born2move-blog-blog · 11 years
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Chicken and Chorizo 
8 x boneless chicken thighs
8 x chunky slices of choritzo
2 x onions, cut into chunks
1 x large sweet potatoes or 8 x new potatoes cut in half
2 x large garlic pieces, peeled a cut in half
2 x red peppers
Salt and pepper
Extra virgin olive oil
Place all ingredients onto a baking tray. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil over entire dish and season well. Place in a pre-heated oven at 180 degrees celsius until chicken skin is crispy (approximately 80 minutes), yummy! 
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born2move-blog-blog · 11 years
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Kleftiko (aka Slow Cooked Lamb)
We LOVE this dish, super easy and delicious. If you are currently trying to drop body fat go easy on the new potatoes or leave them out altogether!
Serves: 3-4
1kg shoulder of lamp, cut into 4 chunks
1kg new potatoes, cut in half
1/2 head of garlic, skins removed and cut in half
1tbls dried oregano
4 fresh bay leaves
2tbls extra virgin olive oil
1 large lemon
Salt and peper
Mix all ingredients in a large casserole dish with 50ml water and season well. Drizzle a little extra olive oil once you mix it all together. Cover the casserole dish and place in a preheated oven at 190 degrees celsius for 3hrs or a slow cooked for 6hrs. Check every so often to add more water if the dish starts to dry.  
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born2move-blog-blog · 12 years
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Sea Bass with sauce vierge
Serves 2
What? 2 sea bass fillets or 1 big fillet 200ml olive oil 1 red onion  1 large lemon 8 cherry tomatoes 2 teaspoons capers Garlic, finely sliced Fresh basil, roughly shopped Celtic sea salt Pepper
How? Sweat off the red onion in all the olive oil, capers and juice of 1 lemon for 30mins. After 15mins place the sea bass in the oven with a little olive oil, salt pepper and garlic on 160C. After putting the fish in the oven add the cherry tomatoes to the onions and continue to cook for the remaining 15 minutes. With 5minutes to go add the basil. Serve the fish with the sauce vierge on top alongside with new potatoes and steamed veg. 
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born2move-blog-blog · 12 years
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Shrek's SuperShake 'bring out the monster in you!'
Serves 2 for a snack or 1 for main meal
What? Kale, 1 large handful Spinach, 1 large handful 1 small mango 1 small banana 2 medjool dates, pitted 2 teaspoons vanilla essence  Ice Water
How? Put all ingredients into a blender with the kale and spinach pushed to the bottom, closest to the blade and blitz until smooth. Serve immediately, deeelish!
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born2move-blog-blog · 12 years
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Chicken Stir Fry with Cauliflower Rice (a Becci special) 
What? Chicken diced Kale sliced Carrots thinly sliced Mushroom sliced Onion sliced Garlic sliced Ginger Chilli Lemon juice Coconut oil Leek Fennel seeds crushed Sesame & poppy seeds Basil Coriander Water Cauliflower crumbled into very small bits & miso. + whatever other veg you have in the fridge
How? Put coconut oil in pan and heat, add chicken & cook through, remove from heat and add onion, garlic, ginger for 2mins then add the rest of the veg but only half of the kale. Cook for 5mins or however you prefer. Add the chicken back in and heat. Then add the herbs, seeds, lemon juice & 2tbls water and the remaining kale, cook for a further 2mins, add more water if required. Remove all food from the pan then add another dollop of coconut oil and add the cauliflower that you've chopped into very small bits, heat for 3mins then add 1/2 tsp miso with Celtic organic sea salt & pepper.
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born2move-blog-blog · 12 years
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Fig, Walnut and Goats Cheese Salad
What? Rocket Walnuts Honey Balsamic Vinegar Goats Cheese Fig 
How? Plate up the rocket in the middle of the plate and dress with balsamic vinegar. Heat up walnuts with some honey in a frying pan until caramelised. At the same time place the goats cheese with the fig cut open in a cross on a baking tray under the grill until warm but not melted. Place the warm goats cheese and fig on the rocket salad and sprinkle over the caramelised walnut and honey mix.   
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born2move-blog-blog · 12 years
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Serves 2-3 people
Important: Sausages are not the best source of protein so go easy on them. If you do eat sausages makes sure they are from excellent sources!!
What? 5-6 eggs, beaten 4 medium tomatoes, roughly chopped 2 mushrooms, roughly chopped 3 sausages cut into bite size pieces Buffalo mozzarella Parsley Basil Coconut oil
How? Melt the coconut oil in a frying pan and add the mushrooms and sausages. When sausages are cooked through add the eggs, tomatoes, herbs, salt and pepper.When the frittata starts to form add the mozzarella before placing under the grill for a few minutes until cooked. 
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born2move-blog-blog · 12 years
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Nut Porridge
Serves 1-2 people
What? 1 Large handful of pecan nuts 1 large handful of almonds 1 banana Ground cinnamon Almond milk (volume depends how thick you like it) 1 small handful of blue berries 1 egg
How? Put all ingredients in a blender and pulse so not to completely blend all the nuts. Pour into a pan and heat over the stove before serving in a breakfast bowl; then drop blueberries on top, yum!
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born2move-blog-blog · 12 years
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Pan Fried Duck with Raspberry Sauce
WARNING: Really yummy recipe with a few naughties in there so don't make this one a regular. Good cheat mains!
What? Serves: 4
4 duck breast fillets 2 teaspoons celtic sea salt 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 100ml (4 fl oz) red wine 4 tablespoons crème de cassis liqueur 100g (4 oz) raspberries
How? Use a knife to score the duck breasts through the skin and fat but not all the way through to the meat.
Heat a large heavy frying pan on medium high. Fry the duck breasts skin side down, until the skin browns and fat is released, about 10 minutes. Remove the breasts from the pan, and pour off most of the fat. Return breasts to pan, and fry skin side up for another 10 minutes. Remove and allow to rest on a baking tray.
Mix the celtic sea salt and cinnamon together and sprinkle over the skin of the duck. Pour most of the fat out of the frying pan.
Pour the red wine and crème de cassis into the pan, and simmer for 3 minutes, stirring constantly, until the sauce is thickened. Add raspberries, and simmer for another minute until heated through.
If you like you can grill the duck breasts skin side up, or pan fry them with the sauce until the skin crisps, about 1 minute. Slice the duck breasts thinly, pour a little sauce over the top, and serve warm.
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born2move-blog-blog · 12 years
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Greek Meatza with tomatoes, fete and olive
What? 1kg minced beef or lamb 2 eggs fresh thyme dried oregano 1 small red onion, finely chopped Celtic sea salt and pepper 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped Tomato puree
Toppings Basic tomato sauce: tinned tomatoes, coconut oil, garlic, honey, salt petter, basil Olives, roughly chopped Crumbled feta
How? Preheat oven to 230 degrees Celsius.
Line a baking tray with parchment paper. In a large bowl combine the meat, eggs, thyme, oregano, onion, salt and garlic. Get your hands in there and thoroughly mix together
Spread the meat out evenly and thinly over the entire pan, stretching it all the way to the sides.
Bake for 10-12 minutes and remove from the oven.
Turn on the grill
The meat will have shrunk by several inches. Gently scrape off the top to remove excess grease, drain any excess liquid and then transfer the meat to a new pan. 
Spread pizza sauce on top, leaving a little rim around the edges for a “crust.” Cover the meatza with toppings. Grill for 5-7 minutes, until cheese is soft and toppings are lightly browned.
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born2move-blog-blog · 12 years
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Good Looking Eggs
What? 2x Eggs Bacon Avocado Lemon Tomato Pepper
How? Blitz a ripe avocado with a squeeze of lemon until smooth. Grill the bacon until cooked and slightly crispy, chop into small pieces. Slice the tomato and lie on a plate. Poach the eggs and sit them on top before dishing the avocado and lemon mix on top. Finish off by sprinkling the bacon on top with some black pepper. 
Looks fancy but really easy to do!
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born2move-blog-blog · 12 years
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Fish in a Parcel
What? Halibut Garlic (halved and slightly crushed) Shallots (finely chopped) Thyme Baking Parchment Paper Natural Garden String (any string that's not made from plastic) Lemon Salt Pepper 
How? Pan fry the shallots and garlic in butter on a very low heat. Place the halibut within the parchment paper along with the garlic, shallots, herbs, salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon. Wrapped all the ingredients in the parchment paper and tie together with the string. Place in oven on 170 Degrees Celsius until cooked.
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born2move-blog-blog · 12 years
Stop focusing on being skinny
If you clean up your diet and exercise regularly, your weight will take care of itself.
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born2move-blog-blog · 12 years
Hi, you should check out midailydiet it's a new social network where users post their meals/exercises with photos or follow anyone else to share or get tips on meals, snacks etc for ideas & motivation whatever your goals
Awesome, thank you. I'll check that out!
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born2move-blog-blog · 12 years
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Come back from holiday in better shape than you left!
Eating well on holiday is not as hard as you might think. Of course holiday is a time to let your hair down, enjoy yourself and relax but there is no reason to let it all go. If you do let it slide whilst away you will return needing to work ridiculously hard for the next 6 weeks trying to get your body back.
Here are some yummy holiday dishes all of which came with either chips, potatoes or bread but I simple asked for extra veg or salad instead.
If it’s not there you don’t miss it so don’t ask for it, simples…!
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born2move-blog-blog · 12 years
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So what do you eat at 3am before you go on holiday...?
I don't really know but this is what I had and it set me up for an energy filled day through to about 10pm! Either that or I was overly excited about my holiday, who knows...?!
Whatever it was here are some geeky facts that are bound to have helped:
Buffalo Sausages: Super high protein consumption, iron and all the omega and amino acids.
Mackerel: helps in reducing cancer-causing agents in cells. Regulates hormone level, makes blood vessels and capillaries more elastic. Eliminates the deposition of cholesterol and helps in reducing the bad cholesterol (LDL) and lowering blood pressure. It prevents CVD, improves immune function and regulates metabolism. Can helps in easing the pain of migraine and arthritis. It also improves brain activity and memory.
Carrots: Have been linked in research to the prevention of heart disease, cancer, breast cancer, stroke, diabetes, macular degeneration (eye disease) and improves eyesight.
Tomatoes: benefits include improved eye sight, good gut health, lowered hypertension, diabetes, skin problems and urinary tract infections (and on top of all that when you eat the types of fat found in mackerel and buffalo meat you up-regulate the absorption of the tomatoes nutrients - BONUS!)
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born2move-blog-blog · 12 years
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Breakfast Granola
What? Almonds Walnuts Pecans Pumpkin Seeds Sunflower Seeds Coconut Flakes 12 x Medjool Dates Celtic Sea Salt Almond Milk Blueberries Raspberries
How? Soak all the nuts and seeds for 12hrs with a pinch of salt. Drain and spread over a baking tray and place in over on 35 Degrees Celsius for 12hrs. Take out of over and allow to cool. Once cool break up all the nuts into small 'granola sized' pieces. Roughly chop dates and add them along with the coconut flakes to the mix. Store in a cereal style tupperware container. Serve with cold almond milk with blueberries and raspberries on top.
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