Iida with a man-bun
By the time year three rolls around Iida decided to grow out his hair over the summer
class 3-A was not expecting to see the mighty class prez with long hair
when quirk training starts Iida casually puts it up in a bun, no biggie right?
nono, very big deal
most of class 3-A freezes in their spot
someone actually faints
multiple people choke on air and one falls face first into the ground
even the teacher is slightly baffled
bakugo is immediately at the opportunity ripping out his elastic and putting it in a half french braid and half messy bun
everybody dies again
there's distant sobbing from someone about "PRETTY馃槶"
the dekusquad is dying and taking s o m a n y p i c t u r e s
by lunch the entire school knows
and the entire school is simping hard
about a week later Iida has cleaned out his cubby and locker about 6 times in total (probably more) from love letters and just admiration letters (even platonic with compliments)
not to mention the amount of people who've approached him in the halls
hes dying internally and keeps having bi panic to the dekusquad
Except jirou because she's a lesbian
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theme is gonna be changing up
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Class 1-A personal hcs
definitely spanish sero
bakugo is fluent in a few languages including spanish so he will randomly chat with sero or yell at him in spanish
adhd denki
did twice
Midoriya has b a d anxiety and bakugo is only one who knows how to get him to calm down
trans denki
trans mina (maybe)
most of the class if not all is lgbt+ and theres a l o t of poly couples
including: Kaminari+Shinso+Sero, Bakugo+Deku+Todoroki, Jirou+Momo, Uraraka+Tsu
everyone including aizawa tries to somehow murder mineta daily
they help eachother w their quirk drawbacks
theres a protect the anxiety babys club (including bakusquad, todoroki, and some others)
theres definitely some regressors in the class and all of the others are basically either uncles/aunts/gn version cgs or if the person has a partner thats their main cg (regressors: denki, bakugo (rarely, its only happened twice so far hes mainly a cg), todoroki, Uraraka, Midoriya (rarely as well but sometimes if he has a bad Anxiety attack) also definitely Iida but you cannot tell me otherwise Tensei is his cg.)
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Dabi and his nail polish
started off with black and purple bc hey why not and it matches his scars
one day it started to chip so he went to touch it up and,,, the nail polish was gone
searched his entire room couldn't find em
walked out and saw Big sis painting her nails happily
nearly blew a gasket and went to go paint them all black
couldn't find the black either
marched up to Big Sis and demanded she give the nail polishes back
she no longer had it
someone took it and ran
he's fucking fuming
walks out to steal more comes back and find now not only his nail polish is gone, so is his fucking nail care set
barges in on toga bc she always steals his shit to find half the league having a sleep over in her room
full hair skin nails sleepover makeover
will a l l his nail shit
goes to take it back and notices its empty
nearly roasts all of them
sets someones hair on fire out of pure annoyance
goes to leave and Shigaraki snatches his new nail polish with a quick
"Oh thanks we were just running out"
Dabi has to be held back from murdering Shigaraki by like, three people
Shigaraki is absolutely cackling
at some point Dabi stole so much nail polish and nail stuff he staches them around the base and his room incase he needs it
ultimately ends up with hands mismatched colors
Black and themed nail polish is overrated. I wanna see Dabi with chipped nail polish and its like 6 different colours because he constantly runs out because the league hOards his nail shit.
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Deaf Present Mic Hcs
bakugo definitely know sign incase he goes deaf from his explosions so when mic find out he knows sign too hes hella happy
if there isnt an interpreter or some people don't understand much sign bakugo might help with much hesitation
definitely a few others in the class like Koda and maybe even Jiro know some sign
Jiro sometimes has a hard time hearing because her quirk makes her ears ring and headphones jacks sore so she learned sign
and Koda learned sign to avoid having to speak too much because his horrible social and general anxiety
so mic is thrilled to have others to help him communicate and teach others
sometimes people have to stomp on the floor to get mics attention
or just to tell him to tone it down because its a bit loud
mic probably also can sense how loud he is from the vibrations that his voice causes
definitely has a device in his hero costume that tells him his volume via maybe morse code in vibrations or like warns him if hes too loud in certain situations
Present Mic is deaf. Gimme ur headcanons. I crave them.
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to every writer out there.
You deserve every inch of success in this world. You deserve to be proud of yourself. You deserve to look at your story and think it's a masterpiece, unlike anything we've ever seen before.
It's not a bad thing to look at a story or scene you've written and think it's one of the best things to ever come out of this world. It's not a crime to believe that your writing is on the same level as published authors. Who says it can't be?
Your voice matters. So does your stories. Regardless of how many people are there to read them. It is okay to be proud of yourself.
It's also okay to look back at your old writing and think it's bad. It's okay if your writing is bad. It won't stay that way forever.
We've all started somewhere, and most of us had no clue what we were doing. You learn as you go, and that's okay. The mistakes you make today, is what's gonna help you grow tomorrow.
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Stop what you鈥檙e doing right now and go write 3 sentences of your story.
Every time you see this, write 3 lines.
Reblog so other writers will do the same, let鈥檚 finish these damn stories.
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when are you going to post content
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Who I write for.
Demon Slayer
Harry Potter
Black Butler
Tokyo Revengers
Sweet home
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Get a load of this trainwreck.
Song fic: Home by Cavetown.
Tw: Misgendering, dysphoria, transphobia, bullying, bad home life, unhealthy practices, unrequited (?) love.
Often I am upset that I cannot fall in love but I guess,
Longing looks glanced at couples sitting on park benches, that one couple with someones legs wrapped around the others waist as they block half of the lockers. Couples cuddling during movies,
This avoids the stress of falling out of it,
Shoved into cubbies and walls, sadly looked at by him.
"Are you tired of me yet?"
Smiles, promises, "Of course not, you're my best friend."
I'm a little sick right now but I swear
When I'm ready I will fly us out of here
Coughing in the middle of class, disturbance only earning paper wads at the head and sneered comments.
(Mmm) I'll cut my hair
Raggedly chopped off hair, but it feels like a weight lifted off his shoulders.
(Mmm) To make you stare
"I-it looks so good on you.." A small smile and nod of thanks in response.
(Mmm) I'll hide my chest
Poorly wrapping bandages around his chest, binding, but restricting. Wincing at the pain, but hey, at least it works,
And I'll figure out a way to get us out of here
Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh
Turn off your porcelain face
Perfect family, perfect mother, smile! Be the perfect daughter.
I can't really think right now and this place
Has too many colors, enough to drive all of us insane
Talking, laughing, smiles, colors, so many blurring colors. Hiding in the bathroom, maybe closing his eyes will make it all go away..
Are you dead?
Sometimes I think I'm dead
Catching a glance in the mirror. 'That's not me.' 'Who is that.'
Emotionless eyes. Or is it a defense?
'Cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head
But I don't wanna fall asleep just yet
Laying in bed, not sleeping. Thinking, no, not thinking, loathing.
(Ooh) My eyes went dark
(Ooh) I don't know where
(Ooh) My pupils are
But I'll figure out a way to get us out of here
Eyes close, then open, but feel different, everything feels different.
Memories, yelling, pain, "Get a load of this monster" Crying, trying to fight back but words wont come out.
"He doesn't know how to communicate"
His mind is in a different place
Covering his ears, hiding, maybe they'll go away, just pretend they aren't there.
Breathe. Breathe. He's here. You're ok.
"Get a load of this train wreck
His hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet"
Glares in the halls. Mumbles of hate, no-one understands.
But little do we know, the stars
Welcome him with open arms
Finally he can breathe. Sitting under a tree, he can breathe. Finally. Eyes closing.
Time is
Tracing his face
Foreign hand, warmth on his side, tracing his cheek, eyes opening, him.
But strangely he feels at home in this place
#Uh#This was#Totally wasnt in an angst mood#not how i expected this to turn out but hey it works.#black.tea#bitter.tea
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asks [#mail]
reblogs [#reblogs]
male reader fics [#black.beer]
gn reader fics [#white.beer]
nsfw/16+ fics [#fruit.beer]
angst fics [#bitter.beer]
general posts/not fics [#spade drinks butterbeer]
Mutual tags.
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call me spade/nox
writing for fun why not
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women. this is a mlm/nblm blog. its not for you.
anyone who fetishizes mlm relationships or calls them "yaoi"
dont start drama on my blog, this is for writing.
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鈥et a load of this trainwreck. [Cavetown - Home; song-fic] Angst, small fluff if you squint. Male (Ftm) reader.
鈥eaf mic hcs. [Inspo'd by @greek-mythographer 's prompt] Fluff
鈥abi and his nail things [Inspo'd by @greek-mythographer 's prompt] fluff, crackfic
鈥lass 1-A personal hcs fluff, general
鈥ida with a man-bun hcs [Inspo'd by @greek-mythographer 's prompt] fluff, crackfic
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I will write,
hcs (max 2 characters)
Genres I will write,
NSFW (only headcannons) (go at it with the kinks and such. it can be dark content.)
Stuff I will NOT write no exception,
I will not write female readers (the closest you're gonna get is gn)
underage NSFW
no watersports or scat play.
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Rules. Masterlist.
DNI. About. Tags.
Who I write for.
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