bujianle · 4 years
I found her. Her name is Sarah Butler :)
I was able to find a more gritty fc for Nadzieja, and I can’t find the movie title or actress’ name to save my life. It was a 2017/2018 Lifetime movie about a mom getting pushed out of her life by her assistant/nanny tries to take her place.
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bujianle · 4 years
If you want my new blog, please IM me! It’s under heavy construction, though.
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bujianle · 4 years
I love my indie but I’m afraid this blog will be going into archive mode after May 15th. I’ll get my muses up, and be removing a lot of them. If you want to RP with those I remove, they’re available privately. I love them, but it’s hard to deal with them when I still hardly know them outside my friend.
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bujianle · 4 years
I just found some reference sheets for my characters from when I was writing their story titled Remember Me when I was ten/eleven and oh gods they were so different. Can’t do a read more apparently because mobile.
First off, Ekai was white. And his name was Diarmuid. Like what dumbass. And a Sith. Serni was only Admiral Venebia (which is redundant in Cheunh). And uh. Definitely not a Chiss, seems like a disgruntled human. Kae is just as chaotic and stupid as she is now. Nothing has changed for her, oddly enough.
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bujianle · 4 years
a tip for writing female characters: don’t be afraid to make her feral. just absolutely batshit. her actual intelligence? that can vary. but bring out the chaotic stupid tendencies. embrace her as a one brain cell enemy of the state
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bujianle · 4 years
Rose = Kae and Finn = Ben
I tried to post this privately but on mobile I am having a lot of issues.
Credit to this YouTube video.
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bujianle · 4 years
I came back from the dead because of Ben solo rage and
One look at Rey and Ben, and you say that Ben is the dark one and Rey is the light one? No. On this blog, Ben is the one that’s trying to stay in the light but he’s constantly trying to stop his girlfriend and grey-sided cousin from getting into fights. It takes a toll
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bujianle · 5 years
Okay I lied. I need the hiatus to get a grip on my muses without the person again. I’ve been dependant of them since the beginning of my time tumblr rping, and frankly, so have my muses. I’m going to need the time away. I can’t guarantee that I’m going to get back to IMs in a timely fashion, but my Discord is open.
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bujianle · 5 years
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kara danvers icons w/o psd
@𝘸𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘥𝘯𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴 on twitter
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bujianle · 5 years
@bujianle​ sent “Where were you when I was still kind?” from this meme for ekai
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“Trying to hold onto my kindness.”
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“Yet we both lost it along the way. Do you think there’s any way to get it back?”
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bujianle · 5 years
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bujianle · 5 years
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bujianle · 5 years
send one for my muse's reaction!
“The gross thing here is your personality.” “Here you are! You really like high places, don’t you, [NAME]?” “I’m just not interested in dating anyone right now.” “You’re nice, but you’re closed off to other people, aren’t you?” “You underhanded jerk!” “Winning against you is my mission! My goal!” “That condescending attitude of yours pisses me off!” “Are you all right? You didn’t bite your tongue, did you?” “[NAME]? What’s got you so flustered?” “Did you come here to walk me home?” “I have always longed for a normal life surrounded by normal people.” “[NAME], you have the power to draw people in, too.” “You’re a kind person.” “Wh-what?! Nobody’s ever said that to me before!” “People aren’t born with kindness. All we have when we’re born are desires, like for food or for things. Survival instincts, basically. Kindness is our hearts growing inside us, just like our bodies grow. And that’s why different people’s kindnesses take different forms.” “Your kindness is like a candle. It lights up. When it does, it brings a happy smile to my face.” “I feel like the more you tell me about yourself, the better friends we can become. That was rude of me to say…” “Doubting is easy. Anybody can do it. You’re the kind of person who can believe in people.” “I’ll work on myself. So that I can learn to interact with people, even if just little by little.” “If a person is a rice ball and what’s great about the person is a pickled plum, then maybe your plum is on the back!“ “Where have you been all this time?” “I… I.. missed… I missed you!” “I was worried, you jerk!” “Tell me this isn’t happening! You’re all beat up..!” “Why should I have to call you?” “I didn’t know you had a fiancée! How wonderful!” “[NAME], you told me when we were little that you’d marry me!” “Would you mind if I savor the excitement of thinking it over?” “Today’s the day to come out and say it! Do you like me, or not?!” “I like you! I like you best in the world! I love you best in the universe!” “For you, I’d cook good food every day, and I’d forgive affairs as momentary lapses!” “However you look at it, it’s clear that I’m the only one who loves you this much!” “That’s enough. Say one more uncalled-for word, and I’ll make you pay.” “How the hell will you ‘make me pay’?!” “I know it’s a little early, but why don’t I start making dinner?” “Dinner is ready. I made a lot because I knew you were hungry.” “Just go home already.” “Even I get jealous sometimes, actually.” “Can I help you carry that?” “From now on, I’ll stay with you.” “[NAME]… thank you. For coming to get me.” “Come on, let’s go home.” “Why are you up here? Dinner is almost ready.” “But you know… it’s a blessing to have someone who cares for you and worries about you.” “It’s amazing to be able to love someone so much.“ “[NAME], it’s getting late. You should stay the night.” “Today, we part. I’ll come back to visit, so be well in the meantime.” “For that I won’t give you a goodbye kiss!” “I knew it! I can’t take my eyes off you for a moment!” “I want to become someone like you who can see all the great things in a person.” “Put clothes on!” “All the chaos prevented me from planting anything.” “I got the wrong idea. Somehow, I’ve been fooling myself into thinking we could be family.”
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bujianle · 5 years
˗ˏˋ  bujianle‌  ˎˊ˗   bill & femi!   ♡ ˙ ˖ ✧
“What’s that look for? Does that mean something else?”
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“what? no.” but when bill catches on, his eyes widen. “i mean, yeah. of course. my boat. it rocks … on the waves.” he winks.
“If that’s the case,” Femi slowly started off. “Then we both already knew that.” Even though she brought up the subject, she had to be snarky. “Otherwise this wouldn’t have happened.” Right when she said that, she pointed to her belly (which felt like it was growing by the minute) with a raised eyebrow.
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bujianle · 5 years
@bujianle​ liked for a starter!
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“Its not that bad,” she defended, despite her hand still covering the nasty scratch she got on her scalp. A not-so-tight bolt made a titanium piece fall while she was working, banging her head pretty badly. Poe had made her go in to the infirmary. “I feel like I’m in here every other week,” BB joked looking at the medic with a bashful smile. “You’ll get tired of me.”
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It was better to visit the med bay than to be sorry later. Ekai knew that from experience. “There’s no need to say things like that,” he said as he examined BB’s head. his fingers gently touching the area of impact. “Everyone gets hurt. Some more than others, but that’s fine.” Throughout his time as a medic, he felt like he’d seen it all. Now, he was simply getting used to seeing other people. “But I’m glad you came in.”
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bujianle · 5 years
Who wants some ANGST on this trying day?
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bujianle · 5 years
˗ˏˋ @bujianle​ liked this for a starter ( 7/7 ) ! ˎˊ˗
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someone definitely spiked her food, her drink, or the air in the room. or it’s one of those dreams with a really deep meaning, like, a message to her future self or she’s got a secret fighter side of her trying to break out, one that wrestles professionally—which, would be really nice but totally not realistic. “i don’t understand how this …,” she trails off. “are we twins?”
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Swirling her drink, Takara wasn’t as concerned with it as Hazel was. “I don’t ever remember having a twin. Lots of siblings, but only the last ones are. They’re not even identical.” Yet with the junk her family had done, finding out she had a twin wouldn’t really surprise her. With Leiknir as a parent, who could tell? Only then did she look up at the other person. “Hoping you don’t have a secret twin, too, huh?” The similarities were too uncanny. There was something different though, something she couldn’t really describe. Perhaps it was their opposing demeanors, postures, body and word language that set them apart. They looked very similar yet acted worlds apart.
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