btsmusings · 4 years
Ugh, so cute! My heart!
yoongi + “i wanted to say 'i love you' for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.” ♡♡♡
my confession | myg
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pairing: yoongi x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 702
prompt: “i wanted to say ‘i love you’ for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.” (will link full prompt list later)
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Knowing that he loved you was simple. It didn't dawn on him as if the heavens were torn open where sunshine poured over you, signaling that ‘hey, this is love and it’s meant to be.’ As much as Yoongi would have liked for it to be that grand as it appears to be in the movies, he favored the small rays that danced through your eyes and smile. It may not have been as dramatic but it sure felt just as powerful. Over periods of time is where he gathered more blossoms in his heart. Ever so slowly, since day one, you revealed pieces of yourself that he simply couldn’t just set aside and ignore. 
First of all, it was your snort between heavy laughter that softened him. The two of you were invested in a competitive dance off where he would choose one song, eventually alternating to you, meaning you would find one significantly harder. His movements along with the upbeat melody sent you into soft giggles that escalated above the music. Swaying his arms in the air along with his hips meant for an almost interpretative dance. Soon, he moved in front of you to block the monitor, facing you with an amused expression. It did not take much for you to crumble to the sofa. An ache burned in your stomach until a snort startled Yoongi, prompting him to stop to admire the sound. 
Second of all, it was the way your hand found his elbow wherever you went together. Even while your fingers were intertwined, your other digits trailed over his arms as he clung to his figure. It wasn’t out possessiveness or a need to be touching him at all times, rather, it was out of fondness for him. You always showed your affections for him in all forms. Sometimes it was aloud when you would roll next to him in the midst of a nap or silently when you snuck in behind him to fix the collar of his jacket. 
Third of all, it was just you being beside him. It felt as though he was embraced by a constant warm hug whenever you were around. You would work on the other side of the room with books as he tinkered with a new project on the computer. Occasionally, he would look over to see you chewing on the tip of your pen. Your eyebrows furrowed in concentration until you felt his stare, bringing you to meet his gaze with a goofy expression. Motioning him to get back to work, a smile spread across his lips before turning back to the screen. 
There were a ten thousand plus reasons as to why he fell in love with you. He could spend hours upon hours telling you of every little thing, however, he needed to tell you how he simply felt. Perhaps it seemed simple in his mind but it was far more complex than that. Basically, he practiced more than once in the mirror on how to confess his love to you. None of them worked. 
“Hey,” Yoongi studied his reflection. “I am in love with you.” 
It was in the second that Yoongi realized he wasn’t alone. You were in the midst of doing the laundry when you pushed open the door to hear his final words. By any means, this entire scene looked like he was professing love to himself, but it didn’t take long to realize exactly what he was trying to do. 
Yoongi turned to face you with widened eyes, “I-I...love-e you?”
He stuttered through his confession with defeat. Sighing heavily, his shoulders dropped before he peered down to his hands then back to you. “I wanted to say 'I love you' for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.”
You felt warmth spread across your chest. Setting down the basket, you moved towards him until you were closer enough to cup his cheeks in your palms. Tears welled in your vision because of happiness, which you made sure to let him know it was all through joy. 
“I love you so much,” you breathed while leaning closer, pressing your lips against his own. 
Yeah, you love this stuttering cutie. 
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btsmusings · 4 years
That was cute as fuck! I need more
the way to your heart | myg
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↳ summary: when your office christmas party’s secret santa gives you absolutely no context on what kind of gift he wants, you have no choice but to get to know him better. 
↳ genre: fluff; humor; office au; min yoongi x reader
↳ word count: 9k
↳ warnings: this is a fluff only fic as per usual
↳ a/n: this fic is dedicated to my secret santa, mari @maptoyoongi​! i had a great time being your snowflake anon! happy holidays everyone! also sorry for the delayed upload!!! please note that i am still on a bit of a semi-hiatus, but feedback as always is much appreciated!
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btsmusings · 5 years
I love him! <3
200101 Yoongi’s Tweet
Happy New Year~~~~
[Video]:  SJ - I better record this too. YG - 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Happy New Year!
Trans cr: Kylie @ allforbts © Please credit when taking out
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btsmusings · 5 years
This was my fave BTS clip
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5/ ∞ days of yoongi
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btsmusings · 5 years
This has got to be illegal, right? Right???
Jimin doing his hip thingie. Mom, send help.
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btsmusings · 5 years
This is my favorite thing
Drunk Over Holiday
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-Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
-Genre: Fluff, holiday!au, officeworker!au 
-Word Count: 2k
-Warnings: mentions of alcohol, brief fboy!hoseok
-Synopsis: Part of the KwritersWorld Holiday Prompts Event! Prompt: “Merry Christmas to all and to all-wait, not you, I don’t like you” -  A marketing team holiday outing ends quite differently than what you had expected.
-A/N: sorry the GIF doesn’t match any of the actual content lolol. but hope you guys enjoy! writer’s block got me good for three months:( and also! it’s finals week ahh! wish me luck:P
You were drunk to say at the least.
The marketing team for your office decided to have a holiday outing right before everyone went off on their well-deserved break.
The whole atmosphere of the kbbq place was lively, your co-workers mingling with one another and drinking between laughs. The Christmas lights and decorations on the sides of the bar also lightened the whole mood.
“Whoa,” your closest co-worker, Minji gasps after taking a sip of the beer-soju concoction.
You turn to her, shooting her a wobbly smile amused at how she stared at her cup in awe.
Minji turns to you with a wide smile. “Y/N! This is so good!”
You match her grin and clink your glass to hers. “Of course it is! I maaade it!”
Your drunk self doesn’t notice the weary look Minji shoots you.
“Y/N,” Minji hisses, quickly noticing how drunk you became after only a mere hour since the holiday party started.
“WHAT!?” you shout, slamming down your glass and making the co-workers flinch.
Minji sighs, grabbing your glass and pushing it farther away. “It’s only been an hour. How’re you already drunk?”
“Nooo!” you whine, legs kicking here and there under the long table. “Leave me aloneee!”
Minji winces, quickly giving up and watching you down another drink as she takes a small sip of her own.
“Kyaaa!” you shake your head, enjoying the bitterness in your throat, as the bubbly man next to you laughs.
“Must be happy that it’s finally holiday,” Hoseok states with a wide smile.
You don’t spare him a glance, your mind too cloudy to comprehend what was going on.
“You uh��� have any plans?”
Minji shoots Hoseok a look, aware of how often the bright, but horny man hits on you. Sure he was kind, attractive, and hard-working. But he was also notorious for hitting on women to get in their pants.
“Nope!” you say, popping the p. “Noo plans at all.”
You sigh, teetering as you pour a shaky glass of beer. “No family. No friends. No hookups. No significant others. Nothing!”
Hoseok gulps, taking a long sip of his glass for more confidence and turns to you.
“I can be one.”
You side-eye him, hand lifting to down another shot. “Pfft. What are you saying?”
“I can be one of your-”
“Wha…” your unfocused eyes almost become focused for a second as someone snatches your glass out of your hands, interrupting Hoseok’s bold statement.
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btsmusings · 5 years
Okay, this was the cutest shit I have ever read.
la vie en rose | kth
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[ repost from previous blog ]
⇀ pairing: tailor taehyung x reader
⇀ genre: fluff, slice of life
⇀ disclaimer: i am not professional at sewing so some things in here may be slightly off
⇀ word count: 2k
⇀ summary: you saw life through rose colored glasses after you met taehyung. simple things became moments to treasure, no matter how small. 
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A gaze that make me lower my own.
In an almost effortless attempt to avoid the forming hole near the elbow seam, your fingers tore through the thinning fabric, sounding the dreaded rip that oddly enough took your heart along with it. You removed the sleeve from over your skin till it hung loosely in your palm, your eyes falling to the torn jacket, your slight spark of happiness diminishing into dust. For most items of clothing you did not care as much about a simple thing, but in regards to the one you now clung to, this held a significance that others could not understand. It often adorned your shoulders through the cloudy days, the drizzling days, and even the days spent within the warmth of your apartment. 
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btsmusings · 5 years
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Sometimes, I get mad at myself when I think about this project. Not because it’s particularly bad or anything, it’s just that it’s finished (save for editing, of course, cuz I suck at actually sitting down and editing stuff) and I have yet to get it truly ready for posting. Ugh, I want to do it, I’m just procrastinating. One of these days, I’ll actually get it posted and I’ll finish another project!
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btsmusings · 5 years
I just found this really cute and I’m going to impatiently wait for the next part.
pugna (one)
pairing: fighter!yoongi x reader
genre: slow burn, fluff, angst
word count: 4k
warnings: mentions of blood, snarky yoongi, food that might make you hungry
he showed up at your doorstep one day, covered in cuts and testing your patience. you don’t know why, but you felt compelled to help him. you just don’t realize how deep that runs
note: i’m aiming for this to part one of two or three!! thanks a buttload to anna @jungtaeyoongles for being my editor and emotional support. hope you guys like it 😎
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You never quite got used to the smell of rubbing alcohol. Nearly five years of soaked cotton pads and perfumed operating rooms and the bite still made your head spin. It was something you could never fully anticipate, the harshness of it enough to tickle a sneeze from you every time.
“Do you really do that every single time?”
“Shut up. You’re bleeding all over my pillow.”
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btsmusings · 5 years
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I don’t know why I made mood boards. We don’t ask questions around here. For real though, I have no idea why I decided to do them.
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btsmusings · 5 years
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This is by far one of my fave covers and I felt the need to share it! I for once feel proud of how it turned out! Any thoughts on it? Critiques? Anything???
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btsmusings · 5 years
When I was at Walmart I was shocked to hear Blood sweat and tears playing. I had to take a pause to make sure I was hearing right. Sure, enough I could hear Jimin's voice. That made my whole day!
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btsmusings · 5 years
Thought I would share the board I’ve been working on for the story that I’ll be doing for Camp NaNo. I’ve been wanting to work on this story since forever and the title is a work in progress since I don’t want to give away it’s Hades and Persephone story right in the title, but you know. Anyways I’m excited about it. If it wasn’t obvious Jimin is Hades xD. Feel free to tell me if you want to know who the other boys are!
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Also feel free to ask about the story or tell me if you want to know more.
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btsmusings · 5 years
Hello, lovelies! I've been playing BTS World and I was wondering if anyone wanted to add me. Here's my code CQBMHS3 if you want to be friends on the app. Hope you guys are having fun with the game!
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btsmusings · 5 years
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I decided I wanted to redo Jimin, Suga, and Jungkook’s appreciation posts since I liked explaining what I loved about them specifically and not just that I loved them. So, here’s Jimin appreciation post v2.
I absolutely adore this boy. He’s so sweet and cute and I honestly relate to him on some level. Jimin is always seeking attention from the other members. He’s clingy and it’s adorable. Now, I could be wrong about this, since this is based on my attention seeking/clinginess of my fiance, but I think he does it for validation. He has low self-esteem and is constantly hard on himself for the littlest things and I honestly relate so hard. I’m the way I am for validation and I think he needs it to. Of course, it’s never enough. Anyways, I was drawn in by his god damn cute ass face, but I love him, because of this! Because I feel like I can relate to him on some level. Of course, that could just be me seeing what I want to see, who knows.
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btsmusings · 5 years
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Suga appreciation post v2. I’m gonna be honest here, I relate with this boy, too. He’s an introvert and I’m very much introverted. Of course he’s ten times more social than me because Social Anxiety kicks my ass every day, but still. But really Suga isn’t appreciated enough for his other talents I feel like. Yeah, he can rap like no other and if I remember correctly he’s one of the fastest Korean rappers today, but that’s all he gets. This boy can dance, play the piano, sing (I swear he has a decent voice when he’s not messing around xD), produce music, and write amazing lyrics. I just absolutely adore him for everything he does. As I said in his last one, this boy would have my freaking heart if it wasn’t already taken.
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btsmusings · 5 years
When your life is coming together and you realize that BTS World is about a week away:
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