breadfei-ce · 4 years
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So you made it... // TEASER & SCI-FI APARTMENT BUILD 
ty to all CC creators whose content i have used to create this. 
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breadfei-ce · 4 years
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Zodia // p2. C O N F I R M E D
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breadfei-ce · 4 years
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Zodia // O P E N
Maxi: “Look, I don’t know what else to do, I’m fucking exhausted Frank... and it’s like someone's trying to tell me something, but to be honest? I don’t even want to know... The patches might block it out... That’s what I was-”
Frank: “-Hoping for? *sighs* Why don’t you talk to someone, Caroline would speak with you and offer her council, I'm sure of it.”
Maxi: “That’s not what I need...”
Frank: “Then how is anyone supposed to help you if you don’t open up and talk to someone about these supposed dreams, huh?” 
Maxi: “- ‘Supposed’ !? Are you serious Frank?”
Frank: “I just think you could solve this if you told someone about it. You won’t tell me, so maybe someone else? As I said, Caroline would be more than hap-”
Maxi: “Just drop it... I’ll just find a patch seller myself...” 
Frank: “D-don’t be so naïve Max...”
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breadfei-ce · 4 years
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NEWS TO ALL // “Good Morning” 
\\ “Dregs, Grods, Bots, Perfs and all other specimens and creatures, we bring you the morning news. 
Dispatch 04 new red edition road bots to ‘Zodia’ district.
Technicians also sent to this area to improve ongoing generator system issues in households and local supply stores.
The City, thrives as ever with addition to sub-district ‘Jaja’, new and improved Bouncer bots.
CYO enforcements to be marching today in street 9.    
And that’s about all for the news today. Weather is presumed to hit -73 Glanatats around 04:00PM in the west, so be sure to wrap up warm.” //
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breadfei-ce · 4 years
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The City // 03:32AM 
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breadfei-ce · 4 years
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The City // IL & EE
IL Memoir 01. to EE
“I wish we could leave all this behind EE, I wish we could run away from this and never have to come back... but we fell into the system and now there’s no way out. They see us... They see every move we make and if I couldn’t speak to you through other means, I’m sure they’d have caught on by now already... I’m planning to leave, you know I am, but i won’t go without you... I won’t leave you, my love.” - IL  
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breadfei-ce · 4 years
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Zodia // Goodnight
Kilo: “nunight’ baby girl, we’ve got an early start”
CC: “night night dada”
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breadfei-ce · 4 years
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Zodia // Kilo
“Looking for a friend, but I’m searching for her” - Kilo
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breadfei-ce · 4 years
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Zodia // Sheltered
Caroline: “Yes, please sit and eat. When you told Frank and I you were continuing stops during the night- Well, we couldn’t bare that, Could we Frank?”
Frank: “No, not at all... Although it seems you’ll let just about anyone in nowadays won’t you Caroline... They could be anyone! Sent to watch us or sp-”  
Caroline: “-Don’t... Don’t spoil the mood Frank, the food will taste bad...  Don’t mind him- uh... please forgive me, but what was your name again?” 
Kilo: *smiles lightly* “Her name is ‘CC’, and mine? I’m Kilo, it’s very nice to meet you...”
Frank: *mutters* “If only it were mutual...”
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breadfei-ce · 4 years
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Zodia // Cove
“I come to the cove to clear my mind, it’s about the only place with fresh water in which to bathe and floating in it I feel like my troubles are washed away. Again, my dreams seem to repeat every night. The same piercing eyes of the child staring back at me... I try to speak but I can’t. It’s like someone’s trying to tell me something but I can’t figure it out alone... Always alone.” - Maxi
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breadfei-ce · 4 years
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The City // IL & EE
“They come up, credits at the ready, pills popped in a dirty mouth... EE and I, we’ve learnt to count our earnings once they’ve left. Try bad-mouthing a high-up when they’ve knowingly paid only half... It doesn’t tend to work in favour for us. 
To say we want to, would be a very false accusation... But to say we need to, rings our bell of truth.” - IL
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breadfei-ce · 4 years
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The City // Cool Down
A day in the city unravels lifetimes of pain. Enslaved by the system. Unwillingly they became slave to the ‘Top Dog’. Charted high earner? Investor, CEO... It seems fantasies are at the palm of their hands, treating Grods like livestock. 
contextual info: GRODS are one of the many alien species. 
They are a female dominated race, typically of thin stature. 
In fact, mating requires both parties to be ‘female’ in order to re-produce.
Male Grods cannot produce offspring.
Emotional beings.
Dotted skin.
Pointed ears.
They can communicate to each other via telepathy once/when a strong bond is acquired.
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breadfei-ce · 4 years
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Sundance // Aki
Ida: Sun, don’t... 
Aki: I-I’m... I don’t. I didn’t... 
Ida: Just let her cool off Aki. 
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breadfei-ce · 4 years
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Zodia // Deep Breaths
and when the world is impossible, we smile.
She was meant to knock ‘em dead like “tadow”
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breadfei-ce · 4 years
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2 0 7 8 // New Worldly
We are watching
We are watched 
Find them 
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breadfei-ce · 4 years
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Zodia // Milk, Soda, Leftovers...
Animal crackers?
“Hm... It’s funny isn’t it, how your life can be turned upside down in mere minutes. I wish I knew where she was... And you know, you know exactly who I mean... I said I was right for giving her space, but now I’m not so sure...
The truth is this isn’t like her, to leave for this long. So I called but it didn't even ring. I put it down to the service out here, the wires, the network, but after 23 dial tones after each call I’m trying so hard to convince myself that she’s got a new phone but ‘new’ is now, not so easy to come by...” - Maxi
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breadfei-ce · 4 years
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The Base // Green Man Xiao
Ida: “C’mon then, they’ll be waiting... and this rumbling tummy of mine waits indeed, for no man.”
Ben: “Why don’t you try serving your own lunch, Ida? It’d be nice to tend to the crops in peace for once...” 
Ida: “You don’t have to cradle them like young Ben, they can grow on their own. Plus, there’s a reason why I’m ex-army and not a chef, you’re here for that. Now Up-to, Up-to...” 
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