bramskyphotography · 9 years
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Anime Weekend Atlanta 2014 // Favorites
If you are in one of these photos and would like for me to take the photo down, message me. You guys were truly amazing.
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bramskyphotography · 9 years
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Anime Weekend Atlanta 2014 // Hetalia Group Photoshoot, Saturday
Sorry for the horridly delayed post! I was having computer problems last year and ended up loosing all motivation to upload so many pictures. This is the start of a massive upload that I hope you guys will enjoy.
The rest of the pictures are on my FB page (I really need to work on my photography FB ugh), so feel free to browse, save, and tag pictures! Thank you for your patience!
Link: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152884212047224.1073741855.592422223&type=1&l=48db1741e8
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bramskyphotography · 9 years
Hello! Manda here, letting everyone know that my personal Tumblr url has changed! I am no longer “vodkaplz”; I am now “sunflowerflavoredvodka” instead. I know this might change links, to which I’ll try to remember and go over later. This is the first of a large update, as it’s been a long, long while since I have done so.
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bramskyphotography · 10 years
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Why who is this dapper gentleman? It seems to be England! No, not that England. Why, an England from another universe, commonly known as 2pEngland! We don’t know what he’s doing here, but he sure takes some nice photos! He seems to be of a much better disposition then 1pEngland to and—is that a swear jar?
Hm…He might be worth keeping around for a little bit….
Photographs taken at Kamicon Season 6 (2014)
2pEngland: Mod Laurie Photographer: Vodkaplz and Mod Hamish (the last two)
Please totally go check out Bramsky Photography on Deviant Art or Tumblr and give our awesome friends here a call (or whatever communication you wanna use) if you’re in need of someone to do a photoshoot! They’re pretty darn awesome!
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bramskyphotography · 10 years
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Hm…this seems a bit familiar, somehow, not quite out of the ordinary….
Well, when America and Canada get together you never know what kind of trouble will ensue! And with the two of them looking like they’re ready to take on any adventure—and to go out and find it themselves!—there’s no telling what’s about to happen!
Huge thanks again to Vodkaplz for knowing just how to get these photos taken without killing Hamish’s back! She’s awesome!
Photographs taken at Kamicon Season 6 (2014)
America: Mod Hamish Fem!Canada: Mod Ally Photographer: Vodkaplz
Please totally go check out Bramsky Photography on Deviant Art or Tumblr and give our awesome friends here a call (or whatever communication you wanna use) if you’re in need of someone to do a photoshoot! They’re pretty darn awesome!
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bramskyphotography · 10 years
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What’s this? It looks like America has swooped in to save a damsel in distress—his sister, Canada—from, well, distress. He is the hero, after all! But, uh, I’m not so sure that Canada is thrilled with this development…or that she was in distress to begin with…
Serious thanks to Vodkaplz for these photographs! Hamish had been wanting to get some like this for quite a while but we just couldn’t figure out how for him to carry Ally as he has a back injury. Vodkaplz knew just what to do and took awesome pictures of it to boot! She’s totally awesome!
Photographs taken at Kamicon Season 6 (2014)
America: Mod Hamish Fem!Canada: Mod Ally Photographer: Vodkaplz
Please totally go check out Bramsky Photography on Deviant Art or Tumblr and give our awesome friends here a call (or whatever communication you wanna use) if you’re in need of someone to do a photoshoot! They’re pretty darn awesome!
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bramskyphotography · 11 years
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зима by bramskyphotography
Russia: vodkaplz Photographer: invisiblemaple
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bramskyphotography · 11 years
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Anime Blast Chattanooga 2013
2p Japan: ayacosplaychan
Photographer: vodkaplz
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bramskyphotography · 11 years
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Colossalcon 2013
England: oftrollsandfaeries Russia: vodkaplz
Photographer: invisiblemaple
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bramskyphotography · 11 years
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Colossalcon 2013
2p Germany: lupussanguinum 2p Russia: vodkaplz
Guest photographer: inoperawetrust
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bramskyphotography · 11 years
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Is it just me, or is it hot in here?
2P America photoshoot @ Anime Blast Chattanooga 2013!
2P America // Photographer
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bramskyphotography · 11 years
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DRAMAtical Murder; Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013
Koujaku Clear
by Bramsky Photography
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bramskyphotography · 11 years
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ColossalCon 2013
Pirate England: oftrollsandfaeries Devil America: chaosandkindness Photographer: vodkaplz
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bramskyphotography · 11 years
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ColossalCon 2013
Pirate England: oftrollsandfaeries Devil America: chaosandkindness Photographer: vodkaplz
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bramskyphotography · 11 years
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ColossalCon 2013
Pirate England: oftrollsandfaeries Devil America: chaosandkindness Photographer: vodkaplz
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bramskyphotography · 11 years
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So does anyone remember Dokitalia? Because we did. Just some kohais goofing off and waiting for their senpais to show up.
2p America 2p Russia 2p China 2p Lithuania
Photographer (although a couple of the cosplayers helped with pictures as well)
Part 1 Part 2
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bramskyphotography · 11 years
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So does anyone remember Dokitalia? Because we did. Just some kohais goofing off and waiting for their senpais to show up.
2p America 2p Russia 2p China 2p Lithuania
Photographer (although a couple of the cosplayers helped with pictures as well)
Part 1 Part 3
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