bkarikari · 4 years
Case Study: The Cooking Club
Case Study: The Cooking Club
The Cooking Club
I love exploring new colours and brands, so The Cooking Club was an exciting opportunity to work with a darker, more mysterious range of colours that I rarely get to play with.
The Cooking Club case study was one that was born from a love of the warm colour palette presented in a stock photo found on Unsplash. When I first saw the photo, I was drawn into the way the deep…
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bkarikari · 5 years
7 Ways to Set Goals & Actually Achieve Them
7 Ways to Set Goals & Actually Achieve Them
Thinking of a goal is easy. Committing to it and actually achieving it is hard. That’s why so many people have goals & a dream life, but very few get there.
That’s not to say it’s impossible, but you do need to make a commitment and see it through.
So many people go through life aiming, aiming, aiming at their goal but they never pull the trigger.
Be different. Set yourself up for…
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bkarikari · 5 years
How to Improve Your Confidence
How to Improve Your Confidence
How to Improve Your Confidence
One of the most common questions I get is how do I become more confident?
The earlier you figure out how to be confident in yourself, the more you’re likely to achieve in life.
To me, confidence is knowing that, whatever happens, I’ll be ok. This shift in mentality to loosen up and take life as it comes has completely changed how I approach anything and…
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bkarikari · 5 years
Super Easy Protein Pancakes
Super Easy Protein Pancakes
Super Easy Protein Pancakes
Pancakes are one of my favourite foods! I could easily eat my body weight in pancakes or crepes on any given day!
Unfortunately, pancakes are also super calorie dense – great if you’re bulking, not so great if you’re trying to lose weight.
Luckily, you can use this super easy recipe to have protein pancakes every day! The macros are incredible (depending on the…
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bkarikari · 5 years
What Kind of Website Do I Need?
What Kind of Website Do I Need?
What Kind of Website Do I Need?
It can be hard to figure out what kind of website is going to work best for you.
Are you just starting out a personal blog, and you don’t really want to spend any money on your site?
Is your site a hobby or an investment?
Will it generate you an income, either now or in the future?
These are the kind of questions you need to ask yourself to decide what kind…
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bkarikari · 5 years
Goals & Plans for 2019
Goals & Plans for 2019
[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Hero_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Goals & Plans for 2019
Although I’m not usually a fan of New Year’s Resolutions, I do think it’s important to sit down with yourself every once in a while & really think about what you want out of life.
Spending 2018 working abroad from London taught me the value of having a flexible work-life schedule. It also…
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bkarikari · 5 years
Macro-Friendly Carbonara
Macro-Friendly Carbonara
I think you’d be pretty hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t love a good Carbonara! But ordering it at a restaurant is basically caloric suicide because it is a guaranteed carb and fat bomb!
Luckily, I’ve found a way to make a DELICIOUS Carbonara that is high protein, low in fats and carbs and pretty low in calories.
In fact, this recipe is SO easy and…
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bkarikari · 7 years
8 Smart Marketing Tips For A Small Business Owner
8 Smart Marketing Tips For A Small Business Owner
I know that as a small business owner, or someone just starting out, that ‘marketing’ seems like this huge, ambiguous thing that you know you probably should be doing, but don’t know where to start.
The tips I’m about to list all revolve around making your business easier to find, because really, what’s a better lead generator than your audience actually being able to find you AND make contact?!
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bkarikari · 7 years
My Shopping List
Each week, my shopping list is pretty much the same. Trial and error has taught me what kind of foods I can buy that are:
Bulky, meaning I can eat more for less calories
Easy to prepare
Anyone that knows me, knows that I am 1. Picky about what I eat, and 2. Obsessed with loyalty programs. I am all about the mentality of making your money work for you, so I often put…
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bkarikari · 7 years
12 Tips to Jump Start Your Weight Loss
12 Tips to Jump Start Your Weight Loss
Here are 12 things that I do when I need to lose weight quickly for an event or need that extra boost of motivation to get back into my routine
What I Do
Empty out my cupboard & fridge, removing all of my biggest trigger foods (namely Malteasers)
Make a shopping list, being sure to include mostly fruit & veggies with a couple of other staples
Drink 2-3L of water every day
Eat ‘bulky’ foods i.e.…
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bkarikari · 7 years
Results from the 60 Day Challenge
Results from the 60 Day Challenge
In May ’17 I signed up for a 60 day challenge to give myself a much needed kick in the ass to get back into a routine of focusing on my health & fitness. The past few months had been a counter productive back & fourth between doing absolutely no exercise & barely eating, and doing loads of exercise but restricting what I ate to a point where I was going crazy.
The challenge started in June, & we…
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bkarikari · 7 years
Labour Day Long Weekend - Hunter Valley
Labour Day Long Weekend – Hunter Valley
For the Labour Day long weekend, I flew down to Sydney for a group trip to the Hunter Valley aka wine country!
I had been looking forward to this trip for weeks. This trip was the first time my 2 best friends from high school and I had been in the same place (or even the same country) in about 4 years!
The trip was so amazing! Everything about the Hunter Valley is beautiful, and to top it off,…
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bkarikari · 7 years
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Keto Half Marathon: 18 Weeks Out Progress at 18 weeks out
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bkarikari · 7 years
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Keto Half Marathon: 19 Weeks Out Progress at 19 weeks out
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bkarikari · 7 years
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Keto Half Marathon: 20 Weeks Out Progress at 20 weeks out
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bkarikari · 7 years
How to Become a Better Writer
How to Become a Better Writer
Create something today – even if it sucks. Just start.
Staring at a blank screen is extremely distracting.
I find that the best way to start is to just pick a topic & Google it. Jot down some relevant bullet points, quotes, words, images, videos, links – anything that catches your eye.
Create an outline.
Writing without a plan is fine if you’re writing in a journal. But if you want to create…
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bkarikari · 7 years
What Kind of Website Do I Need?
What Kind of Website Do I Need?
If can be hard to figure out what kind of website is going to work best for you.
Are you just starting out a personal blog, and you don’t really want to spend any money on your site?
Is your site a hobby or an investment?
Will it generate you an income, either now or in the future?
These are the kind of questions you need to ask yourself to decide what kind of website is going to work best for…
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