symptoms of maladaptive daydreaming include but are not limited to:
• I’ve been sitting here for 10 minutes how have 4 hours passed
• this is so intense my heart hurts
• where’s my sleep schedule
• lol wish I could talk to people
• *tap tap tap tap tap-*
• I am in love with a person who only exists in my mind (and he’s taken)
• where’s that one freaking song
• did I whisper that aloud-
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*shuffles playlist of trauma songs so I can feel more valid*
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Me: damn I’m pretty stressed, maybe I should-
My brain- daydream? is the answer daydream??? it’s gotta be daydream
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MaDd Recovery
I know that it feels scary to stop daydreaming because you don't want to leave your Paras, but I want you to know that your Paras are a part of you (in the good sense)
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I paused my daydream for a moment and now I can’t remember where it was >:/
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ladies have you ever.....YEARNED......?
jk jk but actually im NOT kidding bc i YEARN for romance like theres a reason the vast majority of my daydreams are abt falling in love and holding hands and just having intimacy with another person guys its all i want im hoping by the time i get to college i can even develop a CRUSH on someone bc at this point im worried i wont be able to fall in love w someone bc the daydreams are so good to me idk guys idk just a thought i been having bc i YEARN
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I love how I'm so protective of my paras despite the fact that I literally torture and abuse them constantly in my daydreams. Like yes, I made up a character and immediately subjected them to years of severe trauma and gave them like 10 mental illnesses, but if you so much as look at them or say something slightly derogatory about them I'll have your head
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Who else gets mad when you have trouble continuing a daydream so you do a tiny daydream on the side just to refresh your brain but then it Evolves and now you’re stuck with this whole other story that you didn’t plan in the first place
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Me: I need to fight the urge to daydream if I want to get better
Something bad: *Happens*
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me when i realize that i genuinely love my main para more than people in my actual life
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Something You Need To Realise To Recover From MaDD
You don’t want to daydream - you want your daydreams to be real.
It sounds so simple and obvious when you put it like that, but realizing the difference between these two things was critical for my recovery.
You think that you miss daydreaming when you stop and that you want to keep doing it, but really, what you want is to have the things that you daydream about in your life. Whether that’s friends, romantic love, fame, money, power, attention, strength, encouragement, or anything else. The reason it hurts to stop is because you feel like those things are now out of your life, when the harsh, painful truth is that they were never in your life in the first place.
The reason this realization is critical is because it leads you to the knowledge that your daydreams are the worst possible way to go about getting these things. Understanding how your daydreams are the cause of your problems, the thing keeping you from what you really want, is the first step in breaking your attachment to them, and ultimately, genuinely wanting to recover.
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I never even knew this was an addiction. I even tried to quit twice but still felt my paras calling me back, so I decided it was fine.
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intrusive thoughts are created because they’re what you fear the most. they’re not what you’re going to do. they’re what you hate most of all. 
they’re not an indication of how evil you are. the only thing they indicate is what you’re most against. 
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Do other madders have vivid dreams that leave you dazed and confused when you wake up? Is that a common madd thing?
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For those who have madd, or immersive daydreamers: how do you feel about reading? I love it, but it takes me forever to get through a book because I stop so often, and I tend to have ten or so books at a time that I’m “currently reading”. What about you?
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does anyone else with madd try to recreate objects from daydreams irl?
like my main para has a specific necklace that she wears constantly and I literally searched through thrift shops until I found one similar to what I was imagining and now I wear it constantly
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any ways ur daydreaming isn’t maladaptive unless it’s having a negative impact on ur life
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