bluebyrd-bookreviews ยท 5 hours
I saw somebody be wrong on the internet and I didnโ€™t respond (donโ€™t want to get involved) and Iโ€™m being SO brave about it
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bluebyrd-bookreviews ยท 5 hours
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bluebyrd-bookreviews ยท 6 hours
Honestly it is so iconic to have the character who's name means Life be the enemy of the character who's name means Mercy
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bluebyrd-bookreviews ยท 19 hours
Like, how are you supposed to be investigating the strange and abnormal if every single time someone is strange or abnormal you dismiss them because of it??
Control is a cringe fail loser and I love him so much. Like his name, control is just a facade in this book
Haven't finished the book yet but I'm screaming at Control for claiming that Whitby's mural is just a bout if madness and gives no insight into the Southern Reach!!!
Idk exactly what it says but I know that it says so fucking much because you cannot stand objectively over the Southern Reach and read it like a picture book, to truly understand this land in some way you must be changed by it and understand what that change means for you and the world around you but Control seems so resistant to change it will only serve to kill him
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bluebyrd-bookreviews ยท 19 hours
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Do they know that reading is not mandatory? Nobody is forcing them to read?
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bluebyrd-bookreviews ยท 19 hours
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Do they know that reading is not mandatory? Nobody is forcing them to read?
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bluebyrd-bookreviews ยท 19 hours
Haven't finished the book yet but I'm screaming at Control for claiming that Whitby's mural is just a bout if madness and gives no insight into the Southern Reach!!!
Idk exactly what it says but I know that it says so fucking much because you cannot stand objectively over the Southern Reach and read it like a picture book, to truly understand this land in some way you must be changed by it and understand what that change means for you and the world around you but Control seems so resistant to change it will only serve to kill him
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bluebyrd-bookreviews ยท 2 days
bingewatching will never come close to bingereading. there is nothing like blocking out the entire Earth for ten hours to read a book in one sitting no food no water no shower no bra and emerging at the end with no idea what time it is or where you are, a dried-up prune that's sensitive to light and loud noises because you've been in your room in the dark reading by the glow of a single LED. it's like coming back after a three-month vacation in another dimension and now you have to go downstairs and make dinner. absolutely transcendental
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bluebyrd-bookreviews ยท 2 days
talking about a movie with someone who also hated it: yeah man that shit fucking blows, you'd have to be lesser than a dog to enjoy it
talking about same movie with someone who enjoyed it: i dont think it quite reached the heights that it was reaching for
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bluebyrd-bookreviews ยท 2 days
Sherlock Holmes is a canonically queer character. He makes it abundantly clear that he has no intrest in women, he is not attracted to them, he has no intrest in marriage. He is queer.
If we take the canon texts at face value, he's aroace. But reading him as gay is also another very valid interpretation, given the time period in which the stories were written. Hell, maybe he's both.
Ultimately, I don't think it matters much. He's queer, and that makes me very very happy.
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bluebyrd-bookreviews ยท 4 days
it's been said in smarter ways by smarter people. but keeping 'difficult' books and topics away from children is incredibly unfair to those kids who Cant escape 'difficult' life circumstances.
why does little timmy, age 7, white, get to avoid knowledge of racism while little timmy, age 7, black, is expected to navigate a racist world while his peers -unknowingly or otherwise- contribute to his trauma about that heinous status quo?
why does little timmy, age 7, csa victim, have to live in a world where he doesn't know that what his parents are doing to him is wrong because he's never heard the language necessary to communicate what's happening nor does he know it's abnormal?
why do kids who have good lives get to have childhoods completely free of empathy or the ability to reach out to kids who are having a rough time? why do the kids who are having a rough time need to remain silent and uneducated about their own pain?
who is helped by a lack of information besides those adults who are already in power?
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bluebyrd-bookreviews ยท 4 days
Maybe this is a hot take, but as someone who literally went to a film school for a masters degree and is an avid video game fan, I feel like thereโ€™s just too much media out there that uses things like flash warnings to cover their ass for effects they like, donโ€™t even need?
Like, every music video does not need strobe lighting. Games with blinding effects donโ€™t need that effect to be bright fucking white. Iโ€™m sick of living in a world where giving a warning is enough to lock an entire group of people of enjoying art and stories for the fucking aesthetic. There are other ways to make things visually interesting I swear.
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bluebyrd-bookreviews ยท 5 days
i reposted this take earlier but i've been sitting on that teaser trailer for the minecraft movie for a bit and (unlike Sonic) i don't actually think the art direction or isekai element is the problem
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bluebyrd-bookreviews ยท 5 days
"this work is problematic because of how it handles [subject]": reasonable premise for media criticism
"this work is problematic because it depicts [subject]": do not pass go do not collect $200 this is, as a general rule, a functionally reactionary and conservative argument
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bluebyrd-bookreviews ยท 6 days
the d&d movie was so good. they captured the energy perfectly. exposition and character building and meeting that takes 10 minutes. travel across 3 countries in like 5 minutes. bullshit plans that work so hard. a dragon for no reason other than its a fuckin dragon. Chekov's gun but it's Chekov's arsenal. A paladin's autistic swag. nat 20 on the potato. crying. a very quick "where are they now" segment. everything.
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bluebyrd-bookreviews ยท 6 days
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bluebyrd-bookreviews ยท 7 days
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Marvel movies have completely eliminated the concept of practical effects from the movie-watching publicโ€™s consciousness
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