bldofthedrgn · 20 days
rhaenicent soccer/football au :P
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inspired by this twitter post
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bldofthedrgn · 20 days
jacaela trying to hide that they crazy as hell……
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bldofthedrgn · 20 days
Loveee the edits where alicent goes “plain featured sons” only to get mogged by jacaerys chalamet after the beat drops
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bldofthedrgn · 20 days
Modern day Velaryon Summer Vacation
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Corlys teaching Luke how to fish meanwhile Jace invites his college "roommate" Cregan over. Rhaenyra and Daemon are in a shaded corner putting on a ridiculous amount of sunscreen.
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bldofthedrgn · 21 days
The Dragon Never Dies.
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A story in which a Baratheon girl falls in love with a dragon prince ... slowly :)
warnings: too fluffy?? there isnt much crazy stuff happening its just part 1 just baelor being a flirt (maybe a little ooc?) fem reader, no physical description other than typical Baratheon hair color
word count: 1.5k
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The sun gleamed brightly upon the onlookers of the tourney. In large stands surrounding two tilts sat lords, ladies, knights, squires, and other high-born strangers alike, all squirming with excitement for the days events. Y/n sat next to her father, Lord Gowen Baratheon and some other meek nobles amongst her father's closest allies. She had never quite enjoyed the company of many highborn ladies, with their gossiping and insipid rumors, and highborn men made her all the more weary.
Y/n's contempt for socialization never steered Lord Tully's eldest daughter Alice in the other direction, however. Sitting next to her best friend was the only thing that made the blinding sun shining in y/n's face worth it.
"Here", Y/n heard "take this". Y/n looked down to see Alice shoving something resembling a fancy stick in her hand.
"What is this?" Y/n questioned.
"It's a fan." A small giggle escaped the red-haired girls mouth at her friends confusion. "Storm's End tends to get quite balmy during the summer, does it not?"
Y/n's expression had become one of realization. "Pardon me, Alice. My mind is elsewhere at the moment." The young lady need not look to her best friend to know the look of question plauging her face. Y/n sighed. "I am hot and bored. I have never had a taste for tourneys, jousts or melees. Most men fight too brutish or too feebly, it makes for a tiresome battle. I might have a more pleasant time had any of these knights been .. more pleasant to look at."
"There are more contestants to come, maybe they will be attractive!" That was true enough, y/n's uncle had yet to arrive. Same to be said for Alice's brother. The thick haired brunette hoped that more knights had entered the lists forbye Edmund and her uncle, for Edmund would forever stay a sweet young boy in her eyes and she did not find the ancient Valyrian custom of wedding kin to kin too appealing.
Alice had always been a positive girl, a perfect balance to y/n's skepticism. Y/n simply nodded in acknowledgment and allowed her friend to prattle on about this knight or that, waiting ever impatiently for the damned thing to start.
A loud, gruff voice boomed throughout the stands. "The final three contestants!" Y/n was grateful to hear the herald begin his announcement. Thank the gods, this weather is unbearable.
"Lyonel of house Baratheon, the Laughing Storm!" Out rode y/n's uncle in his stag-emblazoned arms atop his strapping brown warhorse. Gods be good, Y/n thought. May the Mother have mercy and the Warrior lend my uncle strength.
The girl and her uncle had always been close, becoming akin to a second father to her after her own had been injured in the Blackfyre rebellion. During Lord Baratheon's time of need, the Laughing Storm took on the many responsibilities as needed of Lord of Storm' End. What's more, he took on the responsibility of family; providing comfort to his niece and good sister, praying nightly to the seven for his brothers return to health.
"Edmund Tully of House Tully, heir to Riverrun!" Edmund rode gallantly past the stands sending fanciful ladies in his immediate vicinity into a spiral of swoons, hair twirls, and giggles. Ever the charmer I see. Y/n could not deny that Edmund had grown to be a striking young man. Regardless, he would always remain the boy who'd follow her to her lessons clinging shyly to her skirts. The Baratheon girl gave Edmund a small smile in show of support, which he mirrored in thanks.
"Prince Baelor Breakspear of house Targaryen, The Hammer! Prince of Dragonstone, Protector of the realm, Hand of the King, Heir to the Iron Throne!" Y/n's eyes perked up at that particular announcement, having always had an infatuation with the history of the Dragon. Who wouldn't want to be a dragonrider?
Her eyes searched the gates with eagerness, hoping to catch a glimpse of the dragon prince through the shining sun rays that caught on her eyelashes.
Heavy hooves could be heard, followed by the shaking ground caused by Breakspears great destrier. A maginificent beast with a coat of hair midnight black, matching its riders own armour, tall and powerfully built. A perfect horse for a prince, y/n thought in awe as the prince started past the stands. She hadn't noticed, however, that the royal man had stopped his mount. And he had suspended his trot directly in front of her. Y/n's mind raced with confusion and worry when the broad chested man began to lift his helmet, afraid of what The Hammer himself could want with her. A part of her mind raced with girlish excitement, though y/n would never admit to that.
A mess of short dark hair emerged from his three-headed dragon winged helm, sticking slightly to his forehead from the heat. He truly looked as a Targaryen prince should. Mighty, strong, impermeable as a dragon. His armour, so black the metal swallowed any sunlight, with gold lining and Targaryen heraldry stamped across his chest and shield. Y/n could scarcely remove her eyes from his despite all his royal arms, with strands of his freshly cut storm-like hair falling so perfectly in front of the kind amethysts that sat beneath his steady brow. His face was clean shaven and his nose had a small crookedness to it, no doubt the result of a quarrel or two. Though, the twice-broken nose hadn't diminished his looks. Targaryen men have always been quite handsome, y/n thought to herself bashedly, but Baelor Breakspear was an animal of a different kind.
"Lord Baratheon, my lady." The crown prince bowed, ever the diplomat.
"My prince," y/n's father started, "it is an honor." The Baratheon lord had begun to sweat harder, a smooth sheen of sweat glistening above his brow, though only y/n had noticed. "I am in your service."
Breakspear had the grace to smile, his white teeth somehow seeming whiter in the bright of day. He even has a royal smile.
"I require no service of you, my lord" The prince's voice was not deep, but firm and unwavering holding a kind tone. "I simply wished to tell you that I am gladdened to see your recovery. You are an ally to the realm and a good friend, we have kept you and your good house in our prayers."
Gowen had been taken aback by the princes acknowledgments, though he would not let it show. The raven-haired stag bowed respectfully.
"I thank you, my prince. The recovery was long and hard, but gratefully I am not so easily felled." Lord Baratheon followed with a chuckle.
"That much is true." Prince Baelor offered a light chuckle in return. "I shall hope to treat with you later. And I shall humbly ask for the Lady Y/n's favour in the passes." At that moment the striking prince locked eyes with Y/n, having felt her stare since his trot up to the stands. The normally brazen and confident girl was at a loss for words. She much detested the formality of offering a knight your favour at a joust, but this was the prince of Dragonstone, the future King of the Seven Kingdoms. She could feel her cheeks burning and her chest begin to thump violently, and then came a sharp push to her ribcage.
"Give him the wreath!" Alice scream-whispered into the frozen girls ear. Y/n had never actually been asked for her favour at any tourney, despite her contempt. She had never really been approached by any man seeking more than sin, and even those were few and far between.
The girl began to move, descending as gracefully as her legs would allow in her nervousness. Grabbing a small ringlet of flowers, red and pink, woven together by stem and golden thread, y/n lowered herself over the edge of the stand she sat in.
"I wish you good fortune, my prince." Y/n could no longer hold his stare, her stomach a fury of nerves at the intensity which the Hand studied her with.
"Thank you, my lady." The prince lowered just enough to be in the newly timid girls eye line, forcing eye contact. "Your favour shall give me fortune enough for victory." He winked, small enough for only her eyes, she'd hoped. With a charming smile prince Baelor began his stroll toward his end of the tilt, head held high, waving to the stands of loyal subjects.
Y/n slunk back to her seat, curling her body inward in hopes to conclude with the endless perceiving she had just fallen victim to. She could not deny that interaction had made her flustered, as a princes affection is no small thing. No, she told herself, affection was not present. He was solely being kind, in respect to my father. Simply a formality.
The young lady of house Baratheon could not have been more misguided.
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A/n: If u made it this far, thank u for reading :3 this is just part 1 bc im unfortunately a yapper and will make this a slow burn by accident. part 2 to come soon <3 hope u enjoy !
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bldofthedrgn · 22 days
Hi guys ..
so ive been gone a while. i know a lot of you probably forgot this page or my old au even existed, so did i, but im sorry either way. im never going to finish that au simply bc i am not as into kpop as i used to be. if you were waiting for an ending im sorry again, it basically ends with the two fighting some more and then arguing and kissing and making up and riding into the sunset happily ever after. from now on im going to be uploading fics more geared towards books or tv im consuming at the time (with my main fixation being asoiaf). i wont promise theyll be consistenly uploaded but i can promise that when i do upload, the read will have been well worth the wait. thank you for reading and i hope those that stick around love whats coming next <3!
much love,
star ☆
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bldofthedrgn · 2 years
[seventeen] in every cosmos | han jisung smau
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17 - liesma
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a/n : ermmm no words but im sleepy so next part tomorrow i swear
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taglist | @gyuville @kikivonpoopyhead @sohyeappy @enaluvs @mits-vi @spikertrash @dynarvot @jeongyucore @fairyyeo @milkybonya @muffin-man-is-sad @soobin-chois
bold means i cant tag!! sorry :(
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bldofthedrgn · 2 years
[sixteen] in every cosmos | han jisung smau
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16 - kaveh
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a/n : so so so sorry,, i started college and its been hectic so i will be uploading multiple parts tonight as an apology pls forgive me 🙏🏽 ok enjoy (the pics got cropped weird sorry)
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taglist | @gyuville @kikivonpoopyhead @sohyeappy @enaluvs @mits-vi @spikertrash @dynarvot @jeongyucore @fairyyeo @milkybonya @muffin-man-is-sad @soobin-chois
bold means i cant tag!! sorry :(
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bldofthedrgn · 2 years
[fifteen] in every cosmos | han jisung smau
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15 - kalausi
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a/n : a bit of a shorter one but dont worry things wont be this sad for long :) y/n always gets back up. enjoy the chapter and lmk how youre liking the plot so far !! (not proof read)
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taglist | @gyuville @kikivonpoopyhead @sohyeappy @enaluvs @mits-vi @spikertrash @dynarvot @jeongyucore @fairyyeo @milkybonya @muffin-man-is-sad
bold means i cant tag!! sorry :(
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bldofthedrgn · 2 years
[fourteen] in every cosmos | han jisung smau
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14 - irena
words : 581
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a/n : little written part here please remember to read that !!! jisung and y/n may be getting close but i never said i would make it easy did i ;) enjoy!
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five days. that’s how long it had since you started this gut-wrenching routine of checking your phone every five minutes and jumping at every single notification you get hoping, praying, that it was changbin (it usually never was though).
thats it, you’d had enough. it was finally time for you to make the first move since it seemed changbin wouldn’t. 
hey binnie!! no wait that wasn’t right, too eager. 
whats up changbin? nope, too “im one of the bros”
hey bin :) perfect.
and sent, now all that was left to do was wai- *ping*
c - hey y/nnie wsp :)?
y - nothing much, can we talk though? 
c - yeah sure whats on your mind 
y - lets meet in person. the usual place at 2? 
c - oh alright sure see you then
you haven’t been this anxious to do something in such a long time. most of the time you’re usually confident and sure of the things you do, but this time you couldn’t tell if this was the right thing to do. for once you weren’t confident in your actions. 
“hey y/n!”
turning around to greet the man you were about to pour you heart out to felt like the worlds most monumental task and you were graciously given the opportunity to do it now. looking at him, realizing what you were about to do, made you feel small. breakable. you never, ever, feel breakable.
“y/n? you good there?” his words brought you back to reality.
“huh? oh sorry yeah im okay i just zoned out for a sec i didn't take my nap of the day yet”
“you’re good, let’s order and sit down though.”
you nodded your head in agreement though inside you wanted to prolong having to have this conversation as long as possible. god, minho. why did he give you this idea? he was trying to help but right now it felt anything other than helpful. 
“so whats up? you said you wanted to talk right?” his voice startled you. you had been sitting there thinking about the fifty million ways you could confess your feelings to changbin without sounding like a complete dunce. 
screw it.
“right. well i’ll cut to the chase. i have feelings for you changbin. i really like you and before you say anything or reject me like im sure youre gonna do let me just talk. i figured you didn't like me because you never actually asked me out and i thought that whole set up with jisung was you finally making a move, hence why i was so dressed up because i thought it was a date and that you were standing me up but it turned out not to be that way and thats honestly why i was mad i didn’t even care about jisung being there i just was really hoping it was a date with you but now i have you here and you know and im rambling so im gonna shut up now and … changbin? are you okay?” 
he looked pale and his eyes were unfocused. he wasn't even paying attention? had he heard a word you'd said? is he ignoring you? what on earth was he staring at? 
“changbin?” you shook his shoulder, watching him slowly come back to reality. 
“i … i have to go.” he breathes out, throwing his hand off your shoulder and rushing out of the cafe so fast he almost knocked over the frosting delivery guy.
what the fuck?
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taglist | @gyuville @kikivonpoopyhead @sohyeappy @enaluvs @mits-vi @spikertrash @dynarvot @jeongyucore @fairyyeo @milkybonya @muffin-man-is-sad
bold means i cant tag!! sorry :(
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bldofthedrgn · 2 years
[thirteen] in every cosmos | han jisung smau
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13 - illyrian
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a/n : nothing much to say about this chapter except its not proof read and enjoy!!
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taglist | @gyuville @kikivonpoopyhead @sohyeappy @enaluvs @mits-vi @spikertrash @dynarvot @jeongyucore @fairyyeo @milkybonya @muffin-man-is-sad
bold means i cant tag!! sorry :(
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bldofthedrgn · 2 years
hi!! can i please be added to the in every cosmos masterlist? i love it so much :))
absolutely!! im so happy youre enjoying :D
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bldofthedrgn · 2 years
[twelve] in every cosmos | han jisung smau
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12 - hoggar
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a/n : okay so,,, long time no see .. ? IM SO SORRY but i just bleh idk writing and stuff was hard but im BACK! gonna try and update as much as possible before i start school this month so you guys wont be as depraved for content when im busy with THAT. anyway, enjoy and this is NOT proof read at all so take that into consideration :p k later~ (ps, brownie points for anyone who knows what the boys in the fruit bowls gc caught in y/ns message)
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taglist | @gyuville @kikivonpoopyhead @sohyeappy @enaluvs @mits-vi @spikertrash @dynarvot @jeongyucore @fairyyeo @milkybonya
bold means i cant tag!! sorry :(
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bldofthedrgn · 2 years
hii can i please be added to the in every cosmos masterlist?! im enjoying it so much >_<
thank you!! ill add you :D
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bldofthedrgn · 2 years
hi !! could you please add me to your in every cosmos taglist ? im really enjoying it !!! <3
yup ill add you in the next update :)
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bldofthedrgn · 2 years
heyooo !! i hope ur doing well <333 could i be added to the taglist for in every cosmos ?? thank u for ur work i really enjoy the au <333
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bldofthedrgn · 2 years
so ... hi guys. im so sorry for the random hiatus but my computer broke and i tried to keep updating for a while with just my phone but it overwhelmed me and i got burnt out super quick, but now i have a new computer so ill be able to update again soon! thank you so much for enjoying my story and being patient, i will be updating soon ;)
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