bog-water-030 · 2 months
apologies for the lack of updates. i am relapsing on my sims 3 addiction/hj
i have like 2 rotations worth of screenies lined up so hopefully ill get them done this month
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bog-water-030 · 2 months
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Previously // Next
This rotation was a whole lot of nothing. Pascal was sick most of the rotation so he stayed home and slept while Erinyes did most of the baby care. The twins were already toddlers so it got a little hectic for a bit.
Thankfully they have a lot of experience with the Beaker twins, so taking care of both of them was simple enough, they all got to learn their key skills without much trouble.
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Erebus ended up a Capricorn while Calypso grew up to be a Gemini. Both ended up being adorable clones of their parents.
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There were a LOT of birthdays though. Octavius went to La Fiesta Tech, he's not quite sure what he wants to do with himself once he gets there but he's got the grades to keep up
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Nyx had her birthday soon after. She's still as adorable as ever. She grew into a Family sim and rolled the LTW to raise twenty pups and kittens. So cute!
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Lastly Erebus and Calypso both had their birthdays at the very end of the rotation. So far they're doing well at school. it's a shame Octavius wasn't there to congratulate them but he'll be moving back in after college so they wont be apart for long
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bog-water-030 · 2 months
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bog-water-030 · 2 months
Omfg. The lovestruck pack may actually kill me. It's so sims 2/3 core with the weird super horny aura.
Cannot wait for the conversions, I have my soul set on that fucking eggplant.
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bog-water-030 · 3 months
Strangetown Rotation 5 Summary
Buck and Jill
Nosaxa and Ginger
Stella and Tank
Buck and Jill
Lola and Erin
Erebus Specter
Calypso Specter
Burpee Grunt
Fartlek Grunt
Nomore Subject
Pascal (adult > elder)
Nyx (toddler > child)
Vidcund (adult > elder)
Tycho (child > teen)
Nova (child > teen)
Syzygy (baby > toddler)
Burpee Grunt (baby > toddler)
Fartlek Grunt (baby > toddler)
Nomore Subject (baby > toddler)
Green Subject (child > teen)
Space Subject (child > teen)
Spare Subject (child > teen)
Jessica Smith (child > teen)
Justin Smith (child > teen)
Jonah Smith (child > teen)
Oslo Grunt
Donna Goth
Move ins
Marsha Trimble
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bog-water-030 · 3 months
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Previously // Next
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Firstly his corner store is finally racking up enough simoleons to be profitable
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Although he's going through employees like crazy
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Marsha came to visit on day 4, she revealed she was pregnant and Ajay really wanted to help her out and be involved with his baby.
So she's moving into his little house so they can raise their kid together.
Not much happened between then and the baby's birth ngl. Just a lot of work. So we'll skip to rotation 6.
Marsha and Ajay had an Aries son, Anu Trimble-Loner.
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Anu's already a toddler making his way around the house.
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Unfortunately this was one of the households that lost most of their screenshots, hopefully rotation 7 will be kinder.
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bog-water-030 · 3 months
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Midwest Princess・゚✧*:・゚✧
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bog-water-030 · 3 months
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Reblog if you're an active TS2 Simblr.
My dash is kind of empty
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bog-water-030 · 3 months
Goths Rotation 5
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Bella had ONE JOB
Previously // Next
Short recap, Bella fell pregnant with Shea Johnsons daughter Donna. While pregnant she got engaged to one of her many affairs, Christa Hsu. with a fiance at home Bella has to be a bit more creative with how she gets her fill.
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So she finds herself at the club a LOT. She found herself flirting with yet another married man Matthew. I'm not sure where it's going but it's going somewhere.
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Meanwhile baby Donna is in her tots phase! She inherited her dad's looks apparently. Not sure how i feel about it
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Back to Bella, she's getting really high up on the Business career (level 7) she's making enough money to afford certain luxuries, like a maid, butler and nanny. Unfortunately she loves a sim in uniform so staying faithful to Hsu was getting harder and harder.
She decided she didn't want to wait and tried her hand at a love potion to speed up the process, and while it did work, she was so focused on Eltanin she didn't notice Christa was already home from work
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So of course Christa made her presence known. She was kicked out for the night while Christa cooled off but obviously Bella didn't quite learn her lesson. She decided to invite the butler
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And it went really well
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She spent the next couple days going on dates around the city, and didn't really pay any mind to what's going on at home. So she ended up missing her daughters birthday
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Luckily Hsu was there to make it less lonely and made her day special. Even if she didn't get a cake and balloons she still had fun with her sorta step mum.
And that marks the end of the Goths rotation
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bog-water-030 · 3 months
(Not So) Singles Rotation 5
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Previously // Next
With everyone out of the group home things have been pretty slow paced, that and like last round my screenshots were either missing or corrupted so they're pretty sparce
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firstly Lola got yet another promotion at work, which Noodles, one of the town wolves, was sure to congratulate her on
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Erin got around to starting her garden, she's not very skilled yet but she's having fun planting and harvesting while the gardener handles the rest
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Lastly Erin and Lola had their wedding party! it could've gone better if the Beaker twins weren't involved but they are family so i can forgive it. They decided to keep their respective last names since they had no plans for kids.
And that unfortunately marks the end of this round, again I'm sorry there wasn't much. These two sort of just stick to their hobbies and keep out of everyone's way.
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bog-water-030 · 3 months
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Previously // Next
To recap, Johnny, Ophelia and Ripp all still live with each other in a sort of polycule co-parenting situation. Aria and Oslo are both children,
Johnny and Ophelia are still butting heads at home so for their day off Ripp treats Ophelia to a night out while Jenny babysits.
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While Ophelia tries her hand at DJing, Ripp spends some time with his college crush William Williamson.
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And Ophelia encounters the club Contessa which piques her interest. While Oph definitely fears the dead, the undead are much more her speed
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When they all got back home Oph found a new placard waiting for her. She finally maxed out her music and dance hobby!
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Now here's where the chaos begins
Firstly, Johnny gave up on trying to repair the relationship, he never apologised but he did let her know he had no intention of getting back together anymore. He did this autonomously. I did not want this. He was obviously hung up about this which, fine, be sad.
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Then he slaps her! For no reason! She did nothing she was just in her office composing!
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And worst of all he did this in front of his kid! And was proud of himself for it
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Evil Evil Green Goblin man
To cleanse your palette, Aria photo dump.
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okay back to the gameplay
Johnny obviously got kicked out of the house for the night because why not, he instead went to the downtown rave and DJed his rage away till morning
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While Ophelia set up Oslo's birthday party! Just like last round all the Smith teens were invited along with Buck.
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Johnny made it home in time to see Oslo blow out her candles
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And Oslo aged up to be a romance sim! Look at her go!
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For her birthday everyone pitched in to buy her this giant guitar and speaker set and a whole new room!
And that marks the end of rotation 5!
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bog-water-030 · 3 months
Grunts Rotation 5
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So much, this household is so much
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To start, Buck is back from college and he brought Jill with him. They wanted to get married right away so they set up a small shotgun wedding in the front yard.
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Everything started well enough but as time went on it got more and more chaotic
Firstly Ripp decided to make it his life mission to get back at his now elderly father
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Then Jill found out for sure she was expecting
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Then Buck was struck by lightning.
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Then Kristen went into labour because everything has to be about her of course
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Anywho the party went terribly but the birth went well, meet Baby Burpee, like the exercise and Buzzs fourth and final son.
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The very next day everything went right back to it's usual mess. Ophelia came over to congratulate Buck on his marriage and was promptly kicked off the property
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And Nervous' new fancy military job meant exclusive visits to the generals house
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Soon after Jill's baby was born looking just like his Grandpa, and obviously this made Grandpa Buzz lose it again, not enough to make them want to leave but enough to make a point.
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Anyways, Grandma Kristen got exclusive naming rights so meet baby Fartlek! Like the exercise.
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Jill, for some reason, takes after her mum. And by that I mean she has kids against my will and in rapid succession. Not even a day after baby fart was crawling she was pregnant again
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She didn't take pregnancy leave this time though. She went straight back to work along with everyone else and they were all promoted at once, which we're gonna need to build all these new beds
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Now Stella and Tank have definitely faced the brunt of Buzzs alien hatred, after all it's been sort of ingrained in Tank that he shouldn't even look at them let alone bring one home to meet the parents. But after all this time neither one of them thought it appropriate to tie the knot until now.
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They had a sweet date while everyone was at work and found this little cottage far away from Buzz. They're not ready to move out yet but it's a start.
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bog-water-030 · 5 months
Smiths Rotation 5
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How's there gonna be like 20 of you and you all sit around doin nothing.
previously // next
So Rebecca, my personal favourite Smith, got a job as a cashier at Ajays mini mart. She's. Doing her job? I guess?
Jessica and Justin are all grown up
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Jessica rolled the Fortune aspiration while Justin rolled Family, like most of their siblings...
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He also got to meet mystery boyfriend, and got along pretty well.
Speaking of mystery boyfriend
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They're getting married. Or atleast they should if Jenny doesn't kick the bucket too soon...
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The little ones are doing well at school and making lots of friends. Friends who are cousins but friends none the less.
The teens on the otherhand...
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I don't know what the hell Justin is up to but Rebecca has her priorities away from school, and it's concerning everyone but her mum.
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Last but not least Jonah aged up!
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bog-water-030 · 5 months
Beakers Rotation 5
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mmm. fire!
previously // next
Okay quick recap: Loki really wants to be abducted a whole bunch and last rotation, in his fifth abduction he got pregnant with his 4th and final Subject baby.
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Baby 4 was named Nomore Subject, i am the worlds smartest comedian i know unfortunately baby Nomore came at a crowded and complicated time
Atom's always loved canines. Dogs, wolves, werewolves, doesn't matter, he's just loved them more and more as he got older
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so he made friends with the local head wolf Ichabod. And became the very first werewolf in Strangetown! He's super happy about it and his father is proud of his love of exploration and study
Everyone else on the other hand hate it. Every howl and snarl tanks their aspiration further, so I worry someone might make him change back or go crazy trying.
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Then the back porch caught fire.
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And then the kids were left behind on a busy day. Loki was back in work for the first time in years, Circe ran out of vacation days, and the nanny didn't show up. everything went wrong
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Nomore, Green and Spare were all taken away by Simcial Services and sent to the best equipped family they could think of.
All of the Subjects gone right before their birthday... except one
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Space Subject made it to class before everyone was locked inside and managed to have his birthday at home with his dad. He grew into a handsome and skilled teen and aged up well
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But Circe made sure to remind Loki why he was still around...
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And with how badly he's been doing taking the grim subjects place, she'll be reminding him a lot
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Meanwhile Harley, who had their birthday the very same day rolled the Fortune Aspiration as per tradition with the Beaker kids
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Ludvig gave Harley the birthday brawl. For some reason Ludvig insists on fighting anyone and everyone in sight. Without warning and almost excessively even for a sim
Well what about the other Subjects? Where did they end up?
Well Simcial Services searched high and low for the only other household with a strong understanding of aliens like them
The Smiths were too crowded
Pascal was getting up there in age and couldn't keep up with 3 more kids
Vidcund is still in debt and just doesn't have the money to make space for them
Chloe just had her own baby and Lola doesn't really want kids to begin with
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but Lazlo had just moved into the Tech Flats, made decent cash and loved raising his family's kids. He's been an uncle 20 times over, whats another 2 or 3
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and the kids love him. Green and Spare loved all the attention and baby Nomore never had toys and a crib.
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Green aged up well and is already excited about going to school and college. She rolled the Family aspiration
Spare, who rolled Popularity, didn't recover nearly as quickly as his sibling but he doesn't blame Lazlo for it
I'm almost ashamed to say the Beaker house is turning out to be my absolute favourite, especially now that the house is emptying out.
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bog-water-030 · 5 months
Curious C Rotation 5
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previously with the singles // next
I really thought Chloe would be the one Curious with 0 kids.
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I was wrong
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Very wrong. She ended up being pregnant with one of her now 10 romantic endeavours. She's an alien so women and men alike can be the second parent, or atleast they would be if she wasn't a lesbian
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Of course being pregnant didn't stop her from her usual antics.
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She ended up having a little human boy named Cosmo with the pizza delivery woman Ersa Soho. Little Cosmo's a Libra. I'd love to say Chloe took his birth well but she's proving herself to not be the best mum so far. She'd much rather go out and work on her career
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In some softer news she found a roommate last minute, Mikey Dosser. He's a bit of a slob and hogs her easel but he's doing really well with baby Cosmo and minds his business so I cant complain too much
Since we're just getting started there wasn't much to do this rotation.
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bog-water-030 · 5 months
Curious B Rotation 5
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Zoowee mama, as the kids say Previously // Next
This rotation was mostly birthdays thankfully, but not much else
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Syzygy is officially a toddler, thank heavens, she's a Sagittarius just like her mum and she's getting along great with the rest of her family.
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The twins aged up too, Nova rolled as a fortune sim and Tycho rolled Family. Despite the family's current financial situation they're both happy as ever.
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Nova wanted to?? be a lawyer?? so she's working part-time in a law firm and doing really well, which I won't complain about, we could use the money.
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Like really use the money, the babysitter outright refuses to come help with Syzygy after she stole our toilet and shower.
Tycho on the other hand is a bit of a tinkerer so she's learned how to take apart plumbing, unfortunately she doesn't quite know how to put it back together yet, so Vidcund had a lot of mechanical practice.
Speaking of Vidcund--
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He's old now! Like really old... He hasn't thought about retiring yet tho and he's doing really well as an Inventor and is set for another promotion if he has the time.
And that's it unfortunately, as i said the family doesn't have much money and still owes abt 20k in mortgages so they cant really do much aside from school and work.
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bog-water-030 · 5 months
Curious + Specter Rotation 5
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Everyone stop aging!! Im not ready!! previously // next
Rotation 5 lets go! Ignoring my messed up aging system its been about 25 years since the start of my playthrough! Which ofc means a lot of sims are reaching their last life state.
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Pascal is the first of the three brothers to be an elder. He aged up well despite never making it past the position of Field Researcher.
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Octavius got yet another scholarship, he's an A+ student and the top of his career, and he's getting pretty smug about it
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Erinyes is full of surprises. He randomly rolled the want to join the Military and he's doing?? well?? Though he has gotten the flu and food poisoning so I can't exactly be sure what exactly he could be doing
He's also pregnant! Heavily pregnant, which is news to me i didn't know he could get pregnant
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Nyx is officially out of diapers and into ballgowns. exclusively. She exclusively wears ballgowns and nightgowns and tutus. good for her.
She's doing well at school, we learned she loves the colour orange (lord help me) and despite her brother's, um, disposition they get along just fine
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And to end this rotation off, Erinyes finally gave birth to-
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TWINS, YES TWO BABIES. MUCH TO MY DISMAY THERE ARE TWO NEW ADDITIONS TO THE HOUSE. Meet twins Erebus and Calypso. No i do not know which is which.
Their births spawned some odd wishes from everyone in the house
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Pascal the absolute loon wants 6 more of these things which i wouldn't dare try even if he paid me
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And Lazlo?? wants? to teach them how to make grilled cheese, they were born 5 hours ago, why.
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And Crystal, who was here for some reason wanted to break our toilet and fight Erinyes like he didn't JUST give birth to twins
I thought i was free from the Curious Curse of multiples but i guess hopes are made to shatter...
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