Black Apple Tarot
11 posts
Tarot reader in Portland, Oregon.  
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blackappletarot · 5 years ago
SPECIAL GUEST reading write-up (featuring Portland’s Mayor, Ted Wheeler, and his unfantastical divorce) now viewable on my blog
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blackappletarot · 5 years ago
SPECIAL GUEST Tarot card reading: Portland's Mayor, Ted Wheeler!
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blackappletarot · 5 years ago
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Life is always better when you believe ✨❤️
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blackappletarot · 5 years ago
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MANIC Tarot reading going on over here today. How many Tarot decks can you cram into a single reading? My count is four ❤️🥰
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blackappletarot · 5 years ago
Drugging my cat this way makes me feel oddly glamorous. I even put on my late grandmother’s ring when I do it.
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blackappletarot · 5 years ago
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SWOONING over these cards pulled for this week’s BAT reading winner! Something about her pulled me towards the Crystal Visions deck tonight. These cards wanted to tell her story. ❤️🥰 If you would like a chance to win a little reading from me, just go “like” my Black Apple Tarot Facebook page, and your name will go in the jar! I’m STILL swooning over here 🤣❤️ ✨🔮#crazytarotlady #swooning #tarotlove #crystalvisions #thestar #thehighpriestess #pageofswords #tarotnerdscommunity #tarotnerdsofinstagram #tarot #tetrahedron
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blackappletarot · 5 years ago
Black Apple YouTube channel is up and running! SPECIAL GUEST (unwitting and not present) 🤣 Portland’s new Chief of Police, Jami Resch. Is the office of Chief of Police cursed? What can Portlanders expect? Answers within! #portland #pdx #tarot #politics #portlandnews #pdxfortunes
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blackappletarot · 5 years ago
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Glammed up my Fortune deck 🖤#dyeitblack #blackno1 #sharpieart #craftytarotreader #tarotnerdsofinstagram #tarot #tarotcommunity
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blackappletarot · 5 years ago
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Spending the night in quiet study, true to this year’s Hermit self. I have a Russian friend who says that the way you ring in the new year sets the theme for the year ahead. I hope in my case that’s true! #hermiting #tarotcards #readthetarot #ancientsymbols #2020goals #newyearspdx
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blackappletarot · 5 years ago
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Black Shuck is a good reminder for us all to use our time wisely. He comes with a warning, urging us to prioritize and cut our ties to the dead weight holding us back. Our time on this Earth is short, and not to be wasted. When he shows up in your reading, the hourglass has been turned, and these next precious moments will define and set your course. Choose wisely, and waste not another minute on things or people who do not align with your future vision. Black Shuck honored this week’s BAT weekly Tarot reading winner with his haunting, cautionary words of advice, but I think we can all take heed and resolve to slaughter punk our lives a little (or a lot!). Anyways, if you would like a chance to meet Black Shuck, or any of my other Tarot characters in a weekly Tarot reading drawing, just head over and “like” my Black Apple Tarot Facebook page to get your name entered in the jar! Happy New Years everyone, and let’s all make Black Shuck proud! #blackshuck #newyearsresolution #slaughterpunk #hourglass #tarotcards #tarotnerds #tarotnerdsofinstagram #nodeadweight #2020goals
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blackappletarot · 5 years ago
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I like murder mysteries because I fantasize about dressing up and going to fancy dinner parties, and all the assholes end up dead.  But my hands get to stay clean because OF COURSE the Butler did it.
Anyways... DATE NIIIGHT!
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