blackbird-crow-pie · 1 hour
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my arthur bennett fanart archive… aka all the pieces of him i have commissioned :] !! credit to the artists obviously:
grey bg: cykemii (insta)
white bg: yc8.aw (insta)
black bg: https://daxthinksnot.carrd.co/
red bg: hitroow (tumblr)
NOTE: ur welcomed to use these w/ credit, and i highly recommend commissioning these people! they were all awesome to work with ^_^ <3
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blackbird-crow-pie · 3 days
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EVERYTHING FUCKING HURTS!! EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING HURTS... (he watched the end of pd season 1)
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blackbird-crow-pie · 3 days
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“I’ll take care of you.”
“It’s rotten work.”
“Not to me. Not if it’s you.”
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blackbird-crow-pie · 3 days
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Fizzfangs!! Considering making downloadable emotes of them & other jrwi dudes... let me know if u have suggestions!
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blackbird-crow-pie · 3 days
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Tide head canons, with a sprinkle of tidal wave for the soul
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blackbird-crow-pie · 4 days
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demonkicks in t4t in my heart of hearts. Dakota absolutely shows off his scares to ashe
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blackbird-crow-pie · 4 days
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he was an angel.. a really stupid angel
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blackbird-crow-pie · 6 days
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i dont know if i'll ever finish this but i love them all. i love my queer sons..
blood in the bayou, my heart wretches for u
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blackbird-crow-pie · 1 month
Hi real quick does anyone have the cat gif that goes like this
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blackbird-crow-pie · 2 months
seeing this made me so happy, the inside of my head just became the sound of a whistling kettle.. like OOOOOOOOOO FISH DAD!!!!
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Your fish dad loves you!
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blackbird-crow-pie · 2 months
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So I have a thing for shitty dads and the way they resort to anger when they can't process their worry and concern. sue me
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