bunniamor · 3 years
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I’m soft and doughy.
How do you think I taste?
Any guesses will get 50% off their first month with me <3
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bunniamor · 3 years
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more transparent screaming cats
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bunniamor · 3 years
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I’m soft and doughy.
How do you think I taste?
Any guesses will get 50% off their first month with me <3
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bunniamor · 3 years
Hi babies!
I’m wondering if you could take a moment to listen to me.
 I’m fighting rheumatoid disease, fibromyalgia, and a brain tumor on my pituitary gland behind my optic nerve. Also because of my multiple chronic illnesses, I’ve been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. On top of the daily chronic pain, I also have a hard time keeping my balance. I’m on a small dose of chemotherapy that I take weekly as well which gives me vertigo. I’m fighting with pharmacies, doctors offices, and insurance companies all the time it feels like. My rheumatologist wants me in wheelchair for walking more than about 6 feet and I live in a second floor apartment. When I asked for the paperwork to give my apartment complex, they told I had to go through primary care. Thus the circus began.
I’ve had a hard time keeping and finding work because my health is so unreliable. I have a weight restriction, so not many places are interested. I’m getting turned away by groceries stores, drug stores, gas stations. It’s been a hard blow. I was healthy enough to work for years, but when your health starts to fail it’s like a snowball effect. It doesn’t stop.
So here’s where I’m at: I’m a broke, sick college student waiting to start the disability process. I go next week after my intake appointment with a counselor. They’re worried about my mental state with everything going on. I think I have officially cried too much in front of my doctors lol. I even had to send out an appeal for my food stamps since I’m in school. Life’s rough. I’m unemployed and I need a little help. I have an onlyf@ns if you’re interested or if you wanna help just because I’ll put some links down below. 
Any help would really be appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to listen to me. Sorry it’s jumbled, I’m really stressing. 
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bunniamor · 3 years
my ins doesn’t want to pay for a wheelchair for me. they don’t want to pay for the things they want me to do to “get healthier”. I can’t afford the $50 water aerobics class they want me to go to. don’t become a sick person, its expensive and no one actually gives a shit lol
not doin great lol I don’t know how to talk about these things and I have to do an intake interview with a facility here and I’m nervous they’re going to keep me mostly because I have an autoimmune disease and I don’t want to be in a hospital right now I dunno
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bunniamor · 3 years
pls 。゚(゚∩´﹏`∩゚)゚。
Free 7 day trial!<3
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bunniamor · 3 years
Free 7 day trial!<3
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bunniamor · 3 years
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rolls on rolls on rolls on rolls
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bunniamor · 3 years
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(>‘o’)> Oh, how long my hair was. I bet this lil get-up looks better on me now though. What do you guys think?
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