Welcome to Asteria, enjoy your stay. "And in one moment, everything changed.” The residents of Asteria are typical small town folks. Protective of their kin, selfish, and always have a double agenda behind their friendly nature. There's only on difference, every Asteria born child has an unusual, original birthmark of which one other shares. Same shape. Same spot. Same mark. The Fates have stepped in and no one is safe.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Are you posting any more bios soon?
Currently working on bios for an Amber Heard fc, Margot Robbie, Kiko Mizuhara, and Scott Eastwood. But I have a ton more to post still tbh :)
- Admin S
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What happened to the Chloe Bennet bio? I love her face and I really loved the character and was going to work on maybe applying this weekend 😕
I’m sorry, I changed it because Sadie Olivera is hispanic and using Chloe Bennet as an fc wasn’t totally right since she’s Asian American. But I would totally write someone for her fc or if you want we can work on something together if you come off anon!
-Admin S
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Watson Schneider is twenty-six years old and a Police Officer. He lives in the Iris district. At the moment, he is a Single. His birthmark is exactly the same as Eleanor White. He is currently Open.
→ Without the past, we’d be nothing…
Another day in the ordinary. Watts, as his friends call him, recently turned twenty-seven years old but his age is about the only thing that’s changed in a long time. Growing up in a two parent household with an older brother and a younger sister, people could describe his family as the typical All-American household. His house really was a home, and all the neighborhood kids always wanted to be there when they were younger. Watson’s father is an immigration lawyer and and his mother is a retired elementary teacher, both still kicking and anxiously waiting for more grandchildren. His older brother has two kids, five and three, that are the most spoiled in the world thanks to uncle Watts. His younger sister is still in college and lives at home. Watson’s had one serious girlfriend, his high school sweetheart. They had met one afternoon during baseball practice, their paths crossed as he tripped into her trying to catch a fly ball and she was running cross country on the same field. They dated for five years and everyone thought they would end up married but things simmered down over time and they went their separate ways, no feelings hurt.
Since he could last remember, nothing in his life was ever out of place. Normal childhood climbing trees and making forts out of sofa cushions and his mother’s sheets, normal teenage years going through puberty and doing stupid things like river crossing in the winter and cow tipping, normal and close knit family who got together every Sunday for barbecues after church, normal friends with boring jobs, normal likes and interests, normal and ordinary. These weren’t ever things that bothered the guy, he enjoyed having a relaxed life, minding his own business, having his close circuit of friends, and living life unnoticed. He’s never had a broken heart or lost someone he planned to love forever.
He’s used to the monotone life. Maybe that’s why he chose to be a police officer, to get some excitement back into his life. It’s not the most glorious job, he had to work graveyard shift for two years straight before getting a bit of seniority and getting a slightly more normal schedule. There are some risks that come with it, but so far he’s only gone home with a black eye a few times. As of now, Watson is just going about his routine without much variation. Every Sunday he still goes with his family to church and then helps his dad out with the barbecue, his mother’s meatloaf is still his favorite, he still scares off his sister’s new boyfriends, and goes on daily runs. Though he hasn’t tipped any cows lately. You know those people who have never experienced bad luck? It’s a good life for him, he’s never been equipped for anything otherwise. His body would probably shut down if something went astray.
Watson never had trouble making friends, people always gravitated towards his kind and slightly sarcastic personality. He was never a shy guy, always looking to make people happy, always helping out his family in whatever it mean; yard work, support system, etc. He loves to hike and camp, he’s still a pretty sporty guy but usually just goes on a run unless the guys at work get together for basketball. He’s not looking for someone to come into his life and flip it upside down. He’s not a fan of drama and tends to get rid of toxic people from his life. He’s likes walking his dog, Dex, and also volunteers at the local pet shelter every Thursday when he’s off shift. He believes in a lot of traditional ways like opening the door for people and paying when he invites his friends places. Watson Schneider, is most completely and totally, ordinary.
→ No one’s alone…
× Gwendolyn Webber → Aunt, a practically his other mother.
× Avia, Pilot, Jet, Cannon, Jack → Cousins, they’re like his sisters. Jet used to dress him up as a princess when they were little.
× Everet Jones → Best friend, the two are always seen together on their time off work.
× Nayoung Kim → The two are always seeing each other at crime scenes and around the office since she’s usually there trying to get a story.
× Eloise Hamilton → Ex girlfriend, they ended on good terms.
Faceclaim: Chris Wood
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When is the rp going to open? I'm really excited and congratulations on all the detail with everything!!
Ok, well I’m hoping that sometime in March. :) I’m just trying to get family bios completely! And thank you so much, it’s been a very thoughtout rp thanks to all the help from members in the past years. :))))))))))
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Eleanor White is twenty-five years old and works at the Dog River Hotel. She lives in the Eris district. At the moment, she is Single. Her birthmark is exactly the same as Watson Schneider. She is currently Open.
→ Without the past, we’d be nothing…
There’s always that person in any small town movie that seems to fit right into the stereotypical part of the gas station attendant who sits back and watches people stir up trouble or maybe light a cigarette as a tumbleweed passes by, well Eleanor would be that typical person but with a few tweaks. The brunette is laid back, very down to earth even though she knows she’s beautiful and many of the people she walks by nearly burn a hole into her when they stare. If anyone’s looking for a mystery, they’re talking to the wrong person when they chat up Eleanor. She’s very candid and unreserved about her life since it’s not, after all, some complex paradox. What you see is what you get and if no one bothers her, she won’t bother anyone.
Working at the Dog River Hotel with Joel Buckley is everything people would expect it to be. The days are boring with barely any tourist traffic that comes in, usually just men and a prostitute saying they’re married to get a room key. Eleanor slumps over the front desk counting business cards or leans back against the old and torn chair to file her nails as she chomps down on pink gum. Summer days are long and hot, and she calls Joel to fix the air conditioning even when she’s pretty sure it never even worked in the first place. There isn’t too much excitement in the simple life of Eleanor White, but that’s just how she likes it. The White’s didn’t grow up with much, their entire lives they were brought up in Eris which was known as the bad pat of the island, the slums.
As for their parents, well, the two decided to retire to some getaway trailer park along the Floridian coast and since their departure a year ago, they haven’t heard anything from them. So now it’s up to Eleanor to take care of her younger brother, Wyatt. It’s why she’s trying to grow up a little.
Recently Eleanor has been having these strange dreams, they’re all the same too. One moment she’s running along an open field full of green grass, the sun baring down on her tanned summery skin when all of a sudden everything disappears and she’s in a dark room. It’s pitch black except for one tiny spec of light streaming down from the ceiling. She can move around, but it’s useless, there’s no escaping the darkness, no light to save her as a whispering voice infiltrates her mind. She can never remember the whispers when she wakes up in cold sweat, the sheets on the bed clinging to her, but it’s there and it’s more real than she can imagine.
The Fates have decided to put their power back on the island, and Eleanor is their puppet.
→ No one’s alone…
× Wyatt White → She wants more for Wyatt than their mother ever did. Eleanor’s younger brother is all she has left. The two get along very well, for the most part.
× Joel buckley → The kid’s got issues, but he’s her friend. Though she mostly just uses him.
× Quinton Olga → The best friend. They bond over their dysfunctional families and good taste in music.
× Gregory Hamilton → She knows about his affairs, she was one of the many women he’s had. Though she can’t stand his sight anymore, he’s paying her to keep it a secret.
× Watson Schneider → He’s very kind, and not at all like the other slimy guys she has met before.
Faceclaim: Phoebe Tonkin
#phoebe tonkin#phoebe tonkin fc#phoebe tonkin rp#phoebe tonkin bio#the originals#open#of#eris#eleanor white
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Juliette Williams is twenty-five years old and (Job is utp). She lives in the Ariadne district. At the moment, she is Single. Her birthmark is exactly the same as Oliver Isom. She is currently Open.
→ Without the past, we’d be nothing…
tw: death
Juliette would be considered an avid runner. From a young age her father showed her the ropes of being the fastest she could be, dedicating time to wake up in the mornings and go out to run with his only daughter. Running had always been a focal point in the woman’s life, everything from eating properly and exercising regularly to good mental health and a balanced outlook. No one would have ever expected any sort of health issues to come to the fit family who ran marathons together. It all happened early in the morning, so early that not even the birds had begun to chirp. Juliette’s father came into the room to wake her up for their regular run around the neighborhood, but she had been too tired from a meet the previous day and waved her dad off, excusing herself while he chuckled an alright and shut the door. It was not even fifteen minutes later that she willed herself off of the bed and slipped into her running gear to go chase after him, picking her hair up into a ponytail with her trusty hair tie and headed out.
That was when she saw him, his body spread across the concrete sidewalk half way into their routine. He was ninety or so yards ahead and her eyes widened as she chanted for it not to be him over and over again, her breathing was cut short as she sped up so much that if she had ran any faster she would have been flying. Bradshaw Williams died from an aneurysm on the spot, and from one moment to the next Juliettes’s entire life was flipped upside down, but she had to be strong as her mother crumbled from the loss.
The day after the funeral there was another meet, one that she was forced to go to in order to preserve some normalcy. But as soon as the gun went off her feet seemed to be stuck to the start line, she could not do it, running was something her and her father has shared and it seemed utterly pointless now. She decided then to hang up her shoelaces and quit the sport, leaving behind old friendships along the way. The once hyper active girl turned into a more mellow, plane enthusiast as she tried to find other hobbies to fill her time. She is insanely witty, silly here and there, and can usually be seen helping people out.
She had been sixteen when her father passed and after years of his passing, life seems to have a new meaning. It crept up on her slowly, that yearn. At first it was only but a small murmur in the back of her head as she passed the track field on her way to work, but eventually that soft noise consumed her mind and she gave in. It had been a few months since then, but no day goes by without Juliette hitting the track after work hours. The coach caught sight of her one night after packing up some equipment late and was impressed by her speed. He offered to train her, she denied the offer, saying it was only a hobby. The truth is, she feels ashamed about enjoying herself without the person who taught her everything at her side.
** bio inspired by Sara Dessen’s The Truth About Forever
→ No one’s alone…
× Nayara Williams → Juliette and her mother have each other’s back one hundred percent of the time.
× Jet Southwick and Jane Harper → The three friends have been inseparable since their they can remember.
× Oliver Isom → The track couch at the local high school, they occasionally see each other out on the field.
× Gregory Hamilton → The man was her dad’s best friend, and he’s like an uncle to her.
Faceclaim: Kat Graham
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Garret Sinclair is twenty-six years old and is a firefighter. He lives in the Iris district. At the moment, he is single. His birthmark was exactly the same as Sadie Olivera. He is currently Open.
→ Without the past, we’d be nothing…
If someone were to ask any child what they would like to be when they grow up, the answer given would be along the lines of an astronaut, a police officer, maybe even a firefighter among president and other jobs that offer help to the community and of which some are harder to achieve than others. While most kids grow out of those stages and opt for more practical jobs that’ll give them a satisfactory pay and are in a moderately easy field to work in, Garret was one of those few that actually grew up to become what he would tell people he would be when he was young and in Elementary school. However, being one of the local Asteria firefighters hadn’t been his plan while growing up. Sure, he dreamed of a big firetruck when he was little, but it hadn’t taken very long for him to change his mind. The past always comes around.
No one would expect the windswept haired man to be someone of intellect and status, but there had been a point in his life, not too long ago, when that was the direction he was headed towards. The blond had been attending Metis College and majoring to become a heart surgeon when his sister died and everything in his life took a one-eighty turn. He had graduated and had started the medical school program at the college when he got a call from a nurse at Daphne Hospital informing him that the house he grew up in had burned to the ground, something uncommon for a middle class home in Ariadne. It was an accident, someone had left a candle on in the living room and when the cat passed by it knocked it over, setting the entire place ablaze as the smoke rose upwards. All he cared about at the time was to know if his parents and younger sister, Rebekah, made it out safely. Everyone had made it out alright except his sister who died from smoke inhalation before first responders arrived.
A new chapter in his life started then.
Death isn’t something anyone ever expects to happen to them, no one ever thinks they could have someone ripped out of their life without even a warning until it happens and it’s them that are grieving. It was strange adjusting from going home on breaks and hearing Rebekah singing loudly upstairs to a rebuilt house and quiet parents. But that’s what life has been for the past year and not only did they lose a family member, but Garret dropped out of medical school and completed the program to work as a firefighter. No one was as dedicated as he was and all he wants to make sure is that what happened to his family never happens to anyone else on the island.
He blames himself for not being there to save his little sister even when he knows it wasn’t his fault. However, unlike his parents who went stoic after the accident, the event was a catalyst for Garret. It woke him up and he understands things in a different way than most. He’s not afraid of death and although he’s in the field of saving people, he doesn’t realize how much he jeopardizes his own life by working for the city’s fire department. The hero complex can get to his head, but he’s much smarter than what people give him credit for. He can easily plan a point of entry and exit to any call they get and his training at Metis gives him an advantage point whenever they get sent out after a call comes in. Outside of work, Garret is very much into sports, soccer being his favorite pastime. No one would suspect that he felt the loss of a sibling at first sight, he’s easy going and gets along with mostly everyone. He’ll joke around, but everyone in a while people get a glimpse at the man he really is— or at least the man he could have been if he stayed in school, rounded and well spoken, deep and understanding. Now he’s the perfect summer fling.
→ No one’s alone…
× Bethany Hamilton → Friend with benefits, but things are getting old. She’s threatened to make his life hell if anyone finds out about a Hamilton sleeping with someone like a Sinclair.
× Eleanor White → The two have had an on and off again relationship since high school. He cares a lot about her and she’s usually the one to break things off.
× Nayoung Kim→ The young journalist has caught his attention, but she always seems too busy to talk.
× Bradley Gibbons → The two are best mates, they’ve gotten along since middle school when Brad punch a kid’s face in for Garret.
Faceclaim: Daniel Craig
#luke mitchell#luke mitchell fc#agents of shield#luke mitchell bio#luke mitchell rp#open#om#garret sinclair
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Donovan Hamilton is twenty-five years old and is living off his family’s fortune. He lives in the Hyperion district. At the moment, he is Single. His birthmark is exactly the same as Cannon Southwick. He is currently Open.
→ Without the past, we’d be nothing…
To be part of the Hamilton family is everyone’s dream except Danovan. He hates the connotations that come with being part of the Elite of Elites. The boy grew up in an Empire of a home with virtually no inner or outward problems, all the things he wanted he obtained like wishes from a genie, and people accepted him into their lives because he was born into a rich family. He’s not a bad guy, he would never purposefully try to hurt anyone, but he also doesn’t stand up for people. The thing about Donovan is that he doesn’t care. Not just about other people, but also about himself. If you asked him the age old question: Would you jump off a bridge just because you’re friends were doing it? The answer he would give would be a solid yes without any sort of hesitation.
The small island is full of people that could be there one day and leave the next, and still have no solid presence in his life. Donnie isn’t oblivious however. Actually he’s quite the intellect and if he tried even the slightest he could make the world listen to his words and ideas as his mind is constantly bustling. Countless teachers have told his parents that if he put in the work, he would have been a wonderful student. It’s not like he doesn’t know it, he’s very well aware of his brain and how fast he adapts new concepts and is able to improve them. Asteria is just a bore to him, but he makes the best of it with his friends and girls. No one in particular has ever caught his eye, but really, he simply hasn’t found anyone worth an effort.
He’s more than a bit reckless and not at all thoughtful, and if it wasn’t for the massive amounts of money in his family, he would have been in jail a long time ago just from doing whatever he pleases. People in town know they can get away doing things with him tagging along because he won’t ever question their intents, and if you told him a secret he would completely forget about it within the next few minutes, uncaring. When shadows came into town, Donovan thought some fun would finally spur, but the town is just as it was before in his eyes. There’s no danger in sight and so he plans on chasing after it. He wants to catch Shadows.
→ No one’s alone…
× Laurissa and Lucas Hamilton → Parents, there’s not much of a relation there aside from blood and money. He’s just not good at being close to people who’re always on the move.
× Wyatt White → Probably his only actual friend.
× Cannon Southwick → The only intriguing person is one of the Southwick twins. She doesn’t give him the time of day however, but it’s not like he’s looking for it.
× Lana, Darlene→ Family to be updated cause there’s a ton of them.
× Eloise Hamilton → His sister is the complete opposite of Donovan, maybe that’s why they’ve never gotten along without bickering. Though he’d kill someone if they touched her.
Faceclaim: Ian De Caestecker
#ian de caestecker#agents of s.h.i.e.l.d.#agents of shield#ian de caestecker fc#rp#open#om#donovan hamilton#hyperion
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Sadie Olivera is twenty-four years old and owns the Simply Elegant Boutique. She lives in the Iris district. At the moment, she is single. Her birthmark is exactly the same as Garret Sinclair. She is currently Open.
→ Without the past, we’d be nothing…
Sadie Olivera, the feisty woman born to Spanish parents who moved to the calm city of Asteria just off the Florida coast to have and raise a family, unaware that Sadie would be their only daughter. She carries her mother’s bold attitude and her papa’s ability to discord with people and rebuttal as long as her stubbornness will allow. She can go from the girl next door to being flirty and rather seductive in a second’s notice if it means she will get her way with whoever she is speaking to. She is a dangerous mix with a like for hedonism, but also loving the beauty of mental destruction. Although there is a more evident dark side to the flaming girl, there are also endearing quirks to her. Sadie often walks backwards because she likes face to face conversations, she is also a sleepwalker, and uses her hands while talking more than necessary. Miss Olivera has an innocent smile that delivers a fatal blow when prompted.
Her childhood dream was to become a model, but with those Latin roots bringing her to a measly height, she realized the possibility of getting a cover on Vogue was near to impossible. If she cannot be a model, Sadie will settle for at least being in the fashion business, putting her industrious side to use. She is currently starting up a small design company, already owning a small boutique just a block from town square and it is doing well. She is handy with a needle and thread, two permanent fixtures inside of her bag wherever she goes. If there is a place and time where Sadie is rejoicing, it is when she is sitting inside her shop, coming up with new designs. A continuous trait in Asteria residents is that they all have something they are superb at, a passion. Fashion is Sadie’s.
Although she likes to be the center of attention, she can be the main focus without anyone realizing that she is manipulating them to see her. But what the hotheaded girl really needs is someone to balance her out, someone to care more than her demanding parents ever did. Someone who does not expect a university degree, but encourages her to follow her strengths. Maybe she has found him, but is she willing to give up the independent reputation to chase after her fairy tale prince?
→ No one’s alone…
× Avia Southwick → Soul sister, the two have nothing in common but have known each other since they were toddlers so they’ve stuck together. Sadie is rather fond of this friendship.
× Garret Sinclair → He’s a firefighter, and also pretty dreamy. But she’s to prideful to let her attraction show. Especially when he seems like a classic fuckboy.
× Donovan Hamilton → She’s not really sure how this friendship stirred, maybe it’s not even that. She just gets a kick out of messing with the brains boy.
Faceclaim: Ana de Armas
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Layla Peterson nee Tabasky is thirty-six years old and Chief Editor at The Asteria Journal. He lives in the Ariadne district. At the moment, she is a married. His birthmark is exactly the same as Andrew Peterson. She is currently Open.
→ Without the past, we’d be nothing…
Layla grew up on the island as the oldest daughter to a lovely nurse for a mother and a headstrong father who worked as a city councilman. From her mother she learned to have an undying love for those around her and to always have a charitable outlook on life, to doubt her doubts before making a decision. Mister Tabasky showed his daughter how to keep her head leveled even in the toughest of circumstances, it was from him that she learned that trust had to be earned and not simply given away to undeserving people. The redheaded woman is calm and collected, she was school student president material growing up as she didn’t have the outgoing personality that those popular kids had, but she was determined and people liked her enough. She was the pretty, smart girl who didn’t give guys the time of day and instead focused on things that would better her future.
Layla is honest about most things, something she’s prided herself on since most journalist are known to lie to get the story. She’d known for her honestly and drive. However, everyone’s got a secret. And there’s one thing that has been eating away at her since she started dating Andrew. What he doesn’t know is that she slept with his older brother, Lincoln. It was while they had been on a break in their relation and she had had a few drinks in her, but not too many to not know what she was doing. In the moment it felt like rebellion, but now the last thing she wants to do is break her husbands heart by telling him. She feels horrible about what happened and doesn’t know if she can hold it in much longer, but she’s not willing to ruin it with the person who has become the man she trusts the most.
Though she comes from a family of five, Layla never expected to be part of such a large family. She met her husband through a friend at a barbecue at the Peterson family home. It all seemed too perfect to be true, the way the Peterson boys got along and made everyone feel so welcomed. The smiles and good vibes flowing every time one of them spoke. It almost irritated Layla, not because she didn’t like it, but because she craved the fairytale. When Andrew first started talking with her, they didn’t hit it off right away, as their personalities were near opposite. But the fun and loving man won her over in no time and now the couple have been married for five years. There’s nothing she won’t do to protect her family and she worries not only because Andrew’s line of work is dangerous and he’s come back with severe burns, but because there’s a serial killer on the island causing chaos freely and the only thing she can do is report the general public about it.
Maybe it’s the stress of it all that’s preventing her from having a baby, but the misfortune so far has been putting some strain on the two.
→ No one’s alone…
× Andrew Peterson → He’s the protective goofball and she’s the cool, calm, and collected one. Drew brings out the fun side in her and she brings him back down to earth, they’re good together.
× Jeremy, Jacob, Lincoln, Heidi, Talisa → Brothers and sisters in law.
× Cole Mace → Friend and co-worker, she’s constantly trying to set him up on dates.
× Gwendolyn Webber → Best friend since childhood, the two really have been through think and thin together.
× Jared Tabasky → Her younger brother is reckless, a bit like Andrew, but Layla can’t help but think he’s up to something that’s no good.
× Willa Tabasky → Layla is always trying to help out her younger sister, in whatever she may need. But she also doesn’t keep quiet when the girl does something out of line.
Faceclaim: Amy Adams
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Andrew Peterson is thirty-Six years old and is the Fire Marshall. He lives in the Ariadne district. At the moment, he is married to Layla Peterson. His birthmark is exactly the same as Layla Peterson. He is currently Taken.
→ Without the past, we’d be nothing…
The local Fire Marshal. Although the Peterson’s were born on the island, they soon left to live in Michigan as their father’s company took off and the real estate business was growing. It was only when he he finished college that he returned with his brothers to the small paradise and met his wife not too long after at a family barbecue that his brother’s girlfriend at the time had brought as a plus one. He graduated Michigan State University with a degree in Business Administration, but unlike the rest of his brothers who went into upper class, white collared jobs, James decided on what the town really needed, a fire fighter. He has always been selfless, someone who looked out for those in trouble and the job seemed like the best way to help out the community while still doing something he loved to do. It wasn’t long before he was promoted to Marshal and his wage doubled, allowing for a home purchase in Ariadne.
Usually the mediator between family affairs, he keeps the peace between the brothers from the time they were young up until now. The green eyed man doesn’t take himself too seriously and he’s usually cracking a joke. He would be the one to break a silence, awkwardness never ensued. He’s also extremely superstitious so when Layla found their matching birthmarks, he waved it off as some kind of coincidence and now their too busy to even give them a second thought. Em and James have been married for five years and have been trying to have a child, but they haven’t lucked out yet. Their marriage is having a strain because of this and it’s pretty daunting to get home to an upset wife so Andrew has been staying out more and spending more time with his brothers.
The man is not much out of the ordinary. He enjoys a good beer here and there, likes having family barbecues, and plays soccer whenever he can get a team together. Drew is sarcastic at times and a bit blunt but people have always seemed to hover around him, wanting to be his friend. As much of a good man he is, Drew is also somewhat reckless and has come home several times with wounds and future scars not only from fires but from stopping fights and things of the like. He was the first responder at the high school when many students were locked and tortured inside, the scene was horrifying but now he knows that the police needs help, and he’s willing to volunteer his services against his wife’s desire. Andrew is a good leader and that’s what the town needs, especially right now, he just needs to stop getting himself into tricky situations.
→ No one’s alone…
× Layla Peterson → The love of his life, Andrew’s never fallen for someone like he has for her. It’s almost as if there was something that strung their hearts together, you can call it fate.
× Jacob, Jeremy, Lincoln, Dean → Brothers.
× Garret Sinclair → One of the firefighter at the station, the two have developed a mentor-alumni relationship.
× Heidi, Talisa , → Sister-in-Laws.
Faceclaim: Jensen Ackles
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Sunny Hollis is thirty-three years old and owns Fleurs Bloom. She lives in the Iris district. At the moment, she is dating Jeremiah Hawthorne. She has no birthmark. She is currently Open.
→ Without the past, we’d be nothing…
If one asked her how they looked, she would tell them the truth. If they did not approve of the honest answer, no one but the one asking would be to blame for wanting to know. She’s upfront about everything except who she truly is. Sunny was born Nadia Sunny Vorshevsky, and she has been in the witness protection program for a bit over a year. Her father turned out to be a Russian Mob patron who turned FBI associate. Her mother was killed on her way to testify at the trial for a Lower Boss, which lead to Mister Vorshevsky and Nadia to be immediately sent into the WPP, the government trying to protect their best assets to take down the quickly growing organized crime in the North Eastern states. Her father was sent to an undisclosed location to her as the same agency placed her on the small island town of Asteria, sealing off all of her records and filing up new ones for the girl’s new identity.
The fact that her adoptive family was stringed high up in the mafia circuit was never kept a secret from Oakley. Of course, no one ever told her the exact trades that went around and what would happen if people didn’t pay up, but she had a fairly vivid imagination. Being homeschooled with her cousins was not an option, but mandatory as the children were part of the Big Family from the start, no outside socialization until they could be trusted. This led to her chatting up the constant line-up of bodyguards at every corner, causing the muscles to adore the lively girl. She lived a carefree life for the most part, at least until the Italian mob kidnapped her along with eight of her peers. The ordeal was an intense and terrifying one as they were all chained up in a dingy room with their eyes closed, the screams of those who would not talk ringing though the walls. The muscles came through however, and they were released safety. That was the last string for her father, having his daughter in danger was the one thing he would not stand for, and that was when he turned on his own people.
Living on the small island of Asteria is like having her very own piece of heaven, the small community feels more like home than her home ever did and she has settled in quite nicely. Sometimes she wonders who she would have been if her life had been normal from the start, she would most positively not be in the situation she is now. Sunny’s cover includes her working as the town florist, it is a dainty job she rather enjoys and being the one to bring a smile to someone’s face upon a delivery was always a plus. There is a certain customer who has been coming in more frequently than not lately, a shy man with jet black hair and the most polite of words.
→ No one’s alone…
× Jeremiah Hawthorne → The two have been dating for a while now, but Sunny hasn’t told him her secret yet. Not sure if she really wants to, and she’s thinking about breaking up. Never being the type to settle down or drop a gear.
× Felix Hawthorne → Her best customer at the shop, he’s an interesting character and Sunny gets a kick out of making him blush.
× Joshua Camp → He’s a magician, and she’s all about disappearing so they’re friends.
× Sophie Turner → The girls always hanging around the flower shop, Sunny was thinking of hiring a delivery girl so she can stick to attending the store.
Faceclaim: Krysten Ritter
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Felix Hawthorne is thirty-three years old and is a lawyer. He lives in the Iris district. At the moment, he is single. His birthmark is exactly the same as Unknown. He is currently Open.
→ Without the past, we’d be nothing…
tw: anxiety, suicidal dream
Felix Hawthorne is a bottom ranked lawyer who is finding the job to be less than what he expected during those long years at law school. He makes enough earnings to put him in the middle class of the island, but not nearly as much as lawyers who know how to execute cases effectively. The Asterian born native attended Columbia University in New York after Metis College. Everyone thought he would have made something of himself by now, but that could not be farther from the truth. He is afraid of taking leaps, of doing things that inevitably would make his life better because stepping out of his comfort zone is overly stressful for him.
For being as tall as he is, Felix does not have much of a presence. He is too polite for the trade as most promising lawyers tend to be big shots with alpha personalities. Even as a grown man, he is still shy and suffers from anxiety from social exposure. He wants to help people with his job, but there is a bigger part of him that is scared of failing. If only he could get over the anxiety, he knows that he could be one of the best in the business field.
Lately he has been having a reoccurring dream that he finds more disturbing than enlightening or motivating. They consist of him dying by his own hands as he loses the ability to make any choices, the latter a real occurrence in his lonesome life, and end up with him jerking awake in a pool of sweat. He even went to a psychic to try and decipher the components of the dream only to leave half confused and pissed off. He knows that he should get out of the shell he has stuffed himself in as there is not possibly enough room to contain any proper life inside, but he cannot do that when the mere thought of disappointing someone petrifies him.
There was a new girl in town, one that owns a local flower shop. It started when his boss asked him to pick up flowers he ordered for his wife on Valentine ’s Day, the raven haired girl inside seemed to put him in a trance-like state with her booming, yet laughter. Felix has been going back in to buy flowers that only die as they go unattended at his apartment, it was not the flowers he liked, it was the quirky girl inside the store. The only problem is that the girl became his brothers girlfriend.
He does not know what to do about life in general, much less about falling in love.
→ No one’s alone…
× Jeremiah Hawthorne → Brother and arch enemy. But only because Felix is in love with Jeremiah’s girlfriend. Felix is not the bad guy, that’s what he tells himself at least.
× Sunny Hollis → The love of his life, too bad she’s taken by his brother. He trips over his words around her.
× Dallas Claire → Just a nurse who’s very odd and he enjoys her company so he tries to find opportunities to meet with her.
× Archer Lockheart → Though younger and while possibly only one sided, Felix considers the guy a friend because he doesn’t ever feel judged around him.
Faceclaim: Harry Lloyd
0 notes

Thomas Jaeger is twenty-nine years old and is a surgeon and co-owns Dionysus. He lives in the Hyperion district. At the moment, is a single. His birthmark is exactly the same as Katherine Yi. He is currently Open.
→ Without the past, we’d be nothing…
Thomas Jaeger was a surprise for the entire family due to the fact the doctors told Katherine and Grayson Jaeger that the possibility for the couple to have a child was slim to none. The biological son of to the founders of Jaeger Club Enterprises, a company that owns several clubs and bars around the world. Money wasn’t a problem for the young boy, but he cared about the legacy his father created using his own pure ambition to rise out from the average middle class of Asteria. While Thomas had ambition similar to his father, he loved to take his time running around the island with friends and hang around Eos Lake while his older sister took to stay indoors and studying for exams.
Thomas might not be much like Naomi, but he had a penchant for knowing what was going to become popular and with his high likability around the island, he could be a promoter for his family’s clubs and bars. It was Thomas’ idea to create a bar inside Eris for those who couldn’t afford the seventeen-dollar drinks in Miami, creating a new range of clientele from the sleazy to the hardcore alcoholics. The boy finished up his last few years at Metis doing a 5-year MBA program before finally having the credentials to take up CEO in the far future, as well as a position at the local hospital. He’s a surgeon, and that’s what he loves. But he also loves money, so his father’s business has always been end game for Thomas.
The goal of being CEO to Jaeger Enterprise only had one obstacle with that being his older sister. Thomas knew that while he was the social butterfly and could bring in new clients, his sister had the advantage being more numbers oriented and seeing how the stocks could rise or fall. The boy kept his feelings close to the vest, not wanting to show his emotions or feelings to the one person who could take away the chance to control the family company. With Grayson Jaeger announcing to the world his retirement in one year, Thomas knows now is the time to use more than just charm in a match against his sister.
Who will be victorious? It’s anybody’s game.
→ No one’s alone…
× Naomi Terragona → They both want it all, they can’t seem to settle for half. This is making their sibling love more fake than genuine.
× Lana Hamilton → Ex girlfriend and the one who got him into medical school thanks to her connections with the high society world. The two still keep a business relation that occasionally has other benefits.
× Wilford Blunt → Uncle. The young man goes to Wilford for advice on any aspect of life.
× Juno Ryuk → One of the bartenders at Dionysus, Thomas doesn’t know much about the girl except her streak of not showing up for work.
Faceclaim: Jesse Williams
#jesse williams#jesse williams fc#jesse williams bio#rp#jesse williams rp#om#open#hyperion#thomas jaeger
0 notes

Naomi Terragona is thirty-one years old and co-owns Dionysus. She lives in the Iris district. At the moment, she is single. Her birthmark was exactly the same as Jared Tabasky. She is currently Open.
→ Without the past, we’d be nothing…
When Sofia Terragona was twenty years old, she gave birth to a little girl named Naomi. The father of her child didn’t exist as he ran away like a coward the second he noticed her stomach protruding. Growing up on the grimy coast of Eris near Keres Lake, Sofia knew she couldn’t give her baby girl the necessities needed for her to live a good life. She already was working two jobs to help out her family and knew that someone with more resources could help Naomi in the end. With a final kiss on her forehead she gave her newborn up for adoption and Naomi was placed in the O’Neill Orphanage for the time being. It only took a few months for a couple to fall in love with the baby girl’s bright smile and infectious laugh before bringing her home. Naomi Terragona became Naomi Jaeger, the only child to Katherine and Grayson and the apple of their eye.
Even when Thomas was born, Naomi wasn’t afraid of falling out of parents’ eyes. Her parents constantly showered both kids with love, taking the time out of their busy schedules to go t recitals, math competitions and sport tournaments. Knowing that her family thrived on the many clubs they owned, the girl knew she wanted to keep the legacy alive and become the future CEO of Jaeger Club Enterprises. While her younger brother kept a busy social life, Naomi spent the majority of her time studying as a way to prepare to take control of the company. Although she is an academic at heart, the girl occasionally took the time to hang with her small group of friends.
Hearing her father announce his retirement in one year’s time brought a shocked smile to the woman’s face. It was finally her time to shine and show what the oldest Jaeger could do for the company, except she had changed her surname back to Terragona when she turned eighteen. For a long time Naomi thought her brother would be happier working as the head of PR, but finding out his true goal of CEO made the tight knit siblings become rivals. While her friends told her to become more conniving and sly in order to gain more favor from her parents, Naomi stuck with her moral compass and believing her skills would show she is the best for the job.
→ No one’s alone…
× Thomas Jaeger → Younger brother, they two have always competed for their parents love even when it was given to them equality. Their little tiffs are finally getting to her.
× Brooke Fulmer → Naomi was one of the first people on the island who expressed their sorrows to Brooke when she arrived back on the island. A great listener, Brooke looks to Naomi as a guiding hand and friend in one.
×Jared Tasbasky → Childhood friend, both grew up playing soccer and now get together for drinks.
× Katherine Yi → Kat knows all about Naomi’s competition with Thomas for their father’s company. Kat is one of Naomi’s only friends who thinks her compassion will win her the company.
JULY 02, 2013 / 2 NOTES
Faceclaim: Aja Naomi King
#aja naomi king#aja naomi king fc#aja king#naomi king#aja naomi king bio#rp#open#of#naomi terragona#iris
0 notes

Amber Blue is twenty-seven years old and is a High School teacher. She lives in the Iris district. At the moment, she is a single. She has no birthmark. She is currently Open.
→ Without the past, we’d be nothing…
Amber Blue was raised in a small apartment above a handyman shop in town square, the district of Iris, with her mother being the soul breadwinner since her father who left them in shambles after a bad night gambling. Since then it’s just been Amber and her mom, her mom and Amber, the two together through thick and thin, The family had not always been on the lower end of the social classes, in fact, Amber was born in a suburbia neighborhood in Chicago, Illinois. Her mother had heard about the island when on vacation in Florida and decided to take a ferry out to visit, immediately falling in love with the place and convincing her boyfriend to have their small family move.
The blonde has never had to work too hard hard for anything in life, her positive attitude and constant talk of good vibes usually bringing her into people’s favorite list with her easy ways. The tall blonde always seems to sport a good relationship with the people she meets, but with the Asterian High Class it is oftentimes one sided as her let-it-be way of looking at life can sometimes be looked at as lazy and undetermined. While most everyone searches for a way out of Asteria, Amber finds the island to be relaxing and a final destination for her life.
She graduated from Metis College with a Theater Arts degree and currently is the drama teacher at the local high school. She is a flower child true to heart. The girl fell in love with the world of good vibes and peaceful Wiccan gemstones, loving how mellow being one with the earth was. She is not a fully pledge Wiccan, but she does go along with a few of their beliefs, those having to do with self improvement and love for others.
Her younger cousin recently moved in with her, Scout. They’ve never gotten along, but Amber thought it was only a phase and pretended they were the best of friends, still does actually. She senses the youngest Vonderhouten is struggling with something, but has not directly asked what has been going on with her lately. She simply puts off the growing strained relationship as something that has to do with stress and so she is trying to get Scout to join her in the field of gemstones and relaxation.
What does she think of Shadows? A psychopath who might have fled the island since the last killing. She doesn’t let it bother her too much, crime is everywhere after all.
→ No one’s alone…
× Heather Blue → Heather raised Amber more as a friend than a mother. She let the girl do what she wanted and was rarely home, but now that they’re both settled and have their life in order, things are better.
× Scout Vonderhouten → The unconventional and a little bit insane cousin.
× Cole Mace → Her ex boyfriend became an ex because he was more in love with work than her.
× Jet Southwick → Best friend and soul sister. The two have similar views on life and always bond over long chats at Harper’s Cafe.
Faceclaim: Blake Lively
0 notes

VIKTOR PRESTON is Forty-Six years old and owns the Preston Funeral Home and Parlor. He lives in the Psyche district. At the moment, he is a Widower. His birthmark was exactly the same as Lily Preston. He is currently Open.
→ Without the past, we’d be nothing…
tw: death
It takes a special kind of individual to work with the dead, and Viktor Preston had always been curious about the human body and its decay process.
When he was about eight years old the Asteria Journal, a local newspaper, had reported a missing hiker somewhere in Ferrer West. Most locals knew the mountain like the back of their hand, including Viktor who had scaled the mountain side for most of his young life. The hiker was a self acclaimed mountaineer, a college student from Florida who was only on the island for spring break, and had decided to take an evening stroll through the mountain side. There was a small search group organized to find the young man, Viktor’s father being one of the volunteers. Viktor had begged his father to let him join in and finally, after relentless questions and pleas, he let him. Viktor was ecstatic, it wasn’t that he understood what it meant for someone to go missing, but he had always loved the woods and all of the ghost stories his older cousins would tell him when they would go on family camping trips. He wasn’t expecting to be the one that found the hiker.
Or more accurately, the hiker’s decomposing body. And just like any other eight year old would have, he called out for the search team to come and poked it with a stick as he waited. That was when he first gained a curiosity for all things dead, and what ultimately led him to become a coroner, working at the only funeral home in Asteria. Viktor graduated Metis College and after his grandfather died, he came into some money thanks to the will left behind. That money wasn’t enough to serve as any sort of trust fund, but it certainly helped start the business. He married a happy-go-lucky, smart woman named Lily Preston who he had met during his last year at the college, and the two started their lives together. Both coroners, it was a match made in the afterlife.
The man and his wife always tried to give their daughter, Fiona, the best that they could afford and made their home a safe environment away from the bullies she faced at school growing up. And though she swore their words never affected her, his fatherly instincts told him otherwise. And so, throughout Fiona’s younger years when she wasn’t allowed to go into the embalming room, Viktor would always make a point of having long chats with his daughter after work. He would let her ask him all the questions she wanted, as long as they were on tie for dinner. This created a special kind of bond between the two, he was always the advice giver and Lily was the caregiver.
However, in 2013 everything changed from one moment to the next. Viktor had been at a Coroner Convention in Florida that weekend, he was supposed to be back home Monday afternoon but bad weather had delayed his departure. It was then, when he was stranded with no way of getting to the island quickly, that he got the call. It was the Chief of Police on the other line, informing him that his wife had passed away. It wasn’t until the next day when he was back in Asteria that the truth was revealed, Lily had been murdered. It’s something that Viktor is still grieving over, and though the vengeful side of him wants to take over, he tries to keep sane for his daughter. He’s not the same kind man he was before, he’s quiet and more than stubborn now. And though he willingly cooperates with the Asteria Police Department, his quick to judge their incompetence on the field, especially with the killer still running loose.
*His wife was murdered by Shadows, refer to this article for information on the death.
→ No one’s alone…
× Fiona Preston → Daughter and the only person he truly cares about now. Their relationship has gone a bit cold since his wife’s murder and he wants to fix it but doesn’t know how.
× Jacob and Talisa Peterson → Friends who would come over for couples game nights and dinner when his wife was still alive.
× Taylor Montgomery → Chief of police, they mostly became friends because of work.
× Clarissa Muir → His late wife’s sister, and his friend. The two are trying to discover who really killed Lily.
Faceclaim: Daniel Craig
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