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briarruler2 · 2 years ago
dp x dc prompt #36
i’ve seen a lot of prompts about de-aged danny running around gotham from the GIW, and one of the bats find him and practically adopt him on the spot.
what i want to see is a very self sufficient four year old danny that has already been successfully escaping for a while with just some minor help from gotham, and is only found because he’s doing something stupid while running away from someone.
i want danny getting chased by the GIW through the city, and the bats only notice when he tarzan swings by them with laxer fire chasing him.
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briarruler2 · 2 years ago
Submitted Prompts #56
Wayne Enterprises opens an Engineering factory/R&D facility in Amity Park, Bruce notices the people have a different definition of safe, even by Gotham Standards.
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briarruler2 · 2 years ago
dp x dc prompt: "never ever let a fenton drive", or team phantom's dimension-hopping adventure
danny inherited the abysmal driving skills of his parents. the people in amity park are used to it though so this wouldn't be such a problem if he hadn't started learning to create portals recently, as seen when he opened a portal under his car while driving to avoid crashing into someone else while pursued by the GIW (sue him, it was a stressful situation). jazz is passed out right next to him, sam and tucker are screaming in the backseat while dani's cackling between them, adrenaline junkie that she is. the car is falling into the ghost zone and right out of another natural portal. they land right in front of a group of weirdos dressed in colourful costumes.
"... the only reason why i'm not killing you a second time is because this city looks super goth," says sam, waving the fenton thermos threateningly.
"there's nothing stopping me," mutters tucker, eyeing the costumed people warily.
danny squirms. "well, at least the GIW can't get us there?"
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briarruler2 · 2 years ago
Do ya'll ever think about how every character in MDZS is living in a radically different genre of story?
Cause yeah, sure Wei Wuxian is living in a danmei fantasy novel with strong romantic comedy elements, but if you slide over a bit Lan Wangji is living a serious and heady drama about regret, loss, yearning, the passage of time, and ultimately atonement.
Scooch on over to Xichen and your in a straight up Greek tragedy, right down to the parable about hubris and trust. Jin Guangyao is living meanwhile in a political dark fantasy al'la Game of Thrones, Nie Huaisang is in a Gothic moody Monte Cristo-esque reflection on revenge and deception, and while Lan Sizhuhi and Jin Ling are living in two VERY different YA fantasy books ('magic boarding school/secret orphan of destiny' and 'Steven Universe style coming of age/discovering all your family are some flavor of evil and magic' respectively).
Everyone connected to Yi City is living inside a dark psychological thriller/horror flick, except for Xue Yang who is in a Found Family/Enemies to Lover fic right up until he isn't.
Jiang Cheng's entire life has been one long soap opera, and it is showing no signs of stopping anytime soon.
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briarruler2 · 2 years ago
Scrape Off My Skin
Cuddle pollen, but with Danny being affected in his ghost form, he wants to be under someone else's skin, AKA overshadow someone. Which. Of course, it has a lot of awful implications. But the pollen is getting so bad, he's beginning to wonder if overshadowing would be worth it.
His human form is getting hives while he's being afflicted by the pollen. So. He tries being creative. Overshadow a stray cat, a pidgeon, even a rat, but no dice. Animals don't seem to cut it.
Finally, he cannot take anymore of this, and he overshadows the first human being he sees. This is, of course, The Bat.
(Late additions:
Imagine if Bruce's will is enough to keep his wits about it. So now he's got a ghost kid inside his own body and he's clumsy because he's constantly fighting for control.
Danny does petty commentary at the most inopportune moments, like a little devil on the Bat's shoulder.
Bruce is completely livid at Constantine and Zatara's sudden unavailability, so he's stuck until the ghost goes away on his own.)
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briarruler2 · 2 years ago
the fact that jon was dreamsharing for probably pretty much the entire series (i dont think there’s confirmation on when they started, but it’s not a leap to assume “pretty soon after the first live statement”) and the audience didn’t hear him say shit about it until elias spilled the beans during his coma is so funny actually. what other weird shit was happening that just never came up. all your wildest headcanons of extra eyes or telepathy or fucking wings are totally plausible cause this man just didn’t think it was worth mentioning.
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briarruler2 · 2 years ago
#alta franchise tag is for Avatar: the Last Airbender and related works.
#DCMK tag for Detective Conan/Magic Kaito.
#Wizarding World tag for the Harry Potter franchise.
This Blog's Tags Master Post
Each post is tagged by origin and fandom-franchise. Generally posts will also have a bunch of sub-tags, however I don't do warning-tags.
Post Origin Tags:
#Reblogged Post tag is for reblogging of someone else's post.
#Reblogging with Comment tag is for other people's posts that I have reblogged and added something onto.
#My Post tag is for reblogging of a post I made on my main blog.
#My Post Reblogged tag is for my own posts that someone else has added something onto.
#Dialogue Post tag is for posts that have both my own and others commentary in them.
Fandom tags are in the reblogs.
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briarruler2 · 2 years ago
DP x DC Prompt where when Amity Park is returned from the Ghost Zone after Pariah Dark’s defeat… it doesn’t get put back in the right place.
There’s a new island off the coast of Gotham– possibly overlapping parts of it– and no one is happy about it.
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briarruler2 · 2 years ago
mildly obsessed with the idea of tcw Obi-Wan and Anakin getting thrown into the middle of the tpm final duel while exploring the trope-typical ~mysterious force temple~ and because it’s them, obviously they start arguing with no regard for anyone around them (“wait, what was that?” “This looks like—“ “—the Theed generator complex, I know. *sigh* Anakin, what was the one thing we weren’t supposed to do?” “Touch anything.” “And why, do you imagine, are we here?” “I didn’t even touch it!” “Oh no, you just knocked it over and kicked it into a wall.”) except this time the people around them are Qui-Gon, Maul, and young Obi-Wan stuck on the other side of a ray shield. Qui-Gon is very confused, Anakin is very confused, both Obi-Wans are very confused, and Maul is downright offended that his climactic duel where he gets to murder Jedi is being interrupted.
Anyways, the second tcw Obi spots Maul, he calls him by name and engages him in a sporting lightsaber duel, because, well, he’s Obi-Wan and that’s his thing. And of course, because it’s Obi-Wan, there’s horrible amounts of flirting to which Maul has absolutely no response, because, y’know, hot gingers dropping out of the sky and fighting you very familiarly while already knowing your name isn’t the sort of thing you train for in Sith school.
What this is really all working towards is Qui-Gon and Anakin standing off to the side, watching Obi-Wan fight, and Qui-Gon going “Does he normally do this?” and Anakin going “Does he… not flirt when fighting? Is this new?” and Qui-Gon having a genuine moment of ‘oh so THIS is what happens when I do stupid shit like leave my should-have-been-knighted-three-years-ago padawan in the dust without telling him anything important like ‘you should have been knighted three years ago and I’m proud of you’ and let him raise a child.’
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briarruler2 · 2 years ago
DC/DP Crossover Idea #53
In a moment of late night genius (or dumbassry) Danny decides to ask Clockwork for a favor to allow him into a different dimension on the condition that nothing gets permanently wrecked like people dying.
It’s allowed and then Danny brings his ghost gallery through and they all play a big game of irl Risk
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briarruler2 · 2 years ago
decided to rewatch the Million Dollar Ghost episode and… guys. Vlad says the skeleton key (used later on to free Pariah Dark) can be used to “travel to any realm”.
…why don’t we use the key for crossover shenanigans???
Danny, too tired to phase back into the house, mixes up his house key and the skeleton key and accidentally steps through the doorway into a Completely Different World and just has to Deal With That with 0 preparation, almost no powers due to how tired he is, and like 2 hours of sleep in the past 4 days.
This leads to a very very tired Danny collapsing into the first bed he finds.
…Who’s bed it is depends on the crossover you want, but just think of the POSSIBILITIES of “finds Danny in their bed” being the first meeting.
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briarruler2 · 2 years ago
I know balanced obsession is focused on Danny, but I can't help but imagine how vlad's obsession with that football team would manifest
Oh man his secondary obsession would be that football team wouldn’t it.... oh my god I never even bothered to think about Vlad before in that scenarioshdflkjflksjflskjfs i just. hate the man. so I did not consider him.
i have... no goddamn idea how that would manifest tbh.
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briarruler2 · 2 years ago
DC/DP Constantine Bingo
When Danny gets crowned High King he gets loaded with mountains of paperwork all because of one John Constantine. So instead of dealing with it he turns Constantine's sold soul pieces into a currency for favors from the King. (Claming John's soul for himself to end all debates)
Then because Constantine will likely continue to sell his soul carelessly Danny makes an official decree that anyone who wants can create a 5 by 5 grid of beings/situations/etc. John will se his soul to and send it to Clockwork to officially enter the bingo, creating a realms wide bingo with prices. Along with this comes a ruling that of John comes to you and wish to sell his soul in return for a favor that you can do, you must accept, preventing people from cheating.
This of course makes John very paranoid. It suddenly got very easy to trade his soul and many beings even seemed eager to do it. Despite them knowing it would not give them the ownership of his soul.
What happens when Danny receives an update on the bingo, in the form of a green postit-note, in the middle of a dinner at Wayne manor.
It could either be a meet your partners family dinner or a adopted danny dinner.
Anyway now he either has to come clean about being a ghost, the ghost king, or make up a story about befriending ghosts and getting invited to the bingo that way.
Bonus points if Danny name dropps Constantine without knowing that the Wayne's are the bats and that John had shared his paranoia with his coworkers.
I am not a writer but if you like this and want to write it your self, be my guest, just tag me so I can read it👻👻
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briarruler2 · 2 years ago
Triple Threat (DC x DP)
So, this is based slightly on this prompt I wrote! Here is the link to my DC x DP masterpost, and one of my last notfics I posted here was Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss, Godhood where Danny and Vlad try to manipulate and mansplain their way out of trouble with the JLA. So, Danny and Billy are brothers. Maybe they're twins separated at birth, but I prefer that they bonded at some other point, maybe they adopted each other after meeting on the street. Danny's parents said they didn't care he was a halfa, but their behaviour changed so much because they were utterly incapable of hiding their fear of him. He ran away. Billy was at this time, already living on the streets.
They 'come out' to each other on the same day revealing their powers out of brotherly love and unconditional trust - not as an accident. And you know what? Trans Rights! They can come out that way too. At this point, Billy is working with the justice league and Danny is spending a lot of his time in the Zone. He is the king, but mostly his job is to be a key judicial figure as the 'only dude who can pretty much beat anyone up' and has a lot of friends there. Hey, the sovereign ruler of the ghost zone was locked up for thousands of years and nothing really seemed to happen so I can't imagine he'd have a lot to do day-to-day. Actually, instead of sleeping on the streets they both spend most nights in the Zone in Danny's Haunt (though I'd imagine Billy also sleeps frequently at the watchtower because the pair of them are quasi-immortal homeless children who also somehow have fulltime jobs that pay nothing. And the watchtower has a kitchen). When I think of Danny's personality displayed as a physical location, I think it looks like a little suburban street lined with weird ghostly trees growing sentient flowers. There's a nasty burger though it's empty of employees and food; they still use it as a dining room. His actual house (ghosts don't need one but I still think Danny would have one) is moderate in size and charming. But it has defences built in, to the same absurd level as home alone or that live action scooby doo film where there's a trapdoor under the doormat. There's a park across the road (which is always empty of cars but has a pedestrian crossing anyways) with purple grass and some plants that are only vaguely carnivorous. Every now and then, Billy helps out Danny with some magic tomfoolery in the Zone (you cannot tell me Aragon's amulets or Desiree aren't magic over and above normal ghost shenanigans). In one of Billy's first ever team missions he calls Danny as backup. He barely knows these people and he knows he won't be able to do his best hero-ing when he can't fully trust them to watch his back. Phantom doesn't end up having to do much because the JLA members are nice and trustworthy, but he is physically and visibly there. At the conclusion of the mission, following a nice orderly debriefing, Wulf comes to pick up Danny to get Walker back in line. This is a point where there are only a few JLA members, but Batman carefully adds "Brother/Twin??: King of Ghosts - The Phantom" to Shazam's file and begins investigating ecto-activity. A few years pass. Enough that Billy’s and Danny’s lives get a lot busier. Billy is doing some non-traditional school shit (I refuse to google the laws around out-of-school younger-age education in a foreign country for a city that doesn’t exist) and Danny is now working in a space agency. He obviously can’t be an astronaut because of the required physical -which he would not be able to pass - and he is busy with king stuff often enough that going into space for half a year isn’t really do-able. I think his Jack Fenton genes might kick in and he bulks out just a tad. It took him a year to be able to look at his ghost self in the mirror because he looked like Dan’s scarier big brother.
The justice league stop some evil invasion but in the process disable a giant spaceship that is now floating, untethered through their solar system. The aliens had been prepared for superman so there is artificial kryptonite meaning he cannot just punt it into the sun. They contact some space scientists to help them figure out how much of a problem this floating object will be; if it will affect future space travel attempts, if it could crash into the moon or Earth itself, if benevolent alien visitors in the future could think Earth was full of deranged murderers if they came to visit and encountered it.
Every agency they contact recommends one guy.
So, Shazam has need of his cool older twin Danny to come and help out with this problem! He is visibly thrilled and eventually admits that Daniel Nightingale (he wasn’t going to add to the prestige of his parents name or risk dragging his career down with their shenanigans) is his brother.
Only a couple of the original members remember all those years ago that Marvel has a brother they’ve met and that’s who they’re expecting when Danny arrives with his team. Of course, the magic ghost is a good option for a dicey mission. But no, it’s Danny. He does a great job and there’s a lot of content here. But after Danny and Billy leave, Batman holds a meeting to update JLA members that have only been around a few years. Apparently, Captain “the champion of magic” Marvel, and Phantom – the king of ghosts are triplets with Danny “Just A Guy” Fenton.
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briarruler2 · 2 years ago
Horrible (?) Thought
I see a lot of Danny being able to sense/taste/eat emotions
And a lot of him being a sorta-human mimic who gains the powers of people he fights
Consider: Danny gaining the ability to feed off of negative emotions after a particularly nasty fight with one Penelope Spectra
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briarruler2 · 2 years ago
DP/DC prompt
Klarion goes to the YJ team and tells them that not only is he leaving the Light, but he'll help the YJ team take them down it they help him take down the people who hurt his new best friend, Danny.
A k a, Klarion and the YJ team work together to take down the Light, the GIW, the Fentons, and Vlad Plasmius.
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briarruler2 · 2 years ago
Or! Danny doesn’t end up taking over his family’s business and instead accidentally starts up a competing business with Tucker and Sam and they quickly rise in popularity against his parents and Vlad
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