friendly reminder that even if i take ages to reply, i still want to roleplay with you
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@hotarunootoko (just in case)
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When she sat down next to her other sisters, the smile quickly fell from her face ; Chou had to concentrate right now to make sure she doesn’t play the wrong note on her Koto. She looks over her shoulder at a Maiko and possibly judging by Chou’s expression, the Maiko is nervous ; Chou whispers something to her before turning her attention back to the stage, the Maiko seemed to have slightly calmed down, but she was still clearly tense. Just then, a young woman dressed in a Furisode walked up onto the stage.
“Hello, hello! Thank you all for coming to the Tusribori district’s Okiya for tonight’s event, the plays that will be featured tonight will be Hagoromo, and then finishing will be Fuji Musume, please enjoy”, the woman does a quick bow before proceeding off-stage
The second the dancers and performers hit the stage, the music slowly came into play ; Chou’s eyes don’t leave her instrument as she plays her part, one could only wonder how many times she’s played the song. In that instant however, a wrong note was played behind her, Chou’s facial expression changed from neutral to annoyed ; as her eyes dart to look at the Maiko who played the incorrect note.
Other than that one incorrect note, the plays went along pretty well ; although Chou didn’t seem to let the Maiko off after they were done though, she was whispering to the Maiko who bowed apologetically to her senior. After that, the two had separated and Chou returned to Kohaku, “I’m back!’, her smile had returned as she focused on her client at hand, “before I had left, you said you were interested in gardening? I love to hear more about it”
A Dancing Geisha
Kohaku always heard of Geisha’s. Painted women with beautiful hair that would spend an evening entertaining you with lighthearted games and stunning music. It wasn’t something he was never really interested in, most cultural landmarks and events being boring for him. But, what better time to try something new, something so cheery and lively, then after a near death accident. He’d lost two inches of hair to fire and his pinky finger wouldn’t bend completely. He didn’t want to talk about it. All he wanted was a night where a woman with the most intricate of clothes would pour his tea and play soft songs on the Biwa. 
He made his way over to the tea house, dressed in his best hakama, just as the sun was setting. The cicadas sang their summer song as he found his way with only street lights and lanterns to guide him. Kohaku’s mouth popped into an ‘O’ when he came upon the tea house. It was much more ornate than any he’s ever seen before. The wood was solid, the paint vibrant. The garden out front flourished with bright flowers, the area perfectly manicured. This appointment cost him nearly his whole paycheck and now he understood why. He followed protocol before entering, cleaning his hands and mouth. He then crawled in through the tiny doorway, heart pounding a bit. He obviously knew little of Geiko etiquette or rules. He hoped this would be a fun experience with as little mishaps as possible. 
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Kitsune mask photoshoot seen on. The tattered paper umbrella adds a really nice Edo-era horror story touch ^^
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Nature is my home.
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July 2018: Maiko Kikusana (Hanafusa Okiya) of Miyagawacho making her way through heavy rain.
In early summer, rain season (tsuyu or baiyu) hits Japan. The exact time span is different from north to south, but for Kyoto, it usually falls into early June to mid-July.
Source: Patosan on Instagram
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The best part about Heian & Edo period Japanese art is the fabric
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July 2018: Geiko Koyoshi (Hiroshimaya Okiya), Geiko Fumino (Fukushima Okiya) and Geiko Chisako (Nishimura Okiya) of Gion Kobu at the Yasaka Shrine during Miyabi Kai.
Source: balbo42 on Instagram
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Kaga-Yuzen Kimono
Tatsuo Fujimura
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Reblog if your icon
would fight 10 men at once
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濃溝の滝 | takaphilography
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July 2018: Maiko Kanako (Kawahisa Okiya) of Miyagawacho showing off her katsuyama hairstyle for the Gion Matsuri, and this year’s special Gion-Matsuri-kanzashi.
The katsuyama hairstyle is only worn by senior Maiko during the Gion Matsuri festivities from the 1st to the 24th of July every year. Junior Maiko wear the regular wareshinobu hairstyle.
Gion Kobu, Pontocho, Miyagawacho and Gion Higashi all participate in the Gion Matsuri, because they are all close to the Yasaka Shrine and the Gion Matsuri came into existence to appease the Gods of the Yasaka Shrine. Kamishichiken is closely affiliated with the Kitano Tenmagu Shrine, which is also much nearer to them than the Yasaka Shrine, but their senior Maiko still wear the katsuyama hairstyle during the Gion Matsuri and their members often attend many of the festivites.
There is also a special Gion-Matsuri-kanzashi; a new motif is designed every year, similar to the new year’s kanzashi.
Source: Kawahisa Okiya’s Official Instagram Account
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ヤム@ヤム烈さんのツイート: “新潟の白山神社で風鈴まつりがやっていたのだけどめちゃくちゃかわいい風鈴があってとても欲しいのだけど…ジンベイザメ、タコ、イカ、カメ、クラゲ…手水場には紫陽花……かわいい…… ”
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Ito Takashi (Japanese, 1894-1982) - Charcoal-Making at Towadako
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Bro, We Are Mutuals . Its Ok To Message Me . Im Ur Friend . I Love You . … Bro, We Are Exchanging Discords Now . . No Dont Stop Keysmashing Bro .. Bro
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//hey guys, sorry I haven’t been active as much, I’ve been trying to work on a comic I’ve been thinking about. I want to get a few pages done before I give a link to the tumblr page though, maybe around 5-6 pages?
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Kindness is often mistaken for softness and let me tell you, friends….that is a mistake you don’t want to make. 
Kind people are not born that way, they do not stumble into it, kind people are forged in fire and darkness and imploding stars…they have steel cores. Throw a punch and you’re going to break your hand. 
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a commission for @hotarunootoko for their oc kohaku!!!
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