my corner of the forest
477 posts
here is my little corner of the forest to share my book opinions because I have a lot of them and I want to share them with the world and maybe encourage some people to read some of my favorites
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bluebyrd-bookreviews · 16 hours ago
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bluebyrd-bookreviews · 3 days ago
never related to authors being like "childhood is such a blessed innocent time", catch me with that jane eyre shit like "such dread as children only can feel" and "I then sat with my doll on my knee til the fire got low, glancing round occasionally to make sure nothing worse than myself haunted the shadowy room"
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bluebyrd-bookreviews · 4 days ago
Guys, queers. Specifically my fellow queers.
I work at a library. We do this thing where, every so often, we weed the collection. It hurts to see books go, but it's necessary to make sure there's room in the library for new materials.
I have seen so much support for the library in text, and I've seen folks pass around those beautiful "queer your library" flyers. Keep doing that. That's great. Nothing wrong with that. But you HAVE to turn your words into action. We MUST remember to actually go to our local organizations and libraries and actually, with our own fucking hands, interact with these materials we want to see more of.
My branch is medium-sized for a library, maybe a little small. We don't have as many materials as I'd like, but we have fundamentals. Tell me why, even with all the verbal support I've gotten from my local community for the library as a resource for our LGBT+ community, every single trans biography and a good chunk of our vaguely queer theory books were on the list. This isn't a scheme to take the books off the shelves, it isn't another bigoted American governmental push. The only thing we look at when we weed is how long it's been since the last time the item was checked out.
Three years.
No one in my community interacted in any meaningful way with the few books on trans life and history we physically had on the shelves for three fucking years.
I promise you the materials you want and need are there, but this isn't a horde. This isn't a static safety net. You have to use them. You MUST use them or, in the future, maybe in three years, they *won't* be there anymore.
This isn't a vague post, there's no one person I'm hinting at or calling out. I'm not even talking directly to anyone who's directly in my line of sight. I just want everyone to hear this. Big library, small library, whatever. Doesn't matter. Please, we cannot be losing our shelf visibility like this.
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bluebyrd-bookreviews · 4 days ago
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A drawing showing how Jim Henson Performed Kermit in The Muppet Movie’s swamp scene.
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bluebyrd-bookreviews · 8 days ago
Anyone know what route they took in the Muppet Movie that caused them to drive from Florida to California and pass through South Dakota on the way? Not criticizing, just curious
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bluebyrd-bookreviews · 8 days ago
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This poster fucks so hard
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bluebyrd-bookreviews · 12 days ago
I should be writing some literary analyses for Spanish class, but what if I just watched Cabaret instead?
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bluebyrd-bookreviews · 12 days ago
when tje piece of media got you standing in the middle of yr room reenacting this gif
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bluebyrd-bookreviews · 14 days ago
And the aliens are a metaphor and plot device more than anything else. I've been trying to look up "more like Liquid Sky" and they all focus on the fact that it is technically a sci fi film but the cultural and character study of a person in these crazy party scenes who's autonomy is completely disrespected on all fronts
It is much better classified as a rape revenge story then a sex drug party with reckless abandon story
kind of weird choice to frame a movie with a ten minute long assault and rape scene as about “pursuing the highs of heroin and sex with wild abandon,” criterion
like, it’s brutal and real and you’re kind of burying the lede when you only talk about the aliens
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bluebyrd-bookreviews · 16 days ago
Why must I do homework when I could be watching more horrible horror movies??
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bluebyrd-bookreviews · 16 days ago
victorian authors and their descriptions of beauty really manage to make you feel insecure about body parts you’ve never really thought about
do i have unattractive shoulders? are my knees too close together?
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bluebyrd-bookreviews · 17 days ago
Listen, I am trying really hard but I have no fucking clue what any of these guys are on about (writers or my profesor)
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bluebyrd-bookreviews · 17 days ago
I am not good enough at either Spanish or reading to be doing this Spanish lit degree wtf
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bluebyrd-bookreviews · 18 days ago
DNI: bisexual fbi agents, people who can hit the high F above middle C, constipated film directors, people who haven’t accepted that their mother is a murderess and a whore, people whose favorite color is canary yellow, acid freaks, gardeners, people who thought the character of queen clytemnestra was almost sympathetic
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bluebyrd-bookreviews · 18 days ago
No idea who the anon is but I watched it on YouTube for free (which is how you know it's a great film: no one has taken down the pirate from YouTube yet)
@ the anon who told me to watch die mommie die where do i stream itttt
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bluebyrd-bookreviews · 19 days ago
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bluebyrd-bookreviews · 21 days ago
oh my godddd the people in the notes of that pokemon anti homeless bench are going to kill me. they're so eager to come up with lore explanations or dismissive hand waves instead of looking at it for what it is. anti homeless benches are so unbelievably pervasive that, whether intentional or not, a designer made the benches in a fantasy game mirror the real world in a jarring way. it's an ugly and uncomfortable juxtaposition that really sticks out in a heavily sanitised and safe kids game like pokemon. i don't think this is some grand statement on gamefreak's politics or anything like that, rather a scathing unintentional indictment on the cruelty of a world that intentionally creates public spaces hostile to homeless people leaking into an idyllic fantasy world where humans live in harmony with nature.
maybe the designer is so used to seeing anti homeless benches that they've never thought about it too much, maybe they knew thought it would make it more immersive and get people talking about the inherent cruelty of such a thing, maybe a million other things. the beauty is that we'll never know. the only thing that will remain is the genuinely profound and baffling phrase "lumiose city anti homeless benches" and the dizzying implications that come with it. banksy couldn't eat her shit
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