brokenwindowvibes · 30 days
i was 11 and I didn't like wearing that short inner my friend boasted about so much. I went to my uncle's house to play Holi. All of us drenched by afternoon, my uncle pulled my mom aside and told her to make me start wearing a bra because my nipples were showing in that wet white tshirt.
i was 12 and playing board games with my family. My dad pulled me aside (after much convincing, the game was too exciting to leave) and told me I have a stain on my pants. I left the game midway and cried on the rooftop for half an hour before I could face my dad again.
i was 13 and I loved wearing shorts. It was summer and my new tutor was male. My mom forced me to wear full pants even if just for the duration of my tuition, just in front of my tutor.
i was 14 and sleeping on my brother. We were celebrating our aunt's anniversary in a farmhouse on the outskirts of town, and we'd fallen asleep bickering and playing games. My mother told me to stick to my sisters and leave my brother alone.
i was 15 and finally allowed to sleepover at my best friend's house. My best friend, who I'd known since we were 7, my best friend, who I'd been friends with for 3 years and gone to camp with. I was allowed because my 14 year old brother had also stayed over at his friend's a few days ago and I had accidentally found out.
i was 16 and-
i was 16 and a girl. i was a girl. i am a girl.
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brokenwindowvibes · 4 months
reading your english answers and wondering how you ever wrote this shit with such advanced words that you have to google is like...what happened to me bro where did it go wrong
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brokenwindowvibes · 4 months
whats up w these desi households being such a nuisance in the morning like ok yall are morning persons got it but bro I slept at 4 am LET MY SLEEP DEPRIVED ASS SLEEP IN PEACE FOR ONCE
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brokenwindowvibes · 5 months
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“As if you were on fire from within. The moon lives in the lining of your skin.”
– Pablo Neruda
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brokenwindowvibes · 5 months
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THEO JAMES as Eddie Halstead in 'THE GENTLEMEN' (2024)
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brokenwindowvibes · 5 months
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mission accomplished (the other photos in this article tho) 🔥
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brokenwindowvibes · 5 months
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brokenwindowvibes · 5 months
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KRISTEN STEWART Rolling Stone Magazine (Feb 14, 2024)
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brokenwindowvibes · 5 months
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you'll ace 'em all :)
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brokenwindowvibes · 5 months
things i miss: (one year later)
random rambles about a convenience store named 'Sandook' and a detailed history of how one's day has been
ice capades-charades
a guy, who one year ago swore he was a sadist, now begging for me to be mean to him
anno domini
conversations about kidnapping and being kidnapped, the various forms of torture being cheek pulling and tickle fights
'i will fuck you up'
terrible nicknames like gremlin and hera
awesome nicknames like mr. d and anno
calls that last so long you don't notice you ended up pulling an all nighter just blabbering to another person about the most ridiculous stuff ever
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brokenwindowvibes · 5 months
things i miss:
being Wise Girl
having Seaweed Brain
rambles: specifically, ones that are delivered in a monotonous voice in a way that allows nobody to interrupt, ones that stretch for twenty minutes until the rambler's throat runs dry
songs: being insulted for not listening to japanese songs, consequently becoming a fan of japanese songs and singer fujii kaze
dry and dark humour: for example, certain edited pictures of adolf hitler captioned 'shitler' and 'hitler masturbating'
questions answered with questions
random facts about high school shootings
being called out when being fake, which is almost all of the time
having a person i never felt i had to lie to
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brokenwindowvibes · 5 months
Maybe i am actually tired because i act as if the things that tear me apart haven't affected me at all.
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brokenwindowvibes · 5 months
the third base is hearing their clock tick over a 4 am call
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brokenwindowvibes · 5 months
is it just me or do you guys get really whiny and start acting like a kid and making random sounds when u have a bad cold like just sniffing every 5 minutes saying everything in a whiny tone
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brokenwindowvibes · 5 months
i swear feeling cute in a hoodie and good hair and donut pants is the best feeling ever
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brokenwindowvibes · 5 months
Yes, you're right, "I'd kill for you – please, ask me to kill for you" is a fun relationship dynamic, but where's the love for the classic attack-dog power dynamic reversal? I'd have thought Tumblr would be all over that one, too. The old "I'll kill for you – and kill, and kill, and kill, if needs be – but first you have to tell me exactly what it is you want. You are not permitted moral distance. Tell me what you need from me and admit your soft hands are just as bloody as mine. Say it. Say it."
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brokenwindowvibes · 5 months
Whenever I see an Ivan Aivazovski painting the sea monster in me goes absolutely feral
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