timetobedrunk · 2 years
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timetobedrunk · 2 years
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Une Martyre - by André Devambez (1867-1944).
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timetobedrunk · 2 years
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john keats
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timetobedrunk · 2 years
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timetobedrunk · 2 years
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Holy Wild, Gwen Benaway
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timetobedrunk · 2 years
“There is a land where the sun and the moon do not shine; where the birds are dreams, the stars are visions, and immortal flowers spring from thoughts of death.”
— Hope Mirrlees, Lud-in-the-Mist
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timetobedrunk · 2 years
Reading G.K. Chesterton’s fiction is just like “here’s the prettiest prose and most poetic dialogue you’ve ever read. It’s being used to convey absolute complete and utter feral nonsense, enjoy”
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timetobedrunk · 3 years
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Roads to Nowhere
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timetobedrunk · 3 years
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Nicole Etienne - Pink Nirvana, 2021
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timetobedrunk · 3 years
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From Head of Medusa (1617-1618) by Peter Paul Rubens
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timetobedrunk · 4 years
“Tantas cosas por decirte, y tan pocas salen de mi boca, deberías aprender a leer mis ojos cuando te miro”
— Frida Kahlo.
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timetobedrunk · 4 years
“Whoever, therefore, deems it necessary in his new principality to secure himself against enemies, to win friends, to conquer by force or by fraud, to make himself loved and feared by the people, followed and revered by the soldiers, to destroy those who can or must do you harm, to transform old institutions with new measures, to be severe and gracious, magnanimous and liberal, to eliminate an untrustworthy army, to create a new one, to maintain the friendship of kings and princes in such a way that they must either help you with good grace or offend you with caution—such a person cannot find better examples to imitate than the actions of this man.”
—Niccolò Machiavelli, not pausing for breath, on Cesare Borgia in The Prince
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timetobedrunk · 4 years
“La vida es simple. Todo sucede para ti, no a ti.”
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timetobedrunk · 4 years
"Díganle al forense cuando escarbe en mis entrañas, que por favor, si encuentra mi amor por usted, lo saque para poder descansar en paz".
-Frida Kahlo
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timetobedrunk · 4 years
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Skulls, both painted in 1887, by Vincent van Gogh (1853 - 1890)
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timetobedrunk · 4 years
“Instructions for living a life:Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
— Mary Oliver, excerpt of “Sometimes”, in Red Bird
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timetobedrunk · 4 years
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Mary Oliver, from Beaver Moon; Twelve Moons: Poems, 1979
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