blakerusso · 9 years
“You thought about kissing me?” she questioned, raising her brows with a grin as his lips met hers once more. Leila half pouted when he pulled away, brows furrowed as the other boy quickly relayed something to Blake. “That’s fine, go fulfill your presidential duties,” she grinned, leaning slightly against his hand. “Of course,” she said with a nod, standing on her tip toes to press a quick kiss to his lips. 
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Blake leaned in more as she began to pull away, wanting the kiss to last for a few seconds longer before he had to run off. But the nagging voice at the back of his head told him he couldn’t keep his brother waiting, and he reluctantly pulled away. “Ciao bella.”
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blakerusso · 9 years
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“Well, y’know, I kinda do, but then again you’re not bringing me pancakes in bed, so I’m kinda not.”
“You drive a hard bargain, Mr. Tanner.”
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blakerusso · 9 years
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“But if you gimme pancakes before I get up, I’ll love you forever.”
“You mean you don’t already love me forever? That hurts, Q.”
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blakerusso · 9 years
Leila wrapped her arms a bit tighter around his neck, tugging gently at his hair as her feet left the ground. He tasted of alcohol–something Leila was all too familiar with when it came to kissing–and though she didn’t mind it, it got her wheels turning. Blake had nearly completely shut down in Rome when she made the smallest of moves, but now within fifteen minutes of her arriving he was kissing her. The whole thing puzzled her, but the vodka flowing through her system aided in brushing away the technicalities. He kissed her like he cared, which was a completely different experience compared to the frantic hookups Leila had grown accustomed to.  It was refreshing, and if she had it her way, the moment would’ve lasted forever. Leila pulled away only slightly, her lips still an inch from his. “Thank you.”
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Blake laughed, slowly lowering Leila back to the floor. “I can honestly say that whenever I thought about kissing you, I never imagined I’d get a thanks in response.” He closed the gap and kissed her again, but pulled away a second later when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned towards the interruption, one of his hands still on Leila’s hip. A quick, hushed conversation later, and he turned back to Leila with his brow furrowed. “One of my brothers isn’t doing so hot-- I have to make sure he’s okay..” He brought his free hand up to cup her cheek, half-hearted smile on his face. “I’ll see you later?”
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blakerusso · 9 years
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“No, Dad. I ‘unno, people just shouldn’t see me when I’m shirtless,” he complained, having said too many words right now to fall right back asleep. “C’n I have the pancakes before I have t’ get up?”
“If I give you pancakes before the run, you won’t go for a run.”
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blakerusso · 9 years
Lifting her droopy gaze towards him, she dropped her head back onto her pillow with a growl. “If you’re a doctor - I’m Harry Potter.”
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"Okay, I’m going to be a doctor someday, so unless you’re going to take down Lord Voldemort in the future that comparison doesn’t work.” He made his way towards her and sat down at the edge of her bed, brow furrowed in worry. “Are you alright, Scar?”
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blakerusso · 9 years
“I swear to god you open those god damn blinds and I’ll – are you serious?”
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“This is for your own good, Scar. Trust me, I’m a doctor.”
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blakerusso · 9 years
Leila’s eyes fluttered shut as his lips met hers, both of her hands meeting at the back of his neck and moving up into his hair. For the moment, the club melted away and it seemed as if they were alone and it couldn’t have been more perfect. She moved her lips tentatively against his, unsure of any boundaries, though the faint sound of cheering coming from around them told her that she couldn’t have been doing all that bad.
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Blake smiled against her lips as he heard his brothers in the background; he moved one of his hands to wave them off, then wrapped both arms around her waist and lifted her off the ground slightly. The world around them seemed to go fuzzy around the edges, probably partially from the alcohol, but Leila definitely had something to do with it. It had been three years since he’d last kissed anyone, or even wanted to kiss someone, for that matter. He didn’t think he’d ever be able to move on from Annie, but Leila made it seem possible.
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blakerusso · 9 years
Leila furrowed her brow, a grin playing at her lips. “Of course,” she said softly, accentuating her response with a quick nod.
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He leaned his head down until their foreheads touched, his one hand trailing up to the small of her back while the other tilted her head up to meet his. His lips brushed against hers, and he closed the last bit of distance between them.
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blakerusso · 9 years
Her skin tingled where his fingers had been and Leila dropped her hands down his arms to his hands, guiding them just under the hem of her shirt; it was a feeling she could see herself getting used to. Leila angled her head slightly to the side, puzzled by his sudden change in mood. Just as he glanced at her lips, her eyes went straight to his own, lingering there for a second before her gaze met his. She rested one hand around his waist, the other reaching to brush his hair away from his forehead before falling to the nape of his neck. “Mhm?”
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“Can--” his eyes flicked down to her lips again. “Can I kiss you?”
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blakerusso · 9 years
Leila grinned, standing on her tip toes to bring herself closer so that he could hear her over the music. “Once or twice, but I don’t think I’d mind hearing it again,” she murmured near his ear, her lips grazing his cheek as she fell back to her heels.
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Blake’s eyes closed as her lips touched his cheek, his fingers grazing the sliver of skin where her shirt had risen. His eyes locked on hers when they opened again, his tongue darting out to lick his lips. “I, um..” His eyes darted down to her lips, then back up to her eyes again. He furrowed his brow; there was a lump in his throat that wouldn’t go away, his hands were sweaty, and he couldn’t form a sentence to save his life. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so nervous. He reached a tentative hand up to cup the back of her neck, swallowing hard to get rid of the lump in his throat. “Leila?”
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blakerusso · 9 years
“Ooh, fancy,” she said, grinning as he practically pulled her body flush to his own. “I think I’ll send her a fruit basket in thanks, too, ‘cause those lessons really paid off.”
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His hands moved to the small of her back, pulling her closer until there was virtually no space between them. “Did I mention that I’m glad you came tonight?”
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blakerusso · 9 years
“ Sleep is good too! It regenerates your body! You should try it Blake! “
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“I get plenty of sleep, thank you very much. As my zia says, ‘I go to bed with the chickens.’”
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blakerusso · 9 years
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“Fuck off and come give me a cuddle, sweetheart.”
“Well, when you put it that way.”
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blakerusso · 9 years
A soft gasp slipped from her lips as he dipped her and Leila felt her pulse quicken. “Really well. Where’d you learn how to do that?” she questioned, winding her arms around his neck as she spoke. 
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“My ma put me in ballroom dance classes when I was little.” He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her in closer. “I’ll have to thank her when I see her next.”
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blakerusso · 9 years
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“Dad, no,” he whined, trying to hide his entire body underneath the pillow, but considering it too be too much effort once he had to move his feet. “Y’can’t come in, ‘m not wearing a shirt.”
“I don’t understand why that’s a big deal, but okay,” he said, staying near the door. “I’ll make you pancakes if you come running with me.”
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blakerusso · 9 years
“Leila, the girl I went to the bar with?” she said, slightly shocked. “I didn’t know she was… your type…. but I guess I can see it.” she chuckled. “Blakey’s got a girl friend,” she said in a teasing tone.
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“Also known as Leila, the girl I’ve been friends with for years. And since when do I have a type? I’ve dated a total of one girl my entire life; I don’t think that’s enough to show a pattern.” He nudged her with his shoulder, a blush creeping up the back of his neck. “Shut up, Ade. I think I’m in over my head.”
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