blackthorngrimoire · 2 months
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I didn’t see this posted here yet and thought it would be helpful. Stay safe out there sisters!
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blackthorngrimoire · 2 months
Tarot Hacks
(DISCLAIMER: I didn’t invent most of these, just accumulated a lot from across the internet amongst other resources)
When something isn’t going your way: find The Wheel of Fortune, the cards on either side are the solution to the problem
To bring wealth; shuffle then pull the 1st, 5th, 10th, 20th, and 50th cards
When a romantic relationship is turning rocky; shuffle and find The Lovers, the cards on either side are the root of the problem
When you need to make a decision; shuffle, then find the 2 of Swords, the cards on either side are the different outcomes
When you’ve done fucked up shuffle then find The Fool, the cards on either side are how to fix the problem
Make a wish and draw a card
To get a glipse at your future; find your birth cards, then check out the cards laying underneath
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blackthorngrimoire · 2 months
Instead of asking your tarot cards if you will achieve a specific outcome, ask your tarot cards how you can achieve a specific outcome.
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blackthorngrimoire · 2 months
Libations Info sheet:
A libation is pouring out a liquid as offerings to the gods. Typically poured into soil or cracks on the ground. Mainly Chthonic Gods get libations as offerings. Chthonic gods are gods associated with the underworld, fertility and earth. Even an Olympic god, which would be the opposite of a Chthonic god, can be classified as one. An example of this would be Dionysus, as he's connected with fertility. The pouring liquid into the earth is symbolic as pouring liquid "directly to the gods", therefore only Chthonic gods.
The liquid can be wine, water, oil, milk or honeyed milk. A god might have a more specific connection to one of those liquid and therefore prefers one. The liquid would usually be served in a chalice (out of any Material) or if not anything else available, just a cup or glass will do. Additionally to any libations would a simple offering prayer be said.
In ancient greece tradition was for libations to happen 2-5 times a day. In the morning, at night and to each meal. These were shared offerings between deity and worshipper. Half of it would be poured into earth while the other would be consumed by the worshipper.
All of these traditions aren't necessary of course as these are modern times. The gods won't be dissapointed or angry with you for not following eon old traditions. But it is a nice sentiment.
Hopefully this post clears the questions someone might have about this act, if anything is unclear, again, just ask.
Happy witching! 🍇🌾
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blackthorngrimoire · 2 months
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I am more powerful than my trauma
A sigil for overcoming negative thoughts and experiences related to trauma. Remember that you have more power than you know.
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blackthorngrimoire · 2 months
Sapphire Insecurity Spell 💎
a sapphire themed spell inspired by steven universe, to help when one feels small or useless, overwhelmed and alone
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💎 gather: a sapphire or similar stone, ivy, and white candle
💎 place the white candle on an ivy leaf
💎 embed the candle with the stone, and light the candle
💎 chant:
“and, oh. You’re losing sight. You’re losing touch. All these little things seem to matter so much”
💎 blow out the candle
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blackthorngrimoire · 2 months
Past Life Tarot Spread
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Just in case you have a few hours free, here's a spread that will take all of them up. Have fun with your afternoon.
1: Birth
2: Parents
3: Life
4: Childhood
5: Passion
6: Friends
7: Responsibility
8: Partner
9: Work
10: Success
11: Shortcoming/Failure
12: Death
13: Children
14: Legacy
15: What I Brought To This Life
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blackthorngrimoire · 2 months
Simple Study Spell 🍃
a simple spell to help you study
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🍃 gather: ample amounts of basil, rosemary, orange peel, and chamomile, and white thread.
🍃 using a pinch of each herb, make a small jar of each, and seal tight.
🍃 briefly, cluster the jars together in a circle of white thread
🍃 mix their energies without mixing the herbs. 
🍃 while studying, use the herbs individually in the jars on the materials you’re using. 
🍃 later, during the test, take out a piece of the herb that corresponds to the studied material
🍃 example: i have a math test, a science test, and a literature test. 
for the math test, i rub the pages with basil while i study, and i inhale the scent.right before the math test, i rub my hands with basil, enough that i can smell the basil during the test.  
for the science test, i do the same things, but with the rosemary. 
for the literature test, i do the same things with the orange peel
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blackthorngrimoire · 2 months
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“I Cannot Be Deceived” 
Keep in mind there are many ways to use sigils in general, and if you prefer to use this sigil in a more simple manner you are free to do so. The procedure below is just how I would probably use this sigil.
Have a jar of water charge in the light of the full moon with this sigil beneath the jar. You can then use that water to rinse your glasses (if you use glasses) to see through lies. If you don’t use glasses you can anoint your third eye energy point with the water daily.
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blackthorngrimoire · 2 months
Shell Armor Warding Spell (Pokemon Inspired)
A spell to ward yourself from curses and baneful magick and energies.
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You Will Need:
Small container that can easily be carried (jar, bottle, box, sachet, baggy etc)
Crushed Scallop Shells
Crushed Oyster Shells 
Sea Salt
In your container add in your ingredients. Mix them together well if desired though not required. Seal shut the container to make sure it doesn’t open and spell its contents. Charge it overnight in the moonlight, with the ringing of bells (real or recorded) or with the sounds of ocean waves. Wear or carry it to keep you protected and negative, baneful energy at bay. Cleanse and charge it every few weeks.
When wearing/carrying it visualize it creating large shells made out of energy that encloses you safe and sound. Any baneful energy that tries to touch you is blocked by the strong shells and you are like a clam or scallop, safe inside. 
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blackthorngrimoire · 2 months
beginner witch here so if this is a dumb question i’m sorry but how do i go about charging a sigil/making it work i’ve already made one that i love (using your sigil wheel post so thank you) what am i supposed to do next? thank you for all the help!!
Well there are 2 types of ways to make a sigil work.Here’s a quick post on which method is best for what result1. Charging
Giving the sigil energy periodically to keep it working (think of it like charging an electronic)How:~Pouring personal energy into it     Place both hand on sigil and visualise your energy flowing from your body into the sigil
~Sun/Moon Energy     
     Place the sigil somewhere it will get good exposure to sunlight or moonlight and the sigil will absorb the energy from that.    (Note: Sunlight and Moonlight have different magical properties, so you should look up what those properties are before doing this)
~Charged Water/Watercolour          Dripping some charged water (think sun/moon/storm/or otherwise charged) on the sigil.     Some people add watercolours to the water they plan to put on the sigil with an intention-based colour to drip onto the sigil. OR you could draw the sigil with these watercolours instead so it’s automatically charged.
~Tracing/Kinetic Energy          Constant movement on a sigil can charge a sigil. This can be done by tracing over it with your finger over and over again till you feel it’s charged enough or through other means like tapping it or putting it under something people regularly step on.
~Heartbeat          If you draw or tattoo a sigil on yourself that sigil will be constantly charged by your heartbeat.     You can also put a sigil you’ve drawn over your heart or wrist somehow and as long as you wear it your heartbeat will keep that sigil charged
     Have a sigil pulled up on an electronic screen while the device is charging
~Other          There’s thousands of unique ways to charge a sigil, the ones listed here are just a few, feel free to look around the witch tips on tumblr or try some different stuff yourself
2. Activating
Destroying the sigil with something that often creates a quick burst of energy, sending it out into the universe to be done.
~Burn it
~Rip/Shred/Cut it up
~Stabbing it
~Ingesting it
~Flushing it down the toilet
~Let it blow away with the wind (if it’s biodegradable)
~Any way you can think of that destroys the sigil
Important Notes:
~Sigils can be used as spell components on their own
~You can charge and then activate a sigil for stronger results
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blackthorngrimoire · 2 months
Finding Things/Memory Spell🌿
a spell for when many things go missing, to help things reappear
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🌿 gather: a compass, a sprig of rosemary, and white thread. 
🌿 attach the rosemary to the compass using white thread
🌿 hold level, and turn three times clockwise with the compass
🌿 place it in the center of the room. 
🌿 wait a few days for it to begin to draw out the things lost
🌿 for memory, each time there is something important to remember, touch the compass and place it somewhere else. 
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blackthorngrimoire · 2 months
Shine Aqua Illusion Glamour 🌊
a sailor moon inspired glamour to blend in, or make something less noticeable
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🌊  gather: water, sea salt, a mirror, and daisy petals
🌊  on the surface on the mirror, mix the water and sea salt
🌊  chant: “ Shine Aqua Illusion ! ”
🌊  dip the daisy petals into the water
🌊  use the petals to dab the water on what you wish to hide
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blackthorngrimoire · 2 months
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blackthorngrimoire · 2 months
💬 Clear Speaking Glamour 💬
a spell to aid with speaking clearly, and get your point across 
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💬 gather: lipstick/chapstick of your choice, basil, dew, and violet. 
💬 ensure the lipstick/chapstick is completely closed. 
💬 go over the outside of the container with the dew and the basil.
💬 let them charge the balm. 
💬 wipe them off, apply the balm. kiss the violet to start the spell. 
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blackthorngrimoire · 2 months
Throwback to when I took painkillers and woke up with Photoshop open on my computer to this image I had made
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blackthorngrimoire · 2 months
concept: a spell based on the “let’s use pixie dust to find your true love” bit that happened in once upon a time
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