Love Expands Your Horizons
475 posts
18+! My little writing safe space where bigger is better, where kindness is above all, and where I often answer asks and occasionally talk about my owncaptions and fantasies.
Last active 60 minutes ago
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bustybounty · 16 hours ago
Feeling Invisible (Vent Post)
I've just been feeling so mediocre, so worthless recently and I hate that I have been going through those kind of spiraling thoughts. It's been going on for a while now, and it's a mix of various things, today it's hitting extra hard though. Be it from unemployment, my mom's mood and scheduling often souring my day, body pains, the new invisible braces i have to put on that are very uncomfortable and make snacking and food scheduling difficult, my brother coming over, having fun with him but then he had to go immediately, so we didn't even spend a day together, just half of one (the time he spends here is becoming less and less and it saddens me), maybe some of it has to do with the bad weather, who knows, that could also affect my mood. Another big thing is my frustration with creative stuff now. Drawing, long form stories, all that, has been frustrating to me recently because I feel like nobody actually cares about anything creative I do. A story I wrote did pretty alright a while back because a friend put a hype badge on it, but after that, the 2nd story fell flat in almost every way. I used to do asks on my Tumblr blog, but it became either overwhelming to me or not creatively fulfilling as I wasn't writing about any of my favorite kinks anymore, so I ended up closing them recently. I feel like I can't go back to it before all other 'creativity' aspects of my life get sorted.
I posted my stories and OCs to my tumblr for the first time, and as you might imagine, it didn't go well. I sent asks, some that involved my OCs, because I felt brave in sharing them around in this place, but it's clear the asks were very unappealing as they were all left unanswered. I'm NOT blaming people for not responding to them mind you, it's still saddening though and a blow to my confidence. Other attempts of socializing and friendmaking in this site have been falling flat too, for the same reasons of being ignored/invisible/not good enough. I'm sorry, again, I don't want you people to feel responsible at all because it's not your fault. You're under no obligation to respond! Even if you're not interested, you can just avoid me without saying a word and that's fine too. I promise.
Still, it's hard to know how I'm supposed to feel good and not just unmotivated and let down in my life when things keep going this way, every single day...
I apologize for the vent. I won't be posting more vents, this will be the only one. I hope you all have a rest of a wonderful day, and tomorrow goes well too.
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bustybounty · 9 days ago
Two of my OCs, revealed...
As explained here (please read this for context)
I joined this separate blog with the stuff on my main socials (Centerforward), and wanted to show off two of my OCs that I myself drew, as they could be relevant to further stories or interactions with other creators here!
I really hope you enjoy these two gals! I have other OCs without sheets yet but maybe I'll get back to drawing those if this is successful. <3
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That right there is my main OC/sona, Para! Regularly sized, and two other versions~
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Then there's Kayla Steel, another one of my OCs, belly focused!
Feel free to talk to me about them, absolutely anything that goes through your horny minds when you see them, questions, fantasies, etc... if you want to mention them in your own posts, captions, writing, drawings, etc, just let me know, but I'll most likely let you~
So yeah! Welcome them to this blog!
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bustybounty · 11 days ago
You ran into a cute 2'6" tall goblin girl on your run through the woods. Well, she actually ran into you, but can you blame her when 90% of her body is obscured by her scantily clad tits? Once she got her bearings, she invited you to breed her. You happily obliged and carried her home with you. As you had the best and wildest sex of your life, you've come to learn a few things about her species: goblin girls are extremely fertile and within a week will birth fully grown goblin girls with the same sex drive and even bigger attributes as their mother, and the wails of a horny goblin girl will attract all goblin girls in a 1000 mile radius to come join in on the fun. As your new goblin wife lay bloated on your bed, you look out the window to see the horizon filled with thousands of jiggling green curves.
Only thousands, that'll only be for a week, though. Millions, billions, and so on, of shortstacks will be filling the world with their curves, bloated bellies, turning Earth from the blue planet into the green planet...
I always knew those mischievous goblin girls were up to something, that I shouldn't have taken the bait... or shouldn't I?
It seems like it was just a net win for everyone, as long as nobody minds being squished by enormous green boobies and butts and tummies, of course!
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bustybounty · 11 days ago
Two extremely competitive (and extremely horny) girls race to see which of them can fill reality faster: One by pure reproductive ability, the other by cloning herself exponentially.
(up to you who wins...or, if anyone truly loses~)
Well, technically they're both filling reality at the same time, together, so it doesn't count as a pure win...so in their fighting for space, as they get cramped, there's a fusion... and boom. Now you have a hyper pregnant, constantly breeding, infinitely sized girl cloning herself faster than the speed of light.
Now what? Is there even an existence to speak of? Is there even a winner? You tell me!
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bustybounty · 11 days ago
Two of my OCs, revealed...
As explained here (please read this for context)
I joined this separate blog with the stuff on my main socials (Centerforward), and wanted to show off two of my OCs that I myself drew, as they could be relevant to further stories or interactions with other creators here!
I really hope you enjoy these two gals! I have other OCs without sheets yet but maybe I'll get back to drawing those if this is successful. <3
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That right there is my main OC/sona, Para! Regularly sized, and two other versions~
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Then there's Kayla Steel, another one of my OCs, belly focused!
Feel free to talk to me about them, absolutely anything that goes through your horny minds when you see them, questions, fantasies, etc... if you want to mention them in your own posts, captions, writing, drawings, etc, just let me know, but I'll most likely let you~
So yeah! Welcome them to this blog!
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bustybounty · 11 days ago
On the two long form stories I posted! (and more about me)
I've written these as side projects this year, and posted them on my other socials. I'm Centerforward on all other socials, I just haven't 'rebranded' here because I feel like it'd be a big shift. At first this blog was completely separate from the rest, but it became more and more 'united' with my other stuff that I decided to actually post the writing both here and there, instead of locking it to one place.
I don't know if I'll make more longer form stories soon, but I made those two, and maybe I'll go back to making captions here sometime, instead of the usual asks?
For now though, we'll see what's ahead one day at a time
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bustybounty · 11 days ago
Long Form Story - Tainted Star Power
This fan story contains: breast growth, butt growth, belly expansion mixed with weight gain, immobilization by size, strongfat, and Estel Aguirre, one of the characters of beat em up game Streets of Rage 4.
Another story I had the idea for a while ago but finally finished. This time, it's a more well known franchise but still one of the newer, more niche girls from said game!
I hope you enjoy <3
THIS story I did finish today and decided to post here (i'll explain more on another post)
A year after the fall of the new Syndicate crime organization led by the twin siblings Mr. and Ms. Y, Wood Oak city had mostly returned to its normal state, with the heroes that fought the Syndicate no longer brawling throughout the streets, and the police force back under full control, or at least that’s what they thought.
While the police force wasn’t entirely under the Syndicate’s influence, most members didn’t trust the vigilantes nor the Syndicate thugs, and some members were even working directly for the crime organization itself. After the plan of mind controlling the population of the city via a special, powerful music broadcast had failed due to these vigilantes and some cops, the twins were eventually arrested, locked behind bars for good, and the city would no longer have to worry about them.
One of the special force officers who aided in this fight against the Syndicate, even if she opposed the heroic brawlers at first, was Estel Aguirre, a fierce, serious Swedish-Colombian woman with a strong sense of justice. She was just trying to do her job at first, but then realized at the right moment that the twin-led organization was not one to be taken lightly. Therefore, she allied with the rest to foil their plans and did so efficiently, even breaking the soundboxes that were going to play the mind control music by herself, with her potent flying kicks. 
The slightly tanned, built woman, who had a single long blonde braid through all her hair and shaved sides got a call on her day off, while she was painting, something she very much enjoyed as a hobby. She still picked up the call, and was informed of a situation going on inside the department she worked for. While she was perhaps a bit naive a year ago, she had now learned that some of her colleagues intentions are not as bright and noble as her own, and as always, took her job quite seriously, deciding she’d just use these extra hours for a vacation on another time. 
She drove to the police station as fast as she could. The matter was urgent, even if it wasn’t something that was immediately solved. There were suspicions about an officer who was quickly rising up the ranks through ‘strong leadership skills’ and ‘great character’. Not just that he was ascending the work ladder unjustly, but also that he was secretly planted by the Syndicate back when they were still wreaking havoc upon the city. He was mostly laying low and being inconspicuous until now. After the fall of the ‘Y empire’, he hatched a plan that seemed to involve gaining control of the city’s police people. Though the high levels of distrust left behind after the rise and fall of the Y’s made it difficult for him to do this stealthily. He was aware that the rest of the police force, especially people like Estel and others in similar positions to her, would probably catch on quickly and try to put an end to his schemes, or at the very least interrogate him to find out more about his true intentions and potentially villainous allegiances. 
This meant that he’d have to bring together muscles and brains to fulfill his aim. Just a few days later, after Estel found out about him, the police would have a report about one of their highest ranking sheriffs being caught in a…less than respectable way.
This rigid woman was stuck to the ground with a bloated body, mostly a very inflated behind, her rear made for awkward (even if kind of comfortable) cushions for her to sit on and even lay her full back against. She had a bubble butt before but this was outrageous, surely she was more ass than woman. That was thanks to a dark joke made by this sinister man, who put the powers he found out about to use, testing them on her. She had called him an ass, so he gave her one, the biggest one in the world, by far. It looked like it belonged on an animal like a hippopotamus, not a human… “What the hell happened here?” Estel asked, mostly in shock about the state she found her superior in. The mostly immobilized woman mentioned the man they suspected about, using something she called ‘tainted star power’ to affect her body and fill it with some kind of dark energy that caused…well, a very severe case of bloating. 
The way she jiggled off her jello cake buttcheeks was distracting to be frank, and some of the officers that were with Estel really struggled to understand the situation, still flabbergasted at what they were seeing. Of course, the woman with the double decker dumptruck would feel embarrassed and even humiliated that her colleagues found her like this, blushing noticeably, but she’d still try to keep it professional…while really hoping they found some cure for her. 
Estel mentioned that she was “sure the team would start talking to contacts from other places to treat her, uh, ‘condition’, but she wanted to stop this man before he could hurt others”. After leaving the room with the elephantine-assed woman inside, Estel went back to her lockers in the department to regroup, refresh her mind, and try to think of the foundations for a plan she and the others could build upon.
Calling any of the contacts she made was out of question, this was an inside problem that she needed to take responsibility for herself, and wanted to keep private until it was solved, unless, of course, it got out of hand. The amazonian woman knew she had to be careful around this person or she could end up like her superior or worse, who knows what ‘tainted star power’ really meant, and what potential uses it had.
Maybe it had to do with star moves? Once high leveled fighters had built up enough energy, they could unleash almighty special moves on their enemies. Sometimes said power was grabbed straight off the ground too - off of star shaped energy containers. Taking things from the floor was a fairly common practice in these streets. Whether they picked up knives, pipes, road signs, healing turkeys, apples or these star containers, many people certainly put their surrounding environment to good use in order to increase their chances in a fight.
Whatever it was, she needed to find this mysterious person’s location first. Thankfully, they wouldn’t make that work too troublesome for the rest of the police force working on the case. 
Her crew members were being targeted by some pretty high level thugs who were attacking in large numbers. This was more than just the routine fighting training for Estel, and many of her teammates that she called for support weren’t skilled enough to handle the situation. Even with her own flashbang grenades and powerful wheel kicks, the enemy group landed a few hits, nothing too severe. At least the other officers helped by being targets and lessening the pressure Estel had to face herself. Though in the heat of the moment, not wanting any more of her friends to go down, she picked up a star container from the floor and felt its energy flow through her. Special, blue rocket fire would be sent like meteors on the battlefield, dealing a lot of damage in the area and knocking many enemies away, allowing her crew to heal. 
She finished off the last of the delinquents in this big crowd of fighters, and some of the hooligans who hadn’t been completely knocked out yet were taken for questioning. Due to the light damage she took, the big blonde woman would use one of those healing apples to instantly recover. Though something felt strange about eating that apple. It seemed like… the power she gathered and used had been tainted, and feeding herself only accelerated the bad energy flow cycling inside her. 
She always wore a strong kevlar-like vest and combat pants, along with a belt and an undershirt, all dark blue in color. Though her vest was especially feeling tighter than usual, which was very strange. She looked down and attempted to adjust it, but the amount of pressure on it was only beginning to increase.
Her combat pants were starting to look more form fitting as well, especially from behind, and that belt felt tighter around her. “Darn it. That filthy bastard infected me as well with whatever dark energy he’s using. I must get to him fast…” Estel said to herself, gritting her teeth and closing her fists in anger, worried about what fate could befall her, she had already seen a colleague grow a giant ass from this disturbing energy, and feeling her clothes get tight meant that she was probably swelling herself, and it wasn’t just the adrenaline after the fight…
The amazon actually avoided eating anything else for the time being, and she seemed to have a point. Her teammate, who had gotten a lead from interrogating a thug got a coffee and a burger for herself. She deserved a break, and not only was another Special Forces general next to the scene where the villain was likely located in, according to the info she gathered, but she knew that Estel would want to catch him too, so she didn’t need to hurry. Though this break would show exactly why they needed to be careful still. The woman’s uniform burst, snapping in half, buttons popping all at once as her huge, heavy melons wobbled freely, forcing her to improvise a hand-bra to cover herself in public! This was extremely embarrassing - she couldn’t even make her way inside without almost falling tits first on the floor! Not used to how topheavy she had grown seemingly out of nowhere, it was obvious that now, more than ever, she needed a proper break… there was no way she was going to be useful fighting with breasts that big and heavy hampering her every movement. She could hardly walk with her sloshers, let alone throw a kick. The kick would probably strike her own chest on the way forward, and just thinking of that made her squirm in pain. She hid in a room and called someone to bring more…suitable clothes for her new size, though she’d never forget how embarrassing that day was.
Estel sighed and simply tried to focus on the task at hand, avoiding the worries and pressures that were building up on her mind AND body. At least her clothes were made with stronger fabric, and she had only eaten the apple so far, so things could definitely have been way worse right now. 
The general who was on the scene had sent a distress call halfway through her trip. She finally arrived on the scene, but it might have been too late… What they found was an open ladder that seemed to lead to the sewers, but was instead connected to an underground, reinforced base, almost like a bunker, with several big rooms. Most of them were messy, having broken glass, toppled furniture, and a lot more of those star containers all over the floor. She was definitely getting closer. She carefully walked through the rooms, always on guard, unsure about what backhand tactics this guy could use. However, she’d be drawn towards a specific room, as she heard a voice calling for help. A voice she recognized. “Can’t…get up…Estel? Is that you…?” It seemed like she was recognized as well. It sounded like the general who sent the distress call, but she sounded weak, winded, breathing heavily… The door to the small room she was stuck in was locked. It was probably a storage room. Estel had no idea how her colleague had gotten in there, but she had to help, so, not having time to search for a key or for lockpicking, as she didn’t know the state the woman was in, she sounded a warning. “Get away from the door, I’m barging in!” The general confirmed that she wasn’t at the door, and so Estel hit a mean flying kick on the door, leaving her boot marked on the steel, and knocking the door down. Her fierce expression turned into one of shock and awe as she saw well, said ‘state’ that the strong but beautiful red headed general was in. 
Oh goodness, was this really that freak’s plan? He couldn’t defeat anyone so he would just incapacitate them like… like this? Was this really just the way that the corrupted star energy worked, or was this some wild, lewd modus operandi this guy just happened to follow? “Laura, what the…what the hell happened?” Estel didn’t know how to react to the bloated mess that Laura had become. 
Laura was laid down across the floor, shoulders against the wall behind her, arms splayed out to each side, hands open, legs slightly apart too, just a position of overall defeat. Said arms and legs were thicker for sure, but what stood out the most was the gigantic belly facing the ceiling that covered a lot of Laura’s body. The distance between her arms and her torso was filled by that humongous, round gut, and her thighs and knees were out of view, as her belly was on top of them. Her breasts, barely bigger, were pushed up towards her chin and if she wasn’t half sat-up with her shoulders to the wall, they’d probably cover her face. All of this because of how much presence that colossal, soft mountain of a gut had become. It was hard for Estel to react to someone with a body as big as this, and with that particular shape too, but seeing Laura in this condition was what really drove home the point that she was very deep in a rabbit hole of madness that was more than just an investigation into a corrupt cop who wanted power. 
This is the third girl from the special forces that had grown in some way. The first one, having that gigantic, wobbly booty that served as a personal couch if it weren’t so unwieldy. The second, having wardrobe malfunctions due to sudden expansion in the chest department, her breasts going up and beyond macromastia levels in such a short period of time. Finally, the third, having most of the expansion be directed to the belly that immobilized her body almost completely, and clearly made her unable to stand up, let alone fight. She was likely the heaviest of the three and most affected. Heavier than any big man of the fire breathing group of thugs that roamed the streets a year before. 
Estel asked what had happened, and of course, as expected, Laura had a confrontation with the cause of all this, the one using all this negative energy to get people out of his way. He’s been successful so far, so much so that Laura let out a chuckle that felt devoid of any emotion but humiliation and dejection. “I don’t know what we can do to stop him. At this rate, we already have so much chaos just in our own department. We were too reckless in approaching this issue and look at us now… Sigh… We’re lost.” Estel set eyes on Laura with a serious, rough expression, even more fierce than usual. “Where is this guy? Is he still in this…bunker place?” She asked, and the bloated girl simply responded he might be here indeed… but before Estel could leave to search for him, she made an ominous question. “Aren’t you feeling a little bloated too, Estel?” The blonde amazonian woman did not answer, a bit of sweat running down the side of her face towards her neck, as she broke eye contact and stood up, turning away. “Mm…” Laura understood this as a ‘yes’, and didn’t say any more words. Despite the tightness of her own vest and clothes, Estel felt like she was the last person who could defeat this strange man once and for all. 
She left Laura laying there, wandering through some broken rooms before stumbling across one with a figure, seemingly planning a weapon that shared similarities with the star energy containers, but this one was shaped more like a rocket or missile, could it be ammunition for a devastating weapon that he’d unleash after the culmination of this takeover of the police? 
“You! Identify yourself!” Estel yelled at him, who turned with his hands raised up, as if to signal surrender, but a wicked grin was already on his face. It wasn’t going to be that easy. Yet, Estel only felt more determination. Like a fire that was burning inside her, one different from the hotness she was feeling from the increased amount of curves in such a tight outfit…
“Haha…I don’t think I need to. You’ll end up just like the others, and then you’ll…!!” As he lowered his arms to reach for a police baton (that he probably stole from Laura), he had to stop mid-sentence to dodge a powerful flying kick from Estel, that hit the wall behind him so hard that it left a boot mark on it. He then throws a bunch of vials down on the floor, that seem to be poison. Estel jumps to avoid the puddles, but they were more of a distraction as he hits her mid air with a wave of dark energy that seems to even stick around to her body. It felt like she was surrounded by a high gravity-like force similar to TV static. This effect only lasted a few seconds, but it was enough for her body to start feeling different again. Her body felt weaker, because that wave definitely caused leftover fatigue and pain. Though at the same time, she also felt…bigger, and this was noted by the slow tearing on the sides of her pants, revealing the tan colored thighs of the tall woman, jiggling with every step she took. Her body was quite literally churning audibly with fat, her ass threatening to burst out of her clothes next. Her vest felt much more uncomfortable, and Estel had to take it off - letting her overgrown watermelon tits bounce more freely without such a heavy constraint compressing them. Her dark shirt underneath was still holding on, but not for long. As she threw the vest directly at his face, he tried grabbing it but ended up just slapping it away, grimacing as he fired another one of those dark waves of energy that further infected her inner star power… though instead of trying to fight around these issues, Estel had a different strategy.
Perhaps the lack of adaptability, trying to dodge the inevitable growing and failing to control the bodies they were given were the main culprits in giving such (literally) heavy defeats to her colleagues on their fights against this common foe. Overwhelmed by their size, shocked by their expansion, unable to move around as well, they’d find themselves pinned by their body sooner rather than later, and he’d get away without as much as a bruise. 
So what did Estel do? She did the exact opposite, almost ‘embracing’ the expansion and trying to use it in her favor. Her height and muscle mass were certainly beneficial traits that confered her an advantage in dealing with this sudden increase in body fat. Even if said muscles were now not visible, as her arms, legs and even abs seemed much softer, all that had happened was a layer of plush fat had deposited over her muscles. They were still there, just hidden away, underneath the chub. Just like with the other girls, the damage to her arms was small and her face stayed the same, but her legs were certainly thickening. That could be a problem for a woman who liked kicking her opponents down, but maybe the extra mass could confer some more strength to her kicks? Or at least compensate for the lack of momentum.
“Ready to give in?! You’re just like the others, I expected more from you!” He’d ask, before getting a very much improvised answer in the form of an uppercut to the chin… well, sort of! Estel’s tits had finally pushed beyond the limits of her undershirt and exploded its front into shreds, bursting out from it, bouncing wildly. Instead of giving in like he asked, she instead yelled and swung her tits right against his chin, their size made sure he got hit and fell down, stunned. While Estel obviously didn’t like that she had to use a move like that, it still proved effective, as despite their jiggly, sloshing softness, they were VERY heavy, imagine getting hit in the face by a huge sand bag. Except these were TWO massive milkbags smashing against his chin simultaneously. They didn’t even look like they were done growing, Estel using her left arm to try to hold this armful of boobage, though they were spilling over and under her arm, becoming too voluminous to contain once again. 
She couldn’t afford to slow down though, not while he was still standing back up after her breast attack. The now hourglass shaped, very voluptuous amazonian woman was ready to risk it all, and decided to use her star move - it might cause even more growth, but it would be a necessary gamble to make. “You’re finished - calling in support!” Estel exclaimed and used her star move, a huge barrage of blue rocket like meteors of flaming energy being blasted against the walls and floor right where he was standing. He had to recover quickly to dodge, but the area of effect was too big, and he still got caught, rolling on the floor and collapsing momentarily, struggling to stand up. He didn’t think he had lost yet though, as Estel was now undergoing quite a heavy load of growth - further accelerated by the fact she had to snap up one of those healing chicken and eat it, to heal up all the weakness and damage caused by his attacks earlier. Yet another gamble, as her body started churning once again, vibrating even the half broken walls of the room, threatening to make it collapse from the sound of the multiplying fat cells alone! This time, it wasn’t just the usual tits and ass getting bigger for her, but her belly, that was a bit chubby, started expanding faster than the rest - most likely due to the chicken she ate. It went from being covered by her enormous boobs to serving as a ‘platform’ for them to lay on, bulging out as far as they did. If Estel entered a room, surely her boobs and belly would be seen seconds before her head made it. Now she couldn’t hide anything with her chubby but still powerful arms, since reaching out, extending her arms as far as she could, wouldn’t be enough to even reach her nipples or navel with her hand, let alone cover them! It was becoming a bit hard to see in front of her without bending down. She had to be careful not to bend forward too much, or the shift in weight could make her fall on top of her titanic front weight. It’d be a soft landing, but it’d be very hard to stand back up from that kind of position. Plus, if she looked behind her, her vision wouldn’t be doing THAT much better, as the lower fourth of her field of view was covered by the bulging ass cheeks that paired up perfectly with her doorway destroyer hips, and extremely thick, tanky thighs that weren’t adept for kicking anymore, but could certainly still hold her weight. She felt like a dinosaur with how bulky and heavy she was now. 
Estel must have had Laura and the other two beat in every department, boobs, belly and ass, it wouldn’t be a silly guess to say she was at LEAST as heavy as those three colleagues combined, it was just hard to account for all the extra weight, especially due to her height. Wobbling, sloshing everywhere, Estel slowly made her way towards her enemy, he was hurt, not as cocky anymore, perhaps even hints of fear expressing on his face as the gigantic woman approached him. He couldn’t even see her face! Only when he managed to stand back up with the help from the wall behind him was he actually capable of seeing her eyes, even if barely. The height difference wasn’t the only explanation, she was taller, sure, but the sheer amount of bosom (and belly lifting it up) really got in the way. “What do you think you’re doing?” She asked him, knowing she had him exactly where she wanted him… with no place to run, too weak to even dodge despite her being much slower than before, Estel simply charged, belly and boobs first against the wall, pinning him against it, locking him in place as no matter how much he tried to push her away, he’d never be able to power out of a predicament like this. Even if he was at full strength, he’d never be able to escape the crushing weight of her gigantic breasts and belly. His feet no longer touched the ground, as she was lifting him off it with that ‘hold’. 
If she wasn’t so incredibly fat and soft, he’d be a goner. Her belly and boobs were plump enough to the point his hands would sink in, but instead of being flabby and blobby, her body was still bloated and firm enough to hold him in place. He got smashed against the wall so hard it cratered slightly behind him, despite being a bunker room wall… if it had been a boulder or a tank instead of Estel’s fat body, he’d be in worse state than a pancake. 
“Can you hear me? Yes. It’s Estel. I got the guy. Not in the most…comfortable way, but he’s captured. Yes, get here soon. Estel out.” She had told her team that it was safe to get in. She really didn’t want to be seen like this, but there was no other way… plus, the fact that it had happened not just to her, but to so many members of her squad, with various degrees of intensity, made her feel a bit better. The ones that’d enter the room and help Estel, some of them slightly bloated themselves, didn’t even bat an eye at her size, as surprising as it was, they would probably be MORE shocked if she had faced this weird guy without having any side effects happen to her. 
He couldn’t even have used his powers, his arms were stuck, and even if he tried, there was a fat chance of it working in his favor, pun intended. The energy would likely focus on Estel again, and building up even more fat on her body would run the risk of her literally crushing him with even more weight. So he had to let his rage go, furiously getting taken away by the other officers as Estel stepped back to release the pressure she was putting on his body with her own. She had to do it with small steps, not because she was slower now, but to avoid falling backwards on her enormous, soft, jiggly dumptruck. Her ass was probably the unsung hero of this capture, as it served as an effective enough counterweight to her tits and ass, even if it wasn’t as heavy as those other two bodily features of hers, the support it gave her body and center of gravity was just about enough. 
The weapon he was building was also taken away and disarmed promptly, and Estel could exit the room. Without even noticing, she had wrecked the doorway with her curves - she didn’t get stuck, and the doorway offered no resistance - she was just THAT much bigger than it. It just gave up and crumbled. Estel blushed a bit once she noticed, though no one could really see the tall, strongfat woman’s face. She walked over to the room where Laura still was, though she was now standing with the help of several colleagues. “You did it…I’m amazed, Estel.” She said with a smile, before adding some very important information. “My husband, he’s a monk who trained under Shiva…I’m going to ask him if he can purify the dark energies in all of our bodies. Though I won’t promise anything, I hope he or another monk can do it.” Estel’s eyes lit up and she nodded. “Yeah, I hope so too…for all of our sakes.” 
Despite everything, Estel was still very proud of herself, for being able to adapt to the situation and fight off an opponent in such different, peculiar conditions. Admittedly, he was quite weak except for his strange powers, as he stood no chance in actual combat, but those powers were being effective enough to stop everyone he faced, until Estel was finally able to stop him. 
While they waited to know if there was a chance to regain their old bodies by purification, Estel thought of all the other ways she could have used it in the fight. She could probably suffocate an enemy until they’re unconscious quite easily, with either her tits, ass, or belly, or even a combination. Her legs were thick enough that if she managed to put those giant tree trunk strongfat thunder thighs to use, she could deliver some destructive kicks. After snapping out of those thoughts, Estel sighed deeply, her body having been (barely) covered by bedsheets, temporarily, as she’d need some custom tailored clothes to fit her body, unless they found a way to permanently get rid of all, or at least most, of this tainted star energy that made them fatten and expand so vastly. The usually serious woman then said to herself:
“Hmm… I think I have earned a promotion…one as big as this body, heh…”
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bustybounty · 11 days ago
Long Form Story - Exceptionally Inconvenient BE
This fan story contains breast expansion and lactation, and the characters of indie game Velocity 2X.
Some longer form writing I've been meaning to try to do for a while! I know 99% of you won't know the game or characters, but still:
Hope you enjoy <3
(This story was written a month ago, but I'm only posting it here now!)
Flying in distant stars, a space ship rapidly boosted through the stars, heading towards a desolate moon in search for more Rekenium. Rekenium was the name given to a highly energetic crystal, whose properties could power up the only technology that was capable of sending the pilot, Lt. Kai Tana, back home. She was stranded millions upon millions of miles away from Earth, after an experimental flight into a black hole using a Quarp Shield failed pretty badly. The now cyborg found herself teaming up with a pacifist alien species known as the Jintinda, attempting to perfect the Quarp Shield technology to travel through another black hole, to send her back to Earth while the black hole was forced shut by the shield, at the exact same time.
She had left the planet she and the Jintinda were using as a laboratory base for this process, right after she delivered some more found survivors of their species. Though not too long after she left, the communicator on her ship would ring with an emergency alert. “Answering the distress call, what’s wrong?” 
“Apologies for contacting you after you just left, but one of the survivors you rescued is gravely injured…” The other voice belonged to Hjun Ralan III, who helped Kai escape the Vokh enemies and regain possession of her beloved ship, and in return she also helped him leave their slave work. He was now part of a team with other Jintinda survivors. He was a good friend of Kai’s, and his voice had a very worried tone. Kai Tana responded:
“Are the doctors able to help at all? If you’re calling me, I fear that they probably can’t…” 
“The only way to save such degree of lesions would be by virtue of an extremely rare form of Rekenium, that’s very radioactive and unsuitable for powering up the shield.” He explained, that was why she had never heard of it before, it was rare and unnecessary until now. 
Kai stopped the ship for a moment. 
“Do you know where to find it?” After receiving a ‘Yes’ and a set of coordinates, she placed down a Telepod and began speeding away, towards her new objective. She’d have to make a slight detour to the path she was heading to before, but it was to save a life, after all. 
“I must warn you, this form of Rekenium has untested side effects on humans like you, though it’s likely to cause physiological changes, so you should turn back to our base and-”
“Sorry, but that might waste precious time in saving your friend. He needs to be saved quick, and being quick is my specialty!” She let out a confident chuckle and continued traveling at a very fast pace in the direction of the giant Vokh asteroid base that was meant to contain the new Rekenium. 
After the communication ended, she would easily fly through the dangerous asteroids towards the metallic looking gates embedded in the largest of the rocks…and not even thinking twice, she blew up the door with a few Pulse Bombs. “Now, to get that Rekenium…” 
This mission wasn’t really any different from the ones she had been doing ever since she started fighting the Vokh while helping the Jintinda, she’s gained some expertise in ‘mining’ Rekenium with her rifle and collecting it, loading it like cargo on her ship, all while avoiding or outright destroying Vokh defenses. Tasks with critical urgency were nothing new to the blonde daredevil pilot, she wasn’t one to feel pressure or nervousness, or lose her abilities if she had to pull something quick - if anything, she thrived on these kinds of situations, loving the adrenaline rush, even playing around in the midst of certain peril when fighting much larger, much more combat ready Vokh ships - ships that always ended up being turned into rubble by her mindblowingly skillful flying.  
While she was definitely more comfortable in the air, she would of course have to be on foot to collect Rekenium, and with a mix of stealth and speed, as well as her short teleporting abilities, she would often go through an entire Vokh base, collect all the Rekenium needed and leave before they could even start a proper red alert. 
So, as she descended from her ship, she immediately started running towards the insides of the Vokh base, hearing some guards were inside, and also noticing right away that they had special gates in place to try to prevent access to what Kai assumed was the area containing the radioactive Rekenium crystals she pursued.
Again, this was nothing really new to her.
She hastily ran through their base, teleporting through the small walls between rooms, shooting down the keys to the gate, before coming back, being faced with guards. She’d teleport through them to disrupt their shields before blasting them and leaving the Rekenium free to be collected. There wasn’t much, and she had searched the entire place already, so perhaps this small quantity was enough. She held the rekenium in her human arm, to keep her artificial arm combat ready in case some more enemies somehow showed up. She kept the crystals against her chest so they didn’t fall on the floor as she sprinted, a faint blueish white glow emitting from them. She finally got back to her ship, and let go of the new Rekenium, leaving them all in the cargo space, ready to take off again. 
Though as she was leaving, and preparing herself to simply warp back to the Telepod that she had left behind, she noticed some Vokh ships in the distance. Whether they had been alerted by her invasion of the Rekenium site or were simply patrolling the area, - the second of which seemed more likely due to how stealthy the base takedown was - they might have been heading towards the direction that Kai was going to warp back to, and they might spot her, even if just for a second, making her return to the safe spot where most Jintidas were located. 
“I got the strange Rekenium, though I can see Vokh ships near the area and if I just take the fastest route, they might see me and I’ll lead them to your planet. I can’t afford that… so tell the injured scientist to hold on just a bit longer…I’ll be there in a moment.” Kai informed her friend and quickly turned the comms back off. Now that the situation had been debriefed, it was time to kick some Vokh ass, or at least destroy their ships.
She approached their area with great velocity, boosting through the skies, a focused yet confident look on her face as she prepared to confront more of the Vokh army. This shouldn’t be a hassle to an exceptionally talented pilot like her, but a different obstacle was forming, not in outer space, but right inside her ship, right under her nose. Literally. That same faint glow from before was now coming out of her chest.
Her breasts were completely natural, and managed to not sustain real damages during her accident, unlike her arm for example. The human tissues were therefore affected by the radioactive, physiology altering capabilities of the Rekenium due to her holding it so close to that specific area, her chest. 
Her forearm down to her hand were also warmer than usual and they were possibly affected as well, but most of the radiation might have been absorbed by her chest - the special mechanic installments below her neck on her upper torso could have served as some kind of ‘lightning rod’ to the radiation of the Rekenium, drawing it nearer, and conclusively causing a majority of radiation to be redirected towards her breast area.
Her spacesuit was fairly roomy, it was definitely not skin tight, even if it was starting to feel more like it as her breasts began swelling. They were maybe above average, but nothing really huge, but with these sudden effects, that might not hold true for long. 
The suit should have protected her from a lot of harmful radiation, though it was mostly just comfortable and practical, not even being the same suit she took to the testing grounds of the Black Hole experiment, the beginning of the event cascade that has led to this very moment.
The Vokh ships were sure to notice her and they wasted no time in opening fire. “Show me what you have, I’ll just run through you all and put you in the dirt!” Kai Tana exclaimed with a sense of impending victory. She effortlessly dodged their barrage of beams, while firing her own. Doing all kinds of ship rotations and rolls, all while being effective in destroying her targets. 
There were plenty of vibrations, shockwaves of energy that rippled through the area after each ship destruction, but due to them being in the vacuum of space, they didn’t really bring sounds with them - it was mostly just a visual of explosions, one after another. The intense flight movements and shockwaves did however cause a weird amount of bouncing for Kai, and the lack of noise from outside also seemed to let in a faint but audible churning, but it hadn’t caught Kai’s attention just yet. 
Her breasts however, had already doubled in size, and that was bound to be noticeable at some point. Strong modifications to her milk glands occurred, those changes made them become more potent, more productive…fuller. A multiplication of adipose cells in the area was also important to maintaining the soft, jiggly nature of her boobs intact, and kept their natural look, as they surpassed the size of Kai’s head. Kai finally took notice of her controls being a bit harder to reach, something was in the way. As she took a sharp turn to dodge an incoming missile, she had to put a lot of pressure ot one side, and to her shock, her arm was met with some resistance, something bulging in its way, not enough to prevent the movement to be achieved, but certainly necessitated a larger use of her strength to pull it off.
As she looked down momentarily, she saw a sideways bounce from her chest, accompanied by a sloshing sound. “What the–Whoa!” Her eyes went wide, her expression was absolutely flabbergasted, she couldn’t be imagining things, her boobs had absolutely grown larger, and even sloshed?! Yet she couldn’t focus too long on them, she had ships to fight! 
This was no simple patrolling group, this was likely a branch of the Vokh army doing exercises that she happened to catch at the wrong place, wrong time. Well, at least they wouldn’t bother future her, or her friends, and it’d certainly be another small blow to their ruthless, tyrannical empire, but… things were starting to become more inconvenient. 
Her massive tits were actively pushing against the control panels of her ship, and they were surging forward further and further, with no signs of stopping. They grew heavier, clearly full of something, though Kai was worried to think of what…hopefully just milk, or even something like water, but it was still startling. While the physiological changes also included an increase in sensitivity due to exploiting the nervous system’s direct responses, and creating more connections and nerve endings, that wasn’t making her lose focus. Even if there would likely be some pleasure in rubbing her own chest now, it was something she could keep off her mind even if her nipples were rubbing against not only a now extremely tight suit that was stretched to its limits, but they were also contacting the colder metal parts of the control panel, sending ripples down her spine that made her entire body shiver, gave her goosebumps, and even sparked a reaction in her more intimate zones. “Hnff, the Rekenium did this…why did it have to be this? At least it could have been worse…” She thought to herself: she just had to take care of a few more ships and get back home. Surely the Jintinda people would know what to do. 
But her increasingly turgid, bloating, churning, wobbling, elephantine breasts were really, REALLY getting in the way of her flight controls. Not only were the completely covering the flashing screens that would give her info on enemy locations, warnings, comms, and other important information and support technology, but they were making it much harder for her to use her control wheels. They were bigger than beachballs now, approaching beanbag size, and they were luckily overflowing around her arms due to how incredibly soft and plushy they were, though she could hear (and see) rips forming in her suit as she became increasingly more distressed by the swelling, having to do absolutely wild moves with her ship to even be able to navigate the area and fight back. Her ship’s short form teleporting was definitely exceptionally useful for this, but she couldn’t just rely on it. Especially as her boobs grew so much that their weight pushed down the levers, accelerating the ship to its maximum velocity in seconds. “Ooookay, we’re fighting at the highest speeds now, I see…you know what, I like it, I accept the challenge…”
If it had been almost any other pilot, the distress, the lack of maneuverability and loss of focus would surely have caused disaster in this difficult fighting situation. Though Kai was different, she loved the adrenaline rush from the extremely fast speeds her ship could go to, and hell, she’d rather be forced to go as fast as possible then to NOT be able to accelerate. So, confident in her own abilities as always, she was determined to end this battle with the Vokh, even if her controls were engulfed by her mountainous, growing, sloshing boobs. And once she did that, she was going back to save the scientist. Hopefully she’d be on time… 
Compared to the Vokh ships, her ship was quite fragile; It wasn’t built for combat, or for conquering planets and civilizations unlike its counterparts. It was mostly constructed for traveling purposes, as well as, of course, velocity. It was also great at research due to these qualities it possessed, but unfortunately there was no way to research how to fix her impossibly growing tits in the middle of a battle… 
A clean split second dodge followed by the destruction of another large ship, the Vokh forces would simply not disengage, they saw her as an annoying mosquito who had been biting away at their forces and Rekenium reserves, yet none of them could deal the blow to actually bring her ship down. Though once she actually got hit once, the rumbling across her ship finally caused her suit to get fully ripped apart, in the chest area, followed by a deafening SLURRRSSSHHHH!!!! - The noise, combined with her diminishing field of view as her breasts took it over more and more, she had to regroup, think fast, or it’d be over. 
“Gotta change position…” Her tits had gotten so enormous, so weighty, that she kept herself traveling straight in one direction, and stood up, pushing on her breasts to try to reposition them, while her other hand would try to maneuver the ship ever so slightly. A loud THUD followed by even louder, continuous sloshing was audible as her breasts would hit the floor right in front of the head of the ship, allowing her to see everything clearly again, no longer in the way - or on top of - the controls and the information displays.
Still, with their sheer size, they were definitely at least as tall as that control table was, so Kai had to improvise. She laid herself down forward, putting her weight on her boobs, her legs and feet also pressed against them. That was how much space those now exposed tits were taking on the ground. They had apparently stopped growing, at least for now, but they hadn’t stopped shaking, rumbling with all the milk inside, sloshing audibly, they were a very soft surface to place herself on, so even if Kai could reach the controls, it was still no easy task to adjust and destroy the remaining enemies.
“One by one…come at me!” Her internal changes to sensitivity had also caused an unconscious reaction that made her face blush quite red, as a side effect of the repressed sensations she needed to hold down in order to function effectively enough to remain in control of her ship.
Her burgeoning tits were, however, not done with her, and they would make themselves known yet again as they surged upwards, almost like rising dough, churning almost as loud as the noise her rifle would make when she mined Rekenium with it. Powerful and intimidating, like a gurgling unknown force that couldn’t be contained or understood, a growth that was indomitable, undeniable, but not yet uncontrollable, at least not for Kai… though she could feel it slipping.
She was struggling to hold herself in position, as her insurmountable chest just kept expanding, making it difficult to reach all the needed levers and buttons. There were only two enemies left, and while she managed to squeeze down on her right breast hard enough, using her mechanical arm, to press the button to attack the ship, firing enough projectiles to send the beaten enemy wayward, this came at a cost, her floor might have been…wet. The productivity of her overgrown, overdeveloped milk ducts and the strength of the squeezing had caused her to lactate actual milk onto the floor of the cockpit. While it was meant to be waterproof, it wasn’t exactly milkproof, and the creamy fluids that dribbled out of her boobs were sending pleasure related neurotransmitters to her brain, while making the floor all slippery.
This ‘happiness’ she was feeling from her lactating milk factories was very different from the usual adrenaline driven pleasure she got from fast and almost reckless flying, since the associated chemicals to the respective reactions were different, and the ‘joy’ she was feeling right now was far more…intimate. It didn’t personally fulfill her, but it certainly contributed to other areas of her needs. She had been alone, stranded in space for a long time after all… had been in what was essentially a coma after the accident, and was captured by the Vokh while unconscious, and after escaping, fought them ever since. Could she perhaps need some kind of soft, hot, self loving dates, like this, to balance out her fast paced, busy life? Maybe that wasn’t it. Maybe it was just a spur of the moment, a reaction to these new sensations she had never felt, purely a side effect from the Rekenium and nothing else?
“This is…so weird…” Kai would still not admit that she liked the feeling, the sensitivity was overbearing now though, and being impossible to ignore, she would have to deal with it while pushing on her swelling chest back and forth to dodge and attack the final Vokh ship. “Just go down, it’s a matter of time… but at this rate, I’m gonna lose my controls and my damn mind… Alright, one last sprint!” Kai affirmed and closed her eyes, focusing hard.
Kai needed to think outside the box and get creative if she wanted to win this and get back to the scientist. Luckily, she was good at that. She might be viewed by some as someone who invites danger too much, someone who’s reckless even, but she’d always respond well to these problems with her skill and adaptability, just like she would now. Maybe she should have at least asked for a more protective suit to handle the Rekenium, or maybe she could have handled it more carefully, but those were things of the past that she couldn’t change, so there was no use dwelling on past what ifs. 
Looking up at a reinforced plate in the ceiling of her cockpit, she muttered some kind of apology to her ship, that she loved very much, and using her mechanical arm, fired off shots, purposefully using the slippery floor under her boobs and the momentum from her blasts to move her body. Kai went from being almost too high up to reach the flight controls, to landing on her side, though as she was shifting the weight, she pulled down one of the levers and kept her hand on it. Her ship turned and accelerated away. Kai had to battle her own massive, soft, overflowing tits to get up to her knees and reach the rest of the controls - or just enough of them - to deal the finishing blow to the final enemy. 
Breathing a sigh of relief, her scanners showed no more targets, and indicated this zone was now safe to be used as a ‘space highway’. She tried using both arms on only the left side of her controls to turn the ship backwards, and it worked, even if very awkwardly. She then got back up to her feet, using her strength to drag her breasts across the milk covered surface of her cockpit. “Push…so close!...” Her face smooshed completely against her own immensely deep cleavage as she clicked the button to warp back to her Telepod, a very important shortcut back. Now she only needed to travel to her own base as quickly as possible, not forgetting about the scientist in need. She hoped she would not be too late…
She slumped against her ginormous tits as her ship slowed down and entered the station connected to this safe haven of a world. She got back to the communications, while her arms hugged what she could reach of her colossal bust. “I opened the cargo compartment, the Rekenium should be there…”
“You’re right on time, I believe a minute longer and he would not have survived… The others are already working on it. Thank you so much, again.” The scientist, exposed to the Rekenium, had their body tissues reform and recover from their injuries, their physiology altered to cause bump like scars over their torso area as marks of where they had been affected. A lot of changes had happened to the inside of their alien body, but it’d be too complicated for anyone to understand. 
Plus, Kai wasn’t so interested in learning…she was happy she saved a life, and now she was taking her time… barely on her feet, she used both hands to squeeze her titanic tits, her fingers sinking into that supple skin, they felt so soft, incredibly natural…it didn’t feel at all like some weird space rock caused increased development in that area. She had no stretchmarks, no bumps, no scars. Any she had before were healed, and no new ones were formed by the radiation. Her thick nipples were larger than coke cans. They were engorged and turgid with milk up to their very tips, a perfect mixture of hard and soft to the touch, due to their fullness and texture - not that Kai could reach them or even see them anymore. Her areolae had grown quite large too, which made sense considering her Montomgery glands had expanded since Kai was a lactating woman now, though said glands meshed well with the rest of the slightly darker pink areola, serving as beautiful, delicately raised spots. 
Despite the incredible development of her mammary glands, she had formed new glands alongside them, some form of supportive mammary glands, that weren’t filled with milk but with a different fluid - one that certainly contributed to the loud sloshing. It was highly efficient in keeping her milk and breasts overall hydrated and full of nutrients. Even with no increase in blood flow targeting the mammary glands, it made use of the oxygen and proteins carried by said blood to still provide everything necessary for healthy development and maintenance. Though this fluid also stimulated the multiplication of adipose cells in surrounding areas, and so her breasts were not just incredibly full of milk but fattened up too, which is why they felt so incredibly soft and smooth to the touch. It almost felt like Kai got goosebumps from moving her hands across her incredible tits, the increased sensitivity was honestly the hardest part to get used to. Even if she managed to fly with boulder dwarfing boobs strapped to her chest, she had to suppress the urges they created, the desire to grope and feel her new body, even if just for a moment, before trying to seek out a solution to this growth. 
After all, Kai had gotten several growth spurts, not just the first continuous one, meaning she had no idea if she’d start swelling up again at any moment. Yet she admired the sight of two utterly incredible mountains covering up her field of view, she could see them no matter what direction she looked to, left, right, or even the ceiling. She only wished she could actually grope all of herself instead of just the closest areas… squeeze and hold her nipples, play with them, maybe even taste the milk that was coming out in small waves… she had already laid atop them, so she imagined what it’d be like to be pinned underneath them - certainly difficult to get back up with how hefty they were, and she wouldn’t be surprised if they covered her entire body. Though she knew that shaking her body would at least cause them to move, even if they’d still be very much weighing her down and smothering her whole… So putting that theory to the test, while she was still on foot, she moved her body from side to side, and her boobs followed, shaking like two vast milk balloons - or blimps - glorping, sloshing, churning with every movement, the splashing inside them being quite noisy, but a bit fun, too! 
Though right after that little hypothesis testing, she had to drag herself, again, holding as much as she could of her boobs in each arm, trying to lift them ever so slightly from the ground. Every time she let go, they wobbled as if a seismic wave had just hit her ship, once again sloshing very loudly. So much so that it was audible from the outside of the ship. 
“Okay…you are NOT fitting yourself through the door.” Looking behind her, she realized she was too large to exit her ship. Maybe she could push herself, but she could risk getting stuck or causing more ship damage, plus, the latter would certainly be aggravated if another growth spurt happened, and she wanted none of that. So, opening her communications once more, she’d have to make a weird request. 
“Hey, I’m…having trouble leaving my ship. Look…this new Rekenium had quite the…uhh, effect on my body. I’m going to need your help - no, no, not just you, make sure you bring a team of scientists too. I think I’ll need a LOT of help, unfortunately.” Kai said with a nervous grin, with a confused and somewhat worried Ralan gathering help right away. 
She hoped that, with them being aliens, they wouldn’t have a very strong reaction to her tits of all things having grown so much. Plus, they were pacifists by genetics, so there was nothing to be afraid of right now. 
She certainly expected them to be worried about such a gigantic change in body mass caused solely by her tits, but also knew they’d be asking many questions, and probably curious about her boobs as well, considering that they weren’t mammals and therefore had no mammary glands or any structure that even resembled them. While they might want to study her ‘unique’ condition and physiology (she was the literal only human they ever knew, after all), she’d probably need to tell them about her own culture, and about how the situation was embarrassing and very awkward, due to the intimacy attributed to human breasts… Well, these pure hearted aliens would understand one way or the other, so she simply hoped there’d be an easy cure. She was already aching to go back to piloting, to kick some more Vokh ass and to settle the score with Black Holes, traveling back to her sweet Earth in the process.
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bustybounty · 16 days ago
"Babe," she stood out of breath, another set of XXL clothes in tathers around her, "I'm done pretending *gasp* to hate what is happening to me. I wan't you to go to that magic boutique *wheeze* and buy me that infini-stretch lingerie." Her fat body quivering just thinking about getting bigger. "If I'm cursebound *huff* to outgrow any clothes I wear, then I wanna see what happens when those clothes are *moan* indestructible."
"Are you sure?" Her partner asked, and she simply nodded, breathing heavily, it was clearly harder to talk clearly with how encumbered and obese she got, though that curse hadn't stopped her from enjoying herself, sometimes in secret.
It was obvious that her partner didn't mind it either, or else they wouldn't still be with her as she literally outgrew the biggest XXL shirts and pants around, and underwear became impossible to find. Even custom made clothing was destroyed not too long after she put it on.
It was like a ticking time bomb, she was gaining, growing fatter, multiplying fat cells as her adipose filled body just grew heavier and bloated, stretching out whatever clothing she had on. Depending on the material's properties, those clothes could last her several hours, enough for her to go outside (even if she doesn't do so anymore, as that'd provoke her to visually grow much fatter in front of everyone, not that she exactly minded, but sometimes other people did, and she was putting up a character up until now, pretending she didn't like this at all...)
Some clothes didn't even last an hour though, her body growing way too fat too fast for them to accompany it. Though the magic shop might hold a solution, and once she put on the supposedly indestructible lingerie, she wondered how her body would react. Would it work like when she had no clothes on, and the curse would simply not register the bra and panties due to their extremely powerful magical properties? Or was the curse also strong enough to keep up with them?
What would break first, the curse, the clothes, or...
Her partner couldn't deny the arousal they felt seeing her outgrow the house, crushing it to rubble with her expanding, soft mass, swelling fatter than even blue whales, it was no longer wise to just weigh her in tons as she kept swelling. It seemed her current size was just soooo distant to the limit the clothes had (infinity) that the curse tried to make her body keep up and grow at an increased rate, to make sure that she could become enough of a blubber blimp to break said clothes.
However, the question rapidly became...what would break first?
The curse, the clothes, or...reality?
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bustybounty · 16 days ago
It happened in a flash. One minute, life was business as usual. The next, the entire planet was being invaded, and subsequently overrun by nigh-invincible, pheromone-laden, hypersexualized alien beings, who were capable of reproducing on an exponential level, and had only traveled to Earth as a means of housing their sheer population overflow, as every other planet in the universe faces the exact same dilemma~.
I think the universe is just thinking small here...if these beings are truly like omni hyper gods of sexuality and reproduction, who can just cause overpopulation in less than seconds due to their sheer, exponentially increasing amount, then I don't know about just settling on Earth, our Solar System, or even our puny universe!
They can go across universes, multiverses, and omniverses and realities, over and over again, the ability to just jump into different dimensions just so they're able to make more of themselves, just so that every planet that ever was, is, or will be, is full of their hyper horny fertile population.
Even though they're basically/literally everywhere, it still feels like a blessing we should be thankful for, that they graced us with their beautiful presence in our little home~
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bustybounty · 16 days ago
"Oh, sure, DNA splicing is a cool idea on paper, but what happens when and if someone takes it too far?"
If by too far, they mean genetically sequencing the best possible combination of genes amongst all life on Earth (as well as some top-secret lifeforms kept out of public awareness) and inserting it into yourself, all for the sake of curing your infertility (and, by extension, making you so fertile it is now physically impossible for you not to breed and multiply)...
Then I don't think it's gone far enough~.
Becoming almost alien-like, in pure peak human condition, and beyond what should be a normal human's fertility patterns... Becoming so fertile that there is no monthly cycle, there is no wait or 'luck' for getting impregnated, it's all pure, raw motherhood, a 24/7 wave of egg production and reproduction following it, meaning that even without any external source, there'll always be a way for this extraordinary goddess like body to reproduce.
It's always doing so, always wanting to replicate more, always pregnant, with every single gene that would contribute to that simply hyper manifesting itself, all genes that would inhibit it are blocked off, and alien lifeform genetics are added to fill in gaps and to allow such physiology to even be possible in the first place. That along with multiple experiments, resulting in a person who's always growing bigger, more fertile, more motherly, curvier, bigger breasts and hips, even height, to hold a body carrying so many, in order to always keep multiplying...
Though I do also think we haven't gone far enough! It's only one person (not counting their countless offspring that'll approach infinity) and we haven't even explored genes outside of Earth and the super secret creatures in it. Who knows what the universe holds in store for becoming the most fertile being possible, for becoming bigger in every way imaginable...
I'm sure science will also allow even more things like pills that'll exacerbate the hyper-effects of these genes, making everything even wilder~ <3
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bustybounty · 19 days ago
Forget being big.
No, I don't want to be huge, I don't want to be enormous.
Not the biggest.
I want to be bigger. Like, not bigger *than* something. Not bigger *than* someone. I want to embody the very concept of bigger.
Can you imagine someone so big, that describing them as the biggest, describing them as bigger than realities, saying their size is beyond infinite, isn't adequate enough?
The only way to describe that person is that they are, BIGGER, full stop? That's what I want to be.
Bigger than everything? Not enough. Bigger than bigger. Bigger than the concept of big, bigger and biggest. I don't care if it's surreal or unrealistic or illogical. Your puny brain just can't comprehend it, and that sounds like a you problem. I'll just keep growing in the mean time~
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bustybounty · 21 days ago
"You have been chosen to become the alien's immortal surrogate," said the president of planet earth. "to prevent destuction of our great planet, we had to offer our most compatible candidate to carry their new generations. Don't worry, with their technology, they are able to safely clone their inseminated eggs directly into your womb after we gave them your DNA sequence. Of course you will be fairly compensated and taken care of for the rest of your... W-what do you mean you're part of a secret clone army?! "
The 'betrayal' had happened, the aliens did not just use this DNA information of her to inseminate their eggs into a massive new broodmother that'd serve as a fertility goddess that'd promote good relations between the humans and the aliens, and diminish any level of confrontation - an offering, a blessing of peace.
Though unfortunately, she was already working for those aliens, and she didn't seem to care about the rest of humanity at all, as she, and all clones of her, could effectively carry colossal broods of alien eggs at one given moment - plus, her immortality also carried over to the clones, thanks to the advanced alien technology mixed with the human genetic information.
The hundreds of clones in the space station had already been impregnated several times over, and in a few days would already be sporting very large pregnant guts, and likely massive milky tits and curvy, child bearing hips that'd match their immense, immortal motherhood.
As much as this felt like a betrayal, in a way, it actually wasn't, not in her eyes. She was given as the most compatible member of humanity, essentially the epitome of female fitness...and so, wouldn't it be perfect if all humans were like her? If she cloned herself over and over again, immortal, perfect to breed goddesses would change the meaning of human forever, across all the cosmos. The power of the human DNA could never have reached such heights without this plan.
Still, there'd be a minority of humans that weren't actually clones of her, as she didn't plan on hurting them or overtaking them, and neither did the aliens. Full on peace, and even some rewards were given to the humans in compensation for the cloned goddess. The deal of getting her as a broodmother was great already, given her hyper fertility for carrying alien eggs, but if there were even more of her, that capacity, the sheer numbers they could reproduce would be tremendously higher, and growing by the days, as more clones of her were made!
Overpopulation be damned, I'm sure they all planned this through, she...WE are immortal after all~ <3
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bustybounty · 21 days ago
Normally an endless flow of milk from ones breast is sure to make you go up at least a few cupsizes. But your two ever-growing blobs of girlfriends permanently affixed to your nipples make it impossible to go any bigger than an A-cup. Maybe if you ask them nicely to pinch your nipples with their mouth, it might make them a bit bigger. With how soft and pillowy they have been for you, it'd be nice to be able to return the favour with some soft pillows of your own.
I've been telling them that I want to grow bigger and they didn't have to drain me completely dry EVERY single minute of every day of every week of every YEAR we've been together!
My milk is endless, it's not like it'll go anywhere, so why can't they be more patient? I love them fattening, but their completely addicted blobs who can't stop drinking... maybe it's kind of my fault for making such a nutritious, calorie dense product that's also extremely addicting and just makes anyone who has a few gulps automatically crave gallons of it - and of course, once they drink gallons they'll be wanting pools worth of it, and so on...
I could feel something strange, my production was increasing quite a lot, but my boobs were never going beyond flat as a board. It seemed that even though my milk capacity and output were augmented substantially, their boundless appetites just made their chubby mouths suck harder and chug more at a time, growing fatter faster than before, becoming even more mountainous blobby blubber milkblimps than before.
Though I decided to try to pull my nipples away from them, they just kept sucked harder, not wanting to let go. I told them that they had to stop, and they made puppy eyes at me, but that would no longer convince me. So I finally did pull my nipples away, sighing for a second before a tidal wave of boobage surged over the canvas (the canvas being the ginormous fatty bodies of my girlfriends that had replaced the floor completely for me) as my enormous milk factories became heavy, warm, sloshing blankets laying on top of my girlfriends. They seemed to like it too, and my tits seemed to halt their growth when they were both about as big as each of my girlfriends, so larger than a cityblock at least, blasting milk everywhere towards the horizon.
Now I knew what'd happen if I finally stopped being milked 24/7, and we all seemed to enjoy it...but I wondered, was I really done growing~? <3
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bustybounty · 22 days ago
"I'm getting so fat" she says, not knowing how it gets him instantly throbbing. "Look how thick my thighs are getting." She laments, starting to understand how it may be affecting him as he can't help but rub himself.
"Gosh, all these sweets are just going to go straight to my belly." She winks, finally understanding her man
Ever since she found out his 'weakness' for chubbier girls, she began eating more, playing with her fattening body as she put on pound after pound. She especially loved to mention how much she weighed, every 'milestone' she reached. "Damn. I'm almost 300 pounds...I was so slim a while ago, and look at me now..." That understanding caused her to really become a butterball, with a lot of padding going to her belly and thighs, even if her breasts looked huge and perky still. He loved her rolls, and she loved smothering him with them, either having him make out with her surprisingly sensitive navel, sitting on any part of his body (especially his cock) so he could feel how plush that ass got... She was large and in charge, and one day, as she laid in bed with her belly and thighs exposed, just pajama shorts and a crop top on, she thought she'd actually mention his kink directly to his face, without the initial teasing.
"You know, when I said I needed a diet, and you mentioned that I looked good however...that's not what you really meant, was it?" She asked him, squishing one of love handles as she did so.
"Well, I DID mean it. I loved you when you were slim and I love you now when you're... comfy. However, I--"
"Fat." She interrupted his romantic speech.
"Huh? What?" He was confused, of course, wanting to finish his sentence to tell her that he did prefer that bodytype despite loving her whatever body she decided to have.
"Say it...I'm not comfy, or more pillowy, I'm straight up FAT. I'm plump, I'm a glutton, I'm a very fat woman that'll just keep growing FATTER." Her words couldn't have hit him harder, literally... he was blushing, and if he was rock hard before, now he could shatter diamonds with his rising bulge. His cock had never been this big, ever!
"You are delightfully fat...and i love you for that. I love that you'll keep getting fatter too... but I feel like at this point it's not just to please me because you know that's my fetish...I think it's YOUR fetish too...isn't it?" He sheepishly tried to turn the tables on her.
"How about you put that little hypothesis to the test by feeding me that entire box of donuts you brought home first, since you're in such a thinking mood, hmm? Come on, this belly is waiting for her feeding, and you don't want her to starve do you? Get this FAT woman what she's earned and THEN you can try to act all dommy on me with that dick of yours. Though I guarantee you I'll STILL be on top...no matter how heavy I get... I bet you want that too, anyway...now, get me those donuts. Bring more snacks too while you're at it."
Her instant retaliation made him quickly obey, so he left the room in a hurry to get food for her, giggling to himself in excitement for the prospect of feeding her and having her ride his dick at this size, his balls literally churning two times more cum than usual just for the occasion. Meanwhile she smirked, tracing her belly rolls with a finger as she awaited her now feeder boyfriend to get her the snacks she craved so she could make this a really fun night~
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bustybounty · 22 days ago
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By Sammy-Upvotes
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bustybounty · 27 days ago
Just wanted to say i absolutely adore your cumflation, cock/ball growth and hyper stories!
Whenever I'm getting off, I always make sure to cum~ here and check out your new stuff. So thank you for the amazing ideas, and giving me so so much to think about 😇
Of course hun, no problem at all! I'm really happy to read that you enjoy those little stories of mine so much. Making people happy by fulfilling their little kinks and giving them a little bit of pleasure to brighten up their day just a tiny bit is what I hope to achieve!
Plus, I absolutely love cum inflation, cock/ball growth...both combined especially! Two partners having passionate, loving sex, everything seeming normal, until something triggers the expansion in one of them, their cock and balls growing to levels they've never achieved before. Their endowments swelling inside their partner, stretching them more and more, stimulating every inch of their insides, not leaving any room, except, well, room to stretch even more for the nonstop growth!
Each thrust seems to add more inches, and that's just the beginning - because if the growth seems already mindbreakingly blissful, then the actual orgasm itself, with both partners cumming in unison, will be much more powerful... The receiving partner quite literally blowing up like a cumblimp as a constant, steady stream of blast after blast of cum hits their inner chambers, bloating them so big that their bodies are completely overwhelmed by the size of their belly~
Though of course that's just round one~ <3
I hope you liked this little improvised, generic cum scene and I hope you keep enjoying my other posts, too! Thank you, and all of you reading this, have a great day too!!
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