bluetopcz · 6 years
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           as this conversation goes on, celeste can already hear her stomach grumbling so loudly. “we’re going to in-n-out, then! i mean, the nearest in-n-out here got baskin robbins right next to it, so might as well hit two birds with one stone without getting exhausted!” she excitedly states. “exactly– we’d die together after a few runs on the treadmill, but that does not the real matter here. meet me in 10 minutes at in-n-out? i just gotta get my coffee and i’ll be there as soon as possible!”
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“ my absolute favorite is when there’s a baskin robbins inside a dunkin. coffee and ice cream has got to be a celestial pairing. ” blue laughed, “ see ya then, girly ! ” with a quick tap of her finger, blue hung up, pausing a second to figure out which in-n-out celeste had meant. after a moment, she shifted into high gear, slipping on a pair of shades and the latest addition to her white sneaker collection and slipping out of her apartment complex’s main entrance. she could’ve taken the service elevator, but blue preferred any and all attention far more than any overrated ‘ privacy ’ that attempting to shield herself could afford her. she was unlucky on this particular day, however, as her block was relatively empty; she got into her car and drove away without so much as her neighbors’ dogs batting an eye.
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bluetopcz · 6 years
CHLOE: you know what i miss most about living in not a city?
CHLOE: the stars
CHLOE: like i know all i gotta do is drive a ways outside of los angeles but it was so nice to just be in my back yard and look up and you could basically see the milkyway. i miss that :/
BLUE: always lived in a city or a suburb of a city :/ can't relate :/
BLUE: but my parents would sometimes take me on camping trips out to the desert?? and the sky?? i fell in love
BLUE: where r u from?
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bluetopcz · 6 years
ROXY: someone just stopped me in the street and asked for a picture
ROXY: it was really cool until they said they loved me in claws and i had to explain that i'm not karreuche tran
BLUE: you should've went along w it!!
BLUE: then people would comment on her inevitable post of the pic w/ "that's not karreuche but DAMN i wanna know who she is"
BLUE: instant viral fame
BLUE: also i relate, 50% of the time i'm stopped on the street it's to ask me about jett. #rqproblems.
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bluetopcz · 6 years
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          celeste rolled her eyes, and as of now, she could sense that the other girl is probably doing the same thing as they spoke. “of course, you are!” she practically screamed over the phone, then laughed while checking to see if her nails are getting dirty. “i’m talking about pizza, french fries, and burgers. i’m actually craving since the other day and i can’t stop thinking about it– and i promise i’ll join you to the gym so that you wouldn’t have to endure the pain alone.”
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mouth watering, blue listened intently to celeste’s description of her cravings before bursting out, “ UGH –– say no more. all i want right now is to gorge myself on in-n-out and rinse it down with copious amounts of ice cream. not that i should really eat dairy at all with my oh-so sensitive stomach, but who cares ! we’re livin’ la vida loca, celeste darling. ” blue laughed musically through the phone, already grabbing her purse and keys. “ and, yes, please - i might just die without a gym buddy. though i also might just die with a gym buddy, but that’ll be the workout’s fault, not yours. –– where to, m’dear ? i know i suggested the classic out-n-in, but it’s really up to you. ”
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bluetopcz · 6 years
closed / @bluetopcz
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   from up where they’re sitting in the attic, the party sounds almost tame, only the faintest thrum of music seeping through the floor underneath them. simon’s sitting in a circle with a group of people that he only knows through mutual friends—including blue, who he isn’t as familiar with as, say, celeste and jett—and smoke hangs lazily around them in the air. they’d all put back quite a few drinks before they’d been roped into smoking, and simon was starting to feel it now, halfway through someone else’s gruesome story involving a serial killer that he’s still sober enough to realize isn’t true. ❝ can we talk about something else ? ❞ simon asks the group, eyes shifting from the story-teller, to the redhead girl enraptured by his story, and finally lingering on blue. ❝ anything else ? ❞
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blue enjoys smoking with others for the communal sense of relaxation it offers; but right now, with half the room hanging onto the fountain of grim falsehoods pouring from the mouth of some relative nobody, she doesn’t feel very relaxed. knee bouncing, she perks up at simon’s question, grateful for the interruption. “ yeah, you know, i’m not really in the mood to be paranoid all night. ” her tongue grazes the tips of her teeth, and she finds her lips forming an almost-smile, languid and indulgent and unclear in its origin. she waits for another break in the now-hesitant conversation and unnecessarily raises a limp hand, piecing together words as she speaks them: “ i . . . i think i found buried treasure yesterday. or at least, a map to it, drawn in an alleyway near my apartment. i’ll be leaving to follow it soon. ” she’s joking, of course, but the childlike amazement in her eyes is sincere and real as the burning end of the joint she’s passed. “ it’s got references to real places. i really do want to follow it ! but then you wonder, what good really could come from following a few lines and letters etched into the side of a building right at the end of my gentrified neighborhood ? ”
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bluetopcz · 6 years
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a chuckle escaped his lips, “i mean, it’s easy enough to see, it’s on hulu, but it was wild. that kid from austin and ally and that girl from kickin’ it were in it and it was good, but also bad? it was just wild.” he considered for a moment, “i mean, i’d like to think i’m a good storyteller? i could always show you the trailer and you could decided if you would even wanna bother seeing it and then i could tell you about it?”
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blue leaned in, resting her elbows on the table before her and cradling her chin in her hands. “ well, dash, if i ‘ wanna bother seeing it, �� why would i want you to tell me about it ? ” she quipped with a sly smile, brows raising slightly to aid in her conviction, “ maybe you can just give me the highlight reel, given that i’ll probably never really get around to watching it. besides, you’ve gotta trust yourself. i’m sure it’ll all sound much sexier coming from you than from my laptop screen. ”
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bluetopcz · 6 years
GEORGIA: no, i called you boring, there's a difference
GEORGIA: see, all the jokes i've ever heard were funny. you can see why i was confused.
BLUE: well you didn't do a very good job of it...might wanna work on your insults :/
BLUE: it's okay georgia! some people are just born w/o a sense of humor!
BLUE: i wouldn't stress about it too much...it's not like you can go under the knife to fix your personality!
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bluetopcz · 6 years
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          “since you are my favorite rose quartz bandmate…” celeste whispered, letting a small smirk creep on her facial features as she spoke over the phone. she just got back in her apartment, noticing the little cobwebs that formed on some of her furniture due to it being left alone for more than a week. even though her hear feels a little bit hazy, celeste knew who’d be the perfect person to chill with indoors– and that person is in the same band that she is. with regards to her intro over the phone, she always use that reasoning to every rose quartz band member, but it’s safe to say that it works best on blue. “i’m back in town and i miss you. wanna grab something unhealthy then hate ourselves for happily taking them? sounds like a real good kind of bonding to me!” @bluetopcz
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blue laughed, eyes rolling as celeste attempted to seduce her with flattery over the phone. “ i’d better be... ” she warned with a smile, absentmindedly petting one of her three dogs with her free hand. she felt a special connection to celeste - mostly as a product of being the two girls in the band - and cherished time spent with her. “ oh, do i ? how unhealthy are we talking ? because i won’t come for under an hour of self-hate. ”
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bluetopcz · 6 years
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bluetopcz · 6 years
FROM → @bluequartz’s instagram story 7/26.
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bluetopcz · 6 years
me after doing some impulsive shit that i know im gonna regret later: its called being spontaneous
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bluetopcz · 6 years
a hand through his hair as he put his legs up on the coffee table in front of them, taking a sip of the iced coffee in his hand, “okay, so i saw this movie last night and it was so fucking wild, do you wanna hear about it?”
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blue smiled through knit brows, head tilted curiously to examine the man before her. “ i’d rather see it myself, but if you insist –––– are you a good storyteller, though ? ” she pursed her lips, taking a quick sip of her kombucha, “ that’s far more important than the story itself. ”
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bluetopcz · 6 years
GEORGIA: uh, it's boring?
GEORGIA: have you even done anything gossip worthy? because now it sounds kinda like you're just trying to build yourself up
BLUE: did you really just call SUSPENSE boring...?
BLUE: no, i have not!
BLUE: but ya know there's this little thing called a joke...it's kinda indie you might not have heard about it!
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bluetopcz · 6 years
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bluetopcz · 6 years
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bluetopcz · 6 years
what do you like to do when you're not making music?
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“ so much. i actually don’t make music, we pay a robot to compose for me and brew coffee on the side. hmm…i’m big into hiking. i love old movies - hitchcock’s my favorite - and i’m trying to teach myself mandarin. i could spend hours at the beach - well, i do spend hours at the beach on the regular. the usual shopping, eating, sleeping. and anything’s better when you’ve got someone else to share it with. ”
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bluetopcz · 6 years
how are you doing, like really?
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“ i can’t ––– i can’t answer that. i can’t answer that because i just don’t know, honestly. what i mean is, uh, can anyone really know ? i…i’m living on cloud nine, i guess. i’m happy. but most days i feel like i’m gasping for air. ”
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