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bookmyscansblog-blog · 5 years ago
Why do your Parents need Master Health Checkups
Every senior citizen's dream is to age gracefully without worries. Regular visits to the hospital with reports and qualms about health are the last thing on their mind. They would rather aspire to spend quality time with grandchildren or enjoy a stroll in the park. Bookmyscans understands the importance of health checkups for senior citizens and has exclusive packages developed by expert physicians keeping their unique needs in mind.
Senior citizens' health
Several health issues like joints pain, diabetes, weak immune system, heart problems, and sensitivity to the environment, vision problems and many others are some age-related concerns. The body deteriorates and weakens with the advancement of time and diseases find an easy way to harm the body. However, with proper care and precautions, the aging process can be delayed to enjoy robust health even during the twilight years.
The senior citizen health checkup packages planned and devised around a comprehensive list of tests, reduce and prevent catastrophic diseases from taking control of your life. The various tests help doctors monitor the body closely and give clear indications of any disease present in the early stages and to suggest a treatment plan.
Comprehensive health checkup packages for senior citizens
Caring for senior citizens for their immense contribution is the reflection of a cultured and developed society. There are four senior citizens care packages available on Bookmyscans, each with all-around tests and comprehensive scans.
Senior Wellness A includes 82 tests
Senior Wellness B includes 67 tests
Senior Wellness C includes 86 tests and 2 scans [Also includes 2 optional scans for women]
Senior Wellness D includes 86 tests and 5 scans [Also includes 2 optional scans for women]
Elders can lead a life of fulfillment and satisfaction by keeping a check on their body and its condition. A body free from diseases is wealth during any age and, especially during the later stages of life. A medical health checkup for senior citizens is the proven way to ensure the smooth functioning of the body and to assess the risk factors if any and getting the right treatment.
The in-depth analysis helps detect the diseases early on for which symptoms show up much later. It also gives enough time for the physician to help take calculated steps to prevent it from occurring in the future.
Costs involved in elders' health checkup packages
With the intention to provide world-class services in the healthcare domain including value for money, Bookmyscans offers packages at the best price possible. A senior citizen's health checkup cost includes the doctor's advice and consultation fees without any additional charges. The health and wellness plans start at just Rs.1,199 and the services offered exceed customers' expectations.
The process of growing old can be smooth with full body checkup for senior citizens. It's one of the best gifts you can give to your parents and elders in your family to spend the rest of their years in peace and harmony and instantly bring a smile on their face.
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bookmyscansblog-blog · 5 years ago
Corporate Health Checkup - Build a Better Workforce
Why Corporate Health check-ups for the employees are important to the organization?
The production of any organization is directly proportional to the employees’ health conduction. If an employee faces regular health issues, the whole unit, their process and the organization suffer. In other words in an organization, the workforce is the backbone, so if one keeps the backbone healthy and productive, it will definitely make sense.
A corporate medical check-up is a term used to describe a range of checks and tests that help identify risks to health and improve health conduction among staff. This is likely to benefit both employees and the organizations they work for.
In this busy and stressful life, we lead, we don’t have time to eat healthily or stay fit. We are always on the run. All this may not show any signs in the initial stage but gradually will take a toll on our health and we may be prone to lifestyle diseases such as obesity, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes which in turn will lead to long-term illness. In order to avoid all this complication and to have a healthy workforce, corporate health check-up is an easy solution.
Young people around 25-35 years think they are healthy because they don’t show any signs and symptoms of the chronic disease, but in reality, ever they are affected by the lifestyle diseases because of the sedentary lifestyle and the unhealthy food they eat. It is mandatory not only for people in the age group of 35+ to go for the corporate health check-up but also the young generation should take the yearly corporate Health check-
Which are the tests are included in the corporate health check-up?
Corporate health check-up assessments usually consist of a combination of tests, which aim to give an employee a general overview of his health status and help to detect disease or risk factors early. Any problems can then be followed up with the doctor, which is important as many people may suspect that they have a health issue but have not undergone medical tests.
Similarly, many people will be living without any idea they have a serious health issue such as the cholesterol level which is a silent killer that does not show any visible symptoms. Corporate health checks might identify issues such as this and force a person to take action to protect their long-term health.
Corporate health check-up package should include Complete Hemogram, Diabetes, liver function test, kidney function test, lipid profile, uric acid, chest x-ray and ECG, stool routine. More extensive testing can include a treadmill test (TMT), Hepatitis B test, TSH for thyroid, abdomen ultrasound. Also, discuss with the doctor regarding adult vaccinations.
The doctor consultation will include a physical examination and free counseling.
What are the benefits of corporate health check-up?
Corporate health checks offer a variety of benefits both for organizations and the individuals who work for them.
Benefits to the individual include: He will have access to health information which in turn reduces health risks and Improves performance with better mental health.
Benefits to organizations: It Reduced sickness absence levels, It helps in greater staff satisfaction, It also improves productivity overall. Corporate health check-up demonstrates that employers care about their staff and are dedicated to helping them stay healthy.
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bookmyscansblog-blog · 5 years ago
Daily diet plan and Prevention from Kidney Stone
On the off chance that you have kidney stones, you may need to pursue an exceptional eating routine arrangement. To begin with, your human services proficient will run blood and pee tests to discover what sort of hazard factors you may have. At that point, your human services proficient will reveal to you the eating routine changes and therapeutic treatment you have to counteract having kidney stones return.
Kidney Stones
A kidney stone is a hard mass that structures from crystal stones in the pee. For the vast majority, normal synthetic concoctions in the pee prevent stones from shaping and causing issues.
Are all kidney stones similar?
No. The most widely recognized types of kidney stones are calcium stones pursued by uric corrosive stones. Diet changes and medicinal treatment are individualized depending on the kind of stone, to keep them from returning.
What are the different types of kidney stones?
Calcium stones are the most well-known. They’re regularly made of calcium oxalate. Eating less oxalate-rich nourishments can decrease your danger of building up this sort of stone. Peanut, Chocolate, beet, and spinach are some oxalate-rich foods.
2.Uric acid
This type of stone creates when pee is excessively acidic. An eating routine wealthy in purines can build pee’s acidic level. Purine is a dull substance in creature proteins, for example, fish, shellfish, and meats.
This kind of stone is found for the most part in females with urinary tract diseases. These stones can be huge and cause a urinary block. They result from kidney disease. Treating a basic disease can avert the advancement of struvite stones.
It happens in the two people who have the hereditary issue of cystinuria. With this sort of stone, cystine — a corrosive that happens normally in the body — spills from the kidneys into the pee.
What You should eat and drink?
1. Stay hydrated:-Drink at least 10–12 glass of water.
2.Citrus intake:-Increase the amount of citrus rich fruits like orange, lemon, and Grapes; it will control the formation of kidney stones.
3. Increase the intake of Calcium and Vitamin D in your daily diet:-If your calcium intake is low, oxalate levels may rise. It’s desirable to get your calcium from nourishment, as opposed to supplements, as these have been connected to kidney stone arrangement. Great wellsprings of calcium incorporate milk, yogurt, curds, and different kinds of cheeses; try to remember nourishments high for nutrient D every day. Nutrient D enables the body to assimilate more calcium. Numerous nourishments are sustained with this nutrient. It’s likewise found in greasy fishes, for example, salmon, egg yolks, and cheddar.
Foods and drinks You should avoid for kidney stone in your diet:-
1. Limit your salt intake:-High sodium levels in the body can increase calcium buildup in the urine. Avoid excess salt to food, and also check the salt content on processed foods to see how much sodium they contain.
2. Decrease your meat protein intake:-Numerous meat protein increases the measure of uric corrosive you produce. Eating a lot of protein likewise lessens a compound in pee called citrate. Citrate’s main responsibility is to avoid the development of kidney stones. Options in contrast to creature protein incorporate quinoa, tofu (bean curd), hummus, chia seeds, and Greek yogurt.
3. Follow a plant-based diet is best for a kidney stone problem patient:-Eat oxalates smartly. Nourishments high in this concoction may build the development of kidney stones. On the off chance that you’ve just had kidney stones, you may wish to lessen or dispense with oxalates from your eating routine totally. Chocolate, beet, nuts, tea, spinach swiss chard sweet potato are foods that are high in oxalate.
4. Avoid drinking cold drinks:- Cola drinks are high in phosphate, another chemical that can increase the formation of kidney stones.
5. Avoid sugar intake:-Added sugars which are available in processed foods and drinks, it will increase the risk of kidney stones.
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bookmyscansblog-blog · 5 years ago
Cancer Tests-A complete guide for the different kinds of Cancer Screening
Cancer  is a get-together of contaminations incorporating irregular cell improvement with the likelihood of assault or spread to various bits of the body. These stands apart from chivalrous tumors,  which don't spread.
Prostate Cancer
Symptoms: Passing pee all the more regularly, with more earnestness, visit waking in the night, trouble passing pee, spilling pee, blood-recolored pee or erection issues.
Test: There is a prostate cancer test called the PSA blood test; PSA (prostate-explicit antigen) is a protein found in the blood and the significant level can be an indication of prostate disease. Notwithstanding, levels can likewise be brought up in favorable (non-destructive) prostate conditions.
 Men more than 50 can approach their GP for a PSA blood test, however, a few investigations recommend the test doesn't diminish the number of men biting the dust from prostate Cancer, more research is expected to locate a superior screening test.
Breast cancer
Symptoms: A bump  or thickening in the bosom tissue, an adjustment in bosom size or shape, grisly release from the areola, a puckering, dimpling or rash on the skin around the bosom, areola changes or a knot or expanding in your armpit.
Test: If it is identified at the right time there's a decent possibility of recuperation. All ladies matured 50 to 70 are engaged with bosom malignancy screening at regular intervals, where a sort of x-beam known as a mammogram can recognize the disease.
In certain territories, ladies are welcomed at 47, as a major aspect of a preliminary of prior screening. Be that as it may, you might be qualified for significantly before screening in the event that you have a solid family ancestry of bosom disease or the BRCA quality.
Cervical cancer
Symptoms: Seeping between periods, after sex or after the menopause, or agony during sex or in your pelvic area.
Test: Fifty to 64-year-olds are welcomed for a smear test like clockwork, yet on the off chance that they experience any side effects (see box) they should see their GP. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you experience manifestations anytime see your GP.
Bowel cancer
Symptoms: Seeping from your bottom, a steady change in entrail propensities, unexplained weight reduction, tiredness or agony or bump in your stomach.
Test: Bowel Cancer is a regular disease in people (around one out of twenty will make it during their lifetime). Nonetheless, with early analysis over 90pc of individuals endure inside malignancy, contrasted with 10pc determined to have a late-arrange gut disease. Screening involves a thin, flexible tube with a camera at the end being used to look inside your bowel.
 Ovarian cancer
Symptoms: Broadly dubious and frequently confused with something different, inquire about has discovered 90pc of ladies don't have the foggiest idea about the side effects of ovarian malignant growth which can incorporate stomach torment, swelling, feeling abnormally full in the wake of eating, urinary agony, expanded pee and bizarre dying.
Test: An early ovarian cancer screening device is as of now being created. "Meanwhile, there is no genuine ovarian cancer test yet on the off chance that you have manifestations that keep going for up to 14 days, approach your GP for a CA125 blood test.
Skin cancer
Symptoms: The unusual development of skin cells — regularly creates on skin presented to the sun. However, this normal type of malignant growth can likewise happen on regions of your skin not conventionally presented to daylight. 
Test: A minor example of your skin is taken and took a gander firmly under a magnifying instrument. This is known as a biopsy, and it's typically done in your primary care physician's office. 
Bile Duct Cancer 
Symptoms: Jaundice (which can incorporate yellowing of the skin as well as eyes), tingling of the skin, light-hued stools, dull pee, unexplained tiredness, torment under the ribs, feeling commonly unwell, stomach torment, fever or heaving.
Test: Various lab tests check for anomalies in the bile conduit, gallbladder or liver, including blood tallies of bilirubin, egg whites, basic phosphatase, aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT) and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT). Elevated levels of these substances in the blood demonstrate issues with the bile channel, gallbladder or liver.
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bookmyscansblog-blog · 5 years ago
There are some tests, vaccines, and health tips that every older adult should get them done to curb down any prevailing predicaments or to detect any new occurrences in the body.  The nutrition experts and medical professionals have created a checklist that can help you stay on the upper edge of some of the most essential healthcare to-dos from age 65 and even beyond.
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bookmyscansblog-blog · 5 years ago
Heavy metal (toxic) blood test-A complete interpretation
1. What are substantial or heavy metals?
Substantial or heavy metals are common components found in the world's outside layer and all through its dirt. Their fixation regularly relies upon the geographic locale they are found in. While researchers order overwhelming metals dependent on their nuclear weight, all the more for the most part they are characterized dependent on their danger. The most outstanding overwhelming metals are lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic, yet there are others. The issue is substantial metals aren't kept to remaining in the ground. They relocate to different territories of the earth, similar to the air we inhale, the water we drink, and the nourishment we eat. While the vast majority of the overwhelming metal substance in the earth is because of human action, characteristic wonders like volcanic ejections additionally add to substantial metal levels in the earth.
The World Health Organization has stated that the increasing presence of heavy metals in the environment is associated to different degrees with a wide range of conditions, including kidney and bone damage, developmental and neurobehavioral disorders elevated blood pressure, and potentially even lung cancer.
2.Main causes of heavy metals in our body.
a. Air contamination from vehicle exhaust, the arrival of modern waste, and coal-terminated     power plants
b. Tobacco smoke
c. Defiled fish from contaminated water sources
d. Nourishment is developed in polluted soil
e. Physical contact with polluted soil
f. Private paint (from more established homes with toxic paint)
g. Private water (from more established copper or lead funnels)
h. Water contamination from mechanical waste
3. What are the symptoms of heavy metal toxicity?
1. Tension and gloom
2. Weakening eye wellbeing
3. Stomach related issues
4. Exhaustion
5. Cerebral pains
6. Barrenness
7. Memory issues
8. Mental "fogginess"
9. Poor heart as well as vein work
10. Poor insusceptible capacity (intermittent contaminations, immune system maladies)
11. Poor kidney work
12. Shivering sensations in the hands, feet, and additionally around the mouth
13. Tremors
14. Substantial metals comprise of metallic components like lead, mercury, and cadmium. Thorne testing likewise thinks about the degrees of mineral components, including zinc, copper, selenium, and magnesium, as these can be influenced by – or can be defensive against – overwhelming metal poisonous quality.
4. What elements are tested?
a. Mercury:-Mercury is a shimmering, metallic, fluid component that is poisonous, even in incredibly limited quantities. Shockingly, mercury is universal in nature, halfway because of the way that 50 tons of it are discharged into the climate every year in India from coal-terminated power plants and chloro-soluble base plants that utilization mercury to make the chlorine utilized in plastics, pesticides, and polyvinylchloride channels. These modern uses have made a circumstance in which it is difficult to totally kill this poisonous substantial metal from our condition.
b. Lead:- Lead is less omnipresent in the created world than mercury, for the most part since lead is never again utilized as an added substance in fuel in the United States and is never again being utilized as a paint added substance. Be that as it may, lead remains an issue in creating nations. Despite the fact that toxic paints were restricted in the United State in 1978, homes worked preceding that boycott can at present contain toxic paints, which, whenever upset, can cause tainting and poisonous quality. Immature nations still have extensive measures of lead being used. Lead is as yet being utilized to make vehicle batteries. People can likewise be presented to lead from water pipes in more seasoned homes or the lead bind used to weld copper water channels. Some vehicle parts, hair colors, and beauty care products can likewise contain lead. Albeit an individual probably won't be presented to as a lot of lead today, the individual can even now hold a bodyweight of lead obtained from youth. This lead can be put away in tissues, for example, bone, and probably won't appear in a normal test for lead. Put away metals can likewise be discharged into the circulation system, because of hormonal changes (menopause, pregnancy), bone misfortune, bone damage, or huge weight reduction.
c. Cadmium:- Cadmium, utilized in battery producing and numerous different businesses, can harm the kidneys, lungs, and liver. Like mercury, lead, and the mineral zinc, cadmium happens in the world's outside layer and happens normally in metals with lead and zinc.
Tobacco smoking or "vaping" can open a smoker to cadmium, in light of the fact that the tobacco plant can think cadmium from cadmium-defiled soil. Rice likewise will in general amass cadmium, particularly when the rice is developed in territories flooded with cadmium-dirtied water, or in a zone that some time ago developed tobacco, as in certain regions in the southeastern United States. Fuel and engine oil, some cookware, some handled nourishments and beverages, batteries, composts, and shellfish can likewise contain cadmium.
d. Zinc:- zinc lethality is uncommon, exceptionally significant levels of the zine are related to a higher hazard for metabolic disorder. Dangerous degrees of copper can decrease zinc levels, while sufficient measures of zinc can lessen poisonous degrees of copper in the body. Thus, Thorne's Heavy Metal Test quantifies the proportion of zinc to copper, just as the individual minerals to ensure they are all around adjusted fully.
e. Copper:- Copper is a basic component for the wellbeing of the bones, connective tissue, heart, mind, and skin, and ordinary lipid digestion, in spite of the fact that having a copper level that is too high can be dangerous. Wellsprings of copper can incorporate drinking water, shellfish, intrauterine gadgets utilized for contraception, and cookware. A constantly elevated level of copper can adversely influence safe wellbeing, regenerative wellbeing (in the two people), and bone wellbeing, just as result in a zinc lack.
f. Selenium:- Selenium is an indispensable mineral for ordinary thyroid capacity, cancer prevention agent work, and cell wellbeing. Selenium is additionally connected with heart wellbeing and connective tissue, eye, and liver capacity. A sound degree of selenium is defensive against mercury, cadmium, and other substantial metal toxicities.
g. Magnesium:- Magnesium is available in all cells of the body and is included as a supplement cofactor in excess of 600 biochemical responses, including vitality creation. Magnesium is likewise fundamental for keeping up typical bone thickness, ordinary heart cadence, sound lung capacity, and ordinary glucose guidelines. Keeping up an ideal blood magnesium level may be defensive of the cell harm brought about by lead or cadmium poisonous quality.
5. What is the meaning of a heavy metal(toxic) test?
The human bodyworks perseveringly to expel overwhelming metals from the circulatory system and to convey them into capacity tissues, for example, the bones, mind, kidney, and liver. Along these lines, any proportion of overwhelming metal levels ought to be viewed as a screening test that assesses substantial metal status at a solitary point in time. The entire blood, substantial metal testing strategy utilized here gives a depiction of the overwhelming metal levels in the blood and platelets. Singular overwhelming metal levels are accounted for in connection to the acknowledged sound breaking points in people. At the point when a specific overwhelming metal is seen as high, it tends to be translated to mean there is either a present introduction to substantial metal or the overwhelming metal is relocating from tissue stores into the circulation system; for instance, through a drug, weight reduction, or hormonal changes.
At the point when the degree of substantial metal is seen as excessively high, it is prescribed that the individual look for restorative help for increasingly conclusive overwhelming metal testing. This may incorporate pee testing, red platelet testing, fingernail testing, or hair testing for the nearness of overwhelming metals.
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bookmyscansblog-blog · 5 years ago
A detailed understanding of Liver Function Test
1.   what is a liver function test?
Liver function tests or LFT, is also known as liver chemistries, help decide the strength of your liver by estimating the degrees of proteins, liver compounds, and bilirubin in your blood.
2. What are the symptoms of the liver disorder?
a. Shortcoming
b. Exhaustion or loss of vitality
c. Weight reduction
d. Jaundice (yellow skin and eyes)
e. Liquid assortment in the stomach area, known as ascites
f. Stained real release (dull pee or light stools)
g. Queasiness
h. Spewing
3. What are the most common liver function tests?
a. Alanine transaminase (ALT):- ALT is a catalyst found in the liver that helps convert proteins into vitality for the liver cells. At the point when the liver is harmed, ALT is discharged into the circulatory system and levels increment.
b. Aspartate transaminase (AST):- AST is a catalyst that processes amino acids. Like ALT, AST is typically present in blood at low levels. An expansion in AST levels may show liver harm, illness or muscle harm.
c. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP):- Snow-capped mountain is a chemical found in the liver and bone and is significant for separating proteins. Higher-than-ordinary degrees of ALP may demonstrate liver harm or illnesses, for example, a   blocked bile channel, or certain bone ailments.
d. Albumin:- Albumin and all-out protein. Egg whites are one of a few proteins made in the liver. Your body needs these proteins to battle diseases and to perform different capacities. Lower-than-typical degrees of egg whites and complete protein may demonstrate liver harm or infection.
e. Bilirubin:- Bilirubin is a substance delivered during the typical breakdown of red platelets. Bilirubin goes through the liver and is discharged in the stool. Raised degrees of bilirubin (jaundice) may demonstrate liver harm or infection or particular kinds of iron deficiency.
f.Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT):-GGT is a catalyst in the blood. Higher-than-typical levels may demonstrate liver or bile pipe harm.
g.L-lactate dehydrogenase (LD):- LD is a catalyst found in the liver. Raised levels may demonstrate liver harm yet can be raised in numerous different issues.
h.Prothrombin time (PT):-PT is the time it takes your blood to cluster. Expanded PT may show liver harm yet can likewise be raised in case you're taking sure blood-diminishing medications, for example, warfarin.
4. When a liver function test is recommended.
a. To check for harm from liver diseases, for example, hepatitis B and hepatitis C
b. To screen the reactions of specific prescriptions known to influence the liver
c. If you as of now have the liver ailment, to screen the malady and how well a specific
  treatment is working
d. If you're encountering the side effects of a liver issue
e. If you have certain ailments, for example, high triglycerides, diabetes, high f.blood weight, or    pallor
g. If you drink liquor intensely
h. If you have gallbladder ailment
5. What is the need for a liver function test?
a. Removing contaminants from your blood
b. Converting supplements from the nourishments you eat
c. Storing minerals and nutrients
d. Regulating blood coagulating
e. Producing cholesterol, proteins, chemicals, and bile
f. Making factors that battle contamination
g. Removing microbes from your blood
h. Processing substances that could hurt your body
i. Maintaining hormone adjusts
j. Regulating glucose levels
6.References ranges for a liver function test.
Normal blood test results for typical liver function tests include:
ALT:- 7 to 55 units per liter (U/L)
AST:- 8 to 48 U/L
ALP:- 40 to 129 U/L
Albumin:- 3.5 to 5.0 grams per deciliter (g/dL)
Total protein:- 6.3 to 7.9 g/dL
Bilirubin:- 0.1 to 1.2 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL)
GGT:- 8 to 61 U/L
LD:- 122 to 222 U/L
PT:-9.4 to 12.5 seconds
 7.Is there any special preparation required for the liver function test?
Certain nourishments and drugs can influence the consequences of your liver function tests. Your PCP will presumably request that you abstain from eating nourishment and taking a few meds before your blood is drawn.
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bookmyscansblog-blog · 5 years ago
Some Important  FAQ’s  for Lipid Profile test
Some Important  FAQ’s  for Lipid Profile test  
1. What is a lipid profile?
The lipid profile is a gathering of tests that are regularly mentioned together to decide the danger of creating cardiovascular illness (coronary illness, stroke, and related ailments); to screen the treatment of conditions that can cause blockage of veins.
2. What is being tested?
Lipids are a gathering of fats and fat-like substances that are significant constituents of cells and wellsprings of vitality. A lipid board gauges the degree of explicit lipids in the blood.
Two significant lipids,1 cholesterol, and 2 triglycerides are moved in the blood by lipoproteins (additionally called lipoprotein particles). Each sort of lipoprotein contains a blend of cholesterol, triglyceride, protein, and phospholipid atoms. The particles estimated with a lipid board are ordered by their thickness into high-thickness lipoproteins (HDL), low-thickness lipoproteins (LDL), and low-thickness lipoproteins (VLDL).
A lipid board commonly incorporates:
Absolute cholesterol-quantifies all the cholesterol in all the lipoprotein particles
High-thickness lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C)— gauges the cholesterol in HDL particles; frequently called "great cholesterol" since HDL-C takes up the abundance cholesterol and conveys it to the liver for evacuation.
Low-thickness lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C)— figures or measures the cholesterol in LDL particles; regularly called "terrible cholesterol" since it stores abundance cholesterol in dividers of veins, which can add to atherosclerosis. Normally, the measure of LDL-C is determined to utilize the consequences of all-out cholesterol, HDL-C, and triglycerides.
Triglycerides—gauges every one of the triglycerides in all the lipoprotein particles; most is in the extremely low-thickness lipoproteins (VLDL).
Some other data might be accounted for as a component of the lipid board. These parameters are determined from the aftereffects of the tests recorded previously.
Extremely low-thickness lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C)— determined from triglycerides/5; this recipe depends on the run of the mill creation of VLDL particles.
Non-HDL-C—determined from complete cholesterol short HDL-C
Cholesterol/HDL proportion—the determined proportion of all-out cholesterol to HDL-C
An all-encompassing profile & #40; or propelled lipid testing & #41; may likewise incorporate low-thickness lipoprotein molecule the number of focus (LDL-P). This test gauges the number of LDL particles, instead of estimating the measure of LDL-cholesterol. It is believed that this worth may all the more precisely reflect coronary illness chance in specific individuals. (For additional, see the article on LDL Particle Testing).
Checking and keeping up solid degrees of these lipids is significant in remaining sound. While the body creates the cholesterol expected to work appropriately, the hotspot for some cholesterol is the eating regimen. Eating a lot of nourishments that are high in immersed fats and trans unsaturated fats (trans fats) or having an acquired inclination can bring about an elevated level of cholesterol in the blood. The additional cholesterol might be kept in plaques on the dividers of veins. Plaques can limit or in the end hinder the opening of veins, prompting solidifying of the corridors (atherosclerosis) and expanding the danger of various medical issues, including coronary illness and stroke.
A significant level of triglycerides in the blood is likewise connected with an expanded danger of creating a cardiovascular infection (CVD), despite the fact that the purpose behind this isn't surely known.
 3. How is the test utilized?
The lipid board is utilized as a major aspect of a cardiovascular hazard appraisal to help decide your danger of coronary illness and to help settle on choices about what treatment might be ideal in the event that you have a marginal hazard, transitional hazard, or high hazard. Starting screening may include just a solitary test for all-out cholesterol and not a full lipid board. Be that as it may, if the screening cholesterol test result is high, it will probably be trailed by testing with a lipid board.
The aftereffects of the lipid board are considered alongside other realized hazard components of coronary illness to build up an arrangement of treatment and development. Contingent upon the outcomes and other hazards factors, treatment alternatives may include the way of life changes, for example, consume fewer calories and exercise or meds that lower lipid levels, normally statins.
Furthermore, a lipid board might be utilized to screen whether the treatment has been powerful in bringing down cholesterol levels.
4. What does the test outcome mean (youngsters, adolescents, and youthful grown-ups)?
A full, fasting lipid board is suggested for screening youngsters and adolescents with hazard factors for creating coronary illness, as per the American Academy of Pediatrics. Fasting preceding lipid screening in kids without chance components is superfluous. Non-high-thickness lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C) is the prescribed test for non-fasting lipid screening. Non-HDL-C-is determined by testing for all-out cholesterol and HDL-C and taking the contrast between the two levels. Suggested cut-off qualities include:
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  5. What is the dissimilarity between essential CVD treatment and auxiliary treatment?
Essential treatment is preventive. It is expected to help lessen your danger of having a first cardiovascular occasion, (for example, a coronary failure or stroke). There are potential advantages – anticipating CVD from creating – yet in addition potential dangers/hurts related to taking statins or other lipid-bringing down meds long haul. You and your medicinal services professional need to gauge those advantages and dangers.
Optional treatment is a treatment that is given when you have had a cardiovascular occasion or have been determined to have CVD. It will in any case likely include statins (as well as different treatments) however is expected to help avert another CVD occasion.
6. What is an immediate LDL cholesterol test?
Frequently, LDL cholesterol is determined from the other lipid estimations in a lipid board. In any case, the count isn't legitimate if triglycerides are more than 400 mg/dL (4.52 mmol/L). At the point when triglycerides are more than 400 mg/dL (4.52 mmol/L), LDL-C might be estimated straightforwardly (direct LDL) or with uncommon testing methods (e.g., a beta-evaluation test).
7. What is the amniotic liquid test?
Lipid tests are performed on an amniotic liquid to decide the development of the fetal lungs. These tests are performed before conveyance to guarantee that there is adequate aspiratory surfactant to avoid breakdown of the lungs when the child breathes out (inhales out).
8. What is the Fetal lung development test?
Low degrees of surfactant in an amniotic liquid is meant by a L/S proportion lower than 2.0 or a lecithin level lower than or equivalent to 0.10 mg/dL. Lung improvement can be deferred in untimely births and in babies whose moms have diabetes.
9. What are risk factors (in addition to high LDL) for coronary heart disease?
1.Low HDL cholesterol (less than 1.0 mmol/L in men and less than 1.2 mmol/L in women)
2.Age (45 or older for men; 55 or older for women)
3.Family history of early heart disease (first-degree relative affected before age 60)
5.High blood pressure
7.Physical inactivity
9.Chronic renal failure
10. How regularly do I need a lipid profile test? It has been prescribed that solid people with no different dangers of coronary illness ought to have cholesterol and HDL estimated at regular intervals. You don't have to have a full lipid profile. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you have other hazard factors or have had elevated cholesterol before, you ought to be tried all the more routinely and you ought to have a full lipid profile.
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bookmyscansblog-blog · 5 years ago
All about diabetes
Diabetes is a disorder that develops when an individual's blood glucose increases on a huge level. Blood glucose is considered as the main source of stamina and comes from the food we eat. Diabetes usually occurs when the pancreas that is a gland behind the stomach, does not yield enough of the hormone insulin, or the body can't use insulin properly. Insulin carries sugar from the bloodstream directly into the cells. Once the sugar or glucose is inside an individual's cells, sugar is then converted into energy for immediate usage or being restored for the future.
There are different forms of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, Gestational Diabetes, Monogenic diabetes and Prediabetes.
1) Type 1 diabetes: This form of diabetes occurs when the pancreas makes very little or no insulin. It generally happens when body's immune system gets weaker for fighting with various infections which in turn attacks and destroys the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreatic gland. This kind of diabetes is usually caused by genetics and environmental factors that includes viruses. Some type 1 diabetes treatment include insulin, carbohydrate, fat and protein counting, etc.
2) Type 2 diabetes: This form of diabetes is a lifelong disease that keeps an individual's body from using insulin the way it should. People who suffer from type 2 diabetes are said to have insulin resistance. People who are middle-aged or older are most likely to get this kind of diabetes, so it is also known as adult-onset diabetes. Some type 2 diabetes treatment include metformin, sulfonylureas, etc.
3) Gestational Diabetes: This form of diabetes is temporary and generally happens when women is pregnant. Gestational diabetes has no symptoms, so most women have to go for diabetes test at some point during their pregnancy. Thereby, she will have to follow a special diet for the rest of the pregnancy, if in case she is diagnosed with high blood sugar or she may also need to take insulin.
4) Monogenic diabetes: This form of diabetes is not much common.
5) Prediabetes: This form of diabetes occurs when sugar levels in blood gets higher than normal, but not high enough for a diabetes diagnosis. This diabetes can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke and also the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
 Some do's and don’ts in Diabetes:
 Do's: 1) Patient should stick to a balanced diet plan.
         2) Salads in the lunch and dinner should be included
         3) Taking loads of vegetables is very much required for a diabetic patient.
         4) Food should be chewed properly.
         5) Consuming sufficient amount of water is mandatory for the diabetic patient.
 Don'ts: 1) Calories should be restricted for an individual who is on medication.
             2) Patient should restrict eatables such as maida, rava, white bread, potatoes, other tubers,             processed foods and meats.
             3) Eating of white bread, chip and pastries that increases an individual’s blood sugar level should be stopped.
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