes to stranger. I mean that’s what happen with some of my cousins who are still a kid. They are really shy, even with me. So I’m surprised how friendly this kid is. It’s a good thing.”
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bxerry-blog · 9 years ago
✒ : @tekau || in reply to this
“Well.. you do look alright.” She lightly chuckles, pausing for a moment before opening her mouth to continue. “But I love your pre-debut hair better, that’s for sure. You look really cute back then. You look more...manly this way.” She nods her head as she looks at the other’s new hair. “However, Taeyong looks really handsome with his new hair. I really like how they dye his hair silver or white, whichever it is. It makes him look like a human version of Jack Frost.”
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bxerry-blog · 9 years ago
 ✒ : @esotericdrifter || in reply to this
“We could skip those, for sure.” She nods her head, a wide grin plastered on her lips, feeling a little too excited at the idea of having a Disney movie marathon. “But I’m surprised you are okay with the princesses. I mean my other friends would ask me to skip those whenever I asked them to watch with me.”
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bxerry-blog · 9 years ago
you’re literally always ALWAYS 100% allowed to turn any meme i respond to into a thread.just make a new post, link back to the thread, and i’ll respond to it. me answering is already an invitation to plot something out, so even if you didn’t like my response or you want to do something else, plot something out with our characters, inbox/IM me, i’m definitely open for it.
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bxerry-blog · 9 years ago
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❝  it was like an itch she simply could not ignore,         her fingers twitching with an urgency she was unable to suppress.              the only solution was to slip the item in her pocket and pray                     that no one noticed it was missing…. ❞
                            ◆ | ◆ | ◆ | REBLOG/FOLLOW
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bxerry-blog · 9 years ago
please reblog if you don’t mind people randomly popping up in your inbox ‘cause there’s so many of you where I want to do that but you are all just so talented and I’m over here like mehhheheheh.
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bxerry-blog · 9 years ago
ㅡ Heading off to aim ( @ raspb.erry ). I’m there more often, so feel free to add  me there even if we haven’t interact. I promise I don’t bite.
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bxerry-blog · 9 years ago
{ ✒ : @97brk }
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“ I thought my heart learnt it’s lesson ~ It feels so good when it starts out! ” Continues, letting the bottle drop on the bed and climbing onto it, dramatically clutching her chest.
She hums along as the other continues to sing, forgetting the rest of the lyrics to the song. Yes, Sooyeon is not that good at memorizing, especially when it comes to an english song. A soft chuckle spills past her lips as she admits it to the younger. “I forget the rest of the lyrics..”
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bxerry-blog · 9 years ago
{ ✒ : @lhwonssi }
He nods his head, “Fine, I’m not going to argue about it I guess you can’t even give me a discount for those flowers–” He chuckles “It’s not like their pretty anyway, too bad I guess i’m not coming here anymore to buy flowers.” He rolls his eyes, it was a bit of a sad outcome he did try, but he knew he should at least respect her decision. “I’ll just get going–”
“Wait-” The word spills past from her lips before her brain could even react, meaning she has no choice but to give the other a discount like what he wanted. She knows really well that she shouldn’t give any customers a discount without her boss permission but she couldn’t help it. She would always feel bad when they walk out with a look of disappointment and saying that they would never comeback. Guess she just have cut it from her salary again, this time. “I’ll give you a discount, but remember this is me, doing you a favor. My boss would never allow me to give a discount to just any other customers.”
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bxerry-blog · 9 years ago
{ ✒ : @97brk }
“ No no! You swoon, you sigh, why deny it oh oooooh! ” She started singing, using the first thing that came to her hand as a microphone.
“It’s too cliche I won’t say I’m in love.” She sings along to the familiar song, using her hand as a microphone.
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bxerry-blog · 9 years ago
send a ✎ if you want to plot!
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