bonerkebab 2 months
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bonerkebab 2 months
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Art by Rebeca Fleur, Spanish
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bonerkebab 2 months
All I can think about is how she didn't want me. I tried so hard and she still doesn't want me and it's ruining my life. All I can do is cry and seethe and think about it and no matter how much I feel like I hate her for doing this to me I still want to see her it's so pathetic
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bonerkebab 2 months
Just thinking about how over the course of my one year relationship I gained like ten pounds and then in the past five months after she broke up with me I've lost like 20 pounds. Nothing that was hers is left of my body. Her mark from me is being erased and it feels sad but I am trying to let go so maybe it's good
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bonerkebab 3 months
It's so pathetic that it's been like five months and I still can't go barely a few days without crying my fucking eyes out about getting broken up with and I can't be alone for like 5 minutes with just my thoughts without a dark cloud coming over me I hate feeling like this I hate that she broke up with me and I'm the one who's lonely and I can't even tell anyone about it because I feel so stupid and pathetic and I would hate to be that person who just talks about how sad they are all the time but I can already feel how bad it's affecting me and how I bring the mood down in every situation I'm in I can't fucking stand that I can't just move on fuck I hate it and i hate that I feel like I just want her to know what she did to me i want her to feel bad for making me feel like this I hate that i think that, not that I would even let myself reach out to her bc i would feel even more pathetic and I'm pretty sure she wouldn't respond anyway. I'm just missing out on so much right now bc I can't move on and I can't even try to move on bc I still live with my mom and I'm in the closet so I just can't bring myself to be in that position again to be sneaking around basically but I just want to love someone and to hold someone and to talk to someone and be close to someone again I fucking hate it here
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bonerkebab 3 months
26th birthday and I'm drunk on my friends couch crying my fucking eyes out bc of how much of a freak nobody loser I feel like. No gf no future plans can't even date bc I still live with my mom fuck my life
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bonerkebab 3 months
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bonerkebab 4 months
After a day of horrible emotional turmoil and strife yesterday, I just woke up from a dream of me kissing the neck of a beautiful woman who I don't know 馃檹
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bonerkebab 4 months
um I basically got catfished wtf
chat can I bag a 6ft tall chubby red headed man after not talking to him for 2 days after matching?
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bonerkebab 4 months
he replied we're so back (maybe)
chat can I bag a 6ft tall chubby red headed man after not talking to him for 2 days after matching?
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bonerkebab 4 months
chat can I bag a 6ft tall chubby red headed man after not talking to him for 2 days after matching?
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bonerkebab 4 months
I'm so fucking pissed rn SHE broke up with me and told me she wanted to be friends still and then she stopped talking to me and fucking blocked me on Tumblr like????? It's so stupid and pathetic but I genuinely feel so betrayed and angry but I don't want to talk to anyone about it bc I don't want to be *that* person who always talks about their ex UGH
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bonerkebab 6 months
honestly the next situation I get in with someone I really hope they have a very specific and structured fetish that I can fill a role in bc idk I really haven't been feeling anything in particular lately but I need a little something something to get me going a lot of the times so like 馃
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bonerkebab 6 months
It's annoying how non-suicidal I am bc when literally everything in my life is going wrong I'm like damn I want to do something really drastic and violent but I have to live after so like... What now lol
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bonerkebab 10 months
ngl I need to put my nose on her taint soon or else
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bonerkebab 10 months
ngl I need to put my nose on her taint soon or else
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bonerkebab 11 months
Just woke up from a dream that I was in the bridal party of a woman who was getting married to a man for symbolic reasons like she didn't necessarily want to marry this guy but for some reason she had to get married and she suggested even I could marry her and that would do the job and then once she said that I was like totally obsessed with her like omg wait yes I do want to marry you 馃槼 she had long thick flowing curly hair and she was huge like height and muscles and curves and idk who she was but I feel weird now lol
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