Just Another BlaH BlaH BlaH BloG
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Just my BloG
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blkmoonlilith · 2 days ago
It’s okay to end friendships… In the past, I actively sought connections, making an effort to reach out to those around me. I was a natural connector and friend collector, always eager to spark conversations and engage in meaningful discussions. I felt a calling, naturally drawn to mend misunderstandings and resolve conflicts before they escalated. I organized gatherings thoughtfully, ensuring…
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blkmoonlilith · 2 months ago
“WHAT I LEARNED IN WONDERLAND”Sometimes,I feel likeThere’s not enough time.This sense of urgencyHas been good for me.I’m glad I followed the white rabbit down THAT hole.“Drink me.”And “eat me.”It has been entertaining,And even game-changing,At times.But couldn’t everyoneBenefit a bit…From a good “shrink.”And, everyone, perhaps,Should, sometimes, try to grow.It seems that these days,“Everyone…
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blkmoonlilith · 2 months ago
The Emotional Body
The emotional body can be tricky. Reacting to someone or something and taking it personally triggers the emotional body to point the finger at the other. Because of past traumas, societal conditioning, and programming, we have all been in a loop of limited beliefs that trigger the emotional body into a highly reactive state. As we move into higher states of consciousness, we stop taking things…
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blkmoonlilith · 5 months ago
Things are not always as they appear!
I remember the first time I was driving on a deserted road and saw what I thought was a vast pool of water, only to realize it was a dry road. As a child, I was always intrigued by such phenomena. Life can often be like an optical illusion. Have you ever gazed at a distant mountain and thought it was nearby, only to reach it and find it still far away? Appearances can be deceiving. The human…
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blkmoonlilith · 7 months ago
Chakra Symbols: Unveiling Spiritual Enlightenment and Healing
The energy swirling within your body holds all the answers because I believe that energy is the spirit of you, and it’s always with you. It’s a powerful force constantly propelling you forward, whispering. If you acknowledge its presence and harness its gifts, you can channel it to heal and empower yourself. Find your stillness, listen, and you will know. Activate your energy, release any…
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blkmoonlilith · 7 months ago
Embracing Your Story: Living Unapologetically in a World of Judgment
The moment you step into the public eye, you are unveiling parts of yourself, whether consciously or not. Every person you encounter reads you like a book throughout the day; you are essentially a walking open book. Human beings have an innate inclination to seek guidance to navigate through life. Unless you‘re residing in solitary confinement, you serve as a messenger in the world. As…
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blkmoonlilith · 8 months ago
All relationships are rooted in PROJECTION!
How often do we find ourselves in the act of passing judgment or assigning blame to others? Conversely, how frequent is our experience over being on the receiving end of judgment or blame? It’s essential to recognize that the acts of judgment and blame serve as methods of evading responsibility; furthermore, being judged and blamed is often a consequence of our internal judgments and blame…
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blkmoonlilith · 8 months ago
"I am because you are."
“I am because you are.”
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blkmoonlilith · 8 months ago
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blkmoonlilith · 8 months ago
Embracing The word Fuck: A Guide to Living Bravely
Fuck is my favorite descriptive word, just anyone who knows me knows that about me. If I don’t season a sentence with the word fuck then I am not living my truth. The only real challenge that lies within is that people’s beliefs about the word FUCK will inevitably come into play and try to fuck things up for me; nice try, they never do. Saying the word fuck whenever the fuck I want is a natural…
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blkmoonlilith · 8 months ago
Yoga Moment: Pondering a Question During Meditation
While in yoga, this question was posed in a meditation. Do I breathe the air, or does the air breathe me? I pondered deeply on the essence of life, breath, and the energy of chi, and came to a realization similar to the age-old question of what came first, the chicken or the egg. It seemed to me that the air and I coexist with each other, forming an infinite intelligence that cannot be defined…
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blkmoonlilith · 9 months ago
The salvation of the soul
We often hear much about our egos and how they can harm or lead us to salvation. I believe it depends on how we perceive the presence of our ego in our lives. First, it’s essential to understand that we have an ego mind but are not defined by it. This understanding allows us frequent opportunities to observe our ego-mind and all its behaviors (which I refer to as ‘​enjoys & ​destroys’) from a…
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blkmoonlilith · 11 months ago
Can you feel it????
“Experience the ultimate thrill of eclipse season! Nothing else can match the sheer excitement and awe-inspiring phenomenon of this magnificent event!” The icing on the cake is Mercury Retrograde! “The current astrological phenomenon can be attributed to the effects of metaphysical eclipse energy, combined with Mercury Retrograde and specific planetary alignments.”  I want to discuss the…
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blkmoonlilith · 1 year ago
Each of us has a unique perspective!
As we navigate this world, it’s important to remember that everyone we encounter has a unique perspective. Some people may see us as beautiful, smart, and having it all. While others may not share the same view, know that their opinions do not define you. In life’s journey, we cross paths with several individuals who become our mentors, friends, and sometimes even foes. Each offers us valuable…
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blkmoonlilith · 1 year ago
Wisdom of the Turtle
Turtles are remarkable creatures with an innate sense of home, wherever they may be. They understand the natural law of retreating and take their time, never in a hurry to get anywhere. Their mantra is “one small step at a time,” they live in the moment, savoring each one with simple, innocent acceptance of their path. They take in nature and absorb the fuels of life. When we find stillness, it’s…
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blkmoonlilith · 1 year ago
Looking for love in all the wrong places.
Are you looking to make positive changes in your life? Could you take a moment to listen to Dr. Joe Dispenza’s insightful words? He explains that by letting go, relaxing, and having faith in the Universe, you can attract all of your heart’s desires at lightning speed! Whether you’re new to the Law of Attraction or seeking to hone your manifestation skills, this video is valuable. Join Dr. D in…
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blkmoonlilith · 1 year ago
Nothing is ever lost-Not even You!
The journey of loss can be seen as an opportunity to rediscover oneself. It’s like an art of re-BECOMING. Whenever we go through a loss, we realize what’s missing and lacking in our lives. We should not lose ourselves or sacrifice our identity while trying to help others. It can be tough for people who tend to be selfless to set boundaries or prioritize self-care. But, we must not forget what is…
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